"Ten Thousand Beast Spear Technique!"

In the battlefield, the cold glow in Gu Yao's eyes surged, his voice fell, and the soles of his feet stomped into the air.

In an instant, Gu Yao appeared on top of Xiao Yan's head, and the ice crystal long spear in his hand danced quickly. In the gun shadow, there are countless beasts roaring, shaking the sky!

"Beast King Roar!"

Thousands of gun shadows emerged, Gu Yao shouted again, and his Spear Art suddenly changed.

Suddenly, countless gun shadows gathered together like lightning.

Above the ice crystal long spear, the vast Dou Qi surged out like a flood, instantly condensing into an ominous beast phantom.

Gu Yao a spear thrust out, and the goal was directed at Xiao Yan.

"It's over."

Looking at Gu Yao who was killed with a gun, Xiao Yan's expression remained unchanged, his indifferent voice fell, and his right arm was slightly raised.

After that, the right hand turned into a claw, and in an instant, the energy between Heaven and Earth rushed towards the center of the claw.

Xiao Yan reached for Gu Yao with one claw, and the void was instantly torn apart wherever he passed.

At this moment, the majestic energy between Heaven and Earth follows Xiao Yan's claw heart, and the buzzing sound is breathtaking.


Xiao Yan's five fingers stretched out a huge energy paw print of several ten zhang.

The moment this energy paw print touches the ice crystal long spear pierced by Gu Yao, it crushes the latter like crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, and then continues to reach Gu Yao.


Looking at my strongest move, I was instantly crushed, Gu Yao eyes suddenly shrank, staring at the front in disbelief.

came back to his senses, Gu Yao's whole body strength gathered again, but just when he was about to avoid the energy claw marks first, the latter suddenly released a strange wave.

Under this volatility, Gu Yao and the void in which he is located are instantly imprisoned.

Next moment, in Gu Yao's horrified gaze, the energy paw print shrank to half a meter in length, but its power did not diminish but increased instead, and he buckled his throat firmly.

"Gu Yao...defeated!"

Looking at Gu Yao who was able to move even a little bit held high in the sky by the energy claws, a crowd of people watching the battle Gradually reacted.

The murmur fell, one by one staring at Xiao Yan in the sky, dumbfounded.

"little fellow, now that the battle is over, let's stop."

In the battlefield, ripples appeared, and a silhouette slowly appeared. With a wave of his sleeves, the energy palm print peng sound that clasped Gu Yao dissipated.

"Clan Leader is here!"

Recognizing the silhouette of appearing out of thin air in the battlefield, the Gu Clan member who was watching the battle quickly bowed and looked respectful.

"I have seen my uncle."

Xiao Yan converges to breath, and is also moved towards Gu Yuan with a slight bow.

"Daddy, you are leaning towards Gu Yao!" Xiao Xun'er sighed at Gu Yuan with bitterness.

"If Xiao Yan had lost just now, I would have shot."

After Gu Yuan glanced at Xiao Xun'er, he glanced over the clansman gathered below: "The battle is over and it's all over."

"From now on, this Xiao Yan is indeed worthy of Xun'er Young Miss."

"Yes. , Who would have thought that even Gu Yao is not his opponent."

The crowd onlookers left while continuing to discuss the battle between Gu Yao and Xiao Yan.

"What's the name of the trick just now?"

After everyone left, Gu Yuan looked towards Xiao Yan: "What's the matter with your cultivation base?"

"Uncle Gu, the trick Junior used just now is called Dragon Seizing Hand, which is a Level 9 product purchased from Boss Chu. As for my cultivation base, it is also a gift from Boss Chu. "Faced with Gu Yuan's inquiry, Xiao Yan did not conceal anything.

After learning more about the details, Gu Yuan came to Chu Bei and said with a smile: "Boss Chu, can I try it too?"

"Today It's closed, and the products I currently sell don't benefit you much." Chu Bei responded.

Hearing the sound, Gu Yuan was taken aback first, and then said with a big smile: "Then try again tomorrow.

The next day.

Gu Shan I waited early in the great hall of the mansion.

"Boss Chu, this void trade fair is held by Yao Clan, let's set off now. "Seeing Chu Bei's arrival, Gu Shan spoke immediately.

Since Gu Yuan had learned from Gu Yuan the day before that he had failed to test Chu Bei, Gu Shan now has more respect for Chu Bei when he treats Chu Bei.

"I have work. ”Chu Bei moved towards Gu Shan nodded.


Yao Clan, located in the Shen Nong mountain range in the extreme south of the Central Plain.

Shen Although the Nong mountain range is located in the peripheral zone of the Central Plain, the so-called mountain is not high and there is a fairy.

Although poison insects are rampant in the Shen Nong mountain range, all kinds of rare ominous beasts are endless, but because of the existence of Yao Clan , It still makes this area quite lively.

And because this mountain range is rich in various rare medicinal ingredients, many Alchemists come here to look for refining pills. Rare and rare. For this reason, the popularity of the Shen Nong mountain range in Central Plain is also extremely high.

At this moment, Yao Clan, which is located at the center of the Shen Nong mountain range, is Very lively.

Because today, Yao Clan is holding the Void trade fair.

The Void trade fair is held once a year and only people from the ancient seed clan can participate.

Simply put, all races bring out some treasures, bid to buy or barter with each other, so as to get what they need.

Now, at the top of the mountain of medicine, Yunwu Shrouded, the peculiar dan incense spreads out, making people feel relaxed and joyful, as if they are in Immortal Realm.

On the top of the mountain, the medicinal ingredients gather together like the ocean. .

Across the sea of ​​medicine, an incomparable gigantic square is suspended out of thin air. At the four corners of the square, there are four huge medicinal cauldrons, which are rising with the smell of pill incense, and the plumes of smoke are rising into the sky.

At the moment, on the huge suspended platform, there are already a lot of silhouettes staggered. One after another lively conversations continue to be heard, making it lively and extraordinary.

"Congratulations to Clan Leader. "

Amid the noise, a bell rang suddenly. Then, a crowd of Yao Clan people on the giant stage stood up from their chairs and bowed, making a uniform and respectful voice. The grandiose drifted away.

On the top of the huge platform, the clouds were surging, and a white haired old man in a white robe walked out slowly. The space where the soles of his feet fell was bursts of strange waves. , The invisible space seems to be condensed into substance in this brief moment.

medicine pill, 8-Star Dou Sheng Peak, Yao Clan Clan Leader of the ancient eight tribes.

"Everyone , Now that everything has arrived, what are you waiting for. Your approach will make the old man feel that the hospitality is poor. "

After the medicine pill sat down on the top of the square, he stroked his beard, glanced all around the void, and spoke lightly.

"en? Could it be that people from other races? Has it come yet? "

As soon as the medicine pill's voice fell, the Yao Clan Powerhouses on the square showed surprised expressions.

Among them, the weakest cultivation base reached Dou Zong 8-Star. , Among them there is even a 4-Star Dou Sheng Elder, but I still haven’t noticed the existence of other people in the void all around.

Thinking of this, a group of Yao Clan Powerhouses glanced at each other, this There is only one possibility, that is, the leaders of other races, all of which are above 4-Star Dou Sheng.

"It is indeed a medicine Clan Leader. We were discovered by you just as soon as we arrived. . "

Sure enough, not long after the medicine pill's voice fell, a vicissitudes of laughter suddenly sounded from the void, and then amidst the ripples, a red robe goat Old Hu walked out slowly, behind him I followed several people.

In the red robed old man group, three waves of people emerged from the void in different directions.

These three waves of people and horses are the head of the team, although The clothes and colors are different, but they are all gray-haired old monsters. I don’t know how many years old monsters have lived.

"Yan Clan, Lei Clan, Shi Clan and Ling Clan! "

On the giant stage, after a crowd of Yao Clan Powerhouses saw these four waves of teams appearing, they quickly identified their origins through the gowns worn by the opponents.

"The area has been planned for you, so you can take your own seats. "Medicine pill glanced across the four groups of elders, and pointed to four areas one after another.

"medicine pill Clan Leader, I wonder if Yao Clan can give me a place for Hun Clan? "

Just as Yan Clan, Lei Clan, Shi Clan, and Ling Clan were just seated in the corresponding areas, there was a scalp-numbing heavy laughter in the sky.

Listening to the sound, medicine pill frowned, and the faces of the leaders of the other four races changed.

When the heavy laughter rang out, only dark clouds appeared in the clear sky. .

After the black clouds condensed, they turned into a black clothed middle-aged man. With the appearance of the man, the whole medicine mountain suddenly heard a low whine, like the whine of soul.

After the level black clothed man, several groups of black clouds appeared strangely, and each group of black clouds finally evolved into a silhouette, each with a strong breath.

"Hun Qianmo, you Hun Clan Didn’t you escape from the world? Why is it here? "Medicine pill cast his gaze on the black clothed man and asked aloud.

"medicine pill Clan Leader, sometimes I have to be born! Otherwise, people outside have forgotten me Hun Clan too! "Hun Qianmo silhouette is low and low, and after finishing speaking, he landed on the side of the stone stage.

Seeing the person in Hun Clan seated, the medicine pill's face was a bit solemn, but he didn't say anything to drive away. After all, The other party is indeed a far ancient seed clan.

"Hun Qianmo, your Hun Clan has recently made a lot of movement in the continent, plundering the soul body everywhere, what are you going to do? Do this to be the enemy of the world! "Lei Clan leader looked towards Hun Qianmo, browses frowned.

"We have received news that the force you are outside called Soul Palace was directly levelled by a mysterious businessman yesterday. "Shi Clan's leader has a smile on his mouth.

"My clansman also witnessed it with his own eyes. According to him, the strength of Boss Chu is at least 6-Star Dou Sheng. It seems that these things you Hun Clan did have made those Powerhouses lurking in the dark of the continent look down on them. "Yan Clan, the leader of the team, followed, with sarcasm in his words.

Hearing the frigid irony and scorching satire of the leaders of other races, Hun Qianmo's face gradually became heavy, but he did not answer. It's just coldly snorted. Then I closed my eyes, as if waiting for something.

"Now Gu Clan is missing. "

Medicine pill swept his eyes all around, and as soon as he finished speaking, Huo Ran raised his eyes and looked towards Zhengdongfang.

Amidst the trembling sound, I saw that the void cracked. Several silhouettes walked out of the gap.

"Everyone, the journey is so long, don't blame it late. "

Gu Yuan first moved towards medicine pill and hugged the cup one fist in the other hand, and then moved towards Lei Clan, Yan Clan and other leaders of the four races and said hello, when his eyes swept over When Hun Qianmo, his expression was condensed.

"Gu Clan is here too! "

"Look at that guy, he doesn't have Clan Mark on his forehead! "

"Not a member of the ancient seed clan, who is he!" "

"It was he who destroyed Soul Palace alone. "

"What? He is the Boss Chu! "


At first, everyone in the square was confused when they saw that Chu Bei had no Clan Mark on his forehead; but when they learned that the other party was the one who destroyed Soul Palace Everyone’s faces were filled with consternation again.

"Boss Chu, we meet again. "

The leaders of Yan Clan, Lei Clan, Shi Clan and Ling Clan stood up and greeted Chu Bei almost at the same time.

Chu Bei nodded responded, these four This leader is the four old men who appeared above Soul Palace to watch the battle, all of them are 6-Star Dou Sheng.

"You destroyed Soul Palace and killed Hun Miesheng? "

Hun Qianmo got up from the chair and stared at Chu Bei coldly, with a killing intent in his eyes.

"Why?" Do you want to avenge him? "Chu Bei looked at Hun Qianmo with a smile, his expression seemed to not put the other party in his eyes at all.

"Do you know the fate of fighting against Hun Clan!" "The killing intent in Hun Qianmo's eyes became more intense, a large amount of black mist began to flow out of his body, and his breath became more and more terrifying.

"Hun Qianmo, this is the place of the old man! If you are ready to take action here, old man will never sit back and watch! ”

medicine pill coldly snorted, Dou Sheng 8-Star’s breath fluctuations instantly diffused, and the black mist of Hun Qianmo all around was instantly dissipated.

On the medicine pill Sen cold gaze, Hun Qianmo breath converges, and then looked towards Chu Bei: "Treasure the little time you have left! "

After that, Hun Qianmo sits back in his position again.

Chu Bei laughed, from start to finish, his expression is not because of Hun Qianmo's threatening words. There was a slight panic.

"Everyone, now that everyone is here, let's start this trade fair. "

As the medicine pill's voice fell, Yan Clan, Lei Clan, Shi Clan, Ling Clan, etc. successively placed the prepared treasures for trading on the trading table in front of them. .

Although Chu Bei has no treasures in front of him, there is a golden disc with a diameter of one meter.

The disc is divided into ten areas, each area is Shining a square box with a color of have nothing common with each other.

Apart from this, there is also a silver pointer hanging on the disc, and seven characters are engraved on the top.

[Ten-level Great Wheel of Fortune]

When Chu Bei summon came out of the big turntable, the eyes of other powerhouses from the ancient seed family instantly focused.

Due to the void trade fair every year It will be held, and the other tribes have long been accustomed to it. For this reason, Chu Bei, who does not follow the usual trading method, naturally became the focus of the field.

Soon, the heads of all tribes brought clansman came to Chu Bei's table.

"Boss Chu, how do you trade this? What kind of baby are there? "Yan Clan led the old man to take a look at the Great Wheel of Fortune, and couldn't help but ask for the first time.

"8 million once, everything is there. What is it? Random. "Chu Bei glanced over the curious all around people, and spoke lightly.

"The price is acceptable, but I don't know if the baby is worth it. "The old man Yan Clan took out 8 million without the slightest hesitation and handed it to Chu Bei.


Golden disc vibrated.

Tightly Then, a vortex appeared in the center of the disc, and a strange Devouring Power in the vortex swallowed the 8 million Yan Clan old man took out.

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