After breakthrough level 99, Tang Chen met Sea God Island High Priest Bo Saixi. During the whole day of competition, he fell in love with Bo Saixi.

When I left later, I made the promise of'not becoming a god, not returning'.

However, in order to become a god, he was killed by God Rakshasa during the eighth test of Asura's Nine Tests and lost his mind, and finally became the King of Killing in the City of Killing.

"Are you looking for me?"

Looking at Chu Bei who was sitting on the stage, the King of Slaughter gave a sneer. Neither too fast nor too slow flew to Bidou Taiwan.

"Is this the King of Slaughter, the Sovereign of the City of Slaughter? After so many years, I have finally seen Daoist."

"It is worthy of being the King of Slaughter. The sharp and strong murderous aura is far from what we can compare."

"If the King of Slaughter fights with that person later, you say, shall we help? In case of being killed The king has taken a fancy to it. It would be a big deal to be his confidant."

"You can pull it down. Let's not talk about their existence at that level, will there be any shit? Powerhouse dignity, even if you have a Soul Sect that can't even use soul skills, even if you go to help, what is the difference between it and the ant?"


all around the one on the stand Everyone cast their gazes on the Slaughter King's body one after another, with blazing heat in their eyes, and their eyes gleaming.

"I am here to be my Level 1 agent and help me build a business empire."

In the face of Tang Chen who has lost his mind, Chu Bei is calm There are no mood swings in the voice.

"Boss, the Level 1 agent you said here is the king of killing!"

"My God!"

Heard Chu Bei's words, The biggest mood swings are Tang San, Xiao Wu, and Wang Fan, who have their mouths wide open and their eyes opened wide.

Nevertheless they could not think that the Level 1 agent who came to look for this time would be the Sovereign of the killing capital!

"Business empire? In the capital of killing, money is always useless! For what you call a Level 1 agent, this king has no interest in it."

As for Tang Chen, first issue Coldly snorted, then the tone changed suddenly, and the voice was full of killing intents: "You first kill my guard to go to the killing capital, and then make trouble in the killing fields of hell, killing me one principal and two deacons. For so many years, You are the first person who dare not put the rules set by the king in his eyes."

Tang Chen glanced at the three corpses on the table that were exuding a strong bloody smell, his cold eyes locked. As Chu Bei spoke, Sen Han's voice fell, and a large swath of red blood mist permeated with itself as the center, and soon enveloped the entire hell killing field.

In the air filled with blood mist, the Soul Power explosion of crackle sounded from time to time. In the blink of an eye, the Hell Killing Field was like a scarlet ocean, and the air was full of pungent blood.

On the battle stage, the faces of the people shrouded in blood mist were instantly pale, and their bodies felt a biting cold inexplicably.

This is not a real temperature change, but a chill brought by murderous aura. The purest Slaughter Qi attacked their bodies quickly. Every time they invaded, they trembled.

Bloodthirsty, killing, terror, various negative breaths rise from the bottom of everyone's heart because of the envelope of blood mist.

"Is this the Slaughter Domain of the Slaughter King? It's terrifying!"

"As rumored, in Slaughter Domain, there is no resistance at all! He How many people have been killed to comprehend such a realm."

"Fortunately, this murderous aura is not aimed at us, otherwise we can't sit here safely."

"My mind seems to have been affected by this field. It's terrifying and enviable. It's no wonder that many people go to hell without fear of death. This is really not an ordinary temptation."


A crowd of spectators ran the Soul Power in their bodies frantically, resisting the invasion of murderous aura in all around blood mist, and the gazes looking towards Tang Chen were full of respect.

"Is this ready to do it? I can’t just sit down and have a conversation?"

Chu Bei put his hands around his chest, still calm and collected, peaceful, peaceful His appearance is not affected by all around blood mist at all.

"What can I say to a dying person." Tang Chen's voice has no mood swings, only endless cold and evil.

After that, countless mysterious blood patterns appeared on Tang Chen's skin, and between the eyebrows on his forehead penetrated a sword-shaped Earth Demon pattern, behind which a pair of huge scarlet wings emerged out of thin air.

Flicking his wings, the scarlet rays of light in Tang Chen's body gush out, and in an instant he has arrived in front of Chu Bei.

Immediately afterwards, two hands with long blood-red nails like claws pierced Chu Bei's chest. At the same time, a strong smell of blood suddenly spread on his body, disgusting.

Just when Tang Chen's hands were about to touch Chu Bei, there was a buzzing sound, and Chu Bei appeared out of thin air with nine gorgeous golden characters above his head.

[Confront, Weapon, Fighting and Person, all, array, column, front, row]

Nine golden characters hang in the air and spin quickly, and finally the word'dou' in it doubles The expression became bigger and it sank into Chu Bei's body.

next moment, Chu Bei's breath of the whole person is like the change of Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

This is a tenth-grade high grade product redeemed by Chu Bei, a weakened version of Fight Character Secret in the nine-character secret!

After that, Chu Bei pushed his right palm forward, and the mysterious rune flashed in his palm, and a golden ring of light emerged.

In the ring of light, a huge fist made of intertwined energy was protruded out of thin air. The surface of the fist was also beaten by rune, facing Tang Chen's double claws.

hong long!

The fist evolved from Fight Character Secret, when confronted with Tang Chen's claws, there was a loud noise.

At the place of the collision, the void cracked countless black gaps.

The aftermath of horror dissipated, and the nearest wave of people on the stands was the first to bear the brunt. Before they could react one by one, blood surged in his chest, and blood spewed out from his mouth.

On the competition platform, under the violent collision, the energy fist that emerged out of thin air returned to the ring of light; as for Tang Chen, it was shaken and flew upside down.

However, just when Tang Chen was about to hit the outer wall, his wings violently moved towards the rear with a wave like sharp blades. After using the reverse thrust to stabilize the stature, he leaned forward and swept towards Chu Bei again.

This time, Tang Chen puts his hands away, his body is sideways, and the movement of flowing water brings up his left leg. The red rays of light are also full of evil breath, avoiding the ring of light in front of Chu Bei. Afterwards, it was like a giant axe descending from the sky moved towards Chu Bei and his head swept away.

Faced with another attack from Tang Chen, Chu Bei smiled knowingly, his expression still calm.

I didn't even look at the flying kick kicked by Tang Chen. The mysterious rune all around his body evolved into a sharp sword glow with the wave of his right hand.

Sword glow crossed to meet Tang Chen.

hong long!

There is another loud noise, sword glow and scarlet rays of light are intertwined, and the sound of chi chi is endless.

The attack was blocked again, Tang Chen slapped his wings and landed in the initial position, without rushing to do anything.

After that, Chu Bei looked at Chu Bei again with cold eyes, frowned, and it was not difficult to see a little more solemn expression in his expression.

Two tentative attacks, he can be sure that the other party’s'Soul Power' is never under them; even, looking at the other party’s calm and composed appearance, he vaguely feels that the other party’s'Soul Power' is still there. Above him.

"Why did the King of Slaughter stop? Is this person really so terrifying? Can't even take the King of Slaughter?"

"From the two collisions just now Look, the King of Slaughter does seem to be at a disadvantage. What is the origin of this man? It can be eaten by the King of Slaughter!"

"Now it’s hard to say which one wins and which one is weak, after all, the previous attack killed him. Wang just used Soul Power purely, not even Martial Spirit yet."

"Anyway, this person is destined to stay in the killing city forever. I just don’t know, he said earlier. What does it mean to build a business empire."


After seeing Tang Chen's two defeats in the attack, a crowd of spectators showed horror and looked towards again. Chu Bei's eyes were even more strange.

As for Tang San, Xiao Wu, and Wang Fan, they only worship Chu Bei in their eyes.

The King of Slaughter was able to kill two Titaned Douluo. This strength is extremely terrifying without even thinking about it. But even with such a powerful existence, they still won't get any benefits in front of their Boss.

The so-called Slaughter Domain, which covers the entire hell killing field, has no effect on the three people at all, it's as if it doesn't exist.

Just because when the blood mist spread to them all around, an inexplicable imposing manner gushed out of their Boss, wrapping all their bodies, and forcibly driving back the blood mist.

"Sure enough, there are some methods, no wonder you dare to ignore the rules of my killing capital!"

Tang Chen stared at Chu Bei: "This king is a little bit confused, why do you Not affected by Slaughter Domain? Your previous method should be from soul skills."

Chu Bei didn't answer the question of the Slaughter King, and asked with a smile: "Why? Give up on me? "


Looking at Chu Bei's playful expression, Tang Chen shouted coldly again, clenching his fists.

next moment, nine spirit rings light up on his body. The colors of the nine spirit rings are black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, and red.

In the stands, a crowd of people could see the number of spirit rings and the color of spirit ring on Tang Chen's body. All eyes suddenly shrank, and their wide mouths dictated astonished.

"Eight black and one red, could this..."

"Eight ten thousand year spirit ring, one hundred thousand year spirit ring, how did he do it! "

"How can he absorb the ten thousand years spirit ring for the first three spirit rings? Not to mention the ten thousand years spirit ring's physical requirements, just the mental shock, how did he manage it?"

"This king of killing has completely broken my perception of spirit ring! Just the eight black and one red, even if it is placed in Tilted Douluo, it has a certain deterrent effect."

"In other words Back, what level of Tilted Douluo is the King of Slaughter? In my opinion, it definitely exceeds 9Level 6!"


The eyes of the crowd are focused on Tang Chen's body. Before he came back to his senses from the shock, the Martial Spirit that it showed up once again boosted the atmosphere in the killing fields to a new climax.

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