Far away in the sky, the eyes of countless Powerhouses are firmly locked on Chu Bei's body, dumbfounded.

It was not until a long while later that someone took the lead to break the silence.

The silence was broken, and the clamor suddenly rose to its extreme.

"It's over, everything is over!"

"Boss Chu really did it. Soul Palace is gone, Soul Palace Palace Master Hun Miesheng is dead, Soul Palace Powerhouse is also They are all dead! From now on, Soul Palace is truly removed from the continent!"

"Yes, Boss Chu pulled out the malignant tumor of Soul Palace, which really benefited the entire continent! From now on, I don’t have to worry about being ingested by the Ecstasy Chain."

"You said, what is the cultivation base of Boss Chu? Even the Ranking List is second, claiming to be able to Devouring All Living Things. The sub-flame of Void Swallowing Flame was reverse devouring by him!"

"I really want to know what the phantom behind Boss Chu is, even if it is stronger than Soul Palace Palace Master Powerhouse, I didn’t resist it at all. Power."

"Didn’t you find out that when the phantom used Devouring Power, it did not bring any Dou Qi fluctuations. On the contrary, it has another huge energy that has never been touched before. breath."


Whether it is the six ancient tribes, or all influence powerhouses such as Venerable Lei and Sword Venerable, they are all violently discussed and discussed, and the topic is centered on Chu Bei’s Unfold.

At this moment, Chu Bei stood in the void, looking at the increasing prestige points on the system panel, a satisfied smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The Devouring Power previously used was a tenth-grade middle grade product from the engulfing starry sky plane, the young Golden Horned Beast. The so-called Golden Horned Beast is the huge phantom behind it, and it is also a disposable consumable.

"Yaochen, have you really thought of returning to the clan?"

A red-clothed elder looked towards Yao Clan where Yao Clan was.

"Old Feng, we are all sensible people, and you know what happened back then. Did I leave? Obviously I was expelled. Do you think I will go back again?"

For this red-clothed old man, Yaochen is obviously more polite than the old man before.

"Yao Chen, let him pass the past." The red-clothed old man shook the head sighed.

"Old Feng, Yao Clan has no feelings for me. I am now just the Hall Master of the Central Plain Star Meteor Pavilion."

Speaking of which, medicine Dust moved towards red-clothed The old man hugged cup one fist in the other hand: "You don't persuade me."

"That's all, since you have made up your mind to get rid of Yao Clan, then just do whatever you want You." The red-clothed old man said no more.

"Everyone, Soul Palace is gone, and it should be gone."

The huge phantom behind Chu Bei disappears slowly, and its calm but majestic voice echoes in the sky.

Hearing Chu Bei's voice, the noise in the sky disappeared.

After a group of Powerhouses looked at each other, they moved towards Chu Bei and bowed.

After that, one after another, they turned into Changhong moved towards the direction they came.

Today, although they walked through the gates of hell because of the Ecstasy Chain, they were shocked in the end and witnessed the demise of the Central Plain Number One Influence Soul Palace with their own eyes.

They are worthy of this trip!

The Peak Powerhouse of the six ancient tribes once again looked at Chu Bei. After a brief exchange of eyes, the split open space left.

In this battle, the name of Chu Bei will spread throughout the Central Plain, and even in the near future, the entire Dou Qi Continent will become a household name.

They want to rush back to the clan immediately and report what they have seen today to Clan Leader.


Three hours later.

"Have you all heard of it? Boss Chu really leveled the Soul Palace headquarters!"

"It is said that if he hadn't arrived in time, the guys who went to the theater They will all become the souls of Soul Palace."

"It's a shame not to be able to witness the majesty of Boss Chu."


In the tap water After the effect, the destruction of Soul Palace headquarters quickly spread throughout the Great City of the Central Plain.

The forces of large and small, and even ordinary people, have begun to discuss intensively.

Meanwhile, Chu Bei is sitting on a chair in the great hall of the mansion, paying attention to the prestige points.





While Chu Bei anxiously waited, The prestige point has finally moved from 89.999 to 90!

Also in this brief moment, the prestige package pattern behind the prestige point on the system interface changed from gray to color.

Chu Bei didn't hesitate, but with a move of divine sense, he couldn't wait to open the prestige package.

[The host gets Level 11 low grade offensive goods, and the specific goods are released according to the circumstances, and the time is one hour]

When Chu Bei clicked on the prestige package, the system sound was in Chu Bei Sounded from the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

At the same time, a colorful square box appears out of thin air in front of it, brilliant lights and vibrant colors, very gorgeous.

"Ten...Level 11!"

Chu Bei was taken aback for a moment. After reacting, he looked at the floating colored square box in front of him, his face was shocked, and even more joyful. exhibit one's feelings in one's speech.

Judging from the offensive products he has used so far, the products with the strongest grade ten low grade killing can easily kill 3-Star Dou Sheng.

It is not a problem for the tenth grade middle grade to deal with 6-Star. As for the tenth grade high grade's strongest killing attack, it should be able to fight Jiuxing Dou Sheng.

And this reputation value rewards Level 11 products. Although it is only low grade, it should be able to fight the primary level Dou Di!

Thinking of the formidable power of Level 11 products, Chu Bei feels a little bloated inexplicably.

Of course, since this Level 11 product has only one hour validity, Chu Bei will not open the square box now.

At the moment, in addition to this Level 11 box, he also has the right to use the tenth-level high grade goods that he can use at any time by completing the Nine Dragons Lei Ganghuo transaction.

This is also his current hole card!

"Boss, what are you laughing at."

Perceiving the corners of Chu Bei's mouth raised inadvertently, Qing Lin on the side showed curiosity.

"Removing the evil of Soul Palace for Central Plain, naturally feel comfortable." Chu Bei said without thinking.

"Boss, someone has sent you an invitation letter."

With the sound of footsteps, Xiao Yixian quickly walked into the great hall and followed behind it An azure clothed old man.

"Boss Chu, do you remember me? Earlier, I also witnessed your battle in the battlefield." Once entering the great hall, the azure clothed old man moved towards Chu Bei and hugged him. cup one fist in the other hand.

"Gu Clan middle man?"

Chu Bei recognized the azure clothed old man, with confusion in his eyes.

"Boss Chu, I am here to invite you to participate in the void trade fair between the ancient seed races. You are a businessman, and this trade fair will not disappoint you."


Speaking, the azure clothed old man took out a purple card from his arms and handed it to Chu Bei.

"Void trade fair? Interesting."

Chu Bei came to be interested, and took the purple card from the azure clothed old man.

"Boss Chu, tomorrow is the opening day of this void trade fair. If you are free, why not follow me to Gu Realm today?"

The voice falls, azure clothed The old man seemed to have thought of something, and then said: "I wonder if Xiao Yan, the little fellow, is still in your house? Xun'er that girl is embarrassed to see him."

Chu Bei looked at it. The azure clothed old man immediately summoned Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan was very excited when he learned that he could go to Gu Realm.

"Lead the way, then."

A few minutes later, Chu Bei's calm voice fell.

Hearing the sound, Gu Clan azure clothed old man waved to split open space, creating a void passage.

Seeing the hand of the azure clothed old man, Xiao Yan had a terrified look in his eyes. Obviously he did not expect that the azure clothed old man was actually Dou Sheng Powerhouse!

Following the azure clothed old man behind, walking in the void passage, before long, the entire group split open space and came to an extremely ancient city.

In the center of the city, there is an extremely huge lake. The lake is clear from a distance, but it gives people a sense of depth when seen up close, which makes people have one's hair stand on end.

"Boss Chu, here you can lead to my family Gu Realm." The azure clothed old man pointed to the lake and waved his sleeves after speaking.

Suddenly, a wave of ripples appeared in the originally peaceful lake, and a wave of extremely terrifying space fluctuations spread from the lake.


An extremely bright beam of light bursts out from the bottom of the lake.

Next moment, in Xiao Yan's shocking gaze, a door to the Black Space in the beam of light, leading to an unknown depth, slowly emerged.

"Boss Chu, please!"

The azure clothed old man pointed to the front door of the Black Space and moved towards Chu Bei with a very kind gesture of please.

Chu Bei nodded responded, and then took a step forward, stepping into the door of Black Space first.

Xiao Yixian, Qing Lin, Xiao Yan are three people, follow closely from behind.

After passing through the space gate, the scenery in front of the entire group has undergone a change of Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

The endless blue sky, clouds floating, below is the green grassland that stretches to the end swaying with the wind.

Farther away, you can see a large number of exquisite houses, like a city.

"Is this Gu Realm? What a rich Heaven and Earth energy! It is at least several times stronger than the outside world!"

Feeling all around Heaven and Earth Between the energy, Xiao Yan to close eyes took a deep breath, let out a sigh of emotion.

xiū xiū xiū!

Not waiting for Chu Bei entire group to continue, count the long rainbow thread flying from a distance, and immediately came to the front of Chu Bei entire group.

This is a team of Warriors wearing Golden armor. When they saw the azure clothed old man, they bowed quickly.

"They are the Guest Officials of the old man brought back to the clan, so there is no need to verify their identity." The azure clothed old man said lightly.


Hearing the words of the azure clothed old man, a group of Warriors wearing Golden armor quickly left.

"They are the Black Submerged Army of my family, guarding this Gu Realm."

The azure clothed old man described the identity of the previous team for Chu Bei while bringing Flying towards a central city in the distance with Chu Bei.

"Xiao Yan big brother!"

As soon as the azure clothed old man flew into the city, a purple-clothed girl flew from a distance before Chu Bei had arranged a residence come.


Xiao Yan recognized the purple-clothed girl at a glance and looked excited: "You have a breakthrough to Dou Wang!"

"Du Wang Said that I have my own way to quickly increase cultivation base."

Xiao Xun'er took Chu Bei's arm, and then looked towards Chu Bei: "Xun'er has seen Boss Chu."

After learning that Chu Bei is Dou Sheng Powerhouse, Xiao Xun'er's attitude when facing Chu Bei again is like facing the elders in the clan, very respectful.

Obviously, in Xiao Xun'er's eyes, Chu Bei is an old monster who has lived for hundreds or even thousands of years.

Finally, Xiao Xun'er moved towards azure clothed old man playfully sticking out his tongue, seeming to be grateful to the latter for bringing Xiao Yan back.

"Look at the sky! Isn't that Xun'er Young Miss!"

"My God! Who is that boy? Xun'er Young Miss is actually holding him Hands!"

"He might be the Xiao Yan who grew up with Xun'er Young Miss!"

"It shouldn't be wrong! Otherwise! Who else can be so close to Xun'er Young Miss."

"By the way, how could he appear in my Gu Realm?"

"It seems to be Gu Shan Elder brought it back!"

"Apart from Xiao Yan, who are the other three people?"


In the city, someone I noticed Xiao Xun'er, especially when I saw Xiao Xun'er holding Xiao Yan, one by one couldn't help but open their mouths and exclaimed.

In a pub.

"I really can't figure it out, why would Xun'er Young Miss look at someone from a foreigner?"

A black clothed man put down the wine in his hand and looked towards Xiao Yan. There was a chill in it.

"Xun'er is just getting along with him for a long time that's all." Opposite the black clothed man is a red haired man. When he saw Xiao Xun'er holding Xiao Yan, his face was extremely heavy.

"I really can't figure out how Gu Shan Elder would bring him to Gu Realm." The black clothed man looked puzzled.

"Find out where they settled." red haired man looked towards black clothed man.


High in the sky, Xiao Yan seemed to notice the envy, jealousy eyes of the city below, with a little helplessness on his face.

"Xun'er, aren't you making enemies for me."

"I don't care. I just want to tell those guys that I have someone I like." Xiao Xun'er said proudly.

"Then you don't worry about them coming to me?" Xiao Yan pointed down.

"Aren't you with Boss Chu? With him, who can hurt you!"

The voice fell, Xiao Xun'er looked towards Chu Bei and said again "Boss Chu, I have prepared a place to stay for you, and I will take you there."

Soon, Xiao Xun'er took the Chu Bei entire group to the center of the city In luxurious mansion house.

"Girl, is this the Xiao Family that you are thinking of? Only a trifling Dou Huang, I really can’t figure out what you think of him. Among the younger generation, who is not better than him? "

As soon as Chu Bei entire group landed in the mansion, a calm voice suddenly sounded like thunder, and it sounded in the ears of the entire group without any warning.

Immediately afterwards, a middle-aged man appearing out of thin air shrouded by clouds and mist all around was beside Xiao Xun'er.

Seeing the middle-aged man, the azure clothed old man bowed slightly.

"Daddy, you are not allowed to say that Xiao Yan big brother! Maybe in your eyes, those guys in the clan are better than Xiao Yan big brother, but in my opinion, they simply can’t be big with Xiao Yan big brother. Brother than!" Xiao Xun'er glared at Gu Yuan, his words filled with resentment.


When Xiao Yan on the side heard Xiao Xun'er's name for middle-aged man, his expression suddenly startled, his pupils dilated instantly, not knowing for a while what to do.

The middle-aged man in front of me, who seems to be indistinguishable from the ordinary person, is actually the father of Xiao Xun'er, the Clan Leader of Gu Clan, one of the ancient seed clan, and possesses the strength of Dou Sheng nine-star Peak. Fight against the existence of continent Peak, Gu Yuan!

"Why? I was a little nervous when I first met with the future father-in-law?"

When I heard Chu Bei’s playful words, Xiao Yan was staggered, the corner of his mouth Could not help convulsing.

The complexion of Gu Yuan and azure clothed old man has also changed, only Xiao Xun'er has a touch of shyness on his face.

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