Looking around, the expressions of the crowd on the spectator stand in the killing fields were extremely distorted.

One by one, his eyes rounded, staring blankly at the scene on Bidoutai, instinctively squirming his throat.

In the battlefield area, the expressions of the two big guys who had fought before also froze suddenly. They seemed to be suddenly caught in an evil spirit, and their eyes were dull, like thunder and lightning.

At this moment, the youth with three children, the right hand sticks out, and the palm of the palm stretches out an incomparably huge energy giant palm.

Just when the rickety old man threatened to kill Chu Bei before, this energy giant palm took the lead in holding the rickety old man.

I saw that the whole body of the rickety old man was wrapped in the energy giant palm, and only a hideous head was exposed outside, making a painful wailing sound.

As the energy giant palm rubbed, the face of the rickety old man became paler, and the wailing in his mouth became more sorrowful.

During this period, eight spirit rings lit up above the rickety old man's head, but within a few seconds, they dimmed again until they disappeared.

ka-cha, ka-cha.

The silence in the killing fields of hell became more and more dead, and only the crisp sound of the bones grinding and the painful wailing of the rickety old man sounded.

The interweaving of the two sounds is like the magic sound from the real hell, which directly shakes the deep in one's heart of everyone present. And the person who played was the youth with three children who was previously regarded as a prey for fun.

The blood of the rickety old man ran down the giant palm, and after a few breaths, the blood infested a countertop, horrible to see.


Suddenly, the screams intensified, and the rickety old man's eyes suddenly protruded, and then the shouting stopped abruptly, his expression completely frozen.

"He...he actually killed the chief Zhou!"

"The chief Zhou is Soul Douluo!"

"Who is he!"


"Is it possible that he is Tilted Douluo? Doesn't it mean that even Tilted Douluo can't use spirit skills here? What about his method of killing Lord Zhou?"

"He came to the killing field in hell, what is his purpose!"


The last scream of the rickety old man shocked everyone in the field Waking up in the middle, after came back to his senses, all eyes were focused on Chu Bei's profile, his eyes filled with deep fear.

"Don't threaten to kill me easily."

The cold voice fell, Chu Bei waved his hand, and the rickety old man's body crushed into flesh by the energy giant palm fell on it. Aside.

As for the two big guys who had previously competed, they glanced at the corpse of the rickety old man, looked at each other, and tremblingly jumped off the platform.

"Damn it, I dared to sneak attack Master Zhou!"

In the row of seats where the rickety old man was sitting, two deacons took the lead in reacting, flooded with killing intents. The sound fell, and seven spirit rings lighted up on both of them at the same time.

"Netherworld Artillery!"

"Yellow Springs Ice!"

I saw two deacons ejected from the chairs at the same time, bursting out all over the body The horrible Soul Power fluctuates. Thereafter, the seventh spirit ring beating at the same time.

A ball of Fireball the size of a football spouted from the palm of one of them. The temperature of the Fireball was raised in an instant, and the hot flame burned the void chi chi. The other person clenched fists with both hands. It was the opposite of the former. The surface of the fist was bitterly chilly, and a huge cone of ice appeared out of thin air.

"Fancy and fancy."

But before the attacks of these two deacons fall on Chu Bei's body, the energy giant palm that has not disappeared pushes forward and then bends A horizontal shot.

There was a loud bang, the Fireball was annihilated, and the ice cone disappeared.

Two groups of minced meat slapped on the platform, echoing the broken corpses of the previous rickety old man.


At this moment, the hell killing field became more and more dead.

After solving two deacons, Chu Bei looked towards the remaining four deacons.

In response to Chu Bei's indifferent gaze, the four deacons looked at each other, made the same decision, and got up and left their seats.

All the people watching the battle, watching the four deacons let go of their seats, not only did they not have the slightest contempt in their eyes, but they also showed their approval.

If you change to them, you will make the same choice.

A terrifying existence that can easily kill Soul Douluo is definitely not something they can provoke.

Looking at the empty seat in front of him, Chu Bei smiled at the corner of his mouth, and with a light wave, the energy giant palm disappeared. After that, under the gaze of everyone in the field, he stepped forward and sat on the main position where the previous rickety old man was.

Tang San first swept all around the spectators with horrified faces, and then looked towards the four deacons that retreated to the side. Finally, his eyes fell on Chu Bei's body, and his heart trembled.

Now, he completely understands the Profound Truth that his unknown Boss once said to him.

Absolute strength, you can ignore any restraint!

"Why are the three of you standing stupid? Sit here." Chu Bei moved towards Tang San, Wang Fan, and Xiao Wu beckoned.


Tang San complied and sat next to Chu Bei in turn.

After sitting down, Tang San and Xiao Wu were quite calm; as for Wang Fan, it was like sitting on a pin cushion. This was the first time he was watched by so many strange eyes.

"Which one of you will urge the King of Slaughter? I'm already a little impatient." Chu Bei Senhan's eyes were cast on a deacon's body.

Meeting Chu Bei's icy gaze, the deacon shuddered. After glancing at the three pools of flesh and blood not far away, he quickly moved towards the door of the Hell Killing Field and ran away.

"Is this man here to find the King of Slaughter? For many years, with this opportunity, maybe I can see him."

"He has killed a principal. The two deputy chiefs, the Slaughterer can't tolerate him! However, this guy's strength is also outrageous. You said that if he fights the Slaughter King, who will win?"

"According to me Look, it should be the King of Slaughter. After all, this is the home of the King of Slaughter. He is the Sovereign here. Both Tilted Douluo of Martial Soul Palace died here."

"This It’s not easy to say, those two Tittled Douluo are unable to perform spirit abilities. And he is not affected by this restraint at all."


Big Douluo all around Everyone in, one by one glanced at Chu Bei who was sitting on the main seat, and discussed in a low voice.


Inner city of Killing City, a dark and wide room.

That is an exceptionally huge chair. The chair is inlaid with blue and purple crystals. The crystals are outlined in a drum-shaped form; except for this chair, everything in the room is dark red .

"The person who killed me also threatened to let me take the initiative to go to the killing fields of hell. For many years, I haven't seen such an arrogant person."

A tall silhouette Sitting on the giant chair, he couldn't see his appearance clearly in Darkness, but he could only vaguely see his lanky figure.

"Great King, do you want to go over?" The black yarn woman asked respectfully, standing beside the tall man.

"Do you think he is qualified to let me pass? Let Zhou Hui find him, kill him and bring his body to me. I want to see, this arrogant guy is long What kind of."

The tall man sitting in a chair is coldly snorted, and two scarlet rays of light spit out from his eyes. The surrounding air obviously becomes thickened, and a strong smell of blood disperses. Swirling.

"The great king, the slave and maidservant will go to tell Master Zhou."

The black gauze woman moved towards the tall man and bowed, but just about to retreat, there was a rush outside the door Knock on the door.

"Come in."

The tall man's indifferent voice fell, and a man pushed the door and ran in in a panic, kneeling before the tall man. The person here was hell. One of the deacons of the killing fields.

"What happened? So panicked." The King of Slaughter glanced at the man coldly and asked.

"The great king, the major event is not good. Someone made trouble in the killing fields of hell. The chief minister Zhou, Nan Deacon, and Meng Deacon have all been killed by him."

The man's face is very ugly. "He urged me, let me rush to inform you, let you go quickly."

"What? Zhou Hui was killed by him!"

Heard the man Then, the Slaughter King got up from his chair, and there was a slight surprise in his words.

Zhou Hui is a Level 13 Soul Douluo. If he can use his spirit ability, he can deal with a Tilted Douluo who cannot use his spirit ability. In his opinion, no outsider can threaten Zhou Hui.

The fact is that Zhou Hui was killed!

And this person is precisely the one who asked the black yarn woman to speak to him!

"The great king, this man’s methods are a bit weird. He seems not to be restricted by the rules you make here. Although he didn’t see his spirit ring light up, but that method did go beyond it. I have never seen an ordinary spirit ability before."

The man seemed to have seen the idea of ​​the Slaughter King, and quickly described the scene in the previous Hell Slaughter Field in detail.

"It's really interesting! It seems I really have to take a trip to see who this guy is!"

After listening to the man, the King of Slaughter is interested , Waving a big hand, a strong dark red liquid flew into his mouth.

Look carefully, in that Darkness, there is a huge pool of blood in front of him, full of viscous blood.

The King of Slaughter opened his mouth and swallowed blood like his belly. In the dim rays of light, two fangs were vaguely revealed.


After half a quarter of an hour.

Three silhouettes walked into the killing fields of hell.

Under the irradiation of purple blue rays of light in the field, the appearance of that silhouette first appeared.

This is a face that is not handsome but is full of rigidity. The scar on the right cheek that cannot be seen by any weapon is particularly obvious. The two mouths are symmetrically distributed. Fangs gives people a sense of seclusion.


Chu Bei got up from his chair, his eyes focused on the King of Slaughter. Although there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, there was a saying in his heart. Not out of the feeling.

The King of Killing in front of him is the target of his trip, which is the Level 1 agent on the list given by system.

In addition to being the Sovereign of the killing capital, the opponent has another identity.

The great-grandfather of Tang San, the creator of Clear Sky Sect.

The opponent's real name is Tang Chen. He is one of the three ultimate Douluo in the world. He defeated the Angel Douluo Qian Daoliu at Clear Sky Peak and became the continent's No. 1 Powerhouse.

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