"I support Brother Shi's proposal! Let's work together to solve this puppet!" The old man Ling Clan agreed.

People from all races, including Hun Qianmo, exchanged their eyes and took a step forward at the same time, and Dou Qi hiding the sky and covering the earth roared out.

"It seems that Bodhi Heart these old fellows are bound to win! They even started to unite against the ancestor of Yao Clan."

Xiao Yan came to Chu Bei's side, After looking at the battlefield, he said: "Boss Chu, do you think they can win?"

"What about winning the puppet? To get Bodhi Heart, you can't beat the puppet."

Chu Bei pointed to the Tree of Enlightenment, and his voice was calm: "This tree is more terrifying than you think."

At the same time, the one in front of the Ancient Tree of Enlightenment In the battlefield.

When the leaders of the various races jointly attacked the old puppet under the Tree of Enlightenment, who was immovable like a sculpture, the latter's hollow eyes turned to the old man Yan Clan first, which seemed stiff, but it was extremely strange. With his steps moving, he appeared in front of the old man Yan Clan in an instant.

Without any words, the horrible palm of the old puppet was directly shot at the old man Yan Clan by blasting the space.

Feeling the incomparable aggressive attack in the palm of the old puppet, Yan Clan the old man eyes suddenly shrank, and then the palm of his foot slams into the void, a huge flame column rushes out of the void, and then fiercely greets the puppet. Old man.

There was a loud noise, and the aftermath of the tyrannical collision shredded the void, and even the giant pit near the hundred zhang was directly set off on the vast plain below.

The old man Yan Clan trembled, and moved towards back a little. On the other hand, the old puppet, the aggressive palm remains unchanged, and he takes another shot.

Seeing this, medicine pill, Lei Clan old man and the others no longer hesitate, and breath rises to Peak instantly.

Followingly, several silhouettes swept towards the old puppet from different directions, violently attacking again and again.

"My ancestors, let the younger generations liberate you."

The medicine pill sighed down, and the entire group surrounded the old puppets and bullied themselves, several extremely powerful Dou Qi The unrolled bolt of white silk whizzed out, and the heavy strikes were on the old puppet.

In the face of the joint attack of medicine pill and the others, the unconscious old puppet can only stiffly dodge while raiding, while swinging out one after another strange attack.

hong long long!

Above the Ancient Tree of Enlightenment, the battle became more intense.

Whether it is medicine pill entire group or the old puppet, Dou Qi in his body is used to the extreme, and then he rushes forward.

For a time, on this vast plain, all kinds of dazzling brilliance permeated, and waves of blade-like winds shredded and raged in the void.

"This level of battle is really terrifying!"

In the distance, powerhouses of various races onlookers looked at the battlefield above the ancient trees, even if they were far apart, they came from time to time The aftermath of the battle still shook their blood. In the end, Dou Qi had to run Dou Qi in his body to resist.

"Even if you become a puppet, you can still defeat one 8-Star Dou Sheng, one 7-Star Dou Sheng, and five 6-Star Dou Sheng. It is worthy of entering the Dou Sheng Jiuxing during his lifetime. The terrifying existence!" Xiao Yan muttered to himself, sweeping his eyes across the fierce battlefield.

Under the joint siege of medicine pill entire group, although the old puppets are always passive, they can barely cope.

hong long long!

The battle is getting fiercer.

When it was a quarter of an hour, the old puppet was finally unable to dodge, and his head was hit by Hun Qianmo's chains.

gradually, medicine pill, Gu Shan and a group of seven, the more fights the more brave is, the attack coordination between each other is getting better and better, one after another terrorist attack moved towards the old puppet like a meteor.

More and more attacks began to fall on the head of the old puppet, and the old puppet's body began to tremble. If you look closely, you can see blooming cracks on his head.


When the medicine pill entire group was about to defeat the old puppet, the huge Ancient Tree of Enlightenment once again swayed its branches, and strands of dark and gray mist poured into the old puppet.

In this brief moment, the old puppet stopped resisting and let the attacks of medicine pill, Hun Qianmo and the others blast on him.

"Something is wrong."

Looking at the suddenly motionless old puppet, medicine pill, Hun Qianmo and the others seemed to have noticed something, and all of them frowned.

However, before they discovered the strangeness, the old puppet's body shook violently.

Immediately afterwards, a muffled sound came from the black robe puppet.

next moment, the old puppet was like resurrected, and a black mist appeared all over his body. When the black mist dissipated, its body without any flesh and blood actually became full, and it was also covered with a layer of black mist armor.

At the same time, the hollow eyes shoot out two red light. The sound of friction sounded all over the body, and a fierce and violent breath of terror spread.

"Self-destruct! He wants to self-destruct!"

"He has been dead for many years, so there are such methods!"

"Definite It has something to do with the Ancient Tree of Enlightenment!"


Feel the violent breath that the old puppet is beginning to become chaotic, Hun Qianmo, Gu Shan and the others clear comprehension, His face changed suddenly.


A roar resembling a great roar from the ancient Great Desolate resounded between Heaven and Earth.

The breathtaking sound waves echo from the void, the vast plains of this world are constantly cracking, one after another bottomless gully makes people trembling in fear.

At this moment, the old puppet is like an incarnation of a Great Desolate wild beast that has just awakened from a deep sleep. The roar was embarrassingly cruel and tyrannical, and seemed to be full of endless destruction and killing. The source of the roar is to represent the most terrifying disaster in the world.

hong long!

With a loud noise, centered on the old puppet, a black light sphere with a diameter of hundreds zhang crashed into the void.

The aftermath of the explosion spread quickly, and Powerhouses of all races in the distance trembled instantly, and a look of fear appeared in their eyes.

Perceiving the aftermath of the explosion that resembles Death God's Scythe, the faces of Powerhouses of all races pale instantly.

They wanted to leave this world, but the fact is that the aftermath of the energy generated by the explosion of the old puppet directly settled the void, and even the circulation of Dou Qi in them became stagnant.

They are unable to move, they can only wait for Death God's Scythe to wave.

But when the terrifying aftermath came in front of them and they were about to swept past them, a six-color flame barrier appeared out of thin air in front of them.

chi chi chi ——

In the burning sound, the six-color flame barrier blocked the aftermath of the terrorist explosion that swept through.

The Powerhouses of all races who escaped the catastrophe stared blankly at the six-color flame barrier that appeared out of thin air.

"It's the Boss Chu!"

"He saved us again!"

After came back to his senses, these Ancient Clan Powerhouses did not Without hesitation, he moved towards Chu Bei and bowed deeply, and some of them knelt directly on the ground and said words of gratitude.

After repeated thanks, these people looked towards the explosion in the battlefield through the flame barrier.

In the battlefield, the hundred zhang dark light sphere caused by the old puppet self-destruct dissipated.

Seven embarrassed silhouettes hover in the collapsed in the sky, staring at it, the seven people including medicine pill have changed their robes again, but from them on the verge of collapse And judging from the extremely weak breath, in the self-destruct of the previous black robe puppets, their injuries were extremely serious.

"If it weren't for the quick response, I was almost dragged by a dead person!" Yan Clan the old man fiercely cursed, and the flame behind it was intermittent.

Hun Qianmo glanced at Chu Bei's direction: "If you didn't make a move before, wouldn't you just wait for this time to get Bodhi Heart?"

medicine pill, Shi Clan old man, Ling Clan old man, Yan Clan old man also looked at Chu Bei with heavy faces. They were in the Central Zone of the explosion and were all seriously injured.

At the moment, the only Boss Chu who was born without any injuries.

The questioning sound fell, medicine pill entire group immediately flicks with the finger, and the Medicinal Pills exuding a strong medicinal fragrance flew out of the entrance from the Storage Ring.

"Why? I can't try it anymore? What if this Bodhi Heart is really related to me."

Chu Bei looks at Hun Qianmo, Yan Clan, the old man and the others , The corners of the mouth lifted up with an arc.

But when Chu Bei's smiling voice fell, a Yao Clan Dou Zong Powerhouse flew in at the gap connecting the outside world with a panic expression.

"Clan Leader, the Hun Clan army is coming!"

"Yaofeng Elder, they have already fought with them outside!"

Quick voice From the mouth of Yao Clan Dou Zong Powerhouse.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, a crisp metal clang sounded.

Immediately afterwards, the 5th stage pitch-black chains shot in from the gap and immediately entangled the Yao Clan Dou Zong Powerhouse.

After that, accompanied by a scream, the soul of Yao Clan Dou Zong Powerhouse was hooked out by the dark chains.

"Hun Qianmo! What do you mean by Hun Clan!"

Looking at the clansman whose soul was hooked away, medicine pill roared, with a terrible killing intent in his roar.

In an instant, his silhouette appeared in front of Hun Qianmo, the right hand was lifted, and a palm fiercely with a terrifying might was photographed.

And Hun Qianmo also seemed to be prepared when he heard the words of the Yao Clan Dou Zong Powerhouse. The moment the medicine pill fell his palm, its silhouette disappeared.


The medicine pill missed a palm and shattered a party of void.

"medicine pill, my Hun Clan is not against you Yao Clan."

When Hun Qianmo appeared again, he had already appeared in front of Chu Bei. First glanced at the medicine pill, and then with a cold look on Chu Bei's body: "Now, even if you are not injured, you have no chance to snatch Bodhi Heart. Not only that, but everything you have done to Soul Palace is also due I've settled it."

Just as Hun Qianmo's words fell, the black mist not far away surged, and then a black shadow walked out of it.

I saw the black shadow holding five dark chains in his hands, and the other end of one of the chains was wrapping the soul of the previous Yao Clan Dou Zong Powerhouse.

"Is this the Ancient Tree of Enlightenment? It is indeed a famous treasure in ancient times!"

"If you bring it back to the clan, Clan Leader may not have to think of other ways, just use It will be able to break through and become an emperor."

The black shadow looked at the Ancient Tree of Enlightenment, and looked at the beating Bodhi Heart in his torso, and there was a glow in his eyes.

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