Hearing the name Holy Spirit Village from the Mai woman again, Chu Bei inadvertently raised a smile.

"Senior, do you remember where your home is? We will take you back. It's getting dark. It's too dangerous for you to be out alone." A middle-aged man carrying a hoe asked. .

"I don't remember this."

Chu Bei lightly coughed, raised his head forty-five corners, pretending to be an expression of trying to recall.

"This Senior won't have amnesia, right."

"Hey, it can't be called amnesia. At this age, it is forgetfulness."

"No I know which Senior this is, and I can’t watch it carefully. It’s really not worrying."

"It’s getting dark. See who has a free bed, or let him stay overnight. Late?"


One by one, the adults who came from the farming land, their eyes fell on Chu Bei's body, and their faces were all troubled.

In their opinion, it is not a problem to contain Chu Bei overnight, but the key is that the latter has forgotten where it came from. If it is 2nd day, 3rd day, or even can’t find a home forever, don’t they have to keep going Take in such a Senior?

I was also worried about this happening. For a while, no one dared to take the initiative to stay overnight in Chu Bei.

"grandfather, go to my place to sleep. Although the room is crowded, it is enough for me to sleep." At this moment, Chu Bei tugged at the corner of Chu Bei's clothes opened the mouth and said.

"Then Senior, you can go back to sleep with Dogballz. Looking back, we will give Dogballz more food."

A group of villagers looked at each other and spoke again and again. They all expressed their intention to send something to Dogballz.

"Many thanks."

Chu Bei moved towards After a group of villagers thanked them, they moved towards an old house in the westernmost part of the village with the help of the fat pier.

When entering the house and seeing the terrible environment in the house, Chu Bei looked towards Pangdun again, feeling pity.

"Where are your parents?" Chu Bei asked curiously.

"They are all dead. Grandfather, the village chief, has always taken care of me." Chubby bit his lip and opened the mouth and said.

When Chu Bei looked towards Chu Bei looked towards Chu Bei, he felt even more sympathy.

After a brief exchange, he also learned some information about Fatty.

Pangdun’s real name is Wang Fan. As for his nickname, it’s Dogballz, the villager’s name.

I have to say that Wang Fan's life experience is really pitiful. When he was first born, his mother passed away due to a dystocia.

Only two years later, his father fell off a cliff and passed away during an outing.

He has been adopted by the village chief since he was two years old.

When he was six years old, he returned to the old house left by his parents alone, and has lived alone for a whole year.


2nd day, the sky is just dark.

Chu Bei was awakened by the slight movement.

Pang Dun Wang Fan has got up, finished packing, and seems to be leaving the house.

"grandfather, it's me who was too moving. Did you wake you up?" Wang Fan apologized when Chu Bei woke up.

"little fellow, where are you going at this point? Take me too. I stay in this house alone, a little scared." Chu Bei straightened his clothes and got up from the bed. , With curiosity on his face.

Compared with the day before, when he first arrived at Douluo Continent, he felt that his own strength was significantly more. Although he looked like an old man, it shouldn't be a problem to punch a dog to death.

At the moment, the conversion progress of Battle Through the Heavens cultivation base has changed from 0 to 1!

Meeting Chu Bei's gaze, Wang Fan hesitated for a moment, and said: "Then grandfather, I will support you."

With the help of Wang Fan, Chu Bei quickly Came to a hill to the north of the village.

"grandfather, let's sit here, and the sound will be louder if you go further."

Wang Fan stopped in front of a rock and supported him like a thief. Chu Bei slowly fell on the stone.

I saw an open area 100 meters ahead, where there was a thin boy.

The boy is only five or six years old. Perhaps he is often exposed to the warmth of the sun. His skin shows a healthy wheat color. Black short hair looks neat, and the clothes are simple but clean.

Because of being too focused, or Wang Fan and Chu Bei being too careful, the male child did not find the two who had arrived.

I saw the boy with his legs tied in a standard horse stance, staring at the grey dawn that gradually brightened in the east, slowly inhaling between his nose and then slowly exhaling it from his mouth.

The male child inhales and exhales regularly, repeating the cycle.

If you look closely, you will find that the boy's eyes flashed with a faint purple meaning. Although this purple did not last too long to converge quietly, when it exists, it is so clear.

"He is the person of our age who is most likely to become a Soul Master."

Wang Fan stared at the boy who was focusing on cultivation a hundred meters away, with envy in his eyes.

"You aspire to be a Powerhouse?" Chu Bei looked at Wang Fan calmly.

"Of course! Who doesn't want to be a Soul Master and be respected."

Wang Fan's fat little face is full of yearning for Soul Master, saying He lowered his head as he said, "But I have already participated in the awakening ceremony last year. Martial Spirit is just a wooden stick, and Soul Power is not. It is destined to become a Soul Master."

Speaking of which, Wang Fan The right palm is spread out, and in the palm is a Ping Ping strange wooden stick.

Looking at the slumped Wang Fan, Chu Bei stretched out his hand and lightly patted the latter's shoulder blades: "I can not only make you a Soul Master, but also make you a Peak Powerhouse of this continent. But wait until you really are. Standing on the top of this continent, I hope you will always maintain a kind heart."

With a smile, Chu Bei right hand moves, a brilliant group of light popping out of its palm. Out.

In the light group, it is a rare beast phantom that resembles a lion.

It is covered with black scales, and the cold glow of the scales makes people chill. Apart from this, it also has a pair of wings made of steel!

And, that weird black unicorn!

Golden marks are wrapped around the horn, which spreads to the neck, back, and tail.

At first glance, its body looks like a layer of gold and black armor. The most shocking thing is the dark Golden eyes, which are like the eyes of Heavenly God. , Faintly carrying a mighty power in the world.

"grandfather, you...you are..."

Seeing the hand exposed by Chu Bei, Wang Fan's face was startled and he stared at Chu Bei in amazement.

He thought that what he had rescued from the pond was just an ordinary old man, but judging from the light ball floating in the palm of the opponent at the moment, the other party was obviously not the ordinary old man he thought.

"little fellow, this is the opportunity I gave you, even if it was your reward for saving me ashore yesterday."

Not waiting for Wang Fan to come back to his senses from the shock , Chu Bei waved his right hand, and the light ball in his palm flew into Wang Fan's between the eyebrows.

Next moment, Wang Fan only felt a rush of heat in his body, and then his limbs were flooded with a warm current, and a magical force wandered all over his body.

Finally, under his horrified gaze, this force condensed in his palm, and instantly shattered his Wu Soul Wood stick and replaced it.

"This is your new Martial Spirit, his name is Golden Horned Beast. As your strength improves, you will find that this Martial Spirit is far stronger than you think."

Chu Bei is another pointer between the eyebrows in Wang Fan, and related information about Golden Horned Beast flooded into the latter's mind.

Because it is not the Golden Horned Beast in the real world, but its Martial Spirit, and it is growing, it is divided into Level 9 products.

The reason why Chu Bei is willing to spend the 2 million Force of Desire Value is because the fat man saved him without fear of life and death, and the other is because of the sympathy of the other person's life experience, which is also destined.

"grandfather, thank you!"

Wang Fan fell to his knees, heavily kowtowed towards Chu Bei.

[The branch mission is on: the host receives ten Level 1 agents at Douluo Continent]

[If the Level 1 agent is on the list suggested by the system, there will be a Force of Desire Value reward , And can speed up the progress of the conversion of the cultivation base]

Just when Chu Bei lifted up Wang Fan, the system tone sounded in the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Chu Bei was taken aback first, and then looked towards the list given by the system. The names of the people on the list were all core characters in the original book.

Chu Bei glanced at Wang Fan. Although there was no opponent on the suggested list, he decided to give him a spot.

Who makes him like this chubby dog ​​called Dogballz!

"Grandfather, why are you laughing?" Fat Dun'er was puzzled.

"In a while, I will consider giving you another chance."

Chu Bei squeezed Wang Fan's fleshy face, after the voice fell, he continued to look towards Bai The boy who is still cultivation from Miwai.

When he first saw the boy, he knew the identity of the other person.

It is the protagonist of this Douluo Continent, Tang San!

Of course, the other party is also the Level 1 agent suggested on the system list.

Compared to Force of Desire Value, he is more urgent now to quickly turn the cultivation base into success.

Chu Bei steps towards Tang San.

"Why can't break through the bottleneck of First Layer. It has been three full months. What is wrong?"

At this moment, little Tang San suddenly sits Cross-legged on the ground, he sighed, showing a helpless expression that should never have appeared at his age.

"Confused? Because the world you are now in is different from your original world. If you want to cultivate Mysterious Heaven Skill to Second Layer, you must first have a spirit ring."


Just when Tang San was puzzled, the sudden sound of behind made him tremble, and he got up directly from the ground.

"Dogballz brother!"

Tang San's gaze suddenly fell on the familiar Wang Fan.

Soon, Tang San seemed to think of something, his eyes quickly fell on Chu Bei's body again, his brows furrowed and his face was wary.

"Who you are!"

Although Tang San's face is pretending to be calm, his heart is overwhelmed.

Just now, the other party actually said'this world' and'your original world', and also said the three words of'Mysterious Heaven Skill'!

Whether it is the former or the latter, they are all secrets deep in his heart, even his closest father does not know.

It stands to reason that no one in this world knows his secrets at all, because he came through through and did not originally belong to this World!

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