"Your previous life was also called Tang San, but you only lived to be twenty-nine. You were abandoned by your biological parents when you were just born. Tang Sect Outer Elder Tang Lan sees you pitifully , Brings you back to Tang Sect."

"Tang Sect has been divided into Inner and Outer Sect from the time it was established. Outer sects are all surnames or dísciple granted by surnamed Tang, while Inner Sect is It belongs to Tang Sect directly, clan inheritance."

"You entered Tang Sect not long after you were born, and you are Ranked 3rd in Outer Disciple's hierarchy, so Outer Disciple likes to call you Third Young Master. Of course, In the mouth of the Inner Disciple, you become Tang San."

"From childhood, you showed the innate talent for Tang Sect hidden weapon superman, and it was because of your love and violation of Tang Sect sect rules. Steal. Enter the Inner Sect Hidden Scripture Pavilion and learn the Tang Sect secret skill secretly. In the end, the Tang Sect’s first hidden weapon, the first hidden weapon that has been lost for two hundred years, was discovered."

"Unfortunately, you will eventually be the first hidden weapon."

" Still unable to cross the hurdle in my heart. After giving the completed Buddha Rage Tanglian to Tang Sect Sect Master, he apologized with death and jumped off the cliff."

Chu Bei said about In Tang San's previous life, he walked in front of Tang San while neither too fast nor too slow, calm and composed, combined with the appearance of an old man, giving people a sense of being expert.

"You...Why do you know this? You are who!"

Tang San took a step back, the look towards Chu Bei became more vigilant, and his expression was also true There was a touch of panic.

This horror stems from the fact that the old man in front of him is clear about him, but he does not know the origin of the other person; apart from this, the most fundamental reason is that he has not grown up.

Now, he is just a child!

If this mysterious old man of unknown origin wants to act on him, he is afraid that he will not have any resistance.

Obviously, Tang San has regarded Chu Bei as a terrifying expert of the kind of cultivation base.

"little fellow, don’t be nervous."

Chu Bei smiled at Tang San, trimmed the corner of his clothes, and said calmly: "I’m a businessman from the heavens, On the day you traveled, I happened to finish a business in your original world. I came to this Douluo Continent with you out of boredom, and I didn’t find you until today."


After hearing what Chu Bei said, Tang San frowned and deepened, and his eyes became more confused: "Then why are you looking for me?"

"Since you have come to this continent, As a businessman, it is natural to create a huge and influential business empire."

Chu Bei smiled and continued: "And you, I feel destined, so I want you to be My man and right arm, build this business empire with me."

"You have also seen that, I am still young, or let this matter go for a while."

Said After that, Tang San turned around and moved towards the foot of the mountain and ran away. From time to time, he looked back at Chu Bei, his eyes filled with suspiciousness and fear.

"grandfather, what did you just say to Tang San? Why do I not understand at all."

Wang Fan looked at Chu Bei, confused: "Also, he Why are you so afraid of you?"

Chu Bei touched Wang Fan's head and said, "You can just keep it and ask Tang San. From now on, you will cultivation with Tang San every day. , When you feel stronger than him, remember to challenge him. As for grandfather, I will leave for a while."

"Well, I will!" Wang Fan heavily nodded.

The reason why Chu Bei chose to leave was one of the reasons that the Holy Spirit Village was too poor, and the other was that he wanted to find another agent on the list in order to speed up the transformation of the cultivation base.

Only when the cultivation base is up, his daily sales limit will go up, and the level 11 product permissions can be unlocked more quickly.

After checking the positions of ten Level 1 agents on the list marked on the system map, Chu Bei prioritized moving towards the nearest person except Tang San.


Two days later.

Chu Bei came to the hunting forest northeast of Notting City.

This is a forest of soul beasts privately owned by the empire. Only Soul Masters who have obtained a warrant from Martial Soul Palace can enter it to hunt soul beasts.

On the periphery of the forest, there is a huge steel fence lined up with sharp spikes on the top of the railing. Obviously this solid iron fence is used to prevent outsiders from sneaking in.

Through the fence, it is faintly visible that there are teams of soldiers cruising in the fence from time to time. Even outside the fence, there are some soldiers patrolling earnestly. These soldiers are all wearing iron essence armor and holding long spears, giving people a sense of killing.

Chu Bei came here naturally because an agent on the system list is here.

"Don't hit me grandfather, please let me grandfather, we are here for the first time, and we will never dare to..."

Just look at the map in Chu Bei The marked red dot almost overlapped with where I was. When I was ready to look for it, a group of soldiers in the gate walked out under the pressure of one old and one young.

The old man is about 60 or 70 years old, hair grey-white, with a rickety figure. At this moment, his clothes are tattered, and thin bloodstains are clearly visible in the tatters. They were drawn by a whip.

Beside the old man, there is an eight or nine-year-old boy. The little boy is also very simple, wearing an ephedra coat, crying, and his eyes are full of panic.

"Uncle officers, please do me a favour. I will go with you, but Oscar is still a child, he doesn’t know anything, I forcibly brought him here. I beg you Let him go."

The old man completely ignored his injuries, fell to his knees in front of the soldiers with a thump, slamming his head, and banging his forehead with blood.

"Found it."

Hearing the name of the old man, Chu Bei glanced at the little boy, his mouth raised, revealing an indescribable smile.

"old bastard, do you now know to beg for mercy? How can you say that you are also a Level 8 Soul Master. Since you know the consequences, why do you still have a fluke mentality? You are like you, we are for one day Hundreds of them have to be caught, and if you are forgiven for your age, will there be more and more offenders in the future?"

A soldier snered, talking, kicking The old man, then raised the long whip in his hand.

But when the long whip in the soldier's hand was about to fall on the old man, a strange silhouette appeared out of thin air in front of the soldier, and at the same time a tyrannical force swept away.

Suddenly, the soldiers surrounding the old man and the little boy shot backwards like cannonballs on the iron fence outside the forest.

After that, a miserable howl came from the mouths of these soldiers.

"Damn it! Who you are! You dare to attack us, don't you die!"

"not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth old fellow, grab it!"

A group of soldiers climbed up from the iron fence with difficulty, resisting the pain on their bodies and surrounded Chu Bei, one by one they pointed their long spears at Chu Bei's head.


As the leading soldier coldly shouted, a group of soldiers swept forward at the same time, long spear stab Chu Bei straight.

Chu Bei faintly glanced at all around the assassinated soldiers. There was no panic on his face. A light shout fell, and the air instantly stagnated.

next moment, with Chu Bei as the center, the void ripples. Wherever the ripples passed, one soldier after another crashed to the ground.

I saw these soldiers have hollow eyes, their bodies are stiff, and their wide-open mouths seem to be frightened.

Looking at the scene before him, the little boy and the old man with scars beside him, eyes shrank, their eyes looking towards Chu Bei are full of consternation and fear.

Many...many thanks, my lord shot.

Until after a long time, the scarred old man came back to his senses from shock, and pulled the little boy to his knees in front of Chu Bei very nervously, thanking him, his eyes filled with gratitude. .

"Get up." Chu Bei held up the old man and boy in front of him.

"My lord, they are all imperial people. You shouldn't do it for us."

The old man got up, grateful eyes with deep worries.

"Except you two, has anyone else seen here? What if someone else sees it?"

Chu Bei glanced across the soldiers on the ground, saying With a smile.

The method that he just used to deal with this group of soldiers was his domineering domineering for a quarter of an hour through the Force of Desire Value code.

Of course, this is also the cheapest overlord he chose. After all, before his cultivation base gets up, Force of Desire Value has to save money. But even so, it is more than enough to deal with these trash soldiers.

"The lord, let's get out of here soon." As he said, the scarred old man was about to take the boy away.

"You should be here to hunt and kill the spirit beasts, did you get the spirit ring?"

The old man took the little boy and just walked two steps, Chu Bei's calm voice Sounded.

The old man shook the head, with regret in his voice: "My lord, we were discovered before we even saw the soul beast. We really shouldn't take the risk. I can count on my old bones. It almost ruined Oscar's future."

The voice fell, and the old man took the little boy in his arms, and his gully hand kept stroking the little boy's head.

"Since I haven't got the spirit ring yet, why leave? Let me go in." Chu Bei said lightly.

"My lord, but this is an imperial private forest, we are not qualified to go in." The old man glanced at the little boy, then at Chu Bei, hesitated.

"I'm here, don't worry, keep up." After the voice fell, Chu Bei stepped into the door.

Listening to Chu Bei's words, and then remembering the other party's previous methods, the old man was taken aback and made a decision, pulling the boy to follow Chu Bei.

In the hunting forest.

The air is very fresh, which makes people feel refreshed.

"My lord, are you who?" The scarred old man followed Chu Bei behind and asked curiously.

"A businessman." Chu Bei responded.


Hearing Chu Bei's answer, the old man was surprised with an unbelievable expression.

Obviously, he didn't expect that this man who seemed to be older than him was still in business.

"Then what are you selling? I just saw you take a shot. Are you a big Soul Master?" The old man continued to ask tentatively.

Chu Bei laughed and did not answer.

I noticed that Chu Bei didn't want to say more, and the old man didn't dare to ask any more questions.

"Oscar, show me your sausage Martial Spirit summon." Chu Bei suddenly stopped and looked towards the little boy.

Upon hearing the sound, the little boy and the old man were shocked at the same time, with his mouth wide open and his face full of look of shock.

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