This is a man wearing a black robe, his body is strong, because his face is shrouded by the rolling black mist, it is difficult to see his appearance. Its voice is powerful and full of majesty.

Looking at the black robed man flying out of the fire sea, the brows of the Ancient Six Powerhouses immediately frowned, and their faces became a little more solemn.

Far away in the sky above the sky, Venerable Lei, sword Venerable and other all influence Powerhouses, there is also a touch of jealousy in their eyes.

The breath fluctuations released by this black robed man are far above the Soul Palace Vice Palace Master!

"Palace Master, you are out."

Seeing the black robed man, a group of Soul Palace seniors, including the rickety old man, quickly stepped forward and bowed.

"He is the Soul Palace Palace Master!"

"No wonder he has such a terrifying breath!"

"You said, Boss Chu will be his opponent Is it?"

When I heard Soul Palace Heavenly Venerate's name for black robed man, the face of all influence Powerhouse on the sky suddenly changed. Originally because of the joy of the destruction of Soul Palace, because of the appearance of black robed man, It became heavy again.

They know that this battle is not over yet, or that the battle that really determines the situation in the field has not yet begun.

"Huntang, what is going on!"

Hun Miesheng stared at the rickety old man and questioned.

The rickety old man pointed his finger at Chu Bei and quickly briefly described what had happened.

After hearing what the rickety old man said, Hun Miesheng raised his eyes and looked towards Chu Bei, clenching his fists tightly.

"No matter what your background is, even if there are other ancient seed families behind, you will die today!"

Hun Miesheng once again looked at the burning fire sea below , Leng Li's gaze locked Chu Bei tightly, and the void of its all around was distorted under the energy fluctuations it released.

Chu Bei glanced at Hun Miesheng, his face unchanged, and shook his hand.

Suddenly, a six-color flame prison appeared in Hun Miesheng all around.

"Do you think you alone can fire manipulation?"

Looking at the six-color flame prison, Hun Miesheng did not show the slightest panic on his face.

The cold and gloomy words sounded, and an extremely strange suction suddenly swept out of him hiding the sky and covering the earth, and the six-color flame prison that could burn even the void and step on the unbreakable was unexpected. Forcibly was sucked into the body.

"This Hun Miesheng actually has such methods! With his strength, even in Hun Clan, I am afraid that it has a very high status." Hun Miesheng's methods immediately aroused the ancient six Attention to the Powerhouse.

"He actually swallowed the six kinds of Heavenly Flames that blend together!"

Venerable Lei, Sword Venerable and the others also looked at Hun Miesheng not far away with a bit of astonishment. The eyebrows are slightly unbelievable.

"The flavor of your flame is really good."

Hun Miesheng hung in the void, smacked his lips, with an expression that was still unfulfilled.

After finishing speaking, Hun Miesheng's eyes fixed on Chu Bei again. In the pupils of the eyes, a trace of black inflammation of the weird Devouring Power penetrated out, and the energy between Heaven and Earth around him was continuously sucked into his body by it in this brief moment, and then carried by the black inflammation. The weird energy is completely swallowed.

"Does it feel incredible?"

Hun Miesheng let out a sneer, and the coldness on his face became more and more intense: "You have that six-color flame, but this Palace Master has a comparison Its stronger Heavenly Flame!"

The voice fell, Hun Miesheng's palm came out slowly, and a strange black flame suddenly emerged.

The black flames rolled, faintly converging into a face, one after another Devouring Power is the violence surge out from the face of the face.

"This...this is the second Void Swallowing Flame on the Heavenly Flame list!"

When the black face appeared, Yan Clan and the powerhouses seemed to recognize it. Identity, pupils suddenly shrank to the size of a pinhole.

Yao Chen, Xuan Kongzi and the others also looked at each other, their eyes filled with incredible colors.

"Old Yao, that is Void Swallowing Flame?!"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but cred out in surprise. Judging from his surprised look, the expression on his face turned up. The stormy sea.

Void Swallowing Flame, Heavenly Flame ranked Ranked 2nd Heavenly Flame!

As for the mysterious level, except for the Ancient Emperor Tuo She of Ranked 1st, there is no Heavenly Flame that can be mentioned on equal terms.

The rumors say that this fire was born in nothingness, with nothing to be found, invisible to grasp. From a certain level, Void Swallowing Flame may be regarded as a rather strange existence.

At the same time, it is also known as swallowing heaven devouring earth. It possesses the ability of Devouring All Living Things. Between Heaven and Earth, only a few things can compete with the devouring energy. .

"Void Swallowing Flame, how is this possible! How could he have a Void Swallowing Flame!"

Other Powerhouses of the ancient seed clan also quickly recognized Hun Miesheng's control That weird black flame, the extremely look of shock appeared on each face, and muttered aloud.

This Void Swallowing Flame has always existed in legends, and according to rumors, the Ranked second Heavenly Flame is equivalent to human high-level Dou Sheng and even Peak Dou Sheng.

From the current breath of Hun Miesheng, at most, the strength of 6-Star Dou Sheng, how could it be possible to refining such a Heavenly Flame!

For this reason, when they saw the dark flame displayed by Hun Miesheng with the same color as Void Swallowing Flame, they were shocked.

"Ranked 2nd Heavenly Flame."

Far away above the sky, the swords Venerable, Venerable Lei, Glacier Valley Valley Master and the others, all of them tremble fiercely. . .

Although they have not seen Void Swallowing Flame, the legend of Void Swallowing Flame is heard.

"Didn't expect this Soul Palace Palace Master to refining the second Heavenly Flame!"

"With the help of Void Swallowing Flame, do you think Boss Chu will fail Huh?"

"It's hard to say. Void Swallowing Flame is rumored to have the ability to swallow everything in Heaven and Earth. From just now, isn't the six-color flame of Boss Chu just swallowed by it."

"If Boss Chu loses in this battle, all of us are afraid that none of us will be able to leave."


all influence Powerhouse Watching nervously With the situation in the field, his face became heavier.

"zhi zhi 叽叽!"

The black inflammation on the face of Hun Miesheng's palm swallowed a large amount of Heaven and Earth spiritual qi, and his whole body was also black A little more vigorous, a cry of allow some excitement came from his mouth.

"Today I will feed this little fellow with your blood."

Hun Miesheng stared at Chu Bei fiercely, within both eyes killing intent strong.

"Don't talk about this bauble, even if the real Void Swallowing Flame is here, I am not afraid."

Chu Bei's mouth is smiling, and it is still calm. The expression on and collected does not seem to put this'Void Swallowing Flame' in his eyes at all.

As soon as Chu Bei said this, even the six ancient tribes, Old Yao, Xuan Kongzi and the others were all stunned.

"Old Yao, what does Boss Chu's words mean? Could it be, that's not Void Swallowing Flame?"

Xiao Yan looked towards medicine dust, wait for Devouring Power, that pitch black color Except for Void Swallowing Flame, no other Heavenly Flame can have it.

Medicine dust shook the head, obviously he didn't understand the meaning of Chu Bei's words.

Hearing Chu Bei’s words, Hun Miesheng frowned, his palms slowly stroking the black face in his hands, coldly said: "You said my flame is not a real Void Swallowing Flame. Then what is it?"

Perceiving Xuan Kongzi, Yaochen and the others also cast confused eyes, Chu Bei neither too fast nor too slow, slowly said: "This fire has Devouring Power, It is inimitable. It is indeed owned by Void Swallowing Flame. However, the quality of its flame itself is far less than the second place of Heavenly Flame. It is just the sub-flame that's all of Void Swallowing Flame."

Speaking of which , Chu Bei paused, and added: "What is sub-flame is the flame differentiated by Source Fire. Sub-flame can have the capabilities of Source Fire, but the formidable power is much weaker. To put it simply, Heavenly Flame's clone."

After listening to what Chu Bei said, Hun Miesheng's face gradually distorted, and a resentment appeared in his eyes.

"Hun Tiandi, I have followed you for many years, and in the end you used a sub-flame to fool me!"

Hun Miesheng's voice is low, his fists clenched tightly, and his heart is pressed down. After being angry, Sen coldly stared at Chu Bei and said: "What about the sub-flame of Void Swallowing Flame, it is more than enough to kill you!"

Sen Leng's voice fell, Hun Miesheng raised his palm, The face transformed by the black flame in his palm suddenly opened his mouth, fiercely biting on the back of his hand.

Suddenly, Dou Qi in Hun Miesheng's body was continuously surge out, and was swallowed by the black inflammation in the end.

Gradually, Hun Miesheng's complexion became slightly paler, while the black inflammation became more and more vigorous. In the end, there was a screaming sound from his mouth. The head, which was originally only the size of a football, shook it and it was almost hundred zhang.

In an instant, black flames billowed in the sky, as if the end had come.


The Powerhouse of the ancient six races, immediately left the battlefield.

As for the all influence Powerhouse watching the battle in the sky far away, when looking at the black flames in the hundred zhang range, a chill rose in my heart inexplicably. Faintly, Dou Qi in their bodies has a tendency to break out of their bodies.


The huge black flames of the human face floated in the sky, and the black eyes were staring at Chu Bei, and the sound of swallowing saliva could not be heard from time to time.

This makes the black face of the person look more and more weird, like a living lifeform.

"Kill him for me!"

Hun Miesheng fixed his eyes on Chu Bei, and at the same time moved towards Na Hei Yan and issued a command.


The black face seemed to understand Hun Miesheng's words, and after two strange calls, his whole body screamed and moved, as fast as a ghost- The like hole penetrates the void.

The black face of the human face immediately blocked the space around Chu Bei, and then a trace of black fire spread, until a square prison was formed and the latter was trapped in it.


Looking at the scene in the battlefield, the eyes of all influence Powerhouse watching the battle appeared worried.

They did not expect that Chu Bei had previously blocked the Soul Palace Palace Master with six-color flame prison, but now, the situation has reversed and it has turned into Soul Palace Palace Master using black flame to block Chu Bei.

Of course, what shocked everyone in the field most was that the black face of this man was able to attack spontaneously.

"If you think he is delicious, just open your mouth to devour it and enjoy the food to your heart's content." Soul Palace Palace Master's voice floated in the sky again.

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