hong long long ——!

The terrorist attacks of the Seven Tilted Douluo fell on the 9-Layer golden tower almost at the same time, causing a loud noise.

Amid the loud noise, I saw the tower tremble slightly, with a continuous sound of metal.

After that, before the Seven Big Tittled Douluo reacted, an incomparable imposing manner suddenly erupted from the tower.

In the dazzling golden light, a wave of terrifying energy spreads from the tower like ripples. The energy ripples break away from the tower behind and immediately turn into a swift rushing river, like the ancient ominous beast that chooses to be devoured, pounces on the seven Tilted Douluo.

bang bang bang!

This counter-shock energy came too suddenly, and the Seven Big Tilted Douluo hadn't had time to make an emergency response, one by one, they had been hit and flew upside down. Go out and stabilize the stature until you fly a hundred meters away.

When the Seven Big Tittled Douluo returned to the top of the col, they looked at each other one by one, and their eyes fell on the 9-Layer golden tower, their eyes filled with incredible colors.

The strongest blow of the seven of them all failed to smash the 9-Layer golden tower!

"The defense of this golden tower is really strong! Will it really be the Martial Spirit of the mysterious person?"

" Shouldn't the Martial Spirit of the mysterious person be a sword? After all He defeated Sword Douluo on sword dao yesterday!"

"Not only did the Seven Titled Douluo fail to break it, but they were also shaken upside down by the opponent! This tower is really terrifying!"



all influence Looking at the 9-Layer golden tower standing above the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well, and then looking towards the golden tower all around the seven Tilted Douluo, one after another sucked in a cold breath.

At this moment, Bibi Dong is holding a gemstone scepter and releasing the holy breath all over her body. She stands in front of everyone in the Martial Soul Palace, first glances at the golden tower of Motionless As Mountains, and then looks towards Chu Bei. , Xiu eyebrows frowned, a little more grave expression on his face.

Before, he thought that the guy who threatened him was just an Elder of Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, but now it seems that the other party is obviously not what he thought.

Yu Xiaogang's gaze switched back and forth between the golden tower and Chu Bei. In addition to shock, there was more curiosity, confusion, and a desire in his eyes.

He has studied Martial Spirit theory for many years and has never seen anyone with this ability. He now desperately wants to see what this mysterious person's Martial Spirit is, and what spirit skills are.

Maybe, from the opponent, he can open a new door to Martial Spirit.

Ning Rongrong, Dai Mubai and the others did not understand Chu Bei’s methods, but their faces were filled with excitement. They only knew that their Boss strength of oneself protected from the hands of seven Tilted Douluo. Under this treasure land.

"It's pretty easy to use."

For the defense of Exquisite Pagoda, Chu Bei is satisfied with nodded.

"Your Excellency, you are such a good method! We just want to grab some spirit plant. But what you want is the whole treasure land, and even a spirit plant is unwilling to let us get it. !" Wind Sword Sect The shallow blue long sword in Li Hai's hand trembled, pointing to the coldly snorted 9-Layer golden tower covering the entire col.

Chu Bei laughed and didn't refute it, because the other party was right, what he wanted was the whole treasure land.

Since the system task was released, he didn't want anyone to take any spirit plant from it.

"The things I saw in Martial Soul Palace can't be coveted by others. Since we can't break this golden tower, we must defeat you and it will automatically disappear."

Chrysanthemum Douluo Yueguan and Ghost Douluo exchanged their eyes, and at the same time they set their eyes on Chu Bei's body, coldly said.

"That's what I say, but we want to defeat me, I am afraid it will be more difficult than breaking the tower." Chu Bei put his hands around his chest, and looked at Yueguan and Guimei Er in a joke. people.

"You are too self-confident!"

After Yueguan and Guimei were coldly snorted, they looked at each other, and after making an exchange of eyes, the nine spirit rings on their bodies lit up at the same time. Up.

"Two-level static domain!"

As the shout fell, Ghost Douluo released a silver-colored glow that was different from the previous deep black mist. It was a brilliant silver flame, surrounded by it almost in an instant.

At the same time, Chrysanthemum Douluo next to him also had a golden flame on his body.

Under the eyes of everyone, the ghost and the moon gate stood facing each other, holding their hands together, and then their bodies suddenly merged. A total of eighteen spirit rings on them instantly condensed into a huge gold and silver two. The colors halo flew out quietly.

Everyone only felt that saw a flash. Suddenly, Heaven and Earth seemed to have become gold and silver, two colors, and everything around seemed completely still in this brief moment.

"Martial Spirit fusion skills!"

At the moment when the gold and silver two colors aura appeared, Yu Xiaogang popped five heavily syllables, looking towards Chu Bei's gaze There is also a little more worry in China.

Ning Fengzhi, Gu Rong, Dai Tianya and the others, browse slightly wrinkle, obviously they all have heard of this Martial Spirit fusion skill of the ghosts and the moon.

On today's continent, there are very few Soul Masters who can possess Martial Spirit fusion technology, and even more so, Tilted Douluo has Martial Spirit fusion technology.

Cha Cha, the ghosts and Yueguan are the ones who can use the Martial Spirit fusion skills!

Almost instantly, the bodies of Ghost Douluo and Chrysanthemum Douluo disappeared when the gold and silver two colors aura formed.

When Ghost Ju and Two Douluos appeared again, they were already on the left and right sides of Chu Bei.


next moment, I saw the palms of the two people pointing at Chu Bei at the same time, and the word fell.

Following, the golden silver light ring pierced through the void not far away, and immediately enveloped Chu Bei's body.

"The situation is not good! The Martial Spirit fusion technique of the two of them is the ability of the control system. Your boss is controlled because of carelessness!" Looking at the golden silver light ring hanging above Chu Bei's head, Yu Xiaogang eyes suddenly shrank, the worry on the face is even worse.

"Uncle Gang, don't worry, he will be fine with Boss."

Tang San stood on tiptoe and patted Yu Xiaogang's shoulder, giving the other side a sense of relief Look.

"Boss is super strong!" Wang Fan echoed.

"You don't understand the terrifying of Martial Spirit's fusion technology, especially by two Tilted Douluo. If he is at first beware of this trick, he may be able to avoid it successfully and have a chance to defeat both of them. But, I’m afraid it’s too late now."

Yu Xiaogang took a deep breath. He has studied Martial Spirit theory for many years, and he saw far more thorough than these little furry kids; after a while, his eyes returned again. In the air battlefield, his fists were squeezed tightly.

"No matter how strong they are, can they still beat Level 99 Ultimate Douluo?" Xiao Wu glanced lightly at Yu Xiaogang opened the mouth and said.

In the killing capital, they witnessed their own boss defeating the Killing King with level 99 strength.

"What do you mean? Your boss defeated the Ultimate Douluo?" Yu Xiaogang returned his gaze to Xiao Wu and asked immediately.

Xiao Wu shrugged, there is no response.

"Although the man’s methods are tyrannical and weird, his alertness seems a little bad."

Titled Douluo, including Dugu Bo and Wang Yang, looked at each other. To be them, you will inevitably avoid the Martial Spirit fusion skills of Ghosts and Chrysanthemum Douluo for a while, at least not like the opponent has the power to fight back.

Looking at the accused Chu Bei and Bibi Dong shook the head in the battlefield, the original solemnity on his face disappeared.

"Your Excellency, you are too arrogant! Let alone you, even the old man at Elder Palace, he will not underestimate the two of us."

Chu Bei under control, Yueguan and Guimei smiled at each other, with joy between his eyebrows.

Not to mention Chu Bei, it is the most Powerhouse in their Soul Palace, Peak Douluo Qian Daoliu, was deliberately hit by gold and silver double rings in order to test his Martial Spirit fusion skills, and they were all restricted. A full two minutes.

next moment, the ninth spirit ring on both of them lights up at the same time.

"The chrysanthemum is broken, the ground is wounded, and the flowers are broken!"

Martial Spirit of Yueguan, Heavenspan, the chrysanthemum bursts and turns into petals in the sky. The petals intertwined and gathered, forming a giant tornado in an instant, moving towards Chu Bei under the gold and silver double rings.

"Ghost God possessed!"

Almost at the same time, the ghosts were shouting loudly, behind a huge phantom shadow appeared, the shadow raised his right palm, and suddenly shot towards Chu Bei .

The same attack, the two previously hit on the 9-Layer golden tower. Because of the superior defense of the golden tower, they can do nothing. However, Chu Bei in front of him is a mortal physical body, and is controlled by their Martial Spirit Fusion Records. Unable to move even a little bit, impossible to withstand the attacks of both of them.

Under the attention of everyone in the field, a palm and a tornado, two Titaned Douluo's strongest blows, with the sound of breaking through the air, carrying the power of terror and moved towards Chu Bei strikes. There was a rumble in the void, one after another, the pitch-black gap spread.

Of course, just when the two Da Dou Shi Luo's attacks were about to fall on Chu Bei's body, the Chu Bei stature suddenly changed, and the whole body released gorgeous Golden rays of light.

"This is simply not a soul skill!"

Witnessing the changes in Chu Bei in the battlefield, onlookers all influence Powerhouse raised their heads, subconsciously squirming throat swallowed saliva and said.

At this moment, Chu Bei has transformed into a huge palm with a diameter of one hundred meters. Compared with this giant palm, the gold and silver double rings displayed by Ghost Douluo and Chrysanthemum Douluo are very miniature. .

It’s just that this palm is not a human palm, but is made of a golden metal. On the back of its hand, there are scriptures flickering, the crackle is constantly ringing, and a ball appears in the palm of the hand. The pure white radiance of the moon exudes a holy breath.

Huo Ran, I saw the Golden giant palm jump up suddenly, and it hit the gold and silver double rings accurately and accurately.


The moment the two collided, the gold and silver double rings dissipated and turned into light rain in the crisp sound.

Without waiting for everyone to react, Golden giant palm swept again, facing the strongest blow from the ghost and the chrysanthemum.

In the rumbling sound, the attack of the Ghost Ju and the Two Douluo was just like a joke, and was instantly dispersed by crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood.

"Impossible! You...you are obviously frozen, why can you..."

Looking at the golden giant palm that continues to be photographed, Yueguan and Guimei eyes suddenly shrank , But it was too late to make any countermeasures. An incomparable horrible energy had shattered the defensive cover outside their bodies, and fiercely's impact was on their bodies.

hong long!

Under the Golden giant palm, Yueguan and Guimei pierced the sky at lightning speed and hit a mountain a hundred meters away.

Under the huge impact, the mountain collapsed, the rocks splashed, and the sky was full of dust.

From Yueguan and Guimei to the strongest blow, to Chu Bei incarnation of the Golden giant palm to shoot the two flying, this seems a long process, but in fact it happened in a flash.

Looking at the collapsing mountain in the distance, the top of the sky dome fell into silence for a while, and they all fixed their eyes on the golden giant palm shrouded with mysterious scriptures in the sky.

It wasn't until a few seconds later that a silhouette in the Martial Soul Palace entire group turned into a Changhong, and moved towards the broken mountain.

When everyone looked at Ghost Douluo and Chrysanthemum Douluo picked up by that silhouette, they couldn't help but suck in a breath of cold air.

At this moment, the two men of Yueguan and ghosts have completely turned into blood men. The bursting clothes are soaked in bright red, and even the chests of the two men are faintly sunken in, and some of them are exposed. The internal organs looked miserable.

"Supreme Pontiff, Chrysanthemum Douluo, Ghost Douluo, they are dead...dead..."

After investigating the life characteristics of Yueguan and Ghosts, that silhouette fell to his knees In front of Bibi Dong, there was a vibrato in his words.

"I see."

Although Bibi Dong's surface is still calm, he can see his heart throbbing from his slightly trembling hand holding the gem scepter.

Hearing the sound, Dugu Bo, Wang Yang, Li Hai and other Tilted Douluo of 9-Layer golden tower all around looked at each other in blank dismay, and then looked towards Yueguan, Ghost The corpse, the atmosphere was extremely suppressed.

Whether it is Yueguan or Ghosts, the strength of the two is stronger than either of them, let alone the other two who use the martial spirit fusion technique, and they have no power to parry and confront each other.

But right now, the other two died easily in the hands of the mysterious person!

Since they became Tilted Douluo, they have stood at the apex of the Douluo Continent Pyramid, aloof and remote. Not to mention death, even injuries have been a matter of many years ago.

In their view, even if they die, they must naturally die of old age. Because there is not much difference in strength between Titled Douluo, no one will really fight life and death.

Rights, money, status... They all have it, what else is worth replacing?

However, right now, they witnessed the death of the moon pass and the ghost of the same Titled Douluo.

At this moment, they suddenly felt that even if they became Tilted Douluo, Death God was still very close to them, it might just be a wrong choice.

"Isn't the mysterious person frozen? Why can he launch an attack!"

"Directly behead Ghost Douluo and Chrysanthemum Douluo, how much level is this person!"

"This time, Martial Soul Palace is completely undying with him. It depends on how Supreme Pontiff handles it."


Shan Col all around , All influence's gaze was projected on Chu Bei, who had regained his original appearance in the air, and while his face was full of horror, he was discussing fiercely.

"Uncle Gang, I'll just say that the Boss will be fine, right? You are worrying." Tang San patted Yu Xiaogang's shoulder again.

This time, Yu Xiaogang didn't refute, he was stunned by the previous scene and couldn't express it in words.

He has studied Martial Spirit theory for decades, and it has completely become useless on this mysterious person.

Even, he began to wonder whether his Martial Spirit theory was a mistake at first?

"With these methods, it's no wonder that I dared to threaten me before." A cold voice floated from the top of Tianqiong Mountain.

Bibi Dong glanced at the corpses of Yueguan and Ghosts, his face was heavy, his body slowly lifted off and hovered directly opposite Chu Bei.

To meet Bibi Dong's gaze, Chu Bei looked indifferent: "Do you want to avenge him?"

"I want to discuss with you."

Bibi Dong had a killing intent in his eyes, and the cold voice fell, and the scepter in his hand was thrown into the ground below.

Next moment, Bibi Dong's body lit up with strange rays of light, and then his legs disappeared, turning from the abdomen down into a huge round sphere.

I saw eight sturdy long legs growing from the sphere, with big green hairs growing on them. The mucus on the green fur dripped from the air to the ground, constantly making puff sounds, strongly corroding.

Gradually, the skin of the upper body began to be covered with a layer of purple black armor, and even the face was covered by a carapace. Under the eyes, there are four small eyes growing out.

At this moment, the sacred breath on Bibi Dong's body has disappeared, and it is no longer the Martial Soul Palace Supreme Pontiff of the above ten thousand people, but more like a huge poisonous spider.

"She looks so disgusting!"

Looking at the scene in the battlefield, Ning Rongrong looked disgusted.

"I didn't expect Martial Soul Palace Supreme Pontiff to be such a Martial Spirit." Dai Mubai couldn't help but mutter.

Almost at the same time, all influences in the scene whispered around the appearance of Bibi Dong.

Even many Douluo Powerhouses such as Poison Douluo Dugu Bo couldn't help being frowned. Obviously, it was the first time they saw Bibi Dong using Martial Spirit.

Bibi Dong ignored all around people's comments and sent out coldly snorted again. The reason why she is reluctant to reveal Martial Spirit is because she looks too ugly after using Martial Spirit.

Because her position is already at the top of the continent, she only needs to speak and give orders for things that happen normally.

However, because of the mysterious existence that killed Yueguan and Guimei in front of her, she had to do it herself.

In the gorgeous rays of light, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, black, black, red, nine spirit rings are neatly arranged on Bibi Dong's body.

"The rumors are true, she really has a spirit ring of one hundred thousand years!" Ning Fengzhi, Gu Rong and the others looked at each other, their eyes filled with consternation.

Compared with the Wannian spirit ring, the one hundred thousand year spirit ring has made a qualitative leap, and the spirit abilities it belongs to are far more terrifying than the Wannian spirit ring.

The fundamental reason why they lost self-control like this is that Bibi Dong's strength is so powerful that it can kill a hundred thousand year soul beast!

Looking at the one-hundred-thousand-year spirit ring on Bibi Dong, Xiao Wu beside Tang San, his body trembled visibly and his eyes turned red.

"Let me learn your skills."

In the battlefield, Bibi Dong stared at Chu Bei coldly in the form of a spider, with a pair of big eyes and four Small eyes are particularly crippled.

Sen Leng's voice fell, and a black rays of light spread around Bibi Dong itself, covering the entire top of the sky in an instant.

"This...this is the realm!"

Standing in the black rays of light, Dugu Bo eyes suddenly shrank, immediately running Soul Power to resist the invasion of black rays of light.

Gu Rong, Ning Fengzhi, Dai Tianya and many other Tilted Douluo have also made the same move.

"Is this the strength of Martial Soul Palace Supreme Pontiff?"

In the field, some cultivation base weak dísciple, under the cover of black rays of light, the body is not directly Controlled shivering, his face pale for a while.

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