"little fellow, if you want to be worthy of my Gu Yuan's daughter, you still have a long way to go. At least, you have to let those little fellows in the clan feel that you are worthy of Xun. 'er ." Gu Yuan glanced at Xiao Yan, his voice flat.

"Uncle Gu, I understand what you mean." Xiao Yan bowed very respectfully moved towards Gu Yuan cup one fist in the other hand.

"Boss Chu, although you and I have met for the first time, I learned a lot about you from Xun'er."

Gu Yuan's eyes Moved away from Xiao Yan, fell on Chu Bei, and said: "Now you have destroyed Soul Palace alone. I am afraid that it has become the focus of the entire Central Plain."

" Soul Palace did inhuman, and I just got rid of the scourge of continent that's all."

Chu Bei's eyes are opposite to Gu Yuan, his voice is calm, and there is no trace of panic on his face.

[The system detects the temptation of Doupo plane Peak battle strength Gu Yuan, whether the host will rebound the damage three times]

But when Chu Bei’s words just fell, his mind The sound of system sounded in the middle.

Chu Bei froze for a moment, then slightly raised the corner of his mouth, sketching out a smile.

Undoubtedly, his answer was "yes".

it's impolite not to make a return for what one receives.

He also thought that Gu Yuan would test himself, but he didn't expect to be so direct and straightforward, he would do it as soon as he finished speaking.


At the moment Chu Bei made his choice, Gu Yuan, who was originally indifferent, trembled suddenly, his face appeared pale, and there was a muffled sound in his body.

The chaotic violent breath violently surges out of its body, instantly tearing the space all around, if it is not suppressed in time, I am afraid that the mansion where you are now and the entire void will collapse.

"Daddy, what's the matter with you?"

The sudden unexpected situation scared Xiao Xun'er eyes shrank and hurriedly supported Gu Yuan with both hands.

The azure clothed old man on the side also hurriedly stepped forward, put his palms on Gu Yuan's body, checked the latter's physical condition, and poured the majestic Dou Qi into the opponent's body.

"I'm fine."

Gu Yuan stabilized the stature and waved to Xiao Xun'er and azure clothed old man not to worry.

After speaking, his eyes slowly closed and he began to adjust his breath. In just a few seconds, its chaotic breath became stable again, and the torn void all around was restored as before.

"Brother Chu, I Gu is rude, don’t mind."

Gu Yuan took a step forward, moved towards Chu Bei and hugged the cup one fist in the other hand, There is allow some apologies in the voice.

Because of the fact that Chu Bei has done recently is too high-profile, he has a sense of temptation.

However, just when he combined Space Rule, Gold Emperor Heaven Burning Flame, and Soul Consciousness in an invisible attack on the opponent, he disappeared inexplicably.

Not only that, he was backlashed by his own power. What makes him most incredible is that his strength in this backlash has been increased terribly.

A simple test, Gu Yuan knew that the mysterious Boss Chu in front of him was much stronger than the information he had collected so far, even reaching or even surpassing him!


Chu Bei moved towards Gu Yuan nodded, with an unmoving look, still with a faint smile on his mouth.

"Brother Chu, did we know each other before?" Gu Yuan asked subconsciously.

Chu Bei shook the head, at a forty-five-degree angle, looked towards the distant sky, calmly said: "I and you are not in the same age, so how can I know each other."

"Before still After?" Gu Yuan asked immediately.

"What do you think." Chu Bei looked towards Gu Yuan again, without directly answering the other party's question.

Listening to the conversation between Gu Yuan and Chu Bei, Xiao Xun'er allowed some confusion on his face.

"Xiao Yan big brother, are Daddy and Boss Chu..."

"It should be, and it looks like Boss Chu gained the upper hand."

Just halfway through Xiao Xun'er's words, Xiao Yan nodded took the words, with a little smug in the words.

Both Xiao Xun'er and Xiao Yan are brilliant. From the current dialogue between Gu Yuan and Chu Bei and the sudden disorder of Gu Yuan’s previous breath, they guessed that the two were already invisible I've played against it.

As for the result of the fight: Gu Yuan stature retreats, the messing imposing manner is almost violent; and Chu Bei is always calm, calm and collected, as if nothing happened.

Which one is better than the weaker, the discerning person will know when you see it.

Xiao Xun'er looked towards Gu Yuan, the lips moved slightly, and the words stopped.

She would never have thought that the man who had been standing on continent Peak since she was born would one day fall into a disadvantage.

Looking at Xiao Yan again, in the eyes looking towards Chu Bei, the color of worship is even greater.

Since he knew that Xiao Xun'er's father was the man standing on this continent peak, he was burdened with a tremendous amount of pressure, and he was worried that the other party would separate himself and Xiao Xun'er.

However, this pressure was reduced by half in an instant, because he was defeated.

The person who frustrated him is precisely the Boss Chu he is familiar with.

"Brother Chu, I will have some time in the future, I will have a good conversation with you."

After that, after Gu Yuan glanced at Xiao Xun'er again, the silhouette gradually disappeared Void, disappeared.

Seeing this, the azure clothed old man quickly followed.

"Clan Leader, the cultivation base of Boss Chu, have you ever tried it out?" On a mountain peak, the azure clothed old man looked at Gu Yuan's back and couldn't help but ask.

"My divine sense disappeared inexplicably as soon as it entered his body." Gu Yuan looked towards the distance, browsing slightly wrinkle.

"You can't even test out his cultivation base!"

Seeing Gu Yuan shaking his head, a touch of astonishment appeared in the eyes of the azure clothed old man.

"Since he has been hidden from the world, why has he reappeared recently?" Gu Yuan muttered to himself.

Obviously, in his view, Chu Bei is a contemporaneous and even more distant existence.

"Boss Chu, I should also improve my strength." Inside the mansion, Xiao Yan looked at Chu Bei very seriously.

Since coming to Gu Realm, feeling the one after another strong breath, he is fully aware of the terrifying of the ancient seed family.

"Small business, no credit is allowed." Chu Bei lightly patted Xiao Yan's shoulder.

"Previously, Old Yao gave me two Storage Rings, one with his savings for most of his life, and the other with part of the Star Meteor Pavilion." Xiao Yan took out two Storage Rings from his arms. .

"Boss Chu, I also have some of them, and they will be used by Xiao Yan big brother." Xiao Xun'er immediately took off the Storage Ring and handed it to Chu Bei.

I counted the wealth of the three Storage Rings, and Chu Bei was satisfied with nodded.

In a short while, there were pēng pēng pēng explosions in the mansion one after another, and the boxes exploded one by one.

For a long time.

The sale of Chu Bei has reached the upper limit, and Xiao Yan's cultivation base has also been raised to a level that makes him very satisfied.

Of course, the three Storage Rings are almost exhausted.

Chu Bei obtained a Force of Desire Value of 4.5 million, plus the previously retained Force of Desire Value, and successfully redeemed the 1-star cultivation base.

Now, Chu Bei has entered the 4-Star Dou Sheng list!

The other side.

Hun Realm.

Like Gu Realm, an independent world separated from the Central Plain and jointly developed by several high-level Dou Sheng.

In a quiet and deep place, the stream passed through the forest, and finally turned into a silver waterfall, which flew down and fell into the clear lake below.

In the middle of the lake, a silhouette sits on the water, completely motionless.

The rippling waves around him will automatically dissipate when they are within ten meters of his body. Around him, it seems that there is a very quiet aura. Quite strange.

"You are here."

On the surface of the water, that silhouette suddenly opened her closed eyes, and a faint and cold light flashed across the dark eyes, looking towards the distant sky.

Its calm tone barely fell, the lake water suddenly boiling, and water dragons rise to the sky.

Hun Tiandi, Hun Clan Clan Leader of the eight tribes of ancient times, Dou Sheng Peak of Jiuxing.

hua hua!

I saw the sky where Hun Tiandi's eyes were, and the infinite black flame penetrated from the emptiness, and then hiding the sky and covering the earth. Spread out.

While the black inflammation squirmed, slowly condensed into one silhouette.

Look intently, this silhouette is shrouded with black inflammation, one after another weird black rune is all over the body. A pair of eye pupils are like black holes, filled with a terrifying Devouring Power.

He is floating in the sky with the black flames. Because of the black flames, his face is slightly unclear. But when it appeared, an extremely ancient and strange breath quickly enveloped this piece of Heaven and Earth.

Different from the sub-flame swallowed by the Golden Horned Beast, this is the real Void Swallowing Flame, the rank second on the Heavenly Flame list, and the terrifying existence with the ability of Devouring All Living Things!

"Hun Miesheng is dead."

Void Swallowing Flame all around black flames surged, calmly looking at Hun Tiandi on the lake, and said: "My sub-flame The contact was also broken, it should have been refining."

"What? Hun Miesheng is dead! Who killed it!"

Hun Tiandi was emotional when he heard the words of Void Swallowing Flame. There were obvious fluctuations, his eyes condensed, and a strong killing intent came out.

Under this terrifying imposing manner, all around the lake water instantly churning, all soaring in the sky, leaving only a huge lake pit.

"A businessman named Boss Chu." Void Swallowing Flame continued.

"Boss Chu? What is it from? Is it an old fellow of the ancient seed clan?"

Hun Tiandi frowned, his face heavy: "They don't know Soul Palace is me, Hun Clan Power?"

Void Swallowing Flame shook the head: "No one knows where he came from, and he shouldn't be those guys from the ancient seed clan."

Void Swallowing Flame gave Hun Tiandi the information he had learned about Chu Bei in detail.

"Can you mobilize Ancient Void Dragon? Could it be that he is Magic Beast?"

Hun Tiandi half-squinted, his voice cold: "Whether he is a human or a beast, dare to destroy Soul Palace, I want him to live better than to die!"

The sound of killing intent fell, Hun Tiandi seemed to have thought of something, and quickly said: "Where are the souls that have been collected hard?"

"Although Soul Palace was destroyed, all the souls collected had been transferred to Hun Realm before." Void Swallowing Flame said.

"The soul is fine."

Hearing this, Hun Tiandi's expression is relieved, and after the most worried thing has not happened, he takes a long breath.

"According to the news from the spies installed in Gu Realm, this Boss Chu has moved into Gu Realm and will participate in the void auction tomorrow. I have asked Hun Qianmo to go there tomorrow to meet this guy."

The indifferent voice fell, and the Void Swallowing Flame turned into a billowing black flame and disappeared in the empty space.

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