"What sword is this!"

In the battlefield, Void Swallowing Flame is no longer calm, looking at the golden long in Chu Bei's hand with a vigilant face. sword.

When asked about Void Swallowing Flame, whether it was Powerhouse of the Six Races, or Hun Miesheng, Hun Xu and the others, they all raised their ears high.

"Its name is Xuanyuan Sword, one of the ancient Ten Great Divine Artifacts."

Chu Bei played with the gold long sword, and said: "Unfortunately, this sword has not been unblocked yet. "

This is the tenth-grade high grade commodity that he used to use a privilege to redeem. Compared with the weakened Hou Yi bow, although he is not weakened, it has a seal on it.

For this reason, the unopened Xuanyuan Sword was placed in the tenth grade high grade product.

"Xuanyuan Sword? This sword name has never been heard before!"

"Ten Great Divine Artifacts? Could there be nine other Divine Items that can be compared with Boss Chu Is the sword in your hand comparable?"

"Have you not heard what Boss Chu said? The Xuanyuan Sword in his hand has not been unblocked yet!"

"Fuck! If it is true So, how terrifying the sword after unblocking it is!"


Below, there was a clamor, and countless horrified eyes stared at him. Xuanyuan Sword in Chu Bei's hands.

"Not unblocked yet?"

Void Swallowing Flame looked at Xuanyuan Sword, a glow of enthusiasm appeared in his eyes.

"Even if it is not unblocked, it is more than enough to deal with you."

The corner of Chu Bei's mouth is smiling, let alone the Void Swallowing Flame of Jiuxing Dou Sheng Initial Phase, even if it is Facing Jiuxing Peak Dou Sheng, he was not afraid at all.

"I want the six Heavenly Flames on you, I want this sword too!"

Void Swallowing Flame's eyes are fixed on Chu Bei's body, accompanied by its hoarse sound Falling, centering on itself, the billowing black inflammation spread again.

"Look! This time there seems to be a living thing in the black flames!"

The old man Yan Clan creded out in surprise, and when his exclamation fell, the sky was full of black flames. Suddenly, a ball shaped like a fetal egg hung from the inside.

On the sphere, the black flame shrouded, one after another faint blood light penetrated.

Boom, boom, boom!

Like the beating sound of the heart, the densely packed black inflammation fetal eggs exploded and opened.

After a while, a stern and sharp cry was resounded between Heaven and Earth.

The densely packed black shadows flying out of the fetal eggs gather together like a huge dark cloud hanging in the sky.

Void Swallowing Flame faintly swept the six powerhouses that were not shrouded by sword glow below my eyes, flicks with the finger, and a small wave of black shadows moved towards the six powerhouses swept away.

"Not good!"

Looking at that instant black shadow, the complexion of the Six Race Powerhouse changed drastically, and Dou Qi hurriedly started running.

But just as Dou Qi ascended, the black glow flickered.

Next moment, several Powerhouses only felt a pain in their chests. When they looked down, there was already a huge blood hole in their chests, and blood guts shot out.

Facing this weird army of dark shadow creatures, the Six Powerhouse immediately fell into chaos, among which there were many mournful scream sounds, and scarlet blood dyed red beneath the ground.

"Don't stay outside, come in!"

Looking at the dozens of clansman who were seriously injured in an instant, medicine pill, Lei Clan old man and the others quickly pointed at all around Chu Bei A mask evolved from sword glow.

Hearing the sound, the Six Powerhouse did not dare to hesitate, and the silhouette flickered into the huge mask where the medicine pill and the others were.

chi chi chi!

The breathtaking gnawing sound came from outside the light shield.

The Six Powerhouse looked at the small black shadows that were only the size of a thumb on the mask, but there were hundreds of them, and the patted chests were feared.

"What's this?"

The six powerhouses looked scared, and they never thought that this thing smaller than nails could have such a terrifying kill force.

Among them, even 3-Star Dou Sheng Elder was seriously injured by this little black thing at that moment, and there was no resistance at all.

"Emperor Devourer! How could there be such a race! Ancient Times, haven't they been completely wiped out!" Seeing the appearance of the dark shadow, medicine pill's face suddenly changed, and his eyes were full The color of consternation.

Look carefully, although these black shadows are only the size of a thumb, they are no different from humans, and can be said to be miniature mini-humans.

If you say the difference, maybe the hollow and scarlet eyes and the sharp palms like Wild Beast are quite different from human beings.

"What? Eat the emperor spirit!"

I heard the name of medicine pill, Gu Shan, Lei Clan old man, Yan Clan old man and the others, and some in the field The Six Powerhouse, who had heard the name, showed an unbelievable expression at the same time.

"They are called Emperor Devourers because this group killed a Dou Di Powerhouse in the Ancient Times." Perceiving the confused eyes of the overwhelming majority, medicine pill exhaled a long breath of relief. Confused.

"Have you really killed Dou Di?" Powerhouse asked.

"Regardless of whether the ancient book records true or false, since it can have this title, even if it is not Dou Di that kills, it is at least the terrifying existence of Jiuxing Dou Sheng or even half of it stepping into the emperor realm."

Speaking of this, medicine pill looked up towards in the sky The emperor devouring spirits gathered together like dark clouds, his face was heavy again: "So many emperor devouring spirits, even if they are not a complete ethnic group, That's half a race."

"Heavenly Flame and the sword belong to me. As for you to feed me little fellows who have been raised for thousands of years."

Void Swallowing Flame's dark eyes showed an arc-shaped black glow, and the gloomy voice fell, and the right hand made a downward pressure. The tens of millions of Emperor Devourers hiding the sky and covering the earth flocked to Chu Bei.

In the sound of chi chi, the void where the Emperor Devouring Spirit army passed was destroyed three times, one after another strange purple black lightning lit up from the collapse in the sky, breathtaking.

Looking at the influx of Emperor Devourer Spirit Army, feeling the strange breath it released, Chu Bei's eyes allowed some curiosity, and his right hand was shocked.

Suddenly, the golden long sword he held, the sword trembling.

Yellow golden sword The rain appears again, and it is also greeted by hiding the sky and covering the earth.

However, what surprised Chu Bei was that those who were pierced by the yellow golden small sword not only did not die, but their bodies were divided into two, which directly became two emperor devourers.

"These little fellows kill undying, even if their bodies are all split up and in pieces, they will not die. Moreover, the harder you kill, the more they will be in number."

The sound of nihilistic swallowing and teasing floated from the air, "Listen to my advice, don't waste your energy and wait quietly to become their feast."

Soon, the emperor bite Chu Bei surrounded Chu Bei from the third and outer layers of the spirit army, and there was a harsh, heart-shaking gnawing sound in his mouth.

"The most terrifying thing about Emperor Devouring Spirits is, as Void Swallowing Flame said, they are undying." Medicine pill and the others looked at the black pressure above them with great dignity, with a band between their eyebrows. Worry.

"Kill undying? Interesting."

In the battlefield, the sound of sword cry sounded again.

When Chu Bei's calm voice fell, the Emperor Devourer that wrapped Chu Bei was shocked into the air like a sudden and irresistible impact.

Looking at it, all the mouthparts of the Emperor Devourers who had eaten Chu Bei in the inner circle were broken.

Looking at Chu Bei again, there is no trace of injury on his body.

"They are not killing undying, it's just that it's all that falls on them to hurt them and fail to meet their immediate death conditions." Chu Bei's indifferent voice sounded again.

Without waiting for Void Swallowing Flame to respond, Chu Bei lifted the golden long sword in his hand for the first time and flicked the sword with his left hand.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ——

In an instant, tens of thousands of golden swords trembled in the rain, and dazzling rays of light filled the tip of the sword. .

I saw a small golden sword with a handle. The original smooth body of the sword began to have strange patterns.

When it is fully formed, Sun, Moon and Stars are carved on one side, and mountains and plants are carved on the other, and the sharp breath contained on it is also skyrocketing.

Looking at all around is like an upgraded yellow golden sword rain, the emperor devouring spirit army seems to have sensed the crisis and began to gather and retreat.

However, before they could return to the billowing black flames released by the Void Swallowing Flame, the yellow golden sword in the rain seemed to produce intelligence, and they shot and killed the nearest emperor. spirit.

This time, the Emperor Devourer who was stabbed by the Golden Sword not only failed to divide into two, but twisted in pain, and made a miserable low hiss in his mouth.

At this moment, the tens of thousands of Spirit Devourers in the battlefield have been pierced by Golden Swords one after another. Within a few breaths, it was seen that their bodies began to dissipate until they disappeared completely.

"You damn it!"

Watching more and more Emperor Devourers die, the face of Void Swallowing Flame not far away suddenly changed, and the killing intent in his eyes rose again One level.

These emperor devouring spirits, but he has worked so hard to breed them for thousands of years. Who would have thought that the first battle he took out for use would be annihilated by the entire army.

If the emperor devouring army is truly dead, then his thousands of years of effort will be in vain.

Void Swallowing Flame's eyes began to turn blood red, but before he was ready to attack, all the emperor devourers in the battlefield had disappeared in the yellow golden sword rain, skeleton doesn't exist.

"Did the bitter Ling Clan who was rumored to have killed Dou Di just perish like this?"

"Is Boss Chu really just the nine-star Dou Sheng? Then why from the beginning to the end? Now, the Void Swallowing Flame, which is also the nine-star Dou Sheng, has been completely suppressed, and it seems very easy to see what Boss Chu looks like."

"You said, will Boss Chu be Far Ancient Era? Dou Di Powerhouse has survived to this day?"

"But aren't we the descendants of Dou Di Powerhouse? I have never heard of Gu Clan, whose surname is Chu."

… …

Looking at the yellow golden sword rain floating in the sky, and the disappearing emperor Ling Clan, watching the Powerhouse from below, I was stunned. After came back to his senses, I looked at Chu Bei one by one. , The cheers rose to Peak in an instant.

"Brother Gu, how do you think he compares to your Gu Clan Clan Leader?" The old man Lei Clan looked towards Gu Shan next to him, and couldn't help asking curiously.

"In fact, my family Clan Leader has already tried Boss Chu." Gu Shan glanced over Lei Clan and the others.

"What was the result of the trial?" The old man Lei Clan asked immediately.

Gu Shan shook the head and sighed: "My family Clan Leader not only failed to detect the cultivation base of Boss Chu, but also suffered some injuries."

Gu Shan's Although the voice is not great, the words are heard in the ears of the elders of several races, which is equivalent to a bolt from the blue!

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