
in midair, hundreds zhang sword glow swept past. Its speed is staggering!

The hundred-man cavalry army that rushed towards Chu Bei hadn't reacted yet, and it was too late to let out a scream, and was chopped in the waist by a hundred zhang sword glow.

" could it..."

Looking at the corpses that instantly turned into a pile of flesh and blood, the pupils of the black-clad Knight headed by him suddenly condensed. All the disdain in his eyes looking towards Chu Bei disappeared, replaced by a full of panic.

The black-armored Knight was trembling uncontrollably with both hands tightly pulling on the horse rope below.

A moment ago, these hundred people were still his capable men, but in just an instant, they became a pile of bloody corpses.

"Boss, you are really much crueler than us."

Looking at the scene in the Asura field like hell, even Tang San, who has lived for two lives, couldn’t help but take a deep breath, moved towards Chu Bei gave a thumbs up.

This Boss, either does not make a move, as soon as he makes a move, blood flowing into a river.

Recall that he used the Zhuge God Crossbow to kill one by one. Compared with the other side's current situation, it is nothing short of a horror.

Xiao Wu and Wang Fan looked at each other, each with a strange expression. I don't know if he was surprised by Chu Bei's methods or by the opponent's brutality.

"Why can you still use spirit skills here! Even if Tilted Douluo comes, you have to abide by the rules, who the hell are you, why can you ignore the rules here!"

The black-clad Knight came back to his senses from the panic, staring at Chu Bei steadily, with a trembling sound in his words, and his expression in disbelief.

As far as he knows, the Martial Soul Palace in the flourishing period once had the idea of ​​killing the capital, and even sent two Titled Douluo to lead the team.

However, these two Titled Douluo lost their soul skills when they arrived here, and they were easily beheaded by the King of Slaughter.

It is precisely because of that, since then, even if it is as strong as Martial Soul Palace, there is no longer the idea of ​​occupying the killing capital.

Chu Bei did not answer the question of the black armor Knight, with his hands behind his back and a faint smile at the corners of his mouth, he walked on with the Tang San three in a leisurely manner.

"I am the messenger on behalf of the Slaughter King. You cannot come over or kill me! Kill me and you will be punished by the Slaughter King!"

Aware of Chu The coldness in Bei's eyes, the black-clad Knight's face intensified with fear, and he backed away again and again. At the same time, five spirit rings light up on his body, two yellow, two purple and one black.

He is the Level 56 Soul King, because he is the messenger of the Slaughter King, here he can even use his soul skills to kill the 70-level Soul Sage who cannot use the soul skills.

But for some reason, when facing this unknown youth in front of him, he couldn't give birth to a trace of fighting intent.

The strange breath that the other party released and enveloped him, although different from the killer domain of the King of Slaughter, it also gave him an inexplicable terrifying coercion, which made him produce a kind of Powerlessness.

This kind of feeling is like that the other party is the king of the aloof and remote, and he is the prostrate child.

"Everyone who wants to do something to me is dead, and you will not be an exception." Chu Bei squinted halfway, with a cold smile in his words.

The indifferent syllable fell, and Chu Bei pointed it as a sword and swung it again.

In the sound of breaking through the air, the sharp sword qi arrived in no time.

The black armored Knight was too late to react, and instinctively placed Knight's gun horizontally in front of him.

Following a loud noise, the horses wailed, and a four-meter-long heavy Knight gun divided into two, broke through the air, and flew far away.

Looking at the black armor Knight again, the whole body was divided into two by the sword glow. After falling to the ground, it only convulsed for a moment before it was motionless and breathless.

"Boss, why can you still use spirit skills and ignore the rules here?"

After Tang San glanced at the body of the black armored Knight, he hurried to Chu Bei , Asked the previous question of Black Armored Knight.

Chu Bei glanced at Tang San, then looked towards Wang Fan and Xiao Wu who were also confused, said with a smile: "In the face of absolute strength, any rule is like a decoration. What's more, What I am displaying is not a spirit ability."

"Not a spirit ability? What is that!" The three Tang San were shocked.

"Cultivation road, there are so many ways, Martial Spirit and spirit skills are just one of that's all."

Chu Bei straightened his clothes and continued: "Waiting for yours The strength is strong enough, and I will understand what I mean."

"Boss, what is your cultivation base? What about the Asura god ratio that created this killing capital?" Wang Fan seemed to think What's wrong, asked curiously.


Meeting Wang Fan's innocent gaze, Chu Bei lightly coughed, he immediately looked up at the sky at a forty-five degree angle, posing an expert appearance.

Before the level 11 commodity authority was opened, he was not sure whether he could ever fight Asura God, after all, he had never done so.

But, as the faith of these three little fellows, he can't say that he can't beat them.

No matter what, this imposing manner must be put in place!

"Boss, are you a god too." Tang San whispered softly.

Hearing the sound, Chu Bei stopped answering the call and moved on.

In front, the pitch-black city gate gives people a very depressive feeling. On the huge city gate, there are four characters [killing city] hanging high. In front of the door, two rows of black armored warriors stood there quietly.

"Why... why did you come here? Didn't Master Scarlet drive you away?"

Chu Bei and a group of four people just came to the city wall. The woman with a black gauze mask who was guarded by the city gate was horrified.

"Are you talking about the black armored Knights? They have all been killed by the boss." Tang San stepped forward and looked at the black veiled woman.

"What? You killed Master Scarlett!"

Hearing Tang San's words, the black yarn woman trembled fiercely: "The King of Slaughter will punish you."

"Go and tell you this to the King of Killing. I am here for him. Remember to tell him that I am waiting for him in the killing fields of hell."

Speaking of this, Chu Bei's voice became low, his eyes were cold and he looked straight at the black gauze woman, and said: "If you don't notify, you don't have to leave."

Feel Chu Bei's body. The mighty power and the threat in the words, the black gauze woman looked pale. After reacting, she staggered under her feet, turned and stumbled into the city.

Entering the city, there are blue and purple lights hanging on both sides of the street.

Since only these two kinds of rays of light are released, at first glance, it can be said that this is a blue and purple world.

Although there are many pedestrians on the street, not many people pay attention to Chu Bei and his party of four.

This Underground City pool is no different from the city under the jurisdiction of Two Great Empires, except that it is a little darker.

Go all the way along the main road, and at the end is a city wall. The word [inner city] hanging on the top of the city wall is particularly obvious.

As soon as I entered the inner city, the pungent smell of blood came out.

Different from the outer city, this inner city can be said to be extremely rotten. Just sweeping all around, you can see several unbearable to look at pictures.

Although he was mentally prepared before coming to the killing capital, seeing this scene with his own eyes still made him feel sick.

"Boss, what is your purpose for bringing us here?" Tang San right hand covered his nose and looked towards Chu Bei again.

Looking at the scenes happening in the inner city, he didn't want to stay longer.

Take the corpse of a male who suddenly fell on his right side. In the first second, is this man still having sex with the woman who killed him? The next climax is coming. At that time, the female Eli's blade pierced the throat, and the blood in the body was even sucked by the female as a delicious drink.

"Signed a Level 1 agency." Chu Bei finally said the purpose of this trip.

"What? There are Level 1 agents in this place too!" Tang San, Xiao Wu, and Wang Fan looked ugly.

People who live in this city of killing are all wicked people. They really don't want to get along with such a person.

"Don't worry, he is just temporarily lost." Chu Bei seemed to see what Tang San was thinking in their hearts, and gave a soothing look.


In the voice of the conversation, the Chu Bei four came to the core of the killing capital, the killing field in hell.

This is a special building, its overall appearance is circular, more accurately it is a non-standard cone. The area underneath is the largest, and it narrows as it moves upward. At a height of almost 30 meters above the ground, it kept the same diameter and extended upwards until it reached fifty meters.

Entering the killing fields of hell, there is a loud noise in my ears, many of which are cheering.

The first thing that catches the eye is a huge round bucket platform. The all around of the bucket platform is arranged with rows of exquisite seats from bottom to top. The special layout ensures that everyone on the chair can see the battle on the platform.

At this moment, there are two men fighting fiercely on the Bidoutai. One of them is holding a serrated machete in both hands. His movements don’t look fast, but there is a feeling of Mount Tai pressing on the top. Strong Soul Power fluctuations.

The other person is holding a cold light machete, and the Soul Power fluctuation is not weaker than that of the opponent.

Behind the platform, there is a row of the most eye-catching exquisite seats. There are seven seats, which are already full of people. Judging from the clothes of the seven, it seems to be the Chief-In-Charge of this hell killing field.

"Boss, they are really strong."

Wang Fan pointed his finger at the two people on the platform. Judging from the terrifying power that strayed between them, it was obvious They are all soul kings above level fifty.

Such a Powerhouse, whether it is Star Luo Empire or Heaven Dou Empire, is at least one military commander.

"Since I have arrived, then find a place to sit and let me go."

Chu Bei touched Wang Fan's head, and immediately looked towards Bidoutai The position, to be precise, the position of his eyes is exactly where the seven Chief-In-Charge of the Hell Killing Field are sitting.

"Boss, there is clearly an empty seat." Xiao Wu looked at the nearby empty seat, with confusion in his eyes.

But when he saw Chu Bei drift away, Xiao Wu still followed along.

When Chu Bei and his party of four first walked into the killing fields of hell, they did not attract anyone's attention; but as they walked leisurely towards Bidoutai and got closer and closer, they gradually got their eyes. Thrown at them.

And when the four Chu Beis stepped up the stairs to the stage of the competition, the sigh of it became the focus of everyone in the entire killing field!

Even the two soul kings who were fighting on the battlefield stopped the battle unanimously and cast their eyes on the Chu Bei four people, their faces full of confusion and incomprehension.

"Fuck, what the hell is happening! Are they crazy? Didn't you see anyone fighting on the court?"

A kid, I’ve never seen them before. Are they new? But since they can safely come to the killing fields of hell, it means that they still have some skills and shouldn’t understand the rules here."

"It’s been ten years since I’ve been in the killing capital. I’ve never seen such a situation. Today is really an eye-opener. Isn’t this guy afraid of death?"

"What the hell do they want to do? is it possible that Are they controlled by others?"

"Don’t think that many, I just know that there will be a good show next."

"hehe, it will be on stage soon There are four more corpses, including the corpses of three children. I feel a little excited when I think about it. I really want to taste their blood."


In Chu Bei When a group of four people boarded the Bidoutai, the hell killing field was completely boiling.

Even, most of the spectators stood up from their chairs with excitement in their eyes.

"Boy, don't you be the three little fellows with behind who are going to join us in the fight? Let's say, which side are you going to help us with?" In the battlefield, the two hands The man holding a sawtooth machete looked at Chu Bei jokingly, with sarcasm in his words.

As soon as the man's voice came out, his opponents, including those who were watching the battle on the killing field, laughed almost simultaneously.

Chu Bei glanced at the machete man, shook the head, and ignored the ridicule of all around spectators, but still took the Tang San Xiao Wu three people moved towards the row of seats behind Bidoutai The chair walked.

"It looks like you are all new here, and don’t understand the rules here. The old man has served as the deacon of this killing field for nearly 20 years, and this is the first time he has encountered this situation. Because there is no As a precedent, the old man doesn’t know what to do with you. It’s really difficult."

Among the seven seats, the rickety old man sitting in the middle of the seat stood up, wearing a black robe. The two big words "killing" on the back of the robe are particularly conspicuous.

"Does Mr. Zhou have to deal with it personally? From this point of view, these guys are quite lucky."

"I really didn't expect to even alarm Mr. Zhou. . In my memory, I haven’t been involved in anything since Zhou’s master became Soul Douluo. Even if I sometimes stay in the killing fields of hell and sit in that position, it’s just a nap and a cutscene."

"How do you think Chief Zhou will deal with that kid and the three children behind him?"

"Surely killing the chicken to warn the monkey! Otherwise, there will be someone who will act recklessly in the future. What should I do if I interrupt the battle like this is the case now?"


Seeing the rickety old man get up, the bloodthirsty appearing in the eyes of the spectators in the killing field color.

"That's all, it's better to kill." The rickety old man sighed and seemed to have made a decision.

"Sure enough! Same as I thought!" Hearing the words of the rickety old man, the audience shouted.

However, just as everyone in the killing field waited very much for the rickety old man to kill Chu Bei and the group of four people, at the next moment, everyone's pupils shrank suddenly.

At the same time, the original noisy atmosphere in the field stagnated for an instant!

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