Gu Realm.

City in the center.

On the spacious street, a team of Warriors wearing black armor are walking along the main road, their stern eyes are as sharp as eagle eyes.

The leader of this line is the red-haired youth, who looks forward in an imposing manner.

It didn't take long for this line of people to appear on the main road, and it became the focus of discussion among pedestrians on the street.

"Look at it! Black Submerged Army!"

"Aren't the leaders Gu Yao? Where are they going?"

"Have you not heard? Gu Shan Elder brought that Xiao Yan to Gu Realm."

"Xiao Yan? Is that the guy Xun'er Young Miss likes."


"haha, if so, there will be a good show this time!"

"Gu Yao likes Xun'er Young Miss, well known, even the older generations try their best Agree. But clinker, Xun'er Young Miss only talks about Xiao Yan, and repeatedly refuses Gu Yao to reunite."

"Quickly keep up! Gu Yao is all going to lead the team. That’s where Xiao Yan lives."


Although the sky is getting darker, the streets have become more noisy and lively due to the arrival of the Gu Yao entire group.

Gu Clan in groups of three or four gathered together, saliva splash across, and followed closely behind the team.

Not long after, Gu Yao entire group stopped in front of a luxurious mansion house.

"The Black Submerged Army is Gu Yao, please Xiao Yan Young Master for advice!"

The red-haired youth looked at the gate of the mansion, and suddenly a powerful voice was thunder-like. Floating in the air.

"What? Gu Yao is going to fight Xiao Yan!"

"As far as I know, Xiao Yan is not Dou Huang. But Gu Yao is already 5-Star Dou Zun, This is not a level at all."

"Do you really think that Gu Yao wants to fight Xiao Yan? He just wants to take this opportunity to tell Xun'er Young Miss that he is far better than Xiao Yan Qiang."


All around the Gu Clan people watching the play, they were shocked when they heard the red-haired youth's words of declaration of war.

"Xiao Yan, your rival in love is here." Inside the mansion, Chu Bei looked at Xiao Yan with a smile.

"I knew I was coming, but didn't expect it to be so soon." Xiao Yan's face showed some helplessness, and at the same time he was a little bit lucky.

Fortunately, he has already increased his strength through Kryptonium, otherwise he can only deal with the opponent first.

"This guy, really soul of a deceased has not yet dispersed!" Xiao Xun'er pretty face was full of anger.

The soft snort fell, and took the lead in moving towards the gate of the mansion and flew away.

"Look! Xun'er Young Miss is out!"

"Is that Xiao Yan? It's just average! Not as good as the youth next to him."

"But then again, who is youth again?"


When the gate of the mansion opened, the audience saw Chu Bei When Xiao Yan and Xiao Xun'er walked out, the discussion revived.

"Gu Yao, are you too much! Xiao Yan big brother is now our guest of Gu Clan, is this how you treat guests?" Xiao Xun'er stared angrily Gu Yao.

"I Gu Clan has always been Chongwu. I am here to make friends with Xiao Yan Young Master by Wu. Is there anything wrong?" The red-haired youth looked towards Xiao Xun'er, Mouguangzhong Full of blazing heat.

Throughout the entire Gu Clan younger generation, in terms of innate talent and cultivation base, Xiuhe is the first well-known figure to bear the brunt. It is also one of the Four Great Colonels of the Black Submerged Army. It may become one of the Four Great Colonels of the Black Submerged Army in the future. The existence of the Black King!

In his opinion, the only woman in the younger generation who can be worthy of him is Xiao Xun'er, the daughter of Clan Leader.

The elders in the clan are also very supportive of him and Xiao Xun'er. Even Hun Clan Clan Leader did not stop him.

What makes him hate is that when he repeatedly expressed his admiration to Xiao Xun'er, they all ended in failure.

The root cause is this guy named Xiao Yan in front of you!

"You dignified a man, do you want to hide behind a woman?"

When Xiao Yan didn't say anything, the red-haired youth let out a sneer.

"Gu Yao, you..."

"Xun'er, what he said is right, you can just watch this as your daughter's house."

Xiao Xun'er stared at Gu Yao coldly, with golden flame beating in his eyes, but when he wanted to say something, Xiao Yan waved to interrupt him, and walked in front of her .

"Isn't it just a discussion, come on."

Xiao Yan looked at Gu Yao calmly, his eyes full of confidence.

"I heard that right? Xiao Yan took it!"

"Does he not know the strength of Gu Yao? Do you think we Gu Clan and the outside Are those forces the same?"

"Why didn’t Xun'er Young Miss stop it!"

All around the audience, when they heard Xiao Yan’s words, one by one The expression suddenly startled, and then the gaze that looked towards Xiao Yan was like looking at a fool.

Gu Yao was also stunned. The purpose of his coming this time was to humiliate Xiao Yan. He simply didn't expect Xiao Yan to dare to fight him. After all, the disparity between his two strengths is too great.

Unexpectedly, the other party actually challenged him without the slightest hesitation.

After came back to his senses, Gu Yao raised a scornful smile on the corner of his mouth.

Perceiving the rise of Gu Yao's breath, the crowds of theater spectators on the street hurriedly stepped back, as if they were afraid of being affected.

In the blink of an eye, only Chu Bei, Xiao Yan, Xiao Xun'er and Gu Yao were left in front of the gate of the mansion.

"Even if there is a discussion, there is a risk of injury or death. If you accidentally injure Young Master Xiao, I hope you don’t hold your hate."

Gu Yao looked at Xiao Yan jokingly, The cold voice fell, and his body was filled with cold breath like ten thousand years of profound ice.

Almost at the same time, a majestic wave of energy gushed out of his body, moving towards Xiao Yan like a river.

hong long!

However, this majestic energy coercion has not yet reached Xiao Yan, who burst out in the body of a breath wave that is not weaker than Gu Yao's. .

"Xiao Yan's breath, is it possible!"

"Fight, Dou Zun!"

"How could he be Dou Zun!"

"Could it be that the information we got from start to finish is fake?"

"Or, he hid it too deeply!"


Feeling the breath fluctuations released by Xiao Yan, all around the sudden changes in the faces of the people watching the play, looked at each other in blank dismay, and their eyes were filled with incredible colors.


Gu Yao is also a complexion greatly changed, the contemptuous smile on the corner of his mouth disappeared, and he was also shocked.

In any case, he would not have thought that, on the basis of the cultivation base, this Xiao Yan is even 1-star higher than him!

"If you want to give up, there is still time." Xiao Yan looked at Gu Yao with a playful look.

"Arrogant! But 6-Star Dou Zun is nothing but 7-Star Dou Zun who lost to me is not a minority!"

Gu Yao's eyes filled with cold: "So , I don’t have to worry, I will kill you as soon as I shoot."

In his opinion, although Xiao Yan is 6-Star Dou Zun, it is definitely far from Dou Technique and Qi Method. Gu Clan inheritance Dou Technique.

As Gu Yao Sen Leng’s voice fell, the empty space in front of the mansion suddenly became cold; its silhouette was also in this brief moment, as the ghost-like disappeared, and when it reappeared, it had already come to the sky above the mansion. .

Xiao Yan raised his eyes to look at the sky, and suddenly grasped both palms, Dou Qi surged out unreservedly in his body. The vast Dou Qi carries the blazing hot wind, making this empty space that has become cold due to Gu Yao, and the temperature quickly rises.

After that, in the eyes of countless Gu Clan people watching the game, he rose into the sky, facing Gu Yao far away.

Seeing Xiao Yan coming up high in the sky, Gu Yao couldn't help but say, the vast Dou Qi quickly gathered on his right fist, and then his arm flicked strangely, bringing up an unusually powerful energy, without fancy It slammed into the space in front of him.

Seeing that Gu Yao's right fist split open space was about to hit Xiao Yan fiercely, Xiao Yan stretched out his palm to bring cold and severe strength like a blade, and slapped it out.


Fist and palm touch.

A terrifying energy storm suddenly swept away. The void that collided all around, one after another crack spread rapidly, as for the center position, the void collapsed and sunken directly.

The strong energy generated by the aftermath swept away, and the Gu Clan who had been watching the battle quickly flew a distance further.

Because of the great movement, more and more Gu Clan people in the city cast their eyes on the battlefield above the mansion.

"Who is Gu Yao fighting!"

"Is that Xiao Yan brought back by Gu Shan Elder?"

"He turned out to be 6-Star Dou Zun!"

Even Gu Clan Elder was alarmed. After seeing that one of them was Gu Yao, he hurriedly concluded the seal and sealed off the battlefield.

In the depths of Gu Realm, on a mountain peak.

Gu Yuan seems to have noticed something, looking towards the direction of the battlefield, his brows can't help but frown.

"How is this possible!"

"When I brought him back, he was obviously 8-Star Dou Huang, and it took less than two hours. How could he become 6-Star Dou Zun is here!"

Gu Shan also looked towards the battlefield, his face full of consternation.

"It should have something to do with the Boss Chu. In just one hour, he upgraded an 8-Star Dou Huang to a 6-Star Dou Zun, how did he do it." Gu Yuan muttered to himself With confusion in his eyes.

Next moment, Gu Yuan’s silhouette disappeared from the mountain, and Gu Shan behind it immediately split open space.

"The seal of the mountain! Sea Flipping Seal!"

At the same time, Gu Yao in the battlefield kept making seals in his hands, one after another, the majestic palm print flew out, hiding the The sky and covering the earth detonated towards Xiao Yan.

Faced with the energy palm prints from the raid, Xiao Yan did not see the slightest panic, and waved at will between his hands.

It's just this seemingly inattentive wave of hands again and again, but it shattered the one after another energy palmprint that Gu Yao had hit.

bang bang bang!

The loud and loud noises continued in the battlefield.

"It turns out that Xiao Yan is so strong!"

"Now it seems that Xun'er Young Miss likes him, but it is understandable."

"Yes, even if you play against the Black Submerged Army, Gu Yao is not weak at all."

"Moreover, in terms of age, Xiao Yan is a lot younger than Gu Yao."

"In this way, even if the battle between the two is a tie, Xiao Yan actually won!"


Looking at the battlefield high in the sky , All around Gu Clan who watched the battle discussed spiritedly.

Listening to clansman's praise of Xiao Yan, Gu Yao's face is obviously getting ugly.

With a roar, Gu Yao first opened the distance, and then right hand moves, an ice gun purely condensed from ice crystals appeared in his palm.

"Xun'er is mine! You are a lonely offspring of Xiao Family, who can't even be the blood of emperor, what qualifications are you worthy of!"

Gu Yao Senhan's The voice fell, and the Clan Mark in the eyebrows between the eyebrows lit up red rays of light. At this moment, its breath also skyrocketed.

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