In the green Small World, the six Powerhouse’s eyes are fixed on the accelerating image flowing above, and the face is full of shock.

Just when Sombra Dou Di was fighting the Ancient Tree of Enlightenment to the most critical point, a white silhouette suddenly flew out of the Ancient Tree of Enlightenment, and fiercely hit the unprepared one with a single blow. Sombra Dou Di.

Under this blow, Sombra Dou Di was immediately seriously injured, and then retreated in a row.

At the end of the image, the shadow Dou Di let out a thick and unwilling roar. In the distorted expression, his body and the piece of Heaven and Earth exploded into nothingness.


Looking at the black shadow that exploded into nothingness in the image, the heart of the six powerhouses including medicine pill and Gu Shan suddenly fiercely beat.

"Is the white clothed man that suddenly appeared Dou Di too."

The old man Yan Clan took a deep breath and could severely injure Dou Di in an instant, apparently the white silhouette of the sudden sneak attack The strength is not weaker than the black clothed Dou Di.

"I actually saw two Dou Di!" Six Powerhouse exclaimed.

This kind of Powerhouse that only exists in the legend, they actually saw two of them. Although it is only an image, the unique Supreme-like breath still makes their soul tremble.

The black clothed Dou Di in the image has fallen, but the light cluster has not disappeared. I saw the black clothed Dou Di in the picture turned into nothingness, and a trace of black qi suddenly rushed into the Ancient Tree of Enlightenment.

Along with the entry of these air currents, the ancient tree of enlightenment of ten thousand zhang high was originally filled with fresh air, and soon added a vague coldness.


Rather than waiting for the Six Powerhouse to come back to his senses from the image, there was an explosion, and the light ball above exploded, turning into countless points of light and disappearing into everyone's mind.

next moment, there is a huge flow of information in the mind of Six Powerhouse.

A few seconds later, there is more clear comprehension in the eyes of the Six Powerhouse.

The black clothed Dou Di in the previous image found the Ancient Tree of Enlightenment because its origin was severely injured in a clansman battle, so he wanted to forcibly seize the Bodhi Heart of the Ancient Tree of Enlightenment for treatment. His injury.

It's a pity, but in the end it was beheaded by the Ancient Tree of Enlightenment and his enemies.

Learning about all this, when the Six Race Powerhouse looked towards the old miniature tree that was only ten feet high in front of him again, there was more sympathy in his eyes.

Although the black clothed Dou Di was successfully killed in the end, the Ancient Tree of Enlightenment also suffered terrifying trauma.

At the moment when black clothed Dou Di fell, all his negative emotions gathered together and invaded into the Ancient Tree of Enlightenment.

Because of the erosion of this negative emotion for thousands of years, the original shape of Ancient Tree of Enlightenment as high as ten thousand zhang has become the appearance of the previous one that is no more than thousands zhang.

"Boss Chu, does he want us to help it dispel the negative emotions of Dou Di?"

Gu Shan glanced at the old emerald green tree in front of him, and his eyes fell Looking thoughtful on Chu Bei's body.

"It should be."

After Chu Bei glanced at Gu Shan, he took a step forward and appeared above the mini Ancient Tree of Enlightenment.

"Do you think I can help you?" Chu Bei had a faint smile at the corner of his mouth.

Obviously, because this Ancient Tree of Enlightenment witnessed his battle with Void Swallowing Flame, he pinned his hopes on him.

crash-bang ——

The mini ancient branches swayed, seemingly nodded.

"It's okay to expel you, but then you have to follow me." Chu Bei looked at the Ancient Tree of Enlightenment calmly, as if he was dealing with the other party.


After a while, Ancient Tree of Enlightenment seemed to have reached a deal with Chu Bei and shook the branches again.

At this time, the turbulent gray black qi flowed from the ancient trees and condensed to form a gloomy phantom.

Phantom appeared, and the six Powerhouse's hearts trembled in the field, only feeling that the temperature of the whole body dropped suddenly, and the whole person was like falling into an ice cellar.

"This...this is the dead black clothed Dou Di!"

Looking at the size of phantom, the Six Powerhouse is about to be killed by the sneak attack in the previous image. The black clothed Dou Di got in touch with each other and looked astonished.

chi chi chi!

Phantom hovered above the ancient tree, his body trembling slightly, and a tyrannical breath of horror permeated.

Under this breath deterrence, even if it is as strong as medicine pill, Gu Shan and the others, power within the body is suppressed, unable to move even a little bit.

"Even after thousands of years of death, is the residual resentment still so terrifying."

Six Powerhouse stared at the black shadow above the ancient tree in a daze, under the deterrence of this breath , They cannot raise any resistance.

For this reason, they further recognized Dou Di's terrifying.


There was a trembling buzzing sound, and two red glow suddenly shot out from phantom's eyes.

next moment, monstrous black glow envelopes this space, and the light instantly becomes Darkness.

The low roar filled with Ling Ran's killing intent has not yet drifted away, and the Powerhouse of Six Races only feels that a strange force is pouring out of the body inexplicably.

Under this force, they instinctively feel the fear, and they can perceive that the life function is slowly passing away.

"The world has its own reincarnation, so let me supersede it for you."

After Chu Bei's indifferent voice fell, his hands suddenly joined together, and then six mysteries came out from his mouth. Difficult syllables.

"Om, M, Ne, Ba, Mi, Hum!"

The mysterious six-character mantra was slowly spit out from Chu Bei's mouth.

These spells are taking shape in the sky, releasing dazzling golden light.

When these six-character curses sounded like thunder in this space, the Six Powerhouses seemed to have been bathed, with their brows stretched out, as if they were relieved, and Dou Di’s remnant thoughts invaded them That eroding force disappeared.

In the sky, the light that had been replaced by Darkness appeared again.

"What kind of incantation does Boss Chu say!"

"It is the nemesis of Dou Di's remnant."

Above the ancient tree, whenever When a spell strikes on Dou Di phantom, the phantom will oscillate once.

When all six spells hit Dou Di phantom, the peng sound made a loud noise and the phantom dissipated directly.

As soon as it dissipated, the phantom distorted hideous expression also became soothed, giving people a sense of relaxation.

It seems that he is the one who is truly freed.

"We were saved by Boss Chu again."

Recalling the passing of life when Dou Di's negative emotions invaded the body, the Six Powerhouse fell down. He took a breath, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, the fear and happiness on his face were like walking through the gates of hell.

"Boss Chu solved the Dou Di remnant."

"Boss Chu's various methods are really weird and endless."

"And there is still no Dou Qi fluctuation."


The eyes of the Six Race Powerhouse once again focused on Chu Bei above the ancient tree, and the gratitude in his eyes was even greater.

crash-bang ——

When Dou Di Cannian was overtaken by the six-character curse, the Ancient Tree of Enlightenment swayed again, and bursts of fresh air blew past, refreshing, and again There is not a trace of dark breath that makes people taboo.

The buzzing sound from time to time is filled with joy, as if celebrating the complete disappearance of the pain that has accompanied it for thousands of years.

"It's time for you to fulfill your promise."

Chu Bei looked towards a mini ancient tree, with a wave of his sleeve robe, the golden disc appeared.

The old tree swayed and turned into a changhong, flying into the vortex in the center of the disc.

[Host gets Ancient Tree of Enlightenment]

[Additional reward: 5 million Force of Desire Value]

The system sound is played in the Chu Bei Sea of ​​Consciousness.

At this time, the Six Powerhouse saw a flash. When they saw all around again, they seemed to have returned to the sky above Medicine Mountain.

As for the colored void and the vast plain in it, disappeared.

"Boss Chu, have you subdued the Ancient Tree of Enlightenment?" The old man Lei Clan was curious.

Chu Bei nodded, as a response.

"Boss Chu, is the incantion that you finally killed the Dou Di Cannian?" Gu Shan came to Chu Bei's side and couldn't help but ask.

It's not just him, other Powerhouses in the field are also very confused looking at Chu Bei.

As Ancient Clan, they couldn't understand the six-character mantra spoken by the other party.

"It is Six Characters Great Bright Incantation, which can survive the common people." Chu Bei glanced across the crowd and spoke lightly.

This is the first tenth grade high grade product he has redeemed since he opened the permission of the tenth grade high grade product.

"Boss Chu, have you really reached the upper limit today?" Yan Clan, the old man, looked at Chu Bei expectantly, obviously he was still thinking about Dou Sheng Dan.

"Business integrity." Chu Bei gave a four-character reply.

With the passage of time, the storm of Ancient Tree of Enlightenment gradually calmed down.

The six powerhouses returned to the trading square and continued to take out the treasures prepared in their respective families, and the void trade fair continued.

As for Chu Bei, he found a place where there was no one and started the system redemption.

Today’s sales reached the upper limit and received 5 million Force of Desire Value;

Subdued Void Swallowing Flame and rewarded 5 million Force of Desire Value;

Ancient Tree of Enlightenment, and rewarded 5 million Force of Desire Value.

Now, his cultivation base is Dou Sheng 4-Star, and in this realm, every breakthrough 1-star needs exactly 5 million Force of Desire Value.

For this reason, all the Force of Desire Value in Chu Bei was used to redeem the cultivation base, and it jumped directly from 4-Star Dou Sheng to 7-Star Dou Sheng!


On the other side.

Located directly above the northernmost area of ​​Central Plain, this is an independent Small World.

After countless powerhouse constructions, Hun Realm's space wall barrier has become so hard that it can even ignore the turbulence of the void.

Looking at it, the huge Hun Realm is dominated by two continuous mountain ranges, one of which rises from the ground. On these peaks, there are many towering pavilions.

At the junction of the two mountain ranges, an exceptionally majestic great hall stands upright, and the surrounding clouds are shrouded and majestic. If you observe carefully, you will find that a layer of black mist is attached to the surface of the great hall. The mist is surging, giving people a gloomy and terrifying feeling.

Although as the strongest of the eight ancient clans, Hun Realm still has several teams of patrolling people.

These black robed sillhouettes, in small groups travel together in various corners of Hun Realm, just like inescapable net. Whenever any abnormality occurs, these patrols will immediately find out.

"I heard the news from Qianmo Elder that the Ancient Tree of Enlightenment is present on Yao Clan site, and I don’t know if they got it."

"Not only Hun Xu Elder rushed away Yes, even Master Void Swallowing Flame went. Lord Tuo Yan will take the shot, and there is definitely no problem."

"Yes, Yao Clan Clan Leader’s cultivation base is not as good as Lord Tuo Yan."


"As far as I know, the businessman who destroyed Soul Palace also went to the void trade fair. I don’t know if Lord Tuo Yan will kill him easily."

"If it was Lord Tuo Yan really brought the Ancient Tree of Enlightenment back, and Clan Leader will definitely be able to step into the legendary Dou Di realm."


The black robe patrol team inspected Hun. Realm talked about whether there was anything unusual.

At the same time, in the great hall of Yousen.

Seven black robed men are sitting on luxurious sandalwood chairs. Three of them are Hun Clan veterans. Hun Shengtian, Hun Yao and Hun Yuantian all have the strength of 8-Star Dou Sheng Initial Phase; The other four are Hun Clan Four Demon Saints, Hun Tu, Hun Sha, Hun Jing, and Hun Yan, all of which are 7-Star Dou Sheng.

"Count the time, Hun Xu and the others should be back."

"Will something happen?"

"What can be What happened? The Void Swallowing Flame guy is still above us. Looking at the entire continent, besides Clan Leader and Gu Yuan, who else can beat him?"

"I'm worried that this Void Swallowing Flame alone will occupy the Ancient. Tree of Enlightenment, betrayed my family."


Just as the seven black robed men were discussing, another black shadow appeared in the great hall. Viewing its breath, although not as good as the seven in the hall, it has also entered the realm of Dou Sheng.

"What? Hun Qianmo and Hun Xu's Hun Yu are broken!"

"What about Void Swallowing Flame?"

When I heard the black shadow When he said, the faces of the seven black robed men were instantly heavy.

"The sub-flame left by Lord Tuo Yan in the clan was extinguished before Hun Xu and Hun Yu shattered." The shadow continued.

"How is it possible!"

"Even if Gu Yuan took the shot, he would at most force the Void Swallowing Flame back, how could his sub-flame go out!"

After learning that the Void Swallowing Flame sub-flame was extinguished, the seven black robed men in the hall became more and more calm, looking at each other in blank dismay.

At this moment, about ten kilometers away from the great hall, in the quiet and deep place, the stream passes through the forest, and finally turns into a silver waterfall, which flies down and falls into the lake below. in.

To be precise, this should not be called a lake but should be called a sea of ​​blood.

The color of the liquid in the lake is completely scarlet, giving people a sense of eerie horror.


The sea of ​​blood surged, a vortex emerged from it, and then a huge blood-colored lotus rose up from the vortex.

Above the Blood Lotus, a man wearing a gray robe sat cross-legged, his blood-colored hair falling down like a waterfall.

"This power is really intoxicating! If you really step into that realm, what will it feel like."

gray robed man's closed eyes, slowly opened Open, the crimson color permeated in it, making this sea of ​​blood burst into waves.

chi chi chi!

When Hun Tiandi opened his eyes, the space behind him was also distorted, and a silhouette shrouded in black mist emerged.

"Clan Leader, except for the six 7-Star Dou Sheng, all soul bodies in the clan have been thrown into the blood pool." Sombra moved towards Hun Tiandi respectfully said.

Hun Tiandi's blood pupil fluctuated, and immediately the Blood Lotus turned, looking directly at the shadow: "Bring the six strongest soul bodies here! Although the breakthrough has been successful, it is precisely because of them that they are completely stabilized. this realm!"

"Yes, Clan Leader!"

The black shadow moved towards Hun Tiandi bowed, and when he left for a short time and returned, the six ecstasy chains were tied to six 7-Star Dou Sheng soul body.

"Hun Tiandi, you will not end well!" Six powerful souls and evil fiercely stared at Hun Tiandi.

Next moment, the six people seemed to have made the same decision, and the calm soul suddenly soared.

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