"What thing are you! How dare you talk to me like this!" Bibi Dong looked towards Chu Bei, coldly snorted in his mouth, and a thick killing intent rising in his eyes.

"Supreme Pontiff Your Majesty, in the matter between us, I hope you don't involve other people." Yu Xiaogang stepped forward and came in front of Chu Bei, his eyes facing Bibi Dong.

Bibi Dong glanced at Chu Bei again, then moved away from the latter with a killing intent of contempt. After a wave of his sleeves, he turned and returned to the front of the Martial Soul Palace army.

"Did you just hear the conversation between Martial Soul Palace Supreme Pontiff and the man? That kind of relationship between them!"

"Who knows that the man is What's the origin? It must be a great character to be admired by Supreme Pontiff."

"But the man seemed to abandon Supreme Pontiff and eventually married his cousin. Interesting."

"Don’t leave Supreme Pontiff, this person is really awesome. But looking at Supreme Pontiff’s lost self-control look, I must hate this person!"


"Everyone must not discuss the personal affairs of Supreme Pontiff!"

When everyone in the room whispered about the affairs between Bibi Dong and Yu Xiaogang , Ghost Douluo's majestic and majestic voice wafted from the top of the sky.

But if you look closely, whether it is Ghost Douluo or Chrysanthemum Douluo, the horror in their eyes has not faded. Obviously, they were also shocked by Bibi Dong's previous words.

"You guys really did a great handiwork for my treasure! Sect Master does not sit in Sect, and even Supreme Pontiff does not sit in Martial Soul Palace." Dugu Bo glanced over all influence in turn, his face heavy.

If it were placed before, he would still be sure to grab this treasure, but now it seems that he can only grab some rare treasures.

In fact, the Four Sects who were present, no matter which case it was, when they saw Ghost Douluo, Chrysanthemum Douluo and Supreme Pontiff of Martial Soul Palace were all out, they had already given up this treasure.

After all, their Sect is far out of reach compared to the huge monster Martial Soul Palace.

Their thoughts now are the same as Dugu Bo. When the treasure land is completely formed and the colorful mask disappears, they should grab as many rare treasures as possible by the spring water, especially the ten rare immortal. One of grade, Yuxiang Keira immortal grade!

long long long!

Suddenly, the colorful mask emits a rumbling sound.

Almost at the same time, the spring water below completely stopped boiling, and only a faint colored mist was slowly formed above the water surface, which was extremely gorgeous.

"It seems that the treasure has been formed, and this mask is about to break!"

Seeing the vibration of the mask, one after another small cracks appeared, next Four Sects Sect Master, Powerhouses such as Ning Fengzhi, Dugu Bo, Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo of Martial Soul Palace all became excited.


Under the gaze of everyone's expectations, a few seconds later, the colorful mask ka-cha turned into a rain of light and disappeared.

At this moment, Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect Gu Rong, Ning Fengzhi, White Tiger Sect Dai Tianya, Wind Sword Sect Li Hai, Elephant Zong Lin Bin, Fire Leopard Zong Wang Yang, Poison Douluo Dugu Bo, Chrysanthemum Douluo, and Ghost Douluo simultaneously used their speed to the extreme, turning into a Changhong and swept toward the col.


However, just as a crowd of Tilted Douluo Powerhouses flooded into the col, a layer of dazzling golden light spewed out from the col.

Without waiting for everyone’s reaction, a huge 9-Layer golden tower is buckled above the spring water. To be precise, even the spring water all around those areas where there is a spirit plant are covered. .

The golden tower has eight anises, each of which is formed by three intertwined Divine Dragons circling. It gives people a magnificent imposing manner. The unknown metal material, in addition to releasing the dazzling rays of light, is also mixed with blue-green rays of light, just like the stars at night, which is quite strange.

"What the hell is that stuff!"

A crowd of Tilted Douluo looked at the 9-Layer golden tower that suddenly appeared in front of them, one by one browses tightly frowns, and hangs at the same time. Stopped in the air.

Look along one of the corners of the 9-Layer golden tower. When the direction where the golden light on that corner is spreading, everyone's pupils shrank suddenly.

At this moment, Chu Bei's flat palm is filled with a little light, and it is connected to the 9-Layer golden tower that covers the treasure in the col.

"Then...what's the matter with the tower!"

"It seems to be the mysterious man who defeated Sword Douluo! Is this his method?"

"Did you just see his Martial Spirit? And his spirit ring?"

"No, I only saw both of his hands unfathomable mystery and released that kind golden light, but there is such a huge golden tower in the treasure land. It becomes that kind of metal."

"is it possible that that huge 9-Layer golden tower is his spirit ability Shouldn’t it, I’ve never seen a spirit ability with this kind of ability!"


The mountain cols all around, the Powerhouse of all influence stared at 9-Layer golden in a daze. tower, eyes widened one by one, with an unbelievable expression on his face.

After that, he cast his gaze on Chu Bei again, his eyes full of shock.

Perceiving the gaze cast by all around, Chu Bei also glanced at the golden tower that enveloped the treasure, nodded with satisfaction.

This is the Exquisite Pagoda, the tenth-level product he redeemed. It is the tower in the hands of Li Jing, the king of Tota.

"Your Excellency deserves to be the one who can defeat Sword Douluo, what a good method!"

Dugu Bo coldly glanced at Chu Bei, and then nine spirit rings appeared on his body, ninth The spirit ring flashes.

"Biphos divine light!"

Dugu Bo is a huge python with green scales and stunning rays of light. Accompanied by shouting loudly, the huge snake tail suddenly drew towards the 9-Layer golden tower, and all the void swept by the snake tail collapsed and rumbling.

"Mammoth Shield!"

Weevil Zong Linbin also has nine spirit rings. After the ninth spirit ring lights up, shouting loudly, it turns into a huge ancient mammoth. Like the elephant, I saw the elephant hoof fiercely with its terrifying energy kicking towards the 9-Layer golden tower.

"Leopard inflammation!"

Fire Leopard Sect Wang Yang turned into a crimson cheetah. The moment the ninth spirit ring flashed, there was a roar towards the sky, and a sudden surge in his body A flame leopard about the same size as its size flew towards the 9-Layer golden tower, where the chi chi was burnt in the sky, and the temperature all around became high.

"White Tiger is destroyed!"

White Tiger Sect Dai Tianya is incarnate as a white giant tiger, opening its mouth to suck like a cow and swallowing it, Soul Power gathers in the mouth, and then a cross of golden spews out light. The golden light carries a terrifying power, moved towards 9-Layer golden tower.

"Netherworld sword kill!"

Wind Sword Sect A shallow blue long sword appeared in Li Hai's palm. A sword glow shot from the tip, and the sound of breaking through the air was sharp and piercing.

"Ghost God possessed!"

Ghost Douluo ghosts shouting loudly, while the nine spirit rings light up, its silhouette becomes floating. Amid the black air, he slapped the 9-Layer golden tower with a palm.

"The chrysanthemum is broken, the ground is wounded, and the flowers are broken!"

Chrysanthemum Douluo spreads out his right palm, and a faint purple air current appears in the palm of his palm. The purple light is pervasive, and a huge purple chrysanthemum grows out.

The strange thing is that each petal of the chrysanthemum looks fluffy and lovely. The whole chrysanthemum is integrated, but there is no fragrance overflow. The central stamen is more than half a foot higher than the petals. The top of the shining faint golden brilliance.

The sound of its shouting, the purple chrysanthemum petals spread out, turning into cold blades and swept towards the 9-Layer golden tower.

Almost at the same time, the Seven Tilted Douluo used the ninth spirit ability, moving towards 9-Layer golden tower and hit the strongest blow.

Various strange rays of light carried by the spirit ability, attack on the 9-Layer golden tower suddenly interweave brilliant colors, which is extremely beautiful.

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