"Fuck! And this matter, why didn't you say it earlier!" Came back to his senses from the shock, the old man Lei Clan glared at Gu Shan.

"You didn't ask either." Gu Shan said with a hand.

"You have to take the initiative to say it, we won't be so worried." The old man Lei Clan's mouth twitched.

"Look at me, I really don't worry much." Gu Shan said calmly.

"The old man, you really have you!" Yan Clan, the old man couldn't stand it anymore, with a look of contempt.

"This means that Boss Chu is still above Gu Yuan."

Medicine pill once again looked towards Chu Bei in the battlefield, with even greater respect on his face : "Even if he is not the real Dou Di, he should have stepped in."

"We will meet again!"

In the battlefield, Void Swallowing Flame Evil fiercely stared at Chu Bei, full of monstrous killing intent shouts fell, the billowing black inflammation began to gather, and gradually disappeared from the sky.

"Since I saw you for the first time, you were destined to come and not leave."

Chu Bei's smiling voice floated from the battlefield. Later, hold Xuanyuan Sword in both hands for the first time, and then move towards Void Swallowing Flame and swipe fiercely in the direction where it disappeared.


In an instant, the sword blade extended out of the thousand zhang golden sword glow.

When this golden sword glow penetrated the void to reach the position of the Void Swallowing Flame, the already distorted void seemed to freeze suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, the terrifying energy in the sword glow was injected into the gap in the void, pushing out the Void Swallowing Flame that was ready to escape.

Chu Bei swung his sword again.

With the sound of the sword cry, the 2nd thousand zhang golden sword glow will arrive in no time.

Across the body of Void Swallowing Flame.

Void Swallowing Flame let out a scream, and it quickly differentiated into billowing black flames, with fear in the cry.

Chu Bei remain unmoved, the third sword is swung out!

Fourth Sword, 5th Sword, Sixth Sword... followed closely.

These thousand zhang sword glow slashed on the black flame.

As more and more fierce sword intents on the sword glow are injected, the black inflammation that occupies half of the sky becomes more and more intense. Among them, human figures appear from time to time, and the struggling and distorted expression makes people feel compassionate. . In the miserable wailing, it was as if he had suffered inhuman pain.

Gradually, under the sweep of these fierce sword glows, a fire spirit resembling a black translucent soul body penetrated from the billowing black inflammation.

"You treat me like this, I will definitely make you worse than death!" A voice filled with monstrous hatred came from the translucent Fire Spirit.

"You have no chance."

The calm voice without the slightest emotional fluctuation fell, and Chu Bei swung his last sword.

This sword, in terms of its power alone, far exceeds the sum of previous swords.

It can be described as a real sword shattering the sky!

Above the battlefield, the sky is all under one sword, and a gap close to ten thousand zhang is separated.


Looking at this sword, the translucent Fire Spirit was stunned.

The trembling sound occupied by fear has not yet floated away, and the sword glow traverses it.

After a while, a Fire Spirit appeared in the black inflammation again, but it was not the appearance of the previous middle-aged man, but a baby wrapped in black inflammation.


"How could Lord Tuo Yan lose! He is the nine-star Dou Sheng!"

Hun Xu and Hun Qianmo are unbelievable Looking at the baby Fire Spirit flying towards Chu Bei in the battlefield, playing in circles beside the latter, his eyes were full of incredible color.

They can feel that Lord Tuo Yan, who belonged to Hun Clan before, has disappeared, and now this Void Swallowing Flame is just a little fellow whose intelligence just turned on.

They cannot accept the result at the moment!

"little fellow, go in by yourself."

In the battlefield, Chu Bei waved his right hand and a golden disc appeared.

The baby Fire Spirit seemed to understand what Chu Bei said. After calling out, zhi zhi flew into the vortex in the center of the disc.

[Host gets Void Swallowing Flame]

[Reward Five Million Force of Desire Value]

[Ten-level high grade merchandise permission open]

Almost at the same time, the system tone sounded in Chu Bei Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Chu Bei was satisfied and nodded, and then bowed his head and looked towards Hun Qianmo and Hun Xu.


Perceive Chu Bei's gaze, Hun Qianmo and Hun Xu eyes suddenly shrank.

No matter what, the sword glow that Chu Bei swayed was so fast, it instantly swept Hun Qianmo and Hun Xu into nothingness together with the void.

The battlefield is getting quieter, and some are just the whistling wind swaying from the branches of the Ancient Tree of Enlightenment in the distance.

"Many thanks Boss Chu to help!"

"If Boss Chu is free, I hope to be a guest in my family! My family must be a good student to entertain Boss Chu!"

The battle subsided, medicine pill, Lei Clan old man, Yan Clan old man and the others, immediately flew to Chu Bei in front of him, cup one fist in the other hand and bowed, with gratitude in his eyes.

"It's all that goes smoothly." Chu Bei waved his hand to hold up medicine pill and the others, indifferently said.

"Boss Chu, maybe for you, it's just easy. But for our six races, you are a great benefactor."

medicine pill look Very serious: "If you hadn't solved the Void Swallowing Flame, Hun Xu and Hun Qianmo, I am afraid that the six races in our field have become captured souls."

Here, after medicine pill paused, he said: "Here, on behalf of Yao Clan, I promise you that if you are useful to my family in the future, my family will do my best to help you."

After the medicine pill spoke up, the elders of several other races followed closely from behind.

"I'm just a businessman, where can I use you? There is a day, let's talk about it." Chu Bei smiled knowingly.

"Boss Chu, looking at your previous methods, even Void Swallowing Flame can be subdued, presumably your strength should have surpassed Jiuxing Dou Sheng." Yan Clan said tentatively.

"takes part or not, is the answer important?" Chu Bei pretended to be suspenseful.

"Then are you the Powerhouse of Far Ancient Era?" The old man Lei Clan also asked.

"It's the age that is even more distant." Chu Bei flickered casually.


Just as a few elders were about to continue to inquire, the branches of the Ancient Tree of Enlightenment in the distance swayed, and the sound of hua hua was like watching a wonderful fighting scene and giving praise.

"The arrival of Void Swallowing Flame made me almost forget the Lord." Medicine pill, Gu Shan and the others looked towards Chu Bei after taking a look at Ancient Tree of Enlightenment. .

Perceiving the gaze from everyone's head, Chu Bei was taken aback for a moment.

"Boss Chu, you saved us. Naturally, this Tree of Enlightenment and Bodhi Heart are also yours." Medicine pill and the others exchanged their eyes, unanimously opened the mouth and said.

"That's it."

Chu Bei's face didn't show any gratitude for giving medicine pill and the others to Tree of Enlightenment.

Based on the strength of the opponents, even if Chu Bei gave them this opportunity, they would still be impossible to get Tree of Enlightenment and Bodhi Heart.

Only when Xuanyuan Sword is in hand, he has the confidence to allow some to face Tree of Enlightenment.

After a while, Chu Bei cast his gaze on the Ancient Tree of Enlightenment, cleared his throat, and said, "Isn’t it lonely to be wandering all the time? Or just follow me."


Ancient Tree of Enlightenment seemed to understand Chu Bei's words, and the swaying frequency of the branches began to increase.

After arriving, the tree with a height of hundred zhang suddenly burst out with brilliant brilliance, which turned into a beam of light and directly covered everyone in the field such as Chu Bei, medicine pill, etc. Up among them.

The sudden scene shocked everyone. Just about to use Dou Qi, he was shocked to discover everything in his sight. The Heaven and Earth turning upside down had already taken place.

At this moment, they are already in a space full of dark green colors instead of the vast plain where they were previously.

In this space, an ancient tree about ten several feet or so, seems to stand in the center forever.

This tree, the whole body of emerald green, is like an extremely fine jade cast, releasing an amazing life force.

Look carefully, this tree is exactly the same as the huge Ancient Tree of Enlightenment in the outside world. It's just that the size has shrunk a hundred times.

"Look at it!"

"There is also a small Ancient Tree of Enlightenment!"

ten zhang high on the small tree.

"This is still that old tree. To be precise, it should be its origin." Chu Bei calmly looked at the small tree ten feet in front of him.

crash-bang ——

Just as a group of Powerhouses were discussing, the mini Ancient Tree of Enlightenment that was full of emerald green suddenly trembled slightly, and then a ball of light came from it. Flew out from the body, and finally hovered above its head.

The light group changed, and an image came out of it.

Including medicine pill, Gu Shan and the others, when seeing what happened in the video, their faces changed suddenly.

In the video, there is an Ancient Tree of Enlightenment with a height of ten thousand zhang.

However, the eyes of the next Powerhouse were not fixed on the old tree, but stayed on the silhouette of the old tree up ahead of wearing a black jacket.

Even if it is just an image, medicine pill and the others can feel a breath like Heaven and Earth Supreme spreading out of the silhouette body.

This breath of acknowledgement allegiance is no less than ten thousand zhang's huge Ancient Tree of Enlightenment.

"He...he is who!"

The eyes of the Six Race Powerhouse were full of horror, staring at the black clothed back in the image.

This image may be a real scene that happened thousands of years ago or even tens of thousands of years ago, but even so, the breath transmitted through the image of the other person is inexplicably made their soul There is a trembling feeling.

"My family Clan Leader can't give me this feeling! If I guess it is right, he should be the Dou Di Powerhouse of Far Ancient Era!"

Gu Shan stared at him The that silhouette in the image, after the words in the mouth fell, looked towards Chu Bei, and seemed to be seeking confirmation from the latter.


After Chu Bei answered, he continued to look at the video.

"It really is Dou Di!"

"Then Dou Di and Ancient Tree of Enlightenment are in harmony?"

Just as everyone was discussing fiercely, The dark shadow Dou Di in the image suddenly began to attack the Ancient Tree of Enlightenment.

In the face of the black shadow Dou Di's attack, Ancient Tree of Enlightenment also diffused a terrifying energy. In the terrifying confrontation between the two, Heaven and Earth in the image collapsed for it.

"Then Ancient Tree of Enlightenment is really the one we met? Is it strong enough to compete with Dou Di!"

Powerhouse looked at the cross-boom in the video in shock. They were really a little unbelievable. They saw the Ancient Tree of Enlightenment actually fought against Dou Di Powerhouse.

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