The next day.

At dawn, Chu Bei woke up Oscar and Ning Rongrong.

Subsequently, they took out tailor-made products for them.

The nine Soul Master Dans selected for Ning Rongrong and the spirit ring used to break through to Da Dou Shi.

The nine soul-zun pills selected for Oscar and the spirit ring used to break through to Soul Sect.

I also selected nine soul-zun pills for Dai Mubai and the spirit ring from breakthrough to Soul Sect.

As for Xiao Wu, she still doesn't use Chu Bei products.

Pearl in the palm as the Master of Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect Sect, coupled with the doting of Chen Xin and Gu Rong, Ning Rongrong's small vault is staggering.

First, after spending the money that belonged to him, he paid for Oscar.

And Dai Mubai, as the little prince of Star Luo Empire, easily bought the goods prepared by Chu Bei.

In less than half an hour.

Ning Rongrong, Oscar, and Dai Mubai have all improved their cultivation base.

Ning Rongrong changed from Level 11 Soul Master to Level 21 Soul Master.

Oscar changed from Level 31 Soul Master to Level 41 Soul Sect.

Dai Mubai was also changed from Level 31 Soul Master to Level 41 Soul Sect.

"Rongrong, I will return the money I borrowed from you soon." Oscar looked at Ning Rongrong very seriously.

"I'm not short of money." Ning Rongrong waved his hand, looking indifferent.

"Boss, now I have discovered that Soul Power is so easy to improve!" Dai Mubai let out a sigh, his expression was as if all the hardship he had suffered before was all in vain.

Xiao Wu on the side noticed the breath of the three of them soaring, bit his lip lightly, and stopped talking.

"Boss, where are we going today?" Ning Rongrong said curiously.

"Holy Spirit Village." Chu Bei smiled.


Holy Spirit Village.

On a hill to the north of the village.

zhi zhi!

In the quiet jungle, a hare is eating mushrooms.


But just as the hare was eating hard, a silhouette quickly approached its body, bringing a gust of wind.

Detecting the keen hare, kicked up its hind legs immediately, ready to flee.

However, less than half a meter away, a huge suction swept through his body.

Next moment, under this suction force, the hare moved towards the back uncontrollably and flew towards the rear, and fell into the hands of a boy.

If you look closely, you can see that there is a black vortex in the boy's palm, and it is this vortex that is rushing out of the suction force and sucking the hare into his hand.


With the tearing of the Devouring Power in the whirlpool, the hare's originally fearful eyes began to turn white, and its body began to become shriveled, until it turned into a bony corpse.

"It seems to have reached the bottleneck."

After devouring the energy in the hare, the boy muttered to himself as if he felt something.

This boy was the Dogballz child Wang Fan who salvaged Chu Bei from the pond three days ago to get the opportunity of'Golden Horned Beast' given by Chu Bei.

For three days, except for sleeping, I did the same thing all the time.

One is to absorb Heaven and Earth spiritual qi, and the other is to constantly look for snakes, hares, wild boars, etc. in the mountain jungle to swallow and absorb.

Until today, his Soul Power has reached level 10.


Just as Wang Fan was about to take a break, a streak of divine light swept over quickly in the distance.

In a moment, the divine rainbow came to the top of his head.

This is a huge monster similar to a ship, with several silhouettes standing on it.

Among them, the youth at the front is looking down at him with a smile on his mouth.

Meeting youth's gaze, Wang Fan retreated subconsciously, his eyes full of vigilance.

"Little fellow, can you still recognize me?" Chu Bei put away the space shuttle, took Oscar and a few people, and landed in front of Wang Fan.

"Are you?" Wang Fan took a few steps back again, his expression a little nervous.

"Is this Martial Spirit Golden Horned Beast still useful?" Chu Bei continued.

"Are you a grandfather?"

Wang Fan froze for a moment, then whispered tentatively.

"Besides me, can anyone know that your Martial Spirit is a Golden Horned Beast?" Chu Bei lightly patted Wang Fan's shoulder.

"grandfather, your appearance has changed too much!"

After getting the answer from Chu Bei's words, Wang Fan immediately exclaimed, his face full of excitement The color.

"The cultivation is good, it is already Level 10 Soul Power."

After Chu Bei was satisfied with the nodded, he said to Wang Fan again: "Go to Tang San for discussion, location Right by the pond."

"Huh?" Wang Fan was surprised.

"After the discussion, no matter whether you win or lose, grandfather will give you another opportunity." Chu Bei is always good at temptation, and the opportunity in his mouth is naturally Level 1 agency.

"I will work hard."

Wang Fan complied, and then quickly ran to the other side of the mountain.

"The four of you, go and spread the news in the village." After Wang Fan left, Chu Bei glanced across Oscar and Dai Mubai.


The four of Oscar looked at each other, and then spread out, moving towards the village and flew away in different directions.

A quarter of an hour later.

Under the vigorous propaganda of Oscar and Dai Mubai, several silhouettes of the village gathered around the pond of the village.

Of these silhouettes, most of them are children between the ages of four and twelve; the rest are villagers who come to watch the play from a farmland not far away.

"Dogballz wants to compete with Little San. It's really Interesting."

"Little San has been playing iron since he was a child, and in my opinion, his innate talent is very strong! Among his peers, There are few people in our village. If Martial Spirit awakens, it must be a powerful offensive Martial Spirit!"

"Yes, I also think Little San is the most likely person in our village to become Soul Master!"

"But then again, why did Dogballz think of playing with Little San? Wasn't his Martial Spirit awakening a stick last year? Or 0 Soul Power."

"Children fighting Let’s have fun."

"It’s very ceremony. I don’t know where to find the little fellows from the four neighboring villages. I have a lot of publicity."

"Look! Dogballz is here!"


Amidst the noise and laughter, Wang Fan ran to the pond and came to Chu Bei.

"Tang San, did he accept your invitation?" Chu Bei asked Wang Fan.

"He will be there after a while." Wang Fan nodded and said.

At the same time, Holy Spirit Village is located on the west side of the village head.

This is the second rudimentary house in the village besides Wang Fan's house.

On the middle roof, there is a wooden token about one meter in diameter, with a simple hammer painted on it, and three large characters on the right side: "Beat Iron Shop".

"Little San, why are you messing with herbs? Where are you hurt?"

In the room, a silhouette walked out, and when he saw Tang San's hands, he was frowned.

This is a middle-aged man. He looks about fifty years old. He is very tall and burly, but his outfit is not flattering.

I wore the broken robe on my body without even a patch, exposing patches of bronzed skin. The facial features that were originally fairly correct were covered with a layer of wax and yellow, with a look of sleepy eyes, his hair messed up like a bird's nest, and the beard on his face had not been shaved for many days. His eyes were dull and dim, and his body was full of alcohol.

"Dogballz just came to me for an appointment, at first I refused. However, he repeatedly pleaded, I can only agree to him."

Tang San looked up towards the back room The middle-aged man who walked out continued: "As for this herbal medicine, I am not afraid of hurting him for a while. Can I prepare it for him in advance, but he can use it immediately."

"Dogballz Er? Didn't he awaken last year? I remember he doesn't seem to have Soul Power." The middle-aged man shook his body.

"It was like this before, but three days ago, Dogballz met an old man and it seemed to be a little different." Tang San responded.

"Okay, be careful by yourself and don't make your shots too heavy." The middle-aged man seemed too lazy to ask, and moved towards Tang San waved his hand.

After Tang San moved towards middle-aged man nodded, I gathered up the medicinal herbs that had been mashed successfully, and walked out of the house in the direction of the moved towards the pond.

"Look! Tang San is here!"

"Hehe, the show will be on soon!"

"Guess, these two Whoever would cry first."


With Tang San's arrival, the noise of the pool that had been a little quieter revived.

Soon, Tang San walked into the open area that had been prepared as a place for competition.

"Little San, come on!"

Wang Fan stepped forward, moved towards Tang San in a manner, and hugged a cup one fist in the other hand.

"Dogballz brother, let me see what has changed in your three days."

The voice fell, Tang San silhouette moved, and quickly ran towards Wang Fan. With one meter left, he slammed a punch and hit Wang Fan in the chest.

"Tang San is quite fast!"

Looking at Tang San attacking Wang Fan, the children watching the game looked surprised. The latter are very fast. If you change to them, this fist will definitely be unavoidable, and you will be overwhelmed by 80%.

The elder village name was obviously surprised by the speed Tang San showed, and his eyes were full of surprise.

But everyone was worried about Wang Fan. Seeing that Tang San’s fist was about to hit Wang Fan’s chest, the latter suddenly leaned to the right, and then retreated two steps to the ground. Bring up a piece of dust.

In the end, Tang San's fist was dodged dangerously and dangerously.


The fist fell, Tang San looked towards Wang Fan, the muttering fell, and then the silhouette moved again.

Due to the position, Tang San swept out from left to right with a hand knife this time, moved towards Wang Fan.

But when Tang San’s hand knife was about to hit Wang Fan’s right arm, the latter turned sideways, causing Tang San’s fingertips to pass in front of the latter’s chest, and once again missed .


Tang San frowned, speeding up again, and punching Wang Fan one after another.

However, in the face of such continuous attacks, Wang Fan was able to cope with it well, and was able to evade it steadily every time.

After 3 minutes.

Tang San stopped his attack, his face was full of terrified look.

He was very sure that Wang Fan was able to avoid it not because of coincidence, but because the opponent's speed really kept up with him.

"Never mind Tang San, why is Dogballz so fast!"

"How come I feel that I can't even beat these two little dolls "

The villagers onlookers looked at each other, the look of shock on their faces became even worse.

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