[system gets 80,000 Force of Desire Value, and backfeeding host gets 40,000 Force of Desire Value]

Following the system sound in Chu Bei’s mind, the disc The silver pointer on the top spins frantically under the attention of everyone in the field.


The silver pointer is fixed on one of the ten areas of the disc.

Immediately afterwards, the square box in the area that was frozen by the pointer flew out directly, and at the same time another square box appeared, replacing the one that flew out.

hong long!

The square box exploded with a loud noise.

[Thank you for your patronage]

Four bright big characters ran across the exploded area of ​​the square box. After a short stay, they turned into a rain of light and dissipated.

"This is?" The old man Yan Clan pointed to the four characters thank you for your patronage.

"I said, I have everything, including this. Thank you for your patronage." Chu Bei looked towards Yan Clan, the old man, with a smile on his mouth.

Hearing Chu Bei's words, the old man Yan Clan's expression twitched slightly, as if he had encountered a profiteer and had been scammed.

"Do you want to continue? My suggestion is that a set of 10 times is more likely to have a baby." Chu Bei pointed to the turntable and continued.

"Okay, let's open a group." Yan Clan elder nodded, and took out another 80 million.

For the ancient seed family, trifling 80 million can't be considered.

Ding Ding——

As the turntable swallowed 80 million, the silver pointer turned again.

In a few breaths, ten square boxes lay side by side in front of the old man Yan Clan, and then exploded at the same time.

next moment, ten in a row, thank you for your patronage Hengkong, glittering with brilliant rays of light.

Looking at the same words floating side by side, the old man Yan Clan looked heavy and allowed some.

If he hadn't witnessed Chu Bei killing Soul Palace Palace Master with his own eyes, he would have gone violently at this moment.

80 million is not much for him, but the problem is that he feels like being played around.

"Thank you again for your patronage!"

"Do you think this Boss Chu is really a businessman? It feels unreliable at all."

"Yes Ah, 80 million is just like that."

"Shh! true or false, I'll find out in a while."


The Powerhouses of all races watching from behind, whispered.

"Boss Chu, can you give me an explanation?" Yan Clan, the old man, stared at Chu Bei and lowered his voice.

In response to Yan Clan's questioning eyes, Chu Bei cleared his throat and said, "Don't worry, why don't you try another set?"

Yan Clan The old man snorted lightly, and then looked towards the leaders of the other races: "Boss Chu participated in the trade fair between our ancient seed races for the first time. I have already supported his business. Shouldn't you say it."

"You guy, really wily old fox as always."

The old man Lei Clan glanced at Yan Clan with disdain, and then his eyes fell on Chu Bei's On his body, he said: "Boss Chu, then I just want to make a group."

After that, the old man Lei Clan took out 80 million.

A similar scene was staged again.


Ten square boxes exploded at the same time.

But unlike before, there are only nine out of ten boxes at this time. Thank you for your patronage. Another is a Medicinal Pill that is the size of a thumb with a crystal clear and near-transparent releasing seven-color rays of light.

The instant this Medicinal Pill was opened, the rich pill fragrance quickly filled the entire trading square, and only a little smell, the whole person refreshed.

"Something is out!"

"It's a Medicinal Pill!"

"But this does not seem to have a low grade."


"I just don't know what's the effect."

After seeing one of the square boxes out of the Medicinal Pill, all around onlookers exclaimed.

If the expression on the court has changed the most, it is the Yao Clan Clan Leader medicine pill and other Elders in the clan.

"Boss Chu, can the old man take a look at this Medicinal Pill?" Medicine pill appeared in front of Chu Bei in an instant.

"It is no longer my thing. Can you let you see it? You have to ask Lei Clan, the lord." Chu Bei responded faintly.

Hearing this, medicine pill immediately turned his attention to the old man Lei Clan.

"Medicine Clan Leader, you can see if you can, but you can't make an idea about it."

I noticed the blazing heat in the eyes of medicine pill, how can the old man Lei Clan know I made a treasure by myself.

Although he does not yet know the efficacy of this Medicinal Pill, it is certain that its grade is definitely not low, otherwise the medicine pill will not look like this.

"many thanks!"

After getting permission from the old man Lei Clan, medicine pill immediately squeezed the Medicinal Pill that exudes seven-color rays of light in front of him. Follow the energy flow in the Medicinal Pill.

For a long time.

"Grade 9 Top Grade!"

The medicine pill spit out four heavily syllables.

The medicine pill is not loud, but the four-character syllable sounds like a thunder-like shock to everyone's ears.

"What? I heard that right!"

"The Medicinal Pill is Grade 9 or Top Grade!"

"Clan Leader personally appraised it, It shouldn't be wrong."

"My God, 80 million won the Grade 9 Top Grade Spirit Pill! Then Lei Clan Great Elder, it's a huge profit!"

"Don't talk about Grade 9 Top Grade, even Tier Eight Top Grade is priceless."

"You said, where did Boss Chu, the Grade 9 Top Grade Medicinal Pill come from? Will it also be Alchemist?"


When I heard the medicine pill telling me the Medicinal Pill grade, everyone in the field was startled for a moment, and then the noise was boiling, one by one looked towards Lei The old man Clan's eyes were full of envy and jealousy.

If I say that the most exciting person is the old man Lei Clan himself.

From the medicine pill's attitude towards this Medicinal Pill, he knows that this pill is not low in grade, but in any case he did not expect it to be Grade 9 Top Grade!

"Boss Chu, can you tell me about this Medicinal Pill?"

The old man Lei Clan cautiously took the Spirit Pill from the medicine pill. He was both worried and expectant. Looking at Chu Bei.

"Its name is Dou Sheng Dan, but it can be taken by Dou Sheng Powerhouse, and it can break through 1-star cultivation base."

Chu Bei spoke lightly, and then looked at Lei Clan again. Old man. I have to say that the other party has a Luck Emperor physique.

The higher the level of the turntable, the lower the probability that the same level product will be opened. He also did not expect that the old Lei Clan spent only 80 million to turn out the tenth-level product Dou Sheng Dan.

"Boss Chu, listen to what you mean, 8-Star Dou Sheng can also break through?" The old man Lei Clan looked at Chu Bei in surprise.

Although they are both Dou Sheng, there is a huge difference between 1-star and 8-star.

"The effect of this pill, I have already said very clearly. As for whether you believe it or not, you will know if you try." Chu Bei glanced at the old man Lei Clan.

The old man Lei Clan was stunned. He looked at the Medicinal Pill releasing the seven-color rays of light in his hand. He hesitated for a moment and threw it into his mouth under countless line of sight.

At the moment, he has just stepped into 6-Star Dou Sheng; if this pill is as effective as the other party said, swallowing this pill now may not maximize its benefits, but it is not a waste. If this pill has no effect, then you can ask for an explanation in front of so many people.

long long long ——

Just when the old man Lei Clan swallowed the Dou Sheng Dan, a loud rumbling sound rang above the Exchange Square, and then the void was distorted and carried several times. The thunder of horrible breath emerges.

The majestic Heaven and Earth energy gushes from the thunder, and finally flows into the body of the old man Lei Clan like a river.

At this moment, the breath of the old man Lei Clan began to climb. Sensing the energy fluctuations in the body, the old man Lei Clan quickly suppressed it.


A few seconds later, a muffled sound came out of the elderly Lei Clan.

"Really breakthrough!"

When Lei Clan's breath stabilized, the faces of the leaders of the other races changed.

They have the same cultivation base, and even because they entered the realm of Dou Sheng earlier than Lei Clan, the breath is slightly more vigorous.

But right now, the breath of Lei Clan elders has obviously surpassed them. Obviously, the breakthrough succeeded and entered the 7-Star list!

"Boss Chu, many thanks!"

Feeling the surging power rising to a level in the body, the old man Lei Clan moved towards Chu Bei and hugged the cup one fist in the other hand, his face It was full of gratitude.

"This is your good luck." Chu Bei responded.

Hearing what Chu Bei said, the old man Lei Clan smiled and looked towards Yan Clan, the old man: "Yan old man, I have to thank you. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I won't spend this What about the money. Fortunately, I am not like you and did that many wicked things, otherwise I must be all thank you for your patronage."

Yan Clan old man fiercely glared at Lei Clan old man and left coldly snorted.

"Boss Chu, if my Hun Clan wants to trade with you, it shouldn't be rejected."

Before the elders of other races begin to stir. When turning to the two groups, Hun Qianmo stepped up to Chu Bei, with a smile of Sen Han outlined at the corner of his mouth.

"Who would have trouble with money." Chu Bei raised his eyes and glanced at Hun Qianmo, his expression indifferent.

"Really broad-minded."

Hun Qianmo's cold voice fell, and he took out 80 million directly and threw it in front of the vortex on the turntable.


The pointer turns.

Ten square boxes exploded.

Thank you all for your patronage.

"Come two groups."

Hun Qianmo calmly glanced at ten thank you for your patronage, and threw one hundred and sixty million.

The pointer turns.

Twenty square boxes exploded.

Thank you all for your patronage.

"Come three groups."

Hun Qianmo brows frowned, but didn't say much, and took out 240 million again.

The pointer turns.

Thirty square boxes exploded.

Thank you all for your patronage.

All around I watched the Powerhouse. After witnessing this scene, the expression of begin to stir obviously abated a lot.

"Whether you can make a product, are you sure that it is random and not your interference control?"

This time, Hun Qianmo couldn't help but question Chu Bei.

"Small business, operate with integrity."

In response to Hun Qianmo's staring gaze, Chu Bei's emotions were not at all disturbing.

"Okay, come to four groups!"

Hun Qianmo took a deep breath, seeming to suppress the anger in his heart, and took out 320 million.

The pointer turns again.

However, the atmosphere at the end of the field was obviously deadly.

The original hustle and bustle of the crowd, perhaps because of fear Hun Qianmo, stopped making a sound one after another, but quietly looked at the rotating pointer.

Forty square boxes exploded.

This time, thirty-nine thank you for your patronage, and the other is a purple soft armor.

Hun Qianmo's frowning brow stretched slightly when he saw a baby coming out.

"Let's talk about it."

Hun Qianmo stared at Chu Bei, and at the same time stretched out his hand to the purple soft nail, with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

"Seventh-level commodity silver armor can defend against all attacks under the nine-star Dou Huang." Chu Bei glanced at the purple soft armor indifferently said.

"It's just the nine-star Dou Huang?"

Hun Qianmo's expression became heavy again, he couldn't help but clenched his fists, and the anticipation in his eyes disappeared.

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