On the battlefield, I saw a black face staring at Chu Bei greedily, his expression was like a greedy child seeing the best snack in the world.

Then, his face turned black and humanized around Chu Bei, and it looked like he was thinking about where he lowered his mouth.


Suddenly, the black face of the human face stopped turning, facing Chu Bei's face.

Next, there was a weird cry in his mouth, and immediately his body burst out with a terrifying Devouring Power.

Under these forces, even the six ancient Powerhouses that are far apart, their complexion changes suddenly.

next moment, under countless horrified gazes in the sky above the sky, the black face of the human face opened a huge mouth, directly swallowing Chu Bei together with the prison, all in one mouthful.

"Boss Chu, he was swallowed!"

"How could this happen! Is even the sub-flame of Void Swallowing Flame so powerful?"


"In front of this Heavenly Flame, doesn't Boss Chu have the power to fight back?"

"The Heavenly Flame of Devouring All Living Things is really scary! This is not what man-made can fight against. Yes!"


Looking at the face of the black flame chewing, Venerable Lei, sword Venerable, etc., showed fear in the Powerhouse watching the battle at a high altitude.

"This guy won't be so gone, right." Yan Clan Powerhouse frowned. He also thought about inviting Chu Bei as the Guest Official Elder of their family.

"It's not that he is not strong, but that this Void Swallowing Flame is too terrifying." Another Yan Clan Powerhouse said.

"Boss, he will be fine."

The eyes of the two daughters Xiao Yixian and Qing Lin are always locked on the huge black face, and their eyes are full of worry. .

Xuan Kongzi, Tang Zhen, Yaochen and the others also have grave expressions on their faces, because they also don’t know how many stars Chu Bei’s cultivation base has reached.

long long long ——

Just when Xiao Yan and the others were uneasy, the black face of the people on the battlefield suddenly stopped chewing, and the expression of excitement began to disappear. not see.

"The sub-flame of the Void Swallowing Flame won't move anymore, Boss Chu, he might have been digested." Far away from the sky, a group of Powerhouses looked at each other in blank dismay, and their faces became more and more serious. Ugly.

Seeing this scene, the rickety old man and a group of Soul Palace seniors were delighted.

As for the onlookers of the six ancient Powerhouses, there is no joy and no worries, only some surprises are allowed on their faces. After all, no matter which side wins, it has nothing to do with them. They are just watching the show.

"Dying under the Void Swallowing Flame can be considered a good home for you!"

Hun Miesheng glanced at the battlefield, shaking his body, his pale face outlined A gloomy smile.

However, just when the overwhelming majority thought that Chu Bei had been swallowed and digested, the black face of the quiet face suddenly surged wildly.

Immediately afterwards, a tingling scalp neighing sounded from his mouth, and it was not difficult to hear the pain contained in the whispering sound.

"This...what's going on!"

Countless Powerhouse's complexions changed again, looking at the face of the crazy struggling black in amazement, watching its distorted face The expression seemed to be experiencing some kind of inhuman torment.

Hun Miesheng's smile disappeared from the corner of his mouth, and his brows could not help but frowned.

In the battlefield, the situation changed so suddenly that everyone couldn't react to it, and they could only continue to lock their eyes on the black face of the painful and tumbling face.

chi chi chi!

In the weird and piercing burning sound, the black flames that were originally hunted zhang are shrinking at the speed that naked eye can see.

Eighty feet,

Seven feet,

Fifty feet,


Until When it shrank to only ten feet in size, everyone in the distance was finally able to see the scene at its center through the breathtaking black flame.

Before, in the innermost part of it was a group of six-color flame, and the six-color flame wrapped in it was the Chu Bei that everyone mistakenly thought had been swallowed and digested.

I saw that he still maintained the posture before being swallowed, with his hands wrapped around his chest, and a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, as if he hadn't moved from start to finish.

Chichi Chi--

The black face of the human face made a strange cry again, but compared to before, the cry now seemed to be filled with a sense of trepidation.

Pu chi!

The black face of the human face opened with a huge mouth, as if exhausted, before spitting out the Chu Bei wrapped in the six-color flame.

It was at this moment that countless Powerhouses really saw the strangeness of Chu Bei.

At this moment, in addition to being wrapped in six-color flame, Chu Bei also has a huge phantom behind it.

Looking at it, the phantom head is more than two hundred meters long and is somewhat similar to the rare beast of a lion.

It is covered with black scales, and the cold glow of the scales makes people chill. Apart from this, it also has a pair of wings that are at least three hundred meters wide as if made of steel!

And, that seems to be the unicorn who wants to pierce the sky!

Golden marks are wrapped around the black horn, which spreads to the neck, back, and tail.

At first glance, its body looks like a layer of gold and black mixed armor. The most frightening thing is the pair of dark Golden eyes. Like the eyes of Heavenly God, overlooking everything in the world!

There was a fierceness in his eyes.

"What is that!"

"Why never saw it!"

"Is it possible that is the Magic Beast of Ancient Times?"


Not only are the swords Venerable, Venerable Lei and other all influence Powerhouses in the sky far away, but even the Powerhouses of the six ancient tribes, when they see the huge phantom behind Chu Bei , The expressions are startled for it, and the eyes are full of deep confusion.

"Hei Qing Elder, your Ancient Void Dragon is the overlord of Magic Beast, can you recognize the huge phantom behind Boss Chu?" Venerable Feng looked towards Hei Qing and asked aloud.

Xiao Yan, Yaochen, Tang Zhen and the others also set their sights on Hei Qing.

Hei Qing's eyes were firmly locked on the phantom behind Chu Bei. After hearing Venerable Feng's question, he shook the head.

"My family is the overlord of the orc family, and the coercion alone will make the ten thousand family acknowledge allegiance."

Speaking of this, Hei Qing looked at Chu Bei behind phantom's eyes. A touch of fear: "However, the phantom behind Boss Chu gives me the urge to acknowledge allegiance. Moreover, the phantom gives me the feeling that it is only a young age."


When Hei Qing said, the expressions of Venerable Feng, Yaochen and the others changed. This is the first time they have heard of the group that can make Ancient Void Dragon acknowledge allegiance!


Suddenly, the huge rare beast behind Chu Bei let out a roar.

Although it is only a phantom, the roar sounded in the sky, regretting the hearts of all the Powerhouses in the field.

In the roar,



This is it, a terrifying existence that no one knows and has never been recorded.

Hearing this roar, the face of the black flame on the battlefield quickly retreated, and the strange screams of incomparable fear continued to be emitted from their mouths.

"little fellow, aren't you going to swallow me? Why did you run away."

Chu Bei jokingly looked at the black face of the face, and said with a smile When it fell, the huge phantom behind it suddenly opened its huge mouth.

One by one, the thousand zhang void instantly twisted and collapsed.

A Devouring Power that far exceeds the black face of the previous human face, gushing out from the huge phantom mouth.

At the moment when this Devouring Power appeared, the black flame of the human face trembled suddenly, as if it was suddenly frozen, and then moved towards the huge phantom's mouth and flew away as if it were out of control.

Sickle 叽叽——

The face is black and frantically struggling, and the fear in the cry is getting worse. It wanted to stay away from the huge phantom, but the Devouring Power released by the huge phantom made it unable to resist, and all kinds of struggles were fruitless.

Seeing this scene, Hun Miesheng quickly tried to recall the black face, but the Devouring Power was too strong, which directly caused the black face to get out of his control.

"Boss Chu behind the huge monster has Devouring Power!"

"And it is far stronger than the Devouring Power of Void Swallowing Flame sub-flame!"

Far away in the sky, countless Powerhouses are full of consternation, and their round eyes are like seeing something incredible.

In the battlefield, the face black flame with the ability to Devouring All Living Things is like encountering a nemesis, and there is no power to parry in front of the huge phantom.

Recognizing the situation in the field, countless Powerhouses have a look of joy again; the rickety old man and the Soul Palace Powerhouse are just the opposite, and they have become extremely heavy.

Gaj, Gaj, Gaj--

The neighing sound of black human face is full of fear, and the voice is getting weaker and weaker.

Finally, with a buzzing sound, the black face of the human face was swallowed by the huge phantom with a single horn behind Chu Bei behind.

After swallowing the black inflammation of the face, the huge phantom let out a pleasant roar, which seemed to be extremely satisfying.

"It's your turn." Chu Bei's eyes fell on Hun Miesheng.

"Don't...Don't come..."

Looking at that neither too fast nor too slow moved towards the silhouette that I approached, Hun Miesheng instinctively backed away, between his eyebrows Full of fear and fear, there is no such thing as a formidable person.


The rickety old man and the other Soul Palace Heavenly Venerate knew that the situation was gone after seeing the black inflammation of the face being swallowed, and after glancing at Chu Bei, they looked at each other , Made the same decision.

However, just when they decided to abandon Hun Miesheng and take the lead in split open space and leave, a huge horrible suction force tore the void directly wrapped their bodies.

Next moment, the high level of Soul Palace, including the rickety old man, moved towards Chu Bei behind the huge phantom uncontrollably and flew away.

Immediately afterwards, a similar scene happened again.

The rickety old man waited for the Soul Palace high-level, and he was swallowed by the huge phantom before he even screamed.

But this time, Pangda Phantom did not make a pleasant roar. Obviously, from Pangda Phantom's point of view, the smell of these Soul Palace seniors does not go away from the previous black face.

"I am the old soul Clan Leader, you unscrupulously kill my Soul Palace Powerhouse, Hun Clan will not let you go!"

Hun Miesheng forcibly calmed himself, looking at Chu Bei opposite, subconsciously carried Hun Clan out.

"What about Hun Clan? Even if Hun Tiandi comes, you should die or die, no one can save you."

Chu Bei looked at Hun Miesheng indifferently, calmly The voice fell, and the huge phantom behind it opened his mouth again.

hong long!

There was a loud noise, centered on Hun Miesheng, and the void of hundreds zhang was swallowed by a huge shadow.

In an instant, only Chu Bei was left on the battlefield, and the huge phantom behind him.

For a while, everyone's eyes were focused on Wu Fang.

No one speaks, deathly silence.

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