"This breath, this blood...Deep Sea Demon Whale King!"

Shortly after the departure of Chu Bei entire group, a man wearing blue gauze The woman came to the top of the battlefield.

The woman looked at the sea below which was blood dyed red. The tip of her nose moved slightly, and after feeling the breath contained in the blood, her expression changed abruptly, her eyes full of astonished expressions.

"How could anyone else hurt it, even High Priest can only tie it with it. Could it be Lord Poseidon?"

Blue clothed woman Whispering softly, the eyebrows are filled with deep confusion. After a daze, he came back to his senses, and immediately moved towards the direction he came, and the speed was played to the extreme.

Ten nautical miles away from Sea God Island.

"Master, there are sharks! There are still a lot!!" Suddenly, Dai Mubai exclaimed.

Hundreds of white sharks soon discovered the Longyuan Boat, and in a short time they all surrounded the Longyuan Boat.

"These sharks are the island guard sharks of Sea God Island. Since we did not go through the normal passage to Sea God Island, they regarded us as enemies who invaded Sea God Island." Yu Xiaogang said timely.


The sea is rolling, and a group of island sharks open their bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, slowly moved towards Dragon Profound Boat near.

However, just as these island guard sharks were about to attack the Longyuan Boat, a large white shark with a length of 20 meters swam over quickly.

I saw the large white shark glancing at Chu Bei on the Longyuan Boat with fear, and a weird noise was heard in the mouth. For an instant, the hundreds of people all around the Longyuan Boat The island shark ran away quickly.

"I didn't expect you to show up in time."

Chu Bei smiled at the Demon Soul Great White Shark in front of him. He had not been with the Deep Sea Demon Whale King before. He felt the presence of the opponent during the battle. It can be said that the opponent saw him and the Deep Sea Demon Whale King battle from beginning to end.

"The sea gods really exist! I hope you don’t mess around on Sea God Island."

Demon Soul Great White Shark speak human's words, shake his tail after speaking, far away Follow far behind the Longyuan Boat.


"Unexpectedly, after more than ten years, I will be on this island again." Yu Xiaogang followed the behind of Chu Bei and let out a sigh of emotion.

Looking around, Sea God Island is green, and the big one can't be seen at all. A variety of plants grow on the island, many of which are not inland.

Step on the gravel, a cool breeze is blowing in the air, and the fragrance of various flowers is fresh, warm and refreshing.

"You who!"

Tang San, Dai Mubai and the others have not had time to enjoy the sea breeze of Sea God Island. With a low voice, more than a dozen silhouettes move quickly from the woods He came out, and stopped in front of Chu Bei master and disciple.

These people have different looks, but they have one characteristic in common. That is, the clothes on them are the same, the kind of hard armor, one by one, holding a lance in his hand, watching Chu Bei master and disciple vigilantly.

"Answer my question, why invade Sea God Island!"

A tall man stepped forward and three spirit rings lit up on his body. Before they were patrolling, they heard the roar of the island shark coming from here and rushed to investigate. What surprised them was that the pedestrian was not killed by the island shark, but easily boarded the Sea God Island.

"Take me to see Bo Saixi." Chu Bei glanced over a group of patrolling soldiers, and his voice was calm.

"It's ridiculous, is High Priest what you guys want to see!"

The tall man headed screamed, and then turned and looked towards the person behind: "These guys are trespassing Enter Sea God Island, tie them up and throw them into the sea jail, and they will be dealt with by the blue deacon!"

"Boss, these guys don't bother you to do it!"

Look Dai Mubai, Tang San and the others stepped forward with the crowds of Sea God Island soldiers who had gathered, and the gravel chi chi hummed under their feet.

"Don't waste time on them."

The indifferent voice fell, Chu Bei's eyes condensed, the air instantly stagnated, centered on itself, and the void rippled , Where the ripples passed, the Sea God Island soldiers who came forward crashed to the ground. Each one had hollow eyes, his body was stiff, and his mouth wide open seemed to be frightened.

"Boss is amazing!"

Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing, and Ma Hongjun glanced at the motionless soldiers on the ground, with amazement in their eyes. They only know that this is Chu Bei's masterpiece, but they don't know how the other party did it.

The expressions of Tang San, Wang Fan, and Xiao Wu did not change much. After all, they had already seen Chu Bei's method when they were in the killing capital, and it was invisible.

"What did you do to them?"

The tall man glanced at his unconscious companion, looked at Chu Bei in horror, and took a step back involuntarily: "You outsiders Those who violate Sea God Island will be punished by High Priest!"

"That's all, since you stopped me to find her, let her come to me."

Chu Bei glanced at the depths of Sea God Island, and gathered a dazzling group of Fireball in his palm.

chi chi chi!

When the size of the Fireball converged to the size of a football, I saw Chu Bei casually toss it, and Fireball appeared here with splitting the air sound. Right above the forest, the body is multiplying and expanding.

At the same time.

Sea God Island, Sea God Temple.

"Lan Mei, what happened on the sea just now? The energy of the explosion made me feel jealous." Bo Saixi holding the scepter, recalling the horrible waves from the sea before, show Frowned.

"High Priest, when I rushed past, the energy had subsided."

The blue clothed woman named Lan Mei purse one's lip, took a deep breath and said:" All I saw was a sea that was stained with blood. Through breath, I can be sure that the blood belongs to the Deep Sea Demon Whale King."

"What? Someone hurt the deep sea demon!" Listen When it came to Lan Mei, Bo Saixi's expression changed slightly, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

The previous wave of ocean energy, she guessed it was related to the Deep Sea Demon Whale King. After all, in her cognition, the entire sea can mobilize such a terrifying ocean power, only such a nine-nine-nine-million-year-old marine overlord.

Before, she thought that the other party was complaining just because it had been unable to become a god. Unexpectedly, it was actually fighting, and it was defeated!

"Who would it be?"

Bo Saixi frowned and deepened. She knew the strength of Deep Sea Demon Whale King better than anyone else, even in Power of Sea. Under God's blessing, she can only draw a tie with the opponent, after all, the opponent is only one line behind to become a god.

She really can't think of anyone who can hurt this ocean overlord. Could there be something more terrifying in the depths of the ocean?

Or, the guy at Martial Soul Palace on land has become a god?

"High Priest, how is Tang Chen now." Lan Mei looked at Bo Saixi curiously.

Hearing Lan Mei’s question, Bo Saixi frowned and her fists tightened: "I will keep pleading with Lord Poseidon until Lord Poseidon lets him go."

hong long!

At this moment, with a loud noise, the Sea God Temple shook wildly.

"What happened!"

The silhouettes of Bo Saixi and Lan Mei appeared outside the great hall in an instant, staring at the moving towards the explosion, eyes suddenly shrank.

On the far east of the island, over the forest closest to the coast, a huge mushroom cloud flame appeared. The terrifying energy escaped, and the trees below directly turned into nothingness.

Even though several li are separated, some buildings in the Sea God Temple all around are still affected, and rubble is flying everywhere.

The blazing high temperature raised the temperature of the entire Sea God Island by several degrees.

Feeling this energy fluctuation, the faces of Bo Saixi and Lan Mei suddenly changed at the same time.

next moment, two figures disappear from the same place.

Just below the explosion, the tall man collapsed to the ground, staring at Chu Bei in fear.

The woods behind him have completely disappeared under the ravages of the terrifying aftermath, and some are just a burning black open space, without any birds and beasts.

xiū xiū xiū 咻!

Just as the tall man was looking terrified, not knowing what to do, count the long rainbow threads from all directions of Sea God Island and landed behind him.

Looking at the person behind, the tall man immediately got up from the ground, the color of fear between his eyebrows dissipated, and his face was filled with joy.

"High Priest, these people are trespassing on Sea God Island..."

The tall man moved towards Bo Saixi bowed deeply, but the words in his mouth were not finished yet Was interrupted by the opponent waved, and then respectfully retreated to the side.

"Who are you? I don't know what is going on with my Sea God Island?"

Bo Saixi's eyes fell on Chu Bei's body, although on the surface it was extremely calm, but his heart emerged It's not a small wave. With her strength, she couldn't catch any Soul Power fluctuations in the opponent's body.

Lan Mei behind Bo Saixi and the deacons of Sea God Island looked at Bo Saixi with a little surprise. They really know their own High Priest too well. Although the other side is very good to the people of Sea God Island, they will never tolerate the offenders.

Under normal circumstances, the person who encounters the offender is directly imprisoned and thrown into the sea jail with his temperament; a few years ago, when Martial Soul Palace came to commit the crime, she killed it with a powerful method. The two Titaned Douluo of the opposing team just frightened Martial Soul Palace from infringing on Sea God Island for many years.

But right now, their High Priest has changed its normal state, and the purpose of questioning the offender calmly is completely inconsistent with the other party's style!

"Where is Tang Chen."

Chu Bei stood with his hands behind, looking directly at Bo Saixi, without any fluctuations in his expression.

While still on the sea, Chu Bei found that the red dot representing Tang Chen's position on the system map was a bit weird. The red dot from start to finish has not moved.

Now, when he came to the island, he made such a big movement, he had never seen Tang Chen show up, which is even more weird!

"Are you Tang Chen who? is it possible that you are here for him!" Bo Saixi frowned.

"Answer my question." Chu Bei's voice became cold.

"If I don't say it."

Seeing Chu Bei's attitude, Bo Saixi held a scepter and issued a light shout in his mouth.

When the shout fell, Bo Saixi's body was lit up with light blue rays of light, and as his imposing manner rose, the light blue gradually became dark blue.

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