"Imperial Uncle, don't take it!"

Seeing Dugu Bo and the others take it, Dai Mubai hurriedly stopped Dai Tianya, seemingly afraid of the other person. Join the battlefield.

Dai Tianya looked at Dai Mubai, then looked towards Chu Bei, who was always at ease in the battlefield, shook his head and sighed, but did not make a move.

"It's good to go together, it saves me trouble."

Looking at Dugu Bo, Li Hai and the others who came under the siege, Chu Bei still looked calm.

The calm voice fell, and a slender sword appeared in his right hand, swiping it down.

hong long!

As soon as Chu Bei slashed a knife, there was a loud noise in the sky above Tianqiong Mountain, and then there was a flash of light, rising winds, scudding clouds, black clouds Billowing.

In an instant, one after another dark and weird lightning pours out of the black cloud. It is spherical, serpentine, grotesquely shaped, and the thunder thunder keeps sounding, which is very intimidating.

Peak Powerhouse in Bibi Dong, Dugu Bo, etc., after hearing the movement above, quickly looked up.

I saw a weird river flowing across the sky, rays of light lingering, straight to Heavenspan.

"This kind of means, is he really still a human..." Looking at the unusual form in the sky, Dai Tianya, who didn't make a move, muttered to herself.

Yu Xiaogang opened his mouth wide, his stiff expression was slightly dull, and his heart at the moment had been shocked to the point where it could not be added.

"Boss is really outrageous!"

As for Tang San, Wang Fan, Ning Rongrong, Dai Mubai and the others, they are full of excitement and admiration for Chu Bei. Even worse.

hong long long!

In the sound of rolling thunder, five huge gaps suddenly cracked in the weird river. Below each gap were five Tilted Douluo who shot him at the moment.

Looking at the gap that suddenly appeared above their heads, the hearts of Bibi Dong, Dugu Bo, Wang Yang, Lin Bin, and Li Hai trembled inexplicably, one by one subconsciously propped up their strongest defenses, and at the same time He attacked again and blasted into the gap.

However, before the attack hits the gap, the red light fills the gap, and a meteorite that releases a blazing high temperature crashes down.

Meteorites all around thunder are densely covered. Under the shroud of its rays of light, Bibi Dong, Dugu Bo and the others suddenly found themselves as if they were imprisoned by some invisible force. Although Soul Power can still circulate in the body, the body is unable to move even a little bit anyway.


Five huge meteorites hit five Tilted Douluo almost at the same time, the rumbling sound is uniform, and the breath of destruction rushes out in the sky in an instant.

Perhaps it was Chu Bei’s deliberate control. Compared with the meteorite above Bibi Dong, the meteorite above Dugu Bo and Wang Yang released significantly weaker breath.

But even so, under the strikes of this terrifying meteorite, Dugu Bo, Wang Yang, Lin Bin, and Li Hai fiercely fell on the 9-Layer golden tower in the col. .

At the moment of the collision, the four people's original calm and vigorous breath dropped to a lowest point.

Pu chi!

The clothes of the four burst into pieces, and blood spurted from their mouths.

Look at Bibi Dong again. Because of the strikes her meteorite is the most powerful and terrifying, her body was smashed into countless pieces of flesh in an instant. Fortunately, the ninth spirit ring lights up in time, and the dim dazzling light lights up between these pieces of meat, and they begin to gather with each other.

After a while, Dugu Bo and Wang Yang managed to endure their injuries and returned to the air. They saw that Bibi Dong turned into a pile of meat, and the eyes suddenly shrank appeared in their eyes. The color of fear.

The gaze that looked towards Chu Bei again was full of gratefulness.

When they arrived at this realm, naturally they would not feel that their defense power was one level stronger than Bibi Dong, but the mysterious person deliberately kept their hands on the four of them.

If their meteorite is the same as the one above Bibi Dong, their fate must have been the same as Bibi Dong, turned into a pile of flesh and blood.

Thinking of this, the four of them shuddered abruptly when they looked up and looked towards the huge meteorite still hovering in the air. The energy contained in this meteorite is simply not what they are capable of.

"The three major Sect Masters plus Poison Douluo, and Martial Soul Palace Supreme Pontiff, they still lost!"

"What realm is that mysterious person? Could it be that fight? The Qian Daoliu of Luodian is the same as Peak Douluo?"

"If Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong had a life-saving spirit ring, I am afraid that he is dead now, that person is really too terrifying."


"It seems that this treasure has already belonged. Needless to say, it must belong to him."


The edge of the top of Tianqiong Mountain, all influence Powerhouse's eyes locked on the battlefield in the air, each one was dumbfounded.

Dai Tianya on the side, watching Bibi Dong, who turned into a pile of minced meat and slowly gathering in the battlefield, and Wang Yang, Dugu Bo, Lin Bin, and Li Haisi whose breath was extremely weak People's face turned gray for a moment.

In that way, the whole person is like being hit by a thunderbolt from the blue sky, and the whole body is numb.

At first, when he saw Dugu Bo and the others besiege Chu Bei together, he was a little hesitant to help, after all, he also wanted to get a few immortal grades. Later, considering that the opponent was Dai Mubai's boss, he chose to give up.

But now it seems that he would also like to thank Dai Mubai, otherwise the best result would be the loss of battle strength like Dugu Bo and the others.

Mountain Col all around, a group of Powerhouses looked at Chu Bei in a daze. They knew that after today’s battle, the mysterious person on the battlefield would definitely become the subject of investigation by Great Influence.

In a few seconds.

Bibi Dong's shattered body has recovered again, but at this moment, her skin has lost the slightest blood, and her breathing has become extremely weak.

Using the Ninth Soul Ability twice in a row, it almost exhausted all her blood essence.

"You have escaped again." Chu Bei glanced at Bibi Dong faintly, the joking voice fell, and the gravity knife in the right hand trembled slightly.

Suddenly, a huge gap appeared above Bibi Dong's head, the golden light was diffused, and the sound of lightning crackle kept ringing.

I noticed that my body was imprisoned again, and then looked towards the breather and more terrifying meteorite that appeared above my head, Bibi Dong shook the head, there was a sense of helplessness between my eyebrows, and a sense of powerlessness appeared in my heart . She has no extra blood essence to light up the ninth spirit ring.

"Is this my destiny? God, you are unfair to me!"

Bibi Dong stared at the sledge hammer above, filled with beautiful eyes Deeply unwilling.

She doesn't want to die, not because she is afraid of death, but because her hatred has not been released.

Angel Race is still survived in the world, how could she be willing to die!

Of course, the current dilemma is unsolvable.

Everything is only because that mysterious person is too strong, too strong to do anything.

At this time, Yu Xiaogang was stunned like thunder and lightning. He came back to his senses when he saw that the huge meteorite above Bibi Dong was about to fall again.

"My lord, don't...please don't kill Dongdong..."

Yu Xiaogang's expression changed suddenly, and he quickly moved towards Chu Bei and fell to his knees, with a hurried shout. Panic.

"It's just a death, I don't want you to beg for mercy!!" Bibi Dong almost exhausted his last strength and moved towards Yu Xiaogang roar.

"My lord, please spare her. Please, as long as you can spare Dongdong, I am willing to work extremely hard for you."

Yu Xiaogang ignored Bibi Dong, Continuing to beseech Chu Bei.

Looking at Yu Xiaogang's pleading gaze, Chu Bei sighed, the killing intent in his eyes converged, and then with a wave of his hand, the huge meteorite above Bibi Dong's head disappeared.

"That's all, for the sake of Xiaogang, I will spare you this time." Chu Bei's indifferent voice floated from the air.

"No, I don't want your mercy, kill me!"

Bibi Dong first moved towards Chu Bei roar, but stared blankly at Yu Xiaogang, body Shaking and shaking, the whole person seemed to be mad, and he kept muttering: "I don't want to owe you...Don't..."

"I won't take you Supreme Pontiff away yet!"

Yu Xiaogang seemed to be afraid that Chu Bei would change his mind, and couldn't wait to move towards Martial Soul Palace in the direction of the army, and let out a roar.

Hearing the sound, the two Soul Douluo in front of the Martial Soul Palace army looked at each other and immediately stepped forward to support Bibi Dong and took her away quickly.

Chu Bei glanced at the Martial Soul Palace army that was going away, raised right hand. With the disappearance of the gravity knife, the unusual form above the sky dome quickly returned to normal.

This gravity knife is the ability from the pirate plane General Fujitora that he has redeemed through the system. After the system is strengthened, this ability has been classified as a tenth high grade product.

The previous meteorite attack is one of the means of such ability.

"Why are you still here? is it possible that you are still coveting this precious land?"

Chu Bei stood in the void, his cold eyes swept across Dugu Bo, Li Hai and the others: "But if you dare to do it again, I won't guarantee that you will still be alive."

Sen Han's voice echoed in Lin Bin, Wang Yang, Dugu Bo, and Li Haisi. People's ears are like the sound of hell.

Hearing Chu Bei’s words, Lin Bin, Wang Yang, Dugu Bo, and Li Hai smiled bitterly at each other and looked helpless. Now they are exhausted, even if they are willing to deal with a Soul Douluo. Fatigue.

"My lord, we just want to witness you take away the spirit plant on this precious land." Dugu Bo moved towards Chu Bei and hugged the cup one fist in the other hand, opened the mouth and said.

Looking at the last stubbornness on Dugu Bo and the others' faces, Chu Bei couldn't help but smile.

During his steps, Chu Bei came to the sky above the Exquisite Pagoda, a finger pointed.


pagoda trembles, blooming golden glow.

next moment, under the countless line of sight in the field, the octagonal black icegrass, the blazing apricot, the soul yuan flower, the celestial wind and fire thorns in the col, etc., including the ten rare immortal grades One of the Yuxiang Keira included, one after another top grade spirit plant disappeared.

Even in the end, the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well composed of milk-white and vermilion disappeared.

[Host successfully recovered Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well and all around all treasures]

[Reward Level 11 low grade goods once for use]

[ Battle Through the Heavens cultivation base conversion is accelerating]

[77% progress]

[78% progress]

[100% progress 79/79]


A series of system sounds sounded in the Chu Bei Sea of ​​Consciousness.

When the last system sound disappears, the conversion progress of the cultivation base has changed from 76% to 84%.

As for Soul Power, it has also jumped from Level 80 Soul Saint to 8Level 8 Soul Douluo.

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