In the battlefield, the huge silhouette of the giant axe backlash has not stabilized its stability, and the silhouette is close in sight.

I saw the long spear in the opponent's hand pierced again, and several huge fire dragons surged from the tip of the gun, blasting towards him.


In an instant, there was a red glow in the sky, like thousands of scorching sun exploding at the same time.

Zhu Kun, Gu Yuan, medicine pill and the others, as well as all those who watched the battle with their heads up at the continent, closed their eyes at the same time, and could not bear the dazzling rays of light.


"One day, the deity will kill you!"

Among the dazzling flame glow, the huge silhouette is full of thick killing intents The roar sound came out, first spreading the entire battlefield, and then resounding in every corner of Dou Qi Continent.

Gradually, the sound of roar disappeared, and the sky on the battlefield was silent.

"The man disappeared!"

"The battle is over."

"Is that guy dead or escaped?"

"Anyway, we have escaped this catastrophe."


The flame dissipated, and the Six Powerhouse looked at the sky unsteadily. It came from Great Thousand. The terrifying existence of Worlds disappeared.

Some are just youth men wearing long robes and holding long spears. He is peaceful and descends slowly on the void.

The void that was originally shattered by the battle is now being repaired by an invisible Power of Space.

"Boss Chu!"

Gu Yuan, Zhu Kun and other Powerhouses immediately stepped forward with joy on their faces.

Chu Bei glanced across Gu Yuan and the others. After nodded responded, the fire divine spear waved.

Suddenly, the visions of Gu Yuan, Zhu Kun and the others changed, and in an instant they returned to the Ancient Emperor Cave Mansion.

After that, Chu Bei looked towards Xie Nian.


At this time, the evil thoughts are still immersed in the defeat of the huge silhouette, muttering to himself.

When Chu Bei's gaze was noticed, his expression was once again hideous: "Master will definitely find you again!"

Chu Bei shook the head, the sigh fell, Gun threw away.


Evil thoughts turned into nothingness.

"After you leave the inheritance, you can also leave."

After solving the evil thoughts, Chu Bei's eyes fell on Ancient Emperor Tuo She.

"Many thanks to Senior."

Ancient Emperor Tuo She moved towards Chu Bei again and bowed, then glanced over medicine pill, Gu Yuan and the others, and raised his hand. Wave, several light groups appeared.

"My inheritance is here, and you take what you need. As for the final step you can take, it depends on your good fortune."

The old voice fell , Ancient Emperor Tuo She looked towards Void.

long long long ——

Void roared, and a dark passage appeared at the foot of Ancient Emperor Tuo She.

"Boss Chu, if fated will meet again!"

Ancient Emperor Tuo She moved towards Chu Bei hugged cup one fist in the other hand, and then looked towards Zhu Kun, Gu Yuan said: "I will explore the way for you first, and I will be waiting for you there."

After that, Ancient Emperor Tuo She stepped out and stepped into the dark void passage.


Following the Ancient Emperor Cave Mansion battle, the name of Chu Bei can be regarded as completely spread in Dou Qi Continent.

In addition to the spread of the Great Influence of the Six Ancient Races and Central Plains, people in the continent gradually know that although there is no Dou Di on the continent, it has an existence beyond Dou Di.

As for Chu Bei, through the Force of Desire Value, the cultivation base has also entered the nine-star Dou Sheng.

However, when he was preparing to break through to Dou Di, he suddenly realized that he could not continue the redemption.

To continue, you must first unlock Level 11 merchandise permissions.

And if you want to unlock the level 11 product permissions, you have to complete the tasks released by the system.

Next, Chu Bei had a carefree and happy life at Dou Qi Continent.

The day after one year.

Yellow Sky City, the famous continent gathered on the central square.

Among these people, Gu Clan Clan Leader Gu Yuan, Yao Clan Clan Leader medicine pill, Lei Clan Clan Leader Lei Ying, and...Even Dragon Emperor Zhu Kun of Ancient Void Dragon rushed coming.

"Boss, can't you really take us with you?" There were tears in the eyes of the two girls, Qing Lin and Xiao Yixian.

After this year's training by Chu Bei, the two daughters' cultivation bases have entered Dou Sheng's ranks!

"I just went out traveling, and I will be back soon." Chu Bei put out his hands and wiped away the tears of the two girls.

Afterwards, Chu Bei glanced at Zhu Kun, Gu Yuan and the others: "Many thanks, everyone come to see you off."

After saying goodbye to a group of people, Chu Bei The divine sense moved.

long long long ——

Suddenly, a rumbling sound rang, and then the void in front of Chu Bei became distorted.

Afterwards, a blue crossed scroll wheel appeared slowly. At the top of the scroll wheel, the six large characters [plane wheel of time and space] are particularly conspicuous; below it, there are [Douluo Continent plane] six slightly smaller upper Some words.

Look intently, that in the roller is a blue passage crocheted by time.

Looking at the emergence of the wheel of time, Chu Bei seemed to be prepared, stepping out and stepping into this wheel of time and space.

"What is Boss Chu in front of him?"

"I don't know, we dare not ask!"

"Na Zhan blue Where does passage lead to?"

"Is it possible that is the same place as Ancient Emperor Tuo She went? Is it the Great Thousand Worlds?"


Looking at the blue scroll wheel above the mansion and the passage inside the scroll wheel that I don’t know where to lead, Gu Yuan, medicine pill and the others looked at each other and speculated.

As soon as he stepped into the wheel of time and space, Chu Bei suddenly found that the majestic battle qi in his body was like a chain that was suddenly handcuffed to a chain, and he couldn't move it.

Furthermore, he did not appear in Douluo Continent in an instant. He seemed to swim in a wonderful world woven by a long river of time, without drifting forward day and night.


Douluo Continent.

A world belonging to Martial Spirit.

There is no magic here, there is no Dou Qi, but there is a magical Martial Spirit.

Everyone on continent, when they are six years old, will awaken Martial Spirit in Martial Soul Palace.

According to categories, Martial Spirit has animals, plants, and utensils.

The awakened Martial Spirit can assist people in their daily lives, and some of the outstanding Martial Spirits can even be used for cultivation and battle.

Martial Spirit, which can be used for cultivation battles, has created a profession, and it is also the most powerful and honorable profession on Douluo Continent, "Soul Master."

In the southwest of continent Heaven Dou Empire, there is a province called Fasinuo Province, and there is a village in the province named Holy Spirit Village.

The reason why it is called Holy Spirit Village is because a soul Saint Level and another Soul Master once walked out here a hundred years ago, thus it was named.

This is also the eternal pride of the people of Holy Spirit Village.

Compared with Dou Qi Continent, Dou Qi Continent also has a clear realm division.

Douluo Continent, the foundation of the cultivator is Wu Soul Power. According to the strength of Wu Soul Power, it is divided into ten great realms, and each realm corresponds to a title. Each title is divided into ten levels.

Martial Spirit Awakening is just entered, called the Soul Warrior. After cultivation, when Soul Power reaches Level 11, it will enter the next title, which is Soul Master.

The ten specific titles are, in order, Soul Master, Soul Master, Great Soul Master, Soul Sect, Soul Sect, Soul King, Soul Emperor, Soul Sage, Soul Douluo and Titaned Douluo.

This name of Douluo Continent also comes from this.

Of course, in the cultivation system of Douluo Continent, if you want to leap from one title to the next, not only Soul Power must reach the Peak of the previous title, but also a spirit ring.

Without a spirit ring, even if you work hard on cultivation, it is impossible to enter the next title. Therefore, when the Soul Power of a cultivator reaches the Peak of its realm, it must get the next spirit ring and enter the next level before it can continue the cultivation.

On this day, the village is the same as usual. The adults are doing farm work on the cropland, and a group of children are playing around in the pond next to the farmland.

Just in the silence, just above the pond, at a height of 100 meters, a pitch-black gap emerged, and a silhouette in Tsing Yi fell from the gap.


This silhouette fiercely fell into the water.

First, there was a low and crisp sound of impact, followed by a crash-bang splash of water.

Hearing this loud noise, the children playing by the water immediately looked towards the center of the pond.

"Someone fell into the water!"

"It's still a Great Grandpa!"

"What should I do? How could he fall into the water, it seems He's already dead."

"No, I'll call the adults over."

"Will he be a water ghost?"

... …

Seeing a silhouette floating in the water, a group of children immediately screamed, all with fear on their faces.

Some children have already ran to the farming land to seek help from adults; some children froze in place, not knowing what to do; some children even retreated in fear, it seems true I thought that silhouette in the river was changed by the fruit.

If the behavior is the most peculiar, there is nothing more than the fattest of these children. He picked up a large dry tree stump, and then jumped into the water with a puff.

"Dogballz, are you crazy!"

"You can't swim at all, come back soon!"

"That person must be a water ghost Yes, as soon as you pass, he will eat you!"


Seeing Fat Dun holding the dry tree stump without the slightest hesitation moved towards the center of the pond floating When the silhouette of that silhouette was rowing away, the children on the shore hurriedly opened their mouths and shouted with anxiety.

The silhouette that fell from the sky into the pond is Chu Bei.

At this moment, Chu Bei didn't have any thoughts to look at everything all around. He was staring at his reflection in the water, watching, and bewildered.

He is not the young and handsome man he used to be!

This is an old man with wrinkles all over his face and little white hair left. He is about 80 or 90 years old.

In horror, Chu Bei immediately mobilized the energy in his body, but found that his body was empty.

He really seems to have become an ordinary old man!

Divine sense was checked internally. Fortunately, the system is still there.

When I saw some kind hints on the system, Chu Bei's tight body was relieved, and his heavy heart was slightly slowed down, long sighed.

Because the two continent cultivation systems are different, the system is converting his cultivation base in Dou Qi Continent into the cultivation base of Dou Qi Continent.

Current conversion progress: zero percent.

As for him to become the old man now, when he passes through the wheel of time and space, he changes randomly, just like reincarnation.

Unfortunately, he became an old man at random. But with the restoration of the cultivation base, he can gradually restore his handsome appearance at the cost.

In other words, the randomness of the wheel of time and space is not necessarily the old man, it may be a baby, or even a beast without a cultivation base.

In addition to the conversion of the cultivation base, the Force of Desire Value of the two continents is not equivalent and universal.

For example, when he uses the Force of Desire Value obtained by Dou Qi Continent in Dou Qi Continent, he only needs 100,000 Force of Desire Value when redeeming Level 8 products; you can use Dou Qi here in Dou Qi Continent. The Force of Desire Value obtained by Continent was exchanged for Level 8 merchandise, but it required 1 million Force of Desire Value, which was ten times more.

As for Level 9 products, you need 2 million Force of Desire Value!

Ten-level high grade products require 4 million Force of Desire Value!

If you say that the only small advantage is that the treasure redeemed in Dou Qi Continent's Force of Desire Value at Dou Qi Continent can not only be used by oneself, but can also be given to others to use.

Look at the remaining Force of Desire Value: 12 million.

Chu Bei regretted it, but also rejoiced.

I regret that I did not continue to sell more products after the cultivation base reached Dou Sheng Peak, so I could earn more Force of Desire Value; fortunately, he was not in Force of Desire. Come to Douluo Continent when Value runs out.

Although Dou Qi Continent’s Force of Desire Value is extremely luxurious in Dou Qi Continent, there is at least a little bit of self-insurance.

Just when Chu Bei defamated the system and failed to inform him of these changes in advance, in his line of sight, a Little Fatty was holding the dry stump in one hand, and paddling the water with the other. Keep approaching him.

"grandfather, you're okay, really very good."

Seeing Chu Bei staring at him, he screamed in surprise, making the stroke even more powerful.

Listening to the'grandfather' in Fat Dun's mouth, Chu Bei couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth; but when he saw the innocent kindness in the other's eyes, a warm current surged in his heart.

Although this chubby does not appear, he will be fine. But seeing such a little fellow who can't swim can come to rescue him without fear of life and death, he is still a little bit happy.

Under the chubby drag and lightly, Chu Bei put a hand on the wooden stake.

After that, Fat Dun turned around and swam towards the shore strenuously.

"The Great Grandpa didn't die!"

"Dogballz really saved him."

"Don't go there! He might really be Water ghost!"

"It seems that I have never seen him. He is not in our village."


Children on the shore, even if they are Seeing Chu Bei holding Chu Bei close to his eyes, one by one still did not dare to come forward and approach.

Ta Ta Ta!

After a while, the child who ran to the farmland first ran back. Behind them, they followed a few adults who had come to hear the wind.

"Dogballz, did you save this Senior?" A middle-aged woman in sackcloth looked at Fatty in surprise.

"I was afraid that grandfather might have an accident, so I passed by." Nodded, chubby and simple.

"You don’t know how to swim, do you know how dangerous it is!"

After the Mai women drank Chu Bei, they looked towards Chu Bei: "Senior, how come you appear to us? Holy Spirit Village, is it still in the water?"

"Where do you think this is?" Chu Bei's sunken eyes lit up, and a hoarse voice came from his mouth.

"Senior, you don't even know where this is? Could you be lost?"

The Ma Pao woman continued: "This is the Holy Spirit Village! "

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