"Boss Chu is injured!"

"Isn’t he even that guy’s opponent?"

"So, this Who else in the world can stop that person."


The Six Races Powerhouse stared at Chu Bei who was vomiting blood, and then looked towards Heavenly Luan's face on the back. The huge silhouette of disdain, his face is extremely heavy.

[The host has been injured in this system]

[The host’s current risk factor is 100%]

[Given that the host is performing well, the protection mechanism is on]

[Reward Level 13 high grade merchandise use privilege once]

[Host descends on the Douluo Continent plane, builds a business empire with a reputation value of 95, and unlocks 12 to Level 13 merchandise permissions]

Suddenly, the system tone sounded in Chu Bei's mind.

Chu Bei was taken aback, and then, his solemn expression became relaxed and soothed again.

[Host Code successfully redeemed Level 13 high grade products, obtained 100% of the power of Vulcan Zhurong, the time limit is a quarter of an hour]

The system sound sounded again.

"Trifling ants, even me and you are not opponents, but you are also trying to block the Master’s attack. It's ridiculous. Overestimate one's capabilities!"

The evil thoughts on the verge of collapse, glimpse Looking at the Ancient Emperor Tuo She whose breath was extremely weak and turned into the body, he spoke coldly snorted, and the words were full of ridicule.

long long long ——

Several rune mountains blasted and killed.

Zhu Kun, Gu Yuan, medicine pill and the others, looking up at the rune mountain that is getting closer and closer, feeling the breath on it, they can’t resist the heart at all. There is a strong unwillingness in it.

However, seeing those rune mountains about to strike on Zhu Kun, Gu Yuan and the others, the empty space inexplicably bursts out of layers of space.

In the ripples, these huge rune mountains were suddenly held by an invisible force, and then suddenly stopped, followed by frequent in-situ vibrations; then the crack crack sounded. , Turned into rune fragments dissipated in the void.


Looking at the dissipated rune mountain, Zhu Kun, Gu Yuan and the others were surprised, and then subconsciously looked towards Chu Bei.

At some point, the blood stains on the corners of the opponent's mouth have been wiped clean, and the face that had been pale due to the heavy blow of the rune giant mountain once again appeared bloody, even more ruddy.

Moreover, the feeling for Zhu Kun, Gu Yuan and the others is that the breath of each other seems to have changed again.

"The Master's attack was resolved!"

"How is it possible!"

The evil thoughts that may be completely dissipated at any time, the eyes are also cast on Chu Bei His words were full of surprise, and his expression was incredible.

In his eyes, his Master is his belief, an invincible existence! Even in Great Thousand Worlds, his Master is a famous existence!

He could not accept that someone could take over his Master’s attack on this small continent, even if the opponent might come from Great Thousand Worlds.

After destroying all the rune mountains, Chu Bei looked towards Ancient Emperor Tuo She on the side, pointing a little.

A group of solid flame quickly sank into the body of Ancient Emperor Tuo She.

Next, the weak breath of Ancient Emperor Tuo She quickly recovered, but within a few seconds, it returned to its human form again.

"Senior, you...your breath..."

Ancient Emperor Tuo She looked at Chu Bei in astonishment, and there was a tendency to creep down.

He who was born as a Heavenly Flame and swallowed twenty kinds of Heavenly Flames to become Dou Di, he is particularly sensitive to the breath of flame; previously, he felt a flame above him from the opponent breath.

However, the previous feeling was not strong, but now, this feeling has penetrated into his limbs.

To be precise, the kind of flame breath the other party gave him is not a real flame, but a commander capable of all the flames, and is the Sovereign of all the flames!

"I have unlocked the first seal. Just stay aside and watch. Let me give it to me."

Chu Bei put his hands behind, his eyes After sweeping through Ancient Emperor Tuo She, Gu Yuan, Zhu Kun and the others, stepping out, purple red light appeared wherever he passed, dazzling.

In an instant, Chu Bei came to the high altitude where the huge silhouette was. Opposite the front, his clothes danced with the wind, and his back was like a world-famous Immortal God.


"It turned out that Boss Chu's previous strength was after it has been sealed!"

"Now it's just unlocking the first Seals? How many seals did he add to himself!"


Gu Yuan, Zhu Kun and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, shocked, It's hard to calm down.

"Who are you!"

In the battlefield, the huge silhouette still sits on Qing Luan, but since Chu Bei destroyed the rune mountain, it looked towards Chu Bei His eyes are a little more serious.

Chu Bei did not respond, just laughed.

"That's all, no matter where you come from or what background you have, if you dare to attack this discipline, you will have to pay the price."

Sen Han’s voice fell, huge silhouette When he got up from Qing Luan, the appearance that was originally wrapped in muddy air became more illusory, and it was difficult to see through.


Heavenly Luan at the feet of the huge silhouette seemed to have been instructed, with a sound of hiss, the pair of golden wings and lightning intertwined, and the wind surged violently.

Afterwards, I saw its Golden wings shook, and all the essence of the continuous mountain range floating below was gathered, submerged in its wings, and rushed into its mouth and nose.

In an instant, Heavenly Luan’s imposing manner skyrocketed to an incomparable terrifying point; but its size was just the opposite, shrinking continuously, and finally turned into a handle that released dazzling rays of light. Golden long sword of light.

This long sword is very weird. A pair of Golden wings extends from the body of the sword, releasing an extremely holy breath.


Golden long sword flickered, turned into a beam of light, penetrates the sky, and points directly at Chu Bei between the eyebrows.

With one sword, Heaven and Earth was shocked.

At this moment, Zhu Kun, Gu Yuan, medicine pill and the others have fully realized the terrifying of Qing Luan!

Even if it is them, Dou Qi within the body of this Golden long sword has ceased to circulate, as if suddenly becoming an ordinary person. What's more terrifying is that they seem to lose consciousness, for a time unable to move even a little bit.

In their sight, there are only the Unrivalled Divine Sword destroying heaven extinguishing earth in the sky far away, and the Boss Chu who is about to be penetrated but still calm.


Seeing that the Unrivalled Divine Sword was about to penetrate Chu Bei's between the eyebrows, the latter casually raised his right hand, and two fingers stuck out .

Afterwards, under several horrified gazes, those two fingers lightly pinched the Unrivalled Divine Sword, and the meet God kill God meet Buddha kill Buddha on the Divine Sword was also the imposing manner of the meet God kill God meet Buddha kill Buddha. Stopped abruptly.

Almost at the same time, Zhu Kun, Gu Yuan and the others' restraint power from Divine Sword disappeared and their freedom was restored.

"This terrifying sword is actually pinched with two fingers! And seeing Boss Chu's appearance seems very casual, as if he didn't use any force at all!"

"Boss Chu, mighty!"

Seeing this scene, the Six Race Powerhouse wriggled his throat, his fiery eyes fixed on Chu Bei's body, and his eyes were full of worship.


A cracked and crisp sound wafted from the battlefield, spreading far away.

next moment, the continuous screams of wailing and neighing sounded in everyone's ears, entrained in deep pain.

Looking at it, the Golden giant sword broke into two halves under Chu Bei's two fingers, and turned into the Heavenly Luan body again.

It's just that, at the moment Heavenly Luan divided into two, Golden's blood ran across the sky like a river. His mouth kept moaning, he was suffering from unbearable pain, and his cry was pitiful.


The huge silhouette immediately shouting loudly, and at the same time protruding a big white hand, as crystal clear as a jade stone, moved towards Chu Bei and patted it.

This palm flows thickly and thickly breathes, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood.

But even if the huge silhouette immediately shot, it was still too late!

Chu Bei turned his palm into a knife, slashing down with force, a huge blade tore the void formed by a flaming flame, and all kinds of powerful flame creatures can be seen behind it.

The flame blade passed over the two halves of Heavenly Luan's body. In an instant, Heavenly Luan's neighing sound disappeared in the sky, and the two halves of the body disappeared.


The flame blade finally blended with the palm prints shot by the huge silhouette, shattering a sky.

"Master's mount was killed."

Looking at Qing Luan, whose skeleton doesn't exist, the evil thoughts are like a blow from the blue sky, and his expression is numb.

"Kill my mount, this deity wants you not to enter the reincarnation!"

The huge silhouette Senhan's eyes locked on Chu Bei, shouting loudly, and the shouts were filled with fierce killing intents.

At this moment, the mist on the outside of the huge silhouette dissipated to reveal the truth.

The amazing appearance is only twenty-six or seven years old, very handsome and full of life.

This is different from the dignity, simplicity, and dignity in the imagination, and it has subverted everyone's guess.


The mount was killed, and the huge silhouette burned with anger. He moved truely, and the mighty power penetrated the sky.

The cold syllable of the word fell, and a giant axe appeared in the hands of the huge silhouette. The axe blade was shrouded with a weird black glow; just looking at it, Dou Di lost his mind.

The huge silhouette takes one step, swings an axe, and slashes towards Chu Bei.

Suddenly, the void cracked, and a dark long rainbow traversed the sky, which made people palpitate.

"You think you can kill me? You are far from qualified."

Faced with terrifying attacks, Chu Bei did not see the slightest fear on his face, calm and collected.

The indifferent voice fell, and I saw its body suddenly enlarged, able to support both heaven and earth, gradually reaching the sky.

At the moment of Chu Bei, the power of the flame in his body is running wildly, all around the void and various flames are rippling, quietly hanging in its all around, giving people an unspeakable oppression, all living beings must look up.

Behind it is the ups and downs of the raging fire sea. Various Fire Element creatures can be seen beating in the fire sea, including the 22 types of Heavenly Flames on Dou Qi Continent besides Ancient Emperor Tuo She. .

Chu Bei also shot, a spear thrust came out, the entire battlefield sky ka-cha was divided into four areas!

The Six Race Powerhouse was stunned, looking at the center of the battlefield dumbly, waiting for the collision of the two Supreme attacks.

Of course, the shocking duel they expected did not appear, not even the explosion.

Almost instantly, the strong awn that Chu Bei pierced out crushed dry weeds and smashing rotten wood and annihilated the huge silhouette of the axe blade.

giant axe collapsed, huge silhouette eyes suddenly shrank, staggering backwards.

Obviously, this giant axe is connected to his origin. When the axe was destroyed, he also suffered a backlash.

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