While the river-like five-color flame burns the Life Source soul lock, it quickly spreads forward, down the neck of the Soul Palace large Heavenly Venerate, and after a while, the whole body of the latter All were swallowed by the five-color flame.

Under the horrified eyes of everyone, Soul Palace's Great Heavenly Venerate was struggling painfully under the five-color flame, and his expression was extremely distorted.

"You can't kill me... I am the great Heavenly Venerate of Soul Palace, and the old soul Clan Leader! You kill me, Clan Leader will definitely not let you go!"

fire sea, Soul Palace Great Heavenly Venerate no longer had the original arrogance, and only fear remained in the gaze looking towards Chu Bei.

Chu Bei ignored the Soul Palace Great Heavenly Venerate and allowed the five-color flame to continue burning.

Seeing that Chu Bei didn't have any sign of stopping, the expression of Soul Palace Great Heavenly Venerate became ugly, and immediately rushed towards Chu Bei madly regardless of the burning of the five-color flame.

At the same time, his body began to swell.

"Self-destruct soul body? Needless struggle."

Seeing the intention of Soul Palace's Great Heavenly Venerate, Chu Bei's gaze condensed, and his right hand shook his hand.

Suddenly, the river-like five-color flame centered on the Soul Palace Great Heavenly Venerate, suddenly gathered.

hong long!

At this time, the fleshy body and soul body of Soul Palace's Great Heavenly Venerate exploded at the same time.

Sadly, in the huge five-color Fireball, the terrifying energy produced by the Soul Palace Great Heavenly Venerate self-destruct is like a dumb cannon.

Looking at the five-color Fireball ahead, the three Heavenly Venerates and the five Heavenly Venerates looked at each other, and there was obviously a touch of panic in his eyes.

But before they could escape, the five-color Fireball burned into the void, and it came to them in an instant.

They have the intention to split open space, but the void collapses, they can only watch the five-color Fireball swallow them.

Gradually, the five-color Fireball dissipated, the battlefield became quiet, and the hot temperature in the air dropped until it returned to normal.

Seeing the end of Chu Bei’s battlefield, the dísciple in Burning Flame Valley was first stunned, then cheering excitedly.

As for Soul Palace Powerhouse, when seeing the big Heavenly Venerate, the three Heavenly Venerate and the five Heavenly Venerate being killed one after another, they all became obviously panicked, and there was no fighting intent in their eyes.

"Kill all Soul Palace visitors!"

Tang Zhen's majestic voice echoed throughout Burning Flame Valley.

Falling with majestic voices, Tang Zhen took the lead to kill a Soul Palace Custodian

Fifteen minutes later.

All battlefields in Burning Flame Valley are quiet.

"Boss Chu, many thanks!"

After eliminating all the invaders of Hun Clan, Tang Zhen flew back to Chu Bei. After the words of gratitude fell, Said: "Then start trading."

After finishing, Tang Zhen's right arm shook, and a ball of silver flame flew out slowly from his palm.

Nine silver fire dragons are faintly seen jumping up and down in the flame ascending.

These nine fire dragons seem to have intelligence, and even allow some draconic power to diffuse out of them, making Spiritual Strength feel a little depressed.

Chu Bei glanced at the silver flame, and after nodded responded, he waved his sleeves.

A golden disc with a diameter of one meter emerged, exuding dazzling rays of light.

The top of the disc is engraved with the five characters [Task Wheel].

With a trembling, a black vortex appeared in the center of the Golden Disk.

In the whirlpool, the weird black glow rushed out like a river, quickly swept the Nine Dragons thunder gang fire.

Nine Dragons Lei Ganghuo seemed to perceive the crisis, but before he could react, he was dragged by the weird black glow into the vortex of the Golden Disk.

Seeing this scene, Tang Zhen looked dissatisfied, but at the same time was a little bit horrified.

"Boss Chu, this is another Heavenly Flame!"

Even though it’s not the first time I saw Chu Bei accept Heavenly Flame, I saw it again, Xiao Yan, Yao Dust and the others are still awe-inspiring.

This method of subduing Heavenly Flame is domineering and direct; speed is speed to the pinnacle!

"Nine Dragons Lei Ganghuo, I have accepted it. It's time for you to turn the plate." Chu Bei looked towards Tang Zhen, briefly describing the rules.

Tang Zhen nodded, then put his right palm on the turntable.

The pointer turns.


With a crisp sound, the pointer fell on a square box.

The square box exploded.

Among them are a purple Spirit Pill the size of a thumb and a Spirit Pill.

"This is?" Tang Zhen looked curious.

"Dou Zun Dan and Jiu Zhuan Dan."

Chu Bei glanced at the two Medicinal Pills and said: "The former can help you break through the nine stars, the latter can help you nine Turn, become the nine-turn nine-star Dou Zun."

Hearing Chu Bei's words, Tang Zhen was delighted, and cautiously received two Medicinal Pills.

"The transaction is not over, you can continue to spin." Looking at the turntable that did not disappear, Chu Bei said.

Tang Zhen was taken aback for a moment. After reacting, he quickly put his palm on the turntable for the second time.

The pointer turns again.

This time, what the square box opened was a black Medicinal Pill and a red weird fruit with threads.

"Boss Chu, what are they?" Tang Zhen asked impatiently.

"The former, named Zhuan Shengdan, can help you break through to 1-star Dou Sheng. The latter, named Mera Mera no Mi, is a kind of nature in Akuma no Mi "

Chu Bei looked at Tang Zhen calmly, and pointed to the red thread fruit: "For more information about it, please understand it yourself."

The voice fell, Chu Bei a finger pointed, a stream of information about Mera Mera no Mi flooded into Tang Zhen's mind.

After half a quarter of an hour.

"Many thanks Boss Chu for giving the opportunity!"

After sorting out the information about Mera Mera no Mi, Tang Zhen looked excited, and with such excitement, he could not wait to flood Chu Bei in In the arms.

After realizing that he had lost self-control, Tang Zhen gave a dry cough, and took the transfer to the sacred pill and Mera Mera no Mi very cautiously, for fear of accidentally damaging one of them.

At first, when he handed over Nine Dragons Thunder Ganghuo, he was still a little bit reluctant; but now, after learning about the magical effect of Mera Mera no Mi, the reluctance to Nine Dragons Thunder Ganghuo disappeared instantly.

Even more how, he still has the sacred pill, and directly crosses the Half Sage to become the real Dou Sheng Powerhouse!

He made a lot of money in this transaction!

[Nine Dragons Lei Ganghuo transaction is completed, and the host gets a tenth level high grade product use right]

At this time, the task wheel disappeared, and the system sound was in Chu Bei’s mind Sounded in.

"Valley Master Tang, since the transaction is completed, we will not stay anymore."

After bidding farewell to Tang Zhen, the Chu Bei entire group returned to Yellow Sky City Mansion.


The next day.

Not long after dawn, Zi Yan and Hei Qing came to All Heavens Store.

"It's still comfortable in this home."

Zi Yan looked at all around everything he was familiar with, completely treating this mansion as his own home.

"You guys came quite early."

Chu Bei glanced across Zi Yan, the more you look at it, the more you feel. With such a lithe and graceful figure, the owner is still a child mentality.

"Boss Chu, the Dragon-Phoenix Origin Fruit you mentioned yesterday?" Hei Qing obviously came with a purpose.

"Level 9 merchandise, 4 million times, turn it by yourself."

Chu Bei said concisely and directly threw away the Level 9 turntable selected by Zi Yan. The product includes Dragon-Phoenix Origin Fruit.

Hei Qing also directly took out many valuable Dragon Island treasures from Storage Ring.

Finally, a total of 10 groups were transferred, and it was exactly 400 million before the Dragon-Phoenix Origin Fruit was transferred out.

And Chu Bei also received 2 million Force of Desire Value for this.

[A successful merchant, prestige is particularly important]

[The prestige point interface is opened]

[The host has reached 90 prestige points in Central Plain]

[When you reach it, you will get a prestige package]

Suddenly, the system sound is heard in the Chu Bei Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Chu Bei was taken aback, and then quickly clicked on the system interface.

Sure enough, there is another sub-menu named 【Prestige Points】in the main interface of system.

After clicking in, it is an interface similar to the task release bar.

The first line of words: Central Plain prestige points.

Next, there is a value, which represents a percentage.

Like now, Chu Bei’s reputation in Central Plain is 61, which means that 61% of all Central Plain people, including cultivators and ordinary people, have or More or less heard.

Of course, this system's evaluation of reputation points is not only about knowing Chu Bei, but also giving a value based on everyone's respect for Chu Bei.

Behind this value, there is a pattern similar to a big gift bag; but the gift bag pattern at the moment is gray, if you want to light it up, you must meet the so-called conditions.

That is, the reputation point in Central Plain must reach 90.

Chu Bei thought for a while, and soon had an idea in his mind.

"Boss Chu, what do you think? We will continue to turn the dishes." Hei Qing's voice made Chu Bei came back to his senses.

Following the acquisition of Dragon-Phoenix Origin Fruit, Hei Qing turned a turntable worth 400 million yuan until Chu Bei's transaction volume reached the upper limit.

For this, Chu Bei received a total of 4 million Force of Desire Value.

"Hei Qing, I need your Ancient Dragon clan to do me a favor." Chu Bei said.

Hei Qing first started, and then quickly said: "Boss Chu, you can just ask if you have anything to do, we will spare no effort! at all costs, and complete what you have explained."

"It's not difficult, just let you publicize it for me. After all, your innate talent is Power of Space, so it's faster to do it."

Chu Bei looked at Hei Qing with a smile. When he talked about what he wanted the Ancient Void Dragon to do, not only Hei Qing, but Zi Yan, Qing Lin, Xiao Yixian, Xiao Yan and the others all showed a look of shock.

"Boss Chu, do you really want to do this? As far as I know, the strength of Soul Palace Palace Master is at least 5-Star!" Hei Qing has worry in his eyes.

"Don't worry about me, you just need to do what I give you." Chu Bei continued.

Hei Qing heavily nodded: "I will return to the clan and let the Great Elder order."


empty space, Dong Dragon Island.

"What? He wants to bloodbath the Soul Palace headquarters!"

After hearing what Hei Qing said, Qing Shan and Qingshui Great Elder had astonished expressions.

"Soul Palace is just a force on the surface. Hun Clan behind him is the most terrifying." Zhu Li said with a half-squinted eye, he seemed to know something.

"Great Elder, what are we now?" Hei Qing looked towards Qing Shan, waiting for the other party's reply.

"Of course it was done according to his requirements, and to be perfect." Qing Shan responded.


Hei Qing heavily nodded, and then began to summon all the grown-up Ancient Void Dragons in the tower to talk about what to do next.

Soon after, the long rainbow thread on the East Dragon Island pierced through the void and swept towards the cities of the size of the Central Plain and the Great Influence.

【Mr. Lord, ask for a monthly pass! ! 】

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