"Hun Xu, why are you alone?"

Hun Qianmo looked towards Heiying: "Even if I work together, I can't hold these old fellows at all. "

In this void trade fair, he was originally planned to come alone, and this will destroy the'Boss Chu' of his Soul Palace for a while.

But the clinker, trade fair has not yet been halfway, here is the Small World with the Ancient Tree of Enlightenment.

For this, he immediately transmitted the message of Ancient Tree of Enlightenment to the clan through Hun Yu, and there was a scene of the current Hun Clan army attacking.

"Don’t worry, Lord Tuo Yan is blocking this Small World."

Speaking of this, Hun Xu pointed his finger at Gu Yuan, Yan Clan, and Lei Clan. and the others: "Which of these old fellows is not the core of their clan, if they are killed here, let alone weakening the strength of these clan, the soul body that can be obtained alone is already a huge wealth. "

"Are you Hun Clan going to be enemies of our other races at the same time?"

When I heard Hun Xu's words, Yan Clan old man, Lei Clan old man and the others looked immediately After heavy, cold glow flickered in his eyes.

"Move my family, and die!"

The medicine pill killing intent emerged. After throwing a crimson Medicinal Pill into the mouth, there was a low anger, and the vast Dou Qi suddenly hiding the sky and covering the earth swept out.

Next moment, I saw medicine pill stature appearing on the top of Hun Xu's head for a moment, waved his right palm, and fiercely moved towards the latter with a bang.

Aware of the energy fluctuations in the palm of the medicine pill, Hun Xu's pupils condensed, and he chose to avoid without the slightest hesitation instead of fighting the opponent.

The medicine pill is 8-Star Dou Sheng, and he is only 7-Star Dou Sheng. Even though the former was seriously injured in the previous explosion, after swallowing several Level 9 Medicinal Pills, The rear has almost recovered.

"Are you hiding?"

The sound of medicine pill coldly shouted fell, and the knots of the hands changed. Centering on itself, a small prisoner instantly took it with you Hun Xu is trapped inside.

medicine pill shot again.

Looking at the blocked space, Hun Xu complexion slightly changed, but just when he was ready to shoot, a black ring of light appeared out of thin air in front of him.

Looking at the black ring of light that appeared, Hun Xu's face was suddenly overjoyed. The sadness disappeared.

As soon as the medicine pill fell, a fist came out from the black ring of light.


Fist and palm.

Just when countless people in the field thought that there would be a kind of terrifying energy storm sweeping away, under the terrifying gaze, the terrifying energy contained in the medicine pill's palm was touching the intertwined black air. When fisted, all were swallowed by the latter.

Immediately afterwards, a surging energy surged out from the fist.

In an instant, the terrifying medicine pill is like Suffering a heavy blow. First, the silhouette retreats and hits the cell wall it has cast, and then the mouth spurt blood shoots out.

"He was dispatched!"

"It seems that this time is really troublesome."

Looking at the black ring of floating in front of Hun Xu light, Gu Shan, Lei Clan, the old man and the others seem to recognize its origin, and his face is particularly ugly.

hua hua!

Gu Shan and the others tone barely fell, black ring of light trembled, endless black inflammation gushing out from it, finally hiding the sky and covering the earth spread Open.

In an instant, the sky above the Ancient Tree of Enlightenment and Powerhouses of all races was enveloped in black flame, like hell.

"What's the matter with those black flames!"

In the distance, powerhouses of all races onlookers looked at the billowing black flames above with fear, and there was a strong crisis in their hearts.

Under the cover of this black inflammation, they only feel that Dou Qi in their bodies is gradually losing, as if something invisible is constantly being swallowed.

"We can't stay here anymore, at least we can't drag the Great Elders."

I found Dou Qi in his body to be lost uncontrollably, and the Powerhouses of various races watching each other in the distance They looked at each other, but when they tried to split open space to leave this Small World, they suddenly realized that this Small World was actually imprisoned by an invisible force.

As for the gap when he came, it was also blocked by the strange and terrifying black inflammation.

"Boss Chu, this familiar breath, is it Void Swallowing Flame?!" Xiao Yan frowned, looked up at the black flame above, and tried to open the mouth and said.

"en." Chu Bei nodded responded.

[Post Quest Release: Host Forced Void Swallowing Flame]

[Task Reward: Five Million Force of Desire Value; Enable Tenth Level High Grade Commodity Permission]

hua hua Wow——

Just as the system sound rang from Chu Bei’s mind, there was a strange sound in the sky. I saw part of the black inflammation surging, slowly condensing into one silhouette.

Under the gaze of the line of sight, that silhouette is shrouded with black inflammation, and the weird rune is all over his body. A pair of eye pupils are like black holes, filled with terrifying Devouring Power.

The black shadow stood on the sky with the black flame. Because of the black flame, he couldn't see his appearance clearly.

wu wu ——!

With the appearance of the black shadows, the terrifying black flames all over the sky suddenly made a strange and trembling sound, as if they were greeting their masters.

"Void Swallowing Flame!"

medicine pill stabilized the stature, staring at the silhouette that resembled Demon God with his cold eyes regardless of his injury, with eyes in his eyes With monstrous killing intent.

"Clan Leader, Void Swallowing Flame has entered the nine-star list, even if you are not injured, you are not his opponent. In this situation, our six clans must unite." Gu Shan said, Lei Clan old man, Yan Clan old man, etc. nodded echoed.

"Just because the five of you work together? It's ridiculous!"

The black shadow surrounded by the black flame, Senhan's voice floated out of the air, and his eyes were filled with The contempt of medicine pill and Gu Shan.

next moment, under countless horrified gazes in the distance, the sleeves of the Void Swallowing Flame like Demon God waved, all around the billowing black flames became intense churning, and finally turned into densely packed The black fire rain, hiding the sky and covering the earth moved towards medicine pill, Gu Shan and a group of six people shot away.

chi chi!

Where the black fire rain passed, the void that had collapsed suddenly burst into white mist, and everyone could feel this Heaven and Earth The energy in the space is being swallowed by those rain of fire.

Part of the black fire and rain poured down, and the original lush plain instantly turned yellow, as if all the vitality was swallowed away.

crash-bang ——

At this time, the originally quiet Ancient Tree of Enlightenment shook violently.

It is as if it has been provoked, while the branches and leaves are swaying, bursts of fresh air blows past, and the plains that had been swallowed by the vitality are re-emerged with vitality.

"After I solve them, I will compete with you again!"

Feel the energy released from the Ancient Tree of Enlightenment, Void Swallowing Flame frowned, in this Under the breath, his flame was slightly suppressed.

crash-bang ——

The Ancient Tree of Enlightenment continued to sway, as if showing off the victory.

"With you as nourishment, I should be able to go one step further."

Void Swallowing Flame no longer paid attention to Ancient Tree of Enlightenment, cold eyes swept across medicine pill in turn , Gu Shan six people, a hoarse voice that made soul trembling came out of their mouths.

"Go together!"

Six people, including medicine pill, Gu Shan, and Lei Clan, stood side by side. After looking at each other, the imposing manner climbed to Peak at the same time.

After that, Six Paths silhouette staggered moved towards Void Swallowing Flame to attack.

"Needless struggling."

In the sky, Void Swallowing Flame coldly smiled, glanced at Gu Shan with disdain. After the six people, only his palms were stretched out and covered. The palm of the black rune suddenly shot out against the void ahead.


With the palm of Void Swallowing Flame, not only the empty space, but the plain below is also cracked.

In the dark flames of the sky, a huge palm of giant zhang fell from the sky, fiercely blasted toward the medicine pill and Gu Shan.

Feeling the terrifying power of this palm, the complexions of all the Powerhouses watching the battle in ancient times turned pale.

After that, one by one subconsciously flew to Chu Bei behind.

In their opinion, at this time, the closer you are to Boss Chu, the safer you are.

In fact, it was true. When they came to Chu Bei behind, the power of the palm of the Void Swallowing Flame caused them to be significantly less shocked and almost disappeared.

weng weng!

Heiyan giant palm heavily strikes on the medicine pill six-person joint attack, suddenly, the buzzing sound is resounded in this Small World.

The sound of the collision did not last long, and the six medicine pill shot out, each with blood on the corners of their mouths, their faces deathly pale and breath disorder.

"I looked down upon you, and I was able to take a palm of me."

With a sarcasm, the Void Swallowing Flame right hand floated on the void again.

Similar to the previous one, another giant palm made of black inflammation fell from the sky. The difference is that this time breath is obviously more terrifying.


Feeling the horrific power of the black flame giant palm, the old man Yan Clan, the old man Lei Clan and the others have hatred in their eyes.

If they were hit by this palm again, they would lose their battle strength even if they were undying.

What made them helpless is that the previous self-destruct of the old puppet caused them too serious injuries, and now they are even more powerless to face the Void Swallowing Flame, which is far stronger than them.

Just when they had to be forced to respond, six-colored flames gushed out of the sky above their heads, and then a yellow Golden long sword engraved with mysterious patterns rose in the flames.

The tip of the sword trembles lightly, and a golden glow shoots out, which instantly evolves into a hundred zhang sword glow.

Under the attention of medicine pill, Lei Clan Powerhouse and the others, the hundred zhang sword glow appearing out of thin air meets the giant palm of the black flame played by the Void Swallowing Flame.

in the sky, one palm and one sword touch each other.


The sword glow ran through the giant palm in an instant.

The dazzling golden rays of light are even more annihilated like crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood.

Looking at the hundred zhang gold sword glow in the sky that continued to sweep towards the Void Swallowing Flame, the medicine pill and Lei Clan looked astonished.

After being stupefied, one by one subconsciously cast their gazes in the direction where Chu Bei was.

"Boss Chu, you can wait until you make a move! If you don’t make another move, I will stay here for this trip. The old man hasn’t lived enough yet!"

Gu Clan’s Gu Shan is the one with the biggest mood swing.

As for Chu Bei's ability to destroy the Void Swallowing Flame with one sword, there is not much shock on his face, but some are just a kind of excitement waiting for you.

[PS: It’s a bit late, sorry]

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