"Bold lunatic! Do you know where this is!"

A white haired old man following the Star Luo Emperor behind, was meeting Chu When the Bei entire group ignored all around soldiers, it took the lead and uttered a scream, and the tyrannical breath came out.

The shout fell, and before Chu Bei could speak, the white haired old man's eyes blazed brightly, and his body suddenly swelled.

Then, eight spirit rings on his body lit up, and in the blink of an eye, he turned into a golden tiger with a body length of seven meters away.

With a squeak, the Golden Tiger's back threw force, and directly rushed towards Chu Bei.

Because the white haired old man was not far from Chu Bei, it was almost just a show of stability, and the sharp claw of the golden tiger that it transformed into was already in front of Chu Bei.

"You also give me time to talk."

Chu Bei glanced at the white haired old man who rushed forward, shook the head, and felt helpless voice falling. , Squeezed out.

This fist doesn't have any fancy, it looks simple and crisp.

However, with such a punch, when it collided with the sharp claw of the Golden Tiger, an incomparable horrible energy burst out.

hong long!

The deafening blast resounded throughout the Imperial Palace.

With a punch, the Golden Tiger was flew upside down by strikes and hit the beam of the main hall not far behind.

With the sound of the roof beams collapsing and the bricks shattering, the Golden Tiger has turned back to the previous white haired old man, and the eight spirit rings on his body have become dim. The bursting clothes, pale face, unwiped blood hung around the corners of his mouth, and his breath was extremely weak.

"Okay...really strong!"

"He defeated the three offerings of 8Level 6 Soul Douluo with one punch!"

"This guy who committed the crime Who is it?"

"I am afraid that only people from Martial Soul Palace dare to be so arrogant."

"You just saw his spirit ring light up? He What is the Martial Spirit?"


Looking at the white haired old man smashing into the wall of the great hall, the ministers of civil and military affairs were taken aback first, came back to His senses, staring at Chu Bei one by one, his eyes were full of surprise.

Star Luo Emperor is also eyes shrank, and then browse tightly knit, there is more vigilance in the gaze looking towards Chu Bei.

"Your Majesty, he...he is very strong."

After the white haired old man wiped off the blood from the corners of his mouth, he flew out of the wall and came to the side of the Star Luo Emperor Then, lowered his voice.

Star Luo Emperor glanced at the white haired old man, and after nodded, his gaze returned to Chu Bei's body.

"Your Excellency forcibly rushed into the Imperial Palace, what do you want!" The Star Luo Emperor half-squinted his eyes, his voice was cold, and there was a sense of majesty in his words.

"Do you think I can meet you in a normal way?" Chu Bei said with a smile.

"See me?"

Star Luo Emperor looked confused: "Is it possible that I have no way to govern the country?"

Chu Bei shook the head, then He reached out his hand and pointed at the eleven or twelve-year-old boy beside the Star Luo Emperor: "To be more precise, I am here for him."


Seeing Chu Bei pointing at himself, the little boy obviously lost one's head out of fear.

"Well, it's you." Chu Bei slightly nod, complied slightly.

"Mubai, do you know him?" Star Luo Emperor looked towards his little son Dai Mubai and asked.

"Back to Imperial Father, this is the first time the child has seen him." The boy was very sure.

Hearing the sound, Star Luo Emperor's eyes returned to Chu Bei's body.

"I'm coming this time, I want to take him away and give him the inheritance."

Chu Bei did not tell about the Level 1 agency, but changed his statement.

"Hehe, your Excellency is jesting."

After being surprised, the Star Luo Emperor said: "I am a member of the Imperial Family, I have evil eyes White Tiger inheritance, no need to worship others Power."

"My inheritance does not conflict with your Imperial Family inheritance." Chu Bei continued.

"Then I don't know what you want to inherit to Mubai?" Star Luo Emperor became interested.

"You can only experience it personally, it is inconvenient to explain it." Chu Bei pretended to be suspenseful.

"I wonder if these three little fellows behind you have accepted your inheritance?" Star Luo Emperor looked towards Oscar, Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong.

Chu Bei looked at Star Luo Emperor with a smile, as if he had guessed the latter's intentions.

"In that case, why not let Mubai learn from your dísciple? Look at the inheritance of my evil eye White Tiger and your inheritance stronger and weaker." The Star Luo Emperor was proud.

"Imperial Father, absolutely no. I'm afraid I can't control my strength and lose my hand and hurt them seriously."

Dai Mubai glanced at Oscar III, the oldest of seven or eight years old. People, quickly opened the mouth and said.

"You can't hurt them, choose one." Chu Bei smiled and looked at Dai Mubai.

Hearing Chu Bei's words, Dai Mubai looked towards Star Luo Emperor again. After seeing the instruction in the latter's eyes, he finally pointed to Oscar.

Let him shoot two girls who are not five or six years old. He really can't do it. If he had to choose one, he could only target the slightly larger Oscar.

Seeing that Dai Mubai chose Oscar, Chu Bei was satisfied with nodded. If the opponent really chooses Ning Rongrong or Xiao Wu as his opponent, then he really has to consider whether to let the opponent be a Level 1 agent.

"Come on, I will control the intensity."

Dai Mubai took a step forward, moved towards Oscar and beckoned, and then two yellow spirit rings lit up on his body, among them A little purple has appeared in the second yellow spirit ring.

When the shout fell, Dai Mubai's body was covered with a layer of tiger-shaped light armor.

Looking at Dai Mubai, Emperor Xingluo raised a smug smile at the corner of his mouth, and once again looked towards Chu Bei with ostentation.

His young son can be said to be the best innate talent in the Imperial Family for nearly a thousand years. He has entered the realm of Level 26 Soul Master at the age of 11, and his second spirit ring is still 900. The spirit ring of the year.

"Boss, I'm going."

Oscar took a look at Chu Bei, stepped forward and held a cup one fist in the other hand with Dai Mubai.

Immediately, the sausage Martial Spirit appeared in the palm of his hand.


"Will he be the auxiliary Soul Master."

"Then how did he fight Mubai?"


When all the ministers of civil and military affairs saw the Martial Spirit displayed by Oscar, they all showed surprise and contempt.

But after a while, when I saw the three spirit rings on Oscar's body, his face suddenly changed.

"Little fellow, how old are you this year?"

Seeing the three spirit rings on Oscar's body, Emperor Xingluo looked startled and couldn't help but ask.

"Almost eight years old."

Listening to Oscar's words, the civil and military ministers looked even more terrified, with their mouths open, looking at each other in blank dismay.

"Soul Venerable less than eight years old!"

"Six-year-old awakened soul Martial Spirit, so down, his Soul Power will increase by more than ten levels a year! What does he do? That's it!"

At this moment, everyone in the field focused on Oscar's body, and there were constant discussions.

There are very few such cultivation talents throughout the history of Douluo Continent.

"White Tiger body protection barrier!"

When everyone was still immersed in the realm of Oscar Soul Venerable, the Dai Mubai silhouette moved.

The shout fell, the first spirit ring lit up, and the golden light of the white tiger outside the body seemed to be covered with armor.

"White Tiger blazing light waves!"

As the second spirit ring lights up, Dai Mubai bounces up like a tiger out of the cage and rushes towards Oscar.

Facing Dai Mubai, Oscar spreads his legs apart, and while his center of gravity sinks, he directly punched out.


Although Oscar's fist did not have any spirit abilities attached, it easily penetrated the White Tiger hood outside Dai Mubai's body, and then hit Dai Mubai's fist with a blow.

Next moment, accompanied by a dull sound, Dai Mubai's body flew upside down like a cannonball and hit the ground.

"Little prince, are you okay?"

Seeing Dai Mubai being shot into flight, a group of civil and military officials immediately ran to Dai Mubai in a panic.

"I'm fine."

Dai Mubai climbed up from the ground, quickly returned to the battlefield, and attacked Oscar again.


A similar scene happened again.

Oscar just strikes with a simple straight punch, without any fancy, but it not only takes over Dai Mubai's White Tiger light wave, but also knocks the latter into the air.

"Sure enough, the gap in the cultivation base great realm cannot be made up by Martial Spirit and spirit skills." Dai Mubai returned to the battlefield again, but this time he did not make any more moves.

Before, when Oscar showed three spirit rings, he thought that the opponent was only an auxiliary Soul Master, and he could rely on Martial Spirit and soul skills to defeat the opponent.

Clinker, his idea is too naive!

Even though he has the blessing of soul skills, his power is still far behind Oscar, who has already entered the ranks of souls.

"Imperial Father, I am not his opponent."

After Dai Mubai took a deep breath, he looked up towards Star Luo Emperor, with a little unwillingness in his eyes.

"Don't be discouraged, your Soul Power is too different. It is normal to lose." Star Luo Emperor opened the mouth and said.

"Sir, I can let Mubai follow your cultivation. However, you must at least tell me what power you are behind? So that I can find him in the future." Star Luo Emperor looked towards Chu Bei.

"All Heavens Store." Four faint syllables spit out from Chu Bei's mouth.

"All Heavens Store?"

Star Luo Emperor repeated it, then looked towards all around the civil and military officials, with questions in his eyes.

But a crowd of civil and military officials shook their heads, obviously they had never heard of the name.

"Can you tell me the location of the All Heavens Store?" Star Luo Emperor asked.

"Undecided for the time being."

Chu Bei responded: "If you want to find your little son, you can go to Fasinuo Province, Holy Spirit Village in Heaven Dou Empire."


"Heaven Dou Empire?!"

Everyone, including Emperor Xingluo, was shocked again.

Chu Bei no longer paid attention to Star Luo Emperor, looking towards Dai Mubai, indifferently said: "If you want to become stronger, just let me go. Just seven days, I will give you strength It is a hundred times stronger than it is now!"


In response to Chu Bei's gaze, Dai Mubai hesitated, hesitated for a long time, and seemed to want to say something What swallowed back. Finally, look up towards Emperor Xingluo.

"If you believe him, follow him." Emperor Xingluo moved towards Dai Mubai nodded.

"I will go with you."

After a while, Dai Mubai's eyes met Chu Bei, with a desire for strength in his eyes.

Looking at the Chu Bei entire group as they stepped onto the void shuttle, Emperor Xingluo moved towards behind Wenwu Hundred Officials waved his hand, motioning them to retreat.

"Third Uncle, did you say I did this right?"

The Emperor Xingluo looked towards the departure direction of Chu Bei entire group, looking towards the white that was previously severely injured by Chu Bei the haired old man asked.

"Perhaps this is the best result for Mubai and Weiss."

The white haired old man is long sighed, "At least I don’t have to watch the two brothers live and die for the throne. Kill. Mubai followed that person, maybe the future is better than staying in the Imperial Palace."

"What about Third Uncle's guess on his cultivation base?" Emperor Xingluo said again.

"Above 9Level 5."

The white haired old man narrowed his eyes and muttered.


[Host signed Level 1 agent Dai Mubai successfully]

[Battle Through the Heavens cultivation base conversion speeding up]

[33% progress]

[34% progress]

[35% progress]


After leaving Xingluo Imperial Palace, Chu Bei quickly went through a set of procedures.

After the successful signing of Dai Mubai, Dou Qi Continent's cultivation base conversion progress has changed from 32% to 41%.

He also became a Level 12 Soul King in the cultivation base of Douluo Continent.

What makes Chu Bei quite gratified is that his appearance is finally restored, returning to the handsome appearance before the crossing.

"Boss, what are these?"

On the Space Shuttle, Dai Mubai looked confusedly at the five items he had bought for 650,000 soul coins.

Of these five items, four are identical purple Medicinal Pills, and one is a halo with White Tiger phantom in it.

purple Medicinal Pill, a pill of 100,000; a halo, 250,000.

Of course, these all are Chu Bei selected for Dai Mubai, and they clearly marked the price for the other party to buy.

"You will know after eating." Chu Bei smiled and looked at Dai Mubai. Upon hearing the sound, Dai Mubai threw four purple pills directly into his mouth.

At the moment of the entrance of the Medicinal Pill, a terrified look appeared on Dai Mubai's face, and he felt the skyrocketing of his Soul Power!

Soon, the Soul Power in his body climbed to a bottleneck stage.

"Boss, am I already at level 30 Soul Power?" came back to his senses, Dai Mubai looked at Chu Bei in disbelief.

"It's not over yet."

Chu Bei pointed his finger to the halo and motioned Dai Mubai to press his palm.

After that, Dai Mubai followed the instructions of Chu Bei. When he put his palm on the halo, the phantom White Tiger in the halo flew out and slowly condensed into a purple in his palm. spirit ring.

Almost at the same time, the Soul Power in Dai Mubai's body skyrocketed again.

"This...this is the spirit ring!"

Looking at the third spirit ring that lit up on his body, Dai Mubai opened his mouth wide and fell into a trance.

Short sapling, he has been directly transformed from a Level 26 Soul Master to a Level 31 Soul Master!

Before he met Chu Bei, he never thought that Soul Power could rise to Level 4 one day.

Moreover, in cognition, he believes that the spirit ring must be personally killed to kill the spirit beast! Simply unexpectedly, spirit ring can also be purchased directly by spending money!

"Money is everything."

Looking at the excitement on Dai Mubai's face, Chu Bei was satisfied and nodded.

Different from Oscar, Dai Mubai is the same as Ning Rongrong, with a solid background, so he does not need to take it to find the soul beast to obtain the spirit ring. It can go directly through krypton gold.

If it weren't for the fact that the agent has a limit on the daily cultivation base breakthrough, he would be able to make several agents become a famous powerhouse in the continent every minute!

"Brother Oscar, should we talk about it again?" Dai Mubai looked towards Oscar with a begin to stir expression.

"This is unnecessary." Oscar refused decisively.

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