Mountain cols all around, all influence When Powerhouse was immersed in the shock of Bibi Dong’s release domain, a red rays of light spread in the latter’s body, and the previous black rays of light overlap each other.

"Dual realm!"

Feeling the operation of Soul Power in the body once again stalled, the leaders of all forces exclaimed at the same time, their eyes fixed on Bibi Dong’s His eyes were full of incredible colors.

Even if you become Tilted Douluo, the field is also a promising ability!

Being able to obtain a domain is already a gift from heaven, but Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong has a dual domain!

The two colors of black rays of light and red rays of light are intertwined. Everyone in this rays of light can't help but raise death, bloodthirsty, killing, terror, and various negative emotions in their hearts.

"I haven't seen it in a few years, is it so strong?" Yu Xiaogang looked at Bibi Dong blankly, a little dazed.

"Is this your Death Domain and Killing God Domain?" Chu Bei calmly said while looking at Bibi Dong indifferently.

Bibi Dong's body trembled slightly when she heard Chu Bei's words. She didn't seem to expect that her dual realm would be seen through by the other party.

"Tang San, do you think her Second Layer domain is similar to that of the King of Killing?"

Xiao Wu pulled Tang San at the corner of his clothes and asked Because of Chu Bei’s asylum, they did not receive the influence of Bibi Dong's dual realm.

Tang San slightly nod: "Even if it is not in the same field, it should be similar, but in terms of field alone, her field is not as good as my great-grandfather."

Chu Bei Glancing at Tang San and Xiao Wu, with approval in their eyes.

The Slaughter Domain of the King of Slaughter has completed the entity transformed into blood mist, and Bibi Dong's domain is still in the invisible rays of light stage.

"Spider King clone!"

Bibi Dong a light shout, a strong purple light shines on its body surface, and the black eighth spirit ring arranged on its body flashes suddenly bright.

I saw a dazzling purple light solidified on the left side of her body, and a death spider emperor identical to her body emerged as the light and shadow flickered.

"Death web!"

The spider king clone has just formed, and the third spirit ring of Bibi Dong is shining, and two purple webs are spit out. The purple spider web envelops the direction of Chu Bei with the enveloping Purple Qi, and expands rapidly in the process of swept in a flash.

The moment the spider web flew towards Chu Bei, the spider king clone turned into a ball of purple light, with its mouthparts opened, and swept towards Chu Bei following the spider web. Wherever it passes, the void oscillates, leaving a long Space Crack like being cut by some kind of sharp weapon.

"Thorn Spider Armor!"

The fourth spirit ring of Bibi Dong lights up, and the long purple black thorns are densely covered in every part of the body, each with a length of more than one meter. , The purple carapace on his body has also become extra thick. Almost at the same time, its stature disappeared from its place and appeared behind the spider king clone.

"Death imprisonment!"

As the fifth spirit ring shines, its body all around has purple ripples out of thin air. Where the ripples pass, the air freezes instantly, as if It has a short-term imprisonment effect similar to the fusion technique of Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo Martial Spirit.

Among the four spirit abilities, Death Imprisonment was the last to be displayed, but it was the fastest. In a flash, purple ripples appeared in front of Chu Bei.

"Really deserves to be the Supreme Pontiff of Martial Soul Palace! Unexpectedly she is young, and her battle awareness is so terrifying!"

Looking at the four soul skills that Bibi Dong played in a row , Gu Rong, Dugu Bo, Dai Tianya and the others looked at each other, each with a surprised look.

First use the fifth spirit ability [Death Imprisonment] to temporarily imprison the opponent, then use the third spirit ability [Death Spider Web] to completely restrain the opponent, and then use the eighth spirit ability [Spider King clone] to perish together self The method of -destruct bombards the opponent, and finally uses the fourth spirit ability [Thorn Spider Armor] to inject toxins for harvest.

With this series of spirit abilities, even if it is against someone who is more powerful than yourself, the latter is afraid that it will be difficult to resist.

"The battle plan is pretty good."

Looking at Bibi Dong's combo, Chu Bei raised a smile on the corner of his mouth. He really couldn't bear to plot the opponent's cleverly against Reasonably arranged fancy combos interrupted and destroyed.

After that, Chu Bei did not evade, lightly a finger pointed, and then put his hands behind his back, letting a series of soul skills of the other party play.

"Why don't you put me in your eyes like this? People who are arrogant and conceited, but don't live long!"

Looking at Chu who is still calm and composed at this time Bei, Bibi Dong felt an inexplicable anger, she had never been looked down upon like this.

Chu Bei laughed, moved towards Bibi Dong, revealing the snow-white teeth, except for the previous finger, there was no more movement.

Yu Xiaogang below his heart tightened, but seeing the confident look of Tang San and Xiao Wu, he swallowed it back when he had reached his mouth.

Under everyone’s attention, when Bibi Dong’s fifth spirit ability [Death Imprisonment] was about to hit Chu Bei’s body, the void pointed by Chu Bei before suddenly appeared The huge pitch-black gap.

In the gap, a group of pitch-black flames poured out, and the moment the pitch-black flame appeared, the void in front of Chu Bei was distorted and collapsed.

chi chi chi!

When the purple ripples are burned by the dark flame, and then reach Chu Bei, the effect is already like a refreshing cool breeze, but it blows Chu Bei His robes and hair have no effect on the body.

Following the ripples, the [death spider web] with a diameter of ten meters came to Chu Bei’s front, but before the spider web was put on Chu Bei’s body, it was covered with a ball of dark flame. Flame greeted, and then decomposed inexplicably, turned into a little rain and dissipated, the green venom on the spider web also evaporated out of thin air.


Looking at the two soul abilities that failed one after another, and then at the stunning and weird dark flame, Bibi Dong frowned and said lightly. Nicknamed.

After that, Bibi Dong took a deep breath and tried to restore calmness. The moment the eighth spirit ability [Spider Emperor clone] arrived in front of Chu Bei, he controlled its self-destruct.

hong long!

The huge spider is like a nuclear bomb, exploding suddenly, bringing a bright and dazzling purple rays of light.

However, in the loud noise, the explosion was like being separated into two worlds.

Chu Bei all around, the void exploded, the cracks in the space spread, and the terrifying aftermath brought countless space fragments, even if it was as strong as Dugu Bo and many other Titled Douluo in the aftermath of the explosion The spirit ring lights up subconsciously to withstand the impact.

The location of Chu Bei and the pitch black flame seems to have become a vacuum zone.

Looking at Chu Bei again, his clothes were not damaged at all, and he still maintained the original calm posture, his expression was as if the previous explosion simply did not exist.

"How is it possible!"

Bibi Dong reconsidered the dark flame, frowning deeper and deeper. At this time, his body also came close to Chu Bei.

The moment the fourth spirit ability [Thorn Spider Armor] was pierced, she finally understood.

The blazing black flame in front of the opponent has a strange terrifying Devouring Power besides the unbearably hot high temperature!

This group of black inflammation is suspended in front of the opponent, like a void black hole that can swallow everything in the world.

The energy that the previous [Spider Emperor clone] exploded around the opponent's body was immediately swallowed by this weird black inflammation.

The thorn spider armor of her fourth spirit ability proved her guess!

Before the thorn spider armor invaded within one meter of the opponent, the Devouring Power on the pitch black flame annihilated the thorn spider armor.

"Is a set of combos finished? Is there any more?" Chu Bei smiled and looked at Bibi Dong with a solemn face.

This group of black flames is the second Void Swallowing Flame in the Heavenly Flame list he received in Battle Through the Heavens plane. Only when he reaches level 80 in Soul Power of Douluo Continent will he be able to Reluctantly emphasized the use of these Heavenly Flame battles once obtained.

Fortunately, the strength of these Heavenly Flames is not directly related to his own strength, it's just that his strength is different, which results in the timing of the adjustment battle that's all.

"Sect Master Ning, what kind of flame is that! It dissolves Bibi Dong's combo!" Dai Tianya frowned and looked towards Ning Fengzhi beside her, with confusion in her eyes.

Ning Fengzhi shook the head: "So far I don’t even know what his Martial Spirit is, let alone the weird black inflammation."

This Boss Chu looks like A cloud of fog, let alone see through it thoroughly, even a corner of the fog can't be seen through.

Any method of the other party broke their cognition!

What's more terrifying is that from the beginning until now, they have not seen each other's Martial Spirit, let alone the spirit ring.

Look at Yu Xiaogang again, his mouth is already wide open, his eyes are round, his exaggerated expression is like seeing an idol’s obsessive brother.

"If you don't have a hole card? Then change my hand."

In the battlefield, a quiet and playful voice sounded in Bibi Dong's ears.

Hearing the sound, Bibi Dong's whole body suddenly rises with an icy chill, and an inexplicable sense of crisis rises in the mind.

I don’t know when, Chu Bei has already activated the Void Swallowing Flame, using the flame of the latter to condense into a big black blade. Thousands of inky fire snakes are shrouded on the blade. People shudder.

Under the movement of Chu Bei, the black blade moved straight towards Bibi Dong and slashed out.

Suddenly, the blade glow mixed with black flame burst out from the blade, tearing apart the void, and appearing in front of Bibi Dong for an instant.

Feeling the horrible imposing manner on the blade glow, Bibi Dong eyes suddenly shrank, too late to think, immediately lit up the ninth spirit ring.


The black blade glow directly cuts the thick purple carapace of Bibi Dong.

High in the sky, I saw the big spider that Bibi Dong transformed into two pieces from the middle, and the cut was extremely flat.

And the black blade glow that penetrated the past continued to sweep forward, until it blasted in an unmanned high altitude, bringing a gap of nearly 100 meters in pitch black.

The black flames that have not yet dissipated at the gap spread. Even though a distance of several kilometers, everyone on the top of Tianqiong Mountain still felt cold, and there was a tingling sensation.

"Is the Supreme Pontiff of Martial Soul Palace dead?"

"Is the cultivation base of the mysterious person as high as this realm? Not even Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong His opponent!"

"Ghost Douluo, Chrysanthemum Douluo, and Supreme Pontiff died one after another. This time the Martial Soul Palace has really suffered a heavy loss! I am afraid, it will not be long before Martial Soul Palace will be in chaos. Ah. All of this is thanks to the mysterious person."

"Don't forget, Martial Soul Palace also has a Douluo Palace! There is Peak Douluo Qian Daoliu sitting there! Supreme Pontiff is dead, and Martial Soul Palace will not be a mess."

"Look, Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong's body moved!"


all influence Powerhouse's eyes were projected on the corpse of Bibi Dong that was cut in half. Amidst the heated discussion, the two corpses that had fallen vertically suddenly stopped landing and hovered in the air.

next moment, under countless horrified gazes, the purple magic patterns on the two halves of the spider corpses glowed with dazzling rays of light, and then they moved closer to each other and slowly gathered together.

In a short while, the corpse that had been cut in half returned to the shape before it was broken, except that there was a hint of Golden in the purple magic pattern on the original body.

As soon as his body recovered, Bibi Dong immediately lifted his Martial Spirit and became his body.

pu' sound, I saw a ball of Golden blood spouting from Bibi Dong's mouth, his body shook violently, and he looked towards Chu Bei again with a little more dread.

She was very fortunate that her instincts were accurate, and she still lit up the ninth spirit ring even when she was uncertain.

The result also told her that her decision was right. Although Soul Power was consumed extensively, her life was saved.

Thinking about the consequences of the previous scene if she didn't use the ninth spirit ring, I was afraid of it.

The ninth spirit ability of the Death Spider Emperor that she had previously performed was called the undying body. Even if the body is torn apart in an enemy's attack, it can regroup.

Of course, every time you use the ninth spirit ring, you need to consume part of the blood essence, and you must use it at the most appropriate time.

Like the previous opponent's blow, if she hesitates for a second, it will be another end. After all, the other party's Prestige of a Single Blade had already killed her instantly.

"Master Pontiff is not dead, really very good!"

Seeing the resurrection of Bibi Dong, everyone in Martial Soul Palace immediately walked out of grief, all with excitement on their faces.

Dugu Bo, Dai Tianya and the others looked at Bibi Dong, with a little more envy in their eyes. The spirit ring skills of these 100,000-year-old soul beasts really turned against the sky.

The timing is right, that is the real life-saving skill!

"I thought you would be reluctant to use blood essence because of consuming blood essence." Looking at Bibi Dong, whose face was slightly pale, Chu Bei smiled faintly at the corner of his mouth.

"Don't you use this weird black inflammation without any Soul Power consumption?" Bibi Dong's body vacated to the same height as Chu Bei again, coldly snorted.

"Will you talk to me about consumption?"

Chu Bei smiled, smiling very proudly.

Even if he doesn't use Void Swallowing Flame, he can still use Force of Desire Value!

On the other side, this is not as good as Tang Chen's strength. It's easy to kill a few hundred.

Bibi Dong glanced at the black blade that was raised again in Chu Bei's hand, recalling the blade glow that the opponent had previously swung with prestige of destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth, and could not help but withdraw from the hundred backwards. Meter.

After moving away from Chu Bei, Bibi Dong's body changed again.

The spider web pattern on the forehead instantly turned into dark green, and a layer of crystal-clear dark green rays of light spread from the body.

This time, her legs did not change, but three pairs of dark green spider legs appeared behind her. Both arms have also become similar dark green lances, and the lower body is completely covered by a layer of dark green rays of light.

Different from the previous Death Spider King, this is another huge spider!

At the same time, black, black, black, black, black, red, red, seven spirit rings neatly appeared on her.

"Twin Martial Spirit!"

Ning Fengzhi's eyes narrowed and couldn't help exclaiming.

Titled Douluo from Dugu Bo and Dai Tianya also showed an expression of error.

The lost self-control is not only because of the eye-catching black spirit ring of the opponent first, second and third, but also because of the red spirit ring that the opponent started from the sixth spirit ring.

This means that the eight or nine spirit rings that the other party will obtain in the future will be one hundred thousand years old!

Inexplicably, they are a little grateful to this mysterious person who turned out in the battlefield. Because of the other's existence, Bibi Dong one after another revealed his trump card, showing true strength.

It is through this that they understand the power of Bibi Dong and realize the gap between themselves and the other party.

"Little San, did you see that, she is the person with twin Martial Spirit I mentioned to you."

Chu Bei looked towards Tang San, calm The voice rang in the latter's ears.

"Listen to you, is it possible that that kid is also a twin Martial Spirit?"

Following Chu Bei's gaze, Bibi Dong glanced at Tang San's direction and muttered Screamed. Her first Martial Spirit is the Death Spider King, and her second Martial Spirit is the Soul Eater Spider King.

"Magic spider summon!"

Along with Bibi Dong a light shout, its third spirit ring shines, followed by a touch of dark green rays of light spreading in the sky Open. In the rays of light, dark green poisonous spiders with a body diameter of about ten centimeters drilled out one after another.

The bodies of these dark green poisonous spiders look a bit illusory, but they are formed by the dead energy released by Bibi Dong.

xiū xiū xiū!

Under the control of Bibi Dong, densely packed poisonous spiders flock to Chu Bei.

If the spirit abilities of the first Martial Spirit tend to be close combat, then the spirit abilities of the second Martial Spirit tend to be more bizarre and changeable. After seeing the power of Chu Bei's knife, Bibi Dong's choice without the slightest hesitation was far enough away from the opponent, thus giving himself a chance to dodge.

As for the magic spider summon, it is used to consume the opponent's Soul Power until the opponent can no longer use the weird dark flame.

Looking at the dark green poisonous spiders all around, Chu Bei's expression changed slightly.

Of course, this is not because he is jealous, but because these poisonous spiders look too sordid and disgusting.

In the immediately rushed by these poisonous spiders, Chu Bei hauled the Void Swallowing Flame and could not wait to release tens of millions of pitch-black fire snakes.

In the sound of chi chi, the fire snake army is flying towards poisonous spider hiding the sky and covering the earth like moved towards poisonous spider.

Compared with poisonous spiders, the fire snake army is faster, more numerous, and covers a wider range.

Gaj, Gaj, Gaj...

In the blink of an eye, thousands of poisonous spiders were swallowed by the fire snake army, one by one in the mouth of the fire snake. It exploded into dark green rays of light and was swallowed up.


Bibi Dong's eyes widened. Since becoming Martial Soul Palace Supreme Pontiff, nothing can make her feel turbulent.

But today, this mysterious person of unknown origin has repeatedly culminated in her calm state of mind.

The other party's methods are not only terrifying formidable power, but also endlessly emerging. She somewhat doubted whether the other party was also a twin Martial Spirit, with 18 spirit abilities.

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