"Boss Chu, we meet again."

The Col was all around, when a group of powerhouses shocked Chu Bei and defeated the sword Venerable. There was a ripple in the sky, and two figures walked out of the ripple.

The person who speaks, wears a white robe, with a White Tiger, Dai Tianya, White Tiger Sect Sect Master, 9Level 2 Titled Douluo printed on the back of the robe.

"Boss, I brought the Imperial Uncle here through the void sound transmission stone. This thing is really easy to use!"

It is Dai beside Dai Tianya Mubai, when Ning Rongrong passed the sound transmission through the sound transmission, he immediately heard it as the Level 1 agent.

Not only that, but he also magically discovered that he can use the void sound transmission stone to go to the location of the agent who also has the void sound transmission stone.

For this, he was able to bring Dai Mubai to such a fast time.

Chu Bei moved towards Dai Tianya nodded, with a smile, the last time I met with each other, I was in the Star Luo Imperial Palace.

"Sect Master, what is the origin of this Boss Chu? Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect Sect Master and White Tiger Sect Sect Master are very kind to him." Xu Jie and Chen Xuliang of the Fire Leopard Sect The name Soul Douluo looked towards Wang Yang and asked at the same time.

"About him, what I know is the same as you guys. He defeated the sword Venerable on sword dao. As for how strong he is, and why he is called Boss, I can't tell."


Speaking of this, Wang Yang paused and added: "However, according to Sect Master Ning, his Martial Spirit is not a sword. So far, no one has seen his Martial Spirit, even He has never seen his spirit ring. If he hadn't easily defeated the sword Venerable, no one would think he was Tilted Douluo, after all, his appearance is really too young."

After listening to the king According to Yang, Xu Jie and Chen Xu looked at each other and looked towards Chu Bei again, becoming more curious.

They are very fortunate that sometimes choosing to give in is really a wise decision.

As for the previous thought of waiting for Sect Master to come and get revenge, it has long been forgotten.

"Boss, Tang San, Mubai, you are all here!"

It didn’t take long before another ripple appeared in the sky above the col, and then a seven or eight-year-old child and A middle-aged man appears.

"Oscar, did you also come through the void sound transmission stone?" Dai Mubai said.

"Well, I heard Rongrong's words, but didn't expect so many people." After responding to Dai Mubai, Oscar brought the middle-aged man next to him to Chu Bei. before.

Chu Bei's gaze fell on the middle-aged man, then looked at the system panel proxy map, the red dots that were almost pasted to him, and a playful color rose on his face.

He didn't expect his next Level 1 proxy target, so Oscar would wait in front of him.

I saw a middle-aged man about forty or fifty years old, with a slightly thin figure, short black hair and three or seven separate, normal appearance, with a little tiredness between his eyes.

"Boss, this is what I just met..."

Oscar pointed to the middle-aged man and introduced the identity of the other to Chu Bei, but the words in his mouth were not finished yet , Was interrupted by the latter waved.

"Yu Xiaogang, right."

Chu Bei calmly looked at the middle-aged man.

Oscar and middle-aged man opened their mouths at the same time when they heard Chu Bei's words, and their faces were horrified.

"How do you know my name?" the middle-aged man said nervously.

Chu Bei laughed and continued:

"You come from Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon clan, you should have a bright future, but absolutely didn't expect your Martial Spirit to mutate negatively, thus Full of ridicule."

"With bottleneck on Soul Power, you will devote all your thoughts to the research of Martial Spirit theory."

"After leaving clan, Met Flanders and Liu Erlong, and played the prestigious Golden Triangle title. Coincidentally, you and Flanders fell in love with this Liu Erlong at the same time. Fortunately, you finally won the heart of Liu Erlong. Unfortunately. However, you learned that Erlong is your cousin on your wedding night."

"As for your first love, Martial Soul Palace’s former Supreme Pontiff dísciple, which is now Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong."

"In general, your half of your life can be considered very miserable."

After speaking, Chu Bei put his hands around his chest: "Is what I said wrong "

"This uncle is really pitiful. It was only on the wedding night that the loved ones realized that the bride was their own cousin. It really complied with that sentence, and lovers in the world became siblings. "

"Is the current Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong his first love? This is a big background!"

"The golden triangle, I heard my father talk about it, a very difficult to Deal with the combination!"


After listening to Chu Bei’s words, the people of Tang San, Dai Mubai, and Ning Rongrong all cast their eyes on Yu Xiaogang’s There are regrets and surprises in his body.

Yu Xiaogang looked at Chu Bei a little dazedly, with even more consternation in his eyes.

The relationship partner is not only a cultivation base, Heavenspan, but also a Bai Xiaosheng!

On the situation mentioned by the other party, few people know about it, especially his relationship with Bibi Dong.

"Boss Chu, these all are things in the past, don't tease me."

Yu Xiaogang outlines a bitter smile at the corner of his mouth, and then looks very sincerely Chu Bei said: "The ability you gave Oscar is really amazing. I don't know if I am qualified to be your agent."

When Chu Bei said, Chu Bei was taken aback first, then nodded. with a smile: "I think you are extraordinary natural talent, so you are naturally qualified. When you get here, I will grant you a proxy ring."

"many thanks Boss!"

Yu Xiaogang was taken aback first, then his face was full of joy and excitement.

His reason is that becoming Chu Bei's agent will be heavily blocked, and the clinker is so happy!

After the excitement, Yu Xiaogang quickly moved and walked behind Chu Bei with Oscar, and continued to wait for the treasure in the col to take shape.

"The people of Martial Soul Palace, isn't this coming? Exactly, there is an opponent missing." Dai Tianya glanced at the direction of Martial Soul Palace and muttered to himself.

Just when the words in his mouth just fell, three long rainbow threads swept from a distance, and in a flash, they landed at the forefront of the Martial Soul Palace army.

"Chrysanthemum Douluo, Ghost Douluo, and...Supreme Pontiff!"

Look at the three people from Martial Soul Palace, Ning Fengzhi, Gu Rong, White Tiger Sect Dai Tianya, Wind Sword Sect Li Hai, Elephant Zong Lin Bin, Fire Leopard Zong Wang Yang and the others, at the same time criticized out in surprise, with a look of shock.

Poison Douluo Dugu Bo's dark green pupils shrank involuntarily, his brows wrinkled tightly, and his eyes were slightly surprised.

Obviously, they didn't expect that Martial Soul Palace would see this treasure place so importantly. Not only did the two major Tilted Douluo dispatched, but even Supreme Pontiff himself was dispatched!

Chu Bei's expression has not changed, but Chrysanthemum Douluo, Ghost Douluo and Supreme Pontiff are slightly looked at.

It was Yu Xiaogang behind Chu Bei. When he saw Martial Soul Palace Supreme Pontiff, his expression suddenly changed color, and his body seemed to freeze.

"Uncle Gang, isn't that your first love? Don't you go up and say hello?" Tang San's face was a bit playful, and his little finger pointed at Bibi Dong.

"Shut up, don't worry about the adults, your little children." Yu Xiaogang stared at Tang San unhappily, and then ignored Bibi Dong as if there was nothing wrong with him.

Landing on Bibi Dong at the front of Martial Soul Palace, his indifferent gaze swept all around, and when his gaze came to Chu Bei entire group, his gaze fixed on Yu Xiaogang’s. Body.

Lithe and graceful's body shuddered fiercely for a moment, but the surprised expression only flashed past, and the previous calm was quickly restored.

After that, the models walked towards the Chu Bei entire group. Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo followed closely from behind.

Today's Bibi Dong is as usual, wearing a luxurious black gown with golden marks, wearing a nine-curved purple crown, and holding a scepter about two meters long with countless gems. The invisible noble sacredness revealed on his body makes people unable to help but give birth to the emotion of worship.

Seeing Bibi Dong walking by, Yu Xiaogang sighed faintly, his calm eyes filled with waves, apologetic and memories, but even more melancholy.

"I haven't seen it for many years."

Bibi Dong's soft and pleasant voice can easily make people feel like a spring breeze.

"Yes, I haven't seen you for many years. How are you all these years?" Yu Xiaogang's eyes became difficult.

Bibi Dong's face showed a faint smile: "above ten thousand people, of course it's good. As the ruler of Martial Soul Palace, even the emperor of Two Great Empires has to give three points when he sees me. Do you think there will be anything wrong with me?"

"Dongdong, I know the pain in your heart." Yu Xiaogang sighed again, as if ten years old for a moment.

"Dongdong? I can’t remember how many years no one dared to call me like this."

Bibi Dong’s voice suddenly became cold, "Please call me Supreme Pontiff, or I say "Your Majesty", I am no longer the silly Bibi Dong."

"Supreme Pontiff Your Majesty, let the past go."

Yu Xiaogang His pupil shrinks for a few minutes, and a trace of pain flows from his eyes. He turned around, as if he didn't want to look at his familiar face anymore.

"haha ——, let the past things you said let it pass?"

Bibi Dong suddenly laughed heartily, as if he had completely changed himself. The holy breath disappeared, replaced by the palpitating madness: "Yu Xiaogang, how did you leave me back then, do you remember? For your younger sister, it’s funny, it’s so funny."

"You actually refused to accept me for your younger sister. I can become Supreme Pontiff, of course, thanks to you, but I hate you! You are the most hated person in my life. I have stood At the peak of continent, I want to make you painful, I want to torture Liu Erlong, and ruin everything you care about!"

Bibi Dong's emotions became more and more agitated, her pair The eyes are cold like a poisonous snake.

"Am I leaving you? Who knows what the facts are." Looking at Bibi Dong, who was in a frantic state, Yu Xiaogang showed pain on his face.

"Bibi Dong, he will soon become the agent of my All Heavens Store. If you want to hurt him, or hit someone related to him, before you do it, I hope you Weigh it carefully." Chu Bei looked at Bibi Dong calmly, not hard to hear the thick threat in his words.

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