In the battlefield, Bibi Dong took a long breath, came back to his senses from the shock, and let out a scream from the sky.

next moment, I saw that the spider web-like magic pattern on his forehead instantly turned into a green eye, and a bleak green light beam spit out from it, exquisitely shooting at Chu Bei's head.

This is not Bibi Dong's spirit ring spirit ability, but the spirit of her head is immune to the skull spirit ability, [real world].

To put it simply, this is a Divine Soul attacking spirit ability. It does no harm to the physical body, but it can directly attack a person's Divine Soul.

Usually, this head spirit bone skill Bibi Dong will not be used, because it consumes a huge amount of spirit strength and needs to directly consume her one third spirit strength before it can be used.

But she played a series of spirit ring spirit skills, and they didn't have any effect on the other party. She had to change her mind and attacked the other party's Divine Soul.

[The system detects a Divine Soul attack from the outside world, does the host damage three times and rebounds?]

A mechanical sound suddenly sounded in his mind. Chu Bei was taken aback first, and then a touch of the corner of his mouth revealed A playful smile.

Almost at the same time, Chu Bei gave a choice.

A similar situation happened in Dou Qi Continent, but at that time Gu Yuan was testing his reality.

With these two system sounds, Chu Bei also had a guess in his mind. Since system is located in his Sea of ​​Consciousness, once someone attacks his Divine Soul, system will take its place. .

After all, if his Sea of ​​Consciousness is damaged, the system itself will also be damaged.

Pu chi!

Just when Bibi Dong’s spirit skull hit Chu Bei, the latter was unharmed, and she herself was a stagger, and at the same time a mouthful of blood spurted , His face suddenly paled. The messy breath surged out violently from the body, directly tearing the space all around.

"It turns out that you will..."

Bibi Dong breath became weak, trembling all over, and had to drop the stature to the ground.

"Did the two of them fight again just now?"

Dugu Bo, Dai Tianya and many others, such as Tilted Douluo, looked at Bibi Dong with a painful and pale face, and then looked towards Chu Bei has a calm and composed mouth with a playful smile and confusion between his eyebrows.

"If I guessed right, they should have had a soul-knowledge competition just now. However, Bibi Dong failed miserably."

Gu Rong opened the mouth and said: "I myself The seventh spirit ability is also an attack similar to the Divine Soul nature. Maybe the damage is not as good as that of him. However, I know that both parties perform Divine Soul attacks at the same time. If the amount of God Soul Power is similar, both will oscillate with Divine Soul. Only one person was injured."

"You mean, in terms of Soul Power, that mysterious person is one level higher than Bibi Dong?" Dai Mubai said tentatively.

"Theoretically, this is the case." Gu Rong nodded, then glanced at the location of Chu Bei, with even more respect in his eyes.

"Are you going to keep looking like this as a bystander? Don’t forget, our goal is the treasure below. If you can’t defeat him, don’t want to encroach on any of the spirit plants below. !"

Bibi Dong swept across Dugu Bo, Li Hai and the others coldly, and Sen Han’s voice echoed on the top of Tianqiong Mountain.

Hearing Bibi Dong's words, Dugu Bo, Lin Bin, Wang Yang and the others looked at each other. The other party's words are not unreasonable. If it is for the immortal grade below, they are indeed tied to a boat at the moment.

However, they hesitated again when they thought that their common enemy was the mysterious person of Heavenspan with this weird power.

After all, the opponent is really too strong, so powerful that even characters like Bibi Dong are not opponents of the opponent.

"Your Excellency, my Elephant Sect has no intention of being an enemy of you. I wonder if you are willing to let me pick two spirit plants. After the picking is completed, my Elephant Sect will leave immediately." Lin Bin pondered for a moment. One step forward moved towards Chu Bei and hugged cup one fist in the other hand.

"My thoughts are the same as Sect Master Lin. As long as I can pick a few spirit plants, I will leave immediately." Fire Leopard Zong Wang Yang, Wind Sword Sect Li Hai, and Dugu Bo spoke one after another, making it clear Same as Lin Bin.

Only Dai Tianya of White Tiger Sect has his eyes flickering, with a hesitant color on his face.

As for Ning Fengzhi and Gu Rong, looking at their expressions, from the very beginning, it seems that they have no plans to compete with Chu Bei for this treasure.

"Are you scared to this point? Anyway, you are a Tilted Douluo, don't you even have the courage to fight a battle?" For Dugu Bo, Wang Yang, Lin Bin and the others Choice, Bibi Dong has disdain on his face, frigid irony and scorching satire.

Dugu Bo, Wang Yang and the others ignored Bibi Dong’s sarcasm, looked at Chu Bei calmly, and waited for the other party’s reply.


However, Chu Bei shook his head decisively, without the slightest hesitation, rejecting them: "You can't take anything on this precious land. Think. Take it away and bring out the ability."

"He has rejected you like this. You should be on the same line with me, right?"

Bibi Dong said With a sarcastic sneer, next moment, with a sudden roar, the six spider spears behind him thrust into the ground forcefully, and his arms shook suddenly.

I saw a trace of purple and green mixed air flow quickly walking up Bibi Dong's body. Although there was a trace of pain on his face, his breath suddenly increased.

"Eternal Creation!"

Bibi Dong's cold light flashes in his eyes, and he endures the pain of his injury, and red's sixth spirit ring rays of light are released.

In an instant, her body that turned into a Martial Spirit really behind, which originally looked hideous, turned into a piece of emerald green emerald. The two giant sickles were raised at the same time, a little green light spread in an instant, and the sharp edge was ordered to light up, cutting out diagonally.

next moment, a huge fork-shaped ripple went straight to Chu Bei.

Eternal Creation, the spirit ability of the one hundred thousand year spirit ring, is also Bibi Dong's current strongest single attack. Once hit, the wound will spread endlessly, only relying on Soul Power to resist, until Soul Power is exhausted and the lamp dies. No matter where it is on the body, its effects are fatal.

"Your Excellency, the same sentence, I have no intention of being an enemy of you! But at the moment, for the spirit plant, I can only feel sorry for it!"

The voice of Xiangjiazong Lin Bin As soon as it fell, the ninth spirit ring lights up, transforming into a huge ancient mammoth, and the elephant hoof that contains terrifying energy kicks towards Chu Bei.

"Biphos divine light!"

Seeing Lin Bin's move, Dugu Bo no longer hesitated, transforming into a giant snake, the giant snake tail drew towards Chu Bei, the snake tail swept All the passing void collapsed and rumbling.

"Leopard inflammation!"

Fire Leopard Sect Wang Yang turned into a crimson cheetah, the ninth spirit ring flashed, and a flame leopard the size of his body gushed towards him. Chu Bei.

"Netherworld double heavy sword kill!"

Wind Sword Sect Li Hai coldly glanced at Chu Bei, climbing up to Peak in an imposing manner, and a monstrous killing intent emerged. At the same time, two shallow blue long swords appeared in the palms, and they pierced Chu Bei at the same time.

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