"Are you testing my patience." Chu Bei half-squinted, staring at Bo Saixi coldly, cold in his eyes.

"Bold and arrogant!"

Without waiting for Bo Saixi's response, Lan Mei took the lead in humming: "Crossing into Sea God Island and hurting the people on my island, you still Take it in prison!"

The shout fell, and Lan Mei lit up eight spirit rings. Yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, and black turned out to be a sea Soul Douluo. !

I saw its seventh spirit ring lit up, and a slender snake whip transformed by energy appeared in the palm of his hand. The snake whip shook and slammed towards the Chu Bei entire group.


In the sound of breaking through the air, a clear voice sounded.

Seeing the moment Lan Mei's snake whip drew Chu Bei, the latter's two fingers stuck out and firmly clamped one end of the snake whip.


Lan Mei frowned, seeing his attack easily accepted by the opponent, but when he was about to pull back the snake whip, the opponent’s two fingers Suddenly an incomparable horrible energy erupted.

This energy first crushed dry weeds and smashing rotten wood like her snake whip, and then lightning strikes on her body.

Pu chi!

Under this terrifying power, Lan Mei had no time to light up the defensive spirit ring, and his body flew out like a cannonball, fiercely hit To the ground. Without getting up from the ground, blood in his chest rolled, mouth spurt blood spit out, his face pale for a moment.

"Is he the Titled Douluo inland?" Seeing Lan Mei being shot into the air, the deacon behind Bo Saixi looked at each other in blank dismay.

"High Priest, I..."

Lan Mei flew back to Bo Saixi's side, resisting the pain in her body, looking at Chu Bei unwillingly.

"Needless to say, repair the injury first."

Without waiting for Lan Mei to finish, Bo Saixi waved a crystal Medicinal Pill and threw it to Lan Mei. After that, his eyes condensed and stared at Chu Bei, his eyes cold.

As soon as the opponent shot, she noticed the strange energy fluctuations in the opponent body that did not belong to Soul Power, but because the opponent's speed was too fast, she could not resist, and the opponent's attack had already fallen. On Lan Mei's body.

crash-bang ——

Chu Bei and Bo Saixi looked at each other, and when the atmosphere began to depress, the waves of the sea not far away rolled, a long body The 20-meter Great White Shark jumped out of the sea.

"It's the Shark King! It didn't go out on a parade, why would it let these people board the Sea God Island from here!"

Meet Demon Soul Great White Shark, Bo Saixi The deacons behind them showed puzzled expressions, and Lan Mei also had confusion in his eyes.

As long as there is Demon Soul Great White Shark patrolling Sea God Island all around, even if Tilted Douluo comes, don't even want to invade Sea God Island.

This is the sea. In the sea, Demon Soul Great White Shark is no weaker than any 9Level 5 Tilted Douluo.

Thinking of this, the eyes of a crowd of deacon looked towards Chu Bei again, and the eyes are full of surprise,

I think of Lan Mei who was severely injured by the previous blow of 8Level 5. , Each expression changed suddenly, is it possible that the person in front of you is Tilted Douluo above 9Level 5!

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ——

Demon Soul Great White Shark made a strange sound.

After listening to what Great White Shark said, Bo Saixi's expression has changed significantly, from calmness to confusion to consternation!

In the end, he stared at Chu Bei with an incredulous expression, his eyes were full of strangeness.

"Before you were fighting the Deep Sea Demon Whale King? You also defeated the opponent!"

Bo Saixi clenched the scepter in one hand and made a fist, took a deep breath asked, trying to keep calm.

"What? He...he defeated the deep sea overlord!"

"Is it the Deep Sea Demon Whale King who was blinded by Lord Poseidon?"


"Impossible, how could he do it! Even High Priest can only draw a tie with it. So, isn't his strength still above High Priest?"

"Yes, Xiaobai must be dazzled! High Priest is Peak Douluo who is half-footed into the divine realm. If he is more powerful than High Priest, wouldn't he have become a god!"


The deacons of Sea God Island shook their heads again and again. They didn't believe that the man in front of them had the strength to defeat the Deep Sea Demon Whale King. They all agreed that Xiao Bai was bluffing.

It was Lan Mei who was recovering from his injury. He trembled suddenly when he heard Bo Saixi's words.

Because she had been to the scene in person, the sea overlord, Deep Sea Demon Whale King, was indeed seriously injured, and the blood she shed even stained the surface of the sea for several nautical miles.

Combined with the timing of the other party’s landing on the island and Xiao Bai’s personal witness, the person in front of him is most likely to be the one who seriously injured the Deep Sea Demon Whale King.

Lan Mei felt a sense of fear inexplicably when he thought that the offender had the strength above the Deep Sea Demon Whale King and Bo Saixi.

If this person is really bad, once the Sea God does not come out, Sea God Island is in danger.

In the end, Lan Mei simply gave up the treatment and returned to the behind of Bo Saixi, staring at every move of Chu Bei vigilantly.

"Let me say it one last time, take me to see Tang Chen." Chu Bei did not respond to Bo Saixi's question about Deep Sea Demon Whale King, but repeated the original words.

At Chu Bei's increasingly cold gaze, Bo Saixi fell into hesitation this time.

"Come with me."

After a while, Bo Saixi opened the mouth and said: "If you can really take Tang Chen away, it would be best."

After speaking, Bo Saixi held the scepter and turned and turned into a long rainbow thread moved towards Sea God Temple.

"Who is the Tang Chen in his mouth?"

"You are too unusual and inexperienced! You are one of the two Peak Douluos in the inland!"

"What? It turned out to be him! Then why did he appear in my Sea God Island again?"

"Then Tang Chen and High Priest have an unspeakable relationship , But he came here this time as if he wanted to build a shop on my Sea God Island. But his behavior seemed to anger Lord Poseidon and was imprisoned by Lord Poseidon."

" , Did High Priest really take that person to find Tang Chen?"

"Don't even High Priest have the confidence to fight that person?"


Looking at the distant silhouette of Bo Saixi, a group of deacons were surprised and looked towards Chu Bei again, like a thunderbolt in the blue sky, unable to come back to his senses from the horror for a long time.

Until a long time, they rushed to the direction of Sea God Temple one by one.


Sea God Island, Sea God Temple square.

Hundreds of thousands of Sea Soul Masters gathered all around on the Divine Stage of the Sea, and their nervous eyes fell on Bo Saixi.

Of course, in addition to Posey, the Chu Bei entire group has also become the focus of a group of Soul Masters.

"Boss, the great-grandfather is there!"

"He seems to be trapped!"

Tang San points to the sea above the Divine Stage. In the blue light sphere, there is a silhouette floating in the light sphere. Its eyes are tightly closed and motionless, as if falling into a deep sleep.

Look intently, this silhouette is Tang Chen.

"Don't worry, he's okay, but he is temporarily imprisoned by Lord Poseidon."

After Bo Saixi glanced at Tang San, he turned to Tang in the blue light sphere of Cham. Chen.

chi chi chi!

Just as the tone barely fell in Bo Saixi, the temperature in the Sea God Temple square suddenly remained high.

I saw the gorgeous flame burning in the palm of Chu Bei, evolving into a huge fire palm.

In the burning sound, under countless horrified eyes, the huge palm of fire directly grabbed the blue light sphere.


There was a loud noise.

The blue light sphere of Cham is broken.

Almost at the same time, Tang Chen, who had fallen asleep, opened his eyes, and was then placed on the square by a huge palm of fire.

"Boss, you are here."

Seeing Chu Bei, Tang Chen stepped forward and hugged cup one fist in the other hand, with a little shame on his face.

"I came to Sea God Island before you, and told Bo Saixi about the establishment of the All Heavens Store. Bo Saixi could not decide, so he awakened Poseidon, the god of the sea. Can be Poseidon After experiencing the products in several shops, I felt that this would affect his people’s strength of Faith. Not only that, he also asked me to clarify the source of All Heavens Store. I did not respond and was imprisoned by him. So, You arrange my business..."

Before Tang Chen finished speaking, Chu Bei raised his hand and interrupted: "Since I'm here, leave it to me."


"He smashed the light sphere where Lord Poseidon trapped Tang Chen!"

"He was against Lord Poseidon!"

"High Priest , Can't you please call Lord Poseidon!"


Seeing what Chu Bei did, a group of Sea Soul Masters made their voices heard one after another, with anger on their faces.

"This is not what I meant."

After Bo Saixi glanced at Tang Chen apologetically, her expression suddenly became serious, and then the whole body was filled with holy breath.

In a moment, the deep blue rays of light came out and enveloped Bo Saixi's body, floating slowly in the air.

Under everyone's gaze, Bo Saixi made a regular rapid rotation in the air, and the blue rays of light outside his body swept out. With the scepter dancing in his hand, a huge vortex appeared on the Divine Stage of the sea.

On the surface, the vortex looks a bit like a tornado, but it is definitely not the power of the wind, because it contains the energy fluctuations of the Water Attribute.

"Lord Poseidon, please allow your people to wake you up."

In Bo Saixi's mouth, a strange incantion, black, black, black, black, black, The nine spirit rings of black, black, black, and red light up, and at the same time, a majestic Soul Power fluctuation centered on itself.

"really strong!"

Dai Mubai's eyes locked on Bo Saixi, feeling the endless Soul Power in the opponent's body, and he couldn't help but wriggle his throat.

Then, looking towards Tang Chen beside him, and his own boss, there was an indescribable strangeness in his eyes.

As the prince of Star Luo Empire, he has seen countless Powerhouses since he was a child, and even Tilted Douluo.

Since becoming an agent of Boss, he surprisingly discovered that the Powerhouse he had seen before, and even Tilted Douluo of 9Level 4 can't be considered.

In just two days, he came into close contact with Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong, Tang Chen, the king of killing, Deep Sea Demon Whale King, the nine-nine-million-year soul beast, and the ultimate fighting Luo Bosai in front of him. In the west, you can even see the Sovereign of the sea for a while, the legendary sea god!

Not only Dai Mubai, but Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing and the others are also in a trance. Under the leadership of their own boss, they have experienced too many large scenes and saw the possibilities of others. Existence that will never be seen in a lifetime.

They are still just children!

As Bo Saixi's incantion fell, the originally dark Sea God Temple seemed to be lit by the golden light. Whether it is the wall or the roof of the temple, it is baptism by a layer of Golden magic pattern. The great hall, which originally looked simple and simple, was completely rendered by Golden.

hong long!

With a loud noise, an unprecedented sacred breath burst out of the vortex in front of Bo Saixi, turning into a huge beam of light and rising into the sky.


Suddenly, all the Sea Soul Masters in the field yelled to the sky, their expressions were painful and then refreshed.

"Lord Poseidon, this is the divine force of Lord Poseidon!"

Feeling the heat in the body, a group of Soul Masters exclaimed in excitement, looking towards the vortex In the beam of light, his eyes are extremely pious.

I don't know when, including Bo Saixi, between the eyebrows of the Soul Master in the field, a Golden Trident brand appeared, releasing the sacred breath.

"Is this the breath of Poseidon? It's like swimming in the sea."

Feeling the breath around the body all around blue rays of light, Xiao Wu has a face Feeling comfortable, and then curiously looked towards Chu Bei: "Boss, aren't you also a god, can you let us feel your divine force?"

Chu Bei patted Xiao Wu's head with a smile No words.

long long long!

At this time, the Divine Stage of the sea trembled violently, and then the Sea God Temple also trembled, and finally the entire Sea God Island shook for it.

This violent shaking lasted for ten seconds before stopping.

On the Divine Stage of the Sea, Bo Saixi's whole body has completely turned into Golden, volleyed towards the huge pillar of light and bowed, with a pious expression, as if waiting for something quietly.

"Bo Saixi, what happened, I need to wake me up. If you want to intercede for Tang Chen, don't hesitate."

Suddenly, a strong force full of majesty The sound of wafted across the entire Sea God Island. Although the source of the sound could not be found, the sound seemed to fill every corner of Sea God Island, including the sea, shocking people's hearts.

The sound of majesty has not disappeared yet, in the Heavenspan beam of light on the Divine Stage of the sea, a huge Golden phantom slowly emerges.

The light and shadow are illusory, the height is five times the body of Bo Saixi, can be vaguely seen, it seems to be a human wearing a golden armor. The golden rays of light are full of endless magnificence. His whole body is covered by golden armor, but his face is completely illusory and cannot be seen clearly.

Compared with the golden armor, the golden Trident in his hand is more dazzling. Trident was only quietly held by phantom in his hand, but it gave people a kind of Heavenspan's earth-splitting power.

"Dear Lord Poseidon, we are all your people, please accept our consecration."

Under the Divine Stage of the Sea, hundreds of Sea Soul Masters almost At the same time, kneeling on the ground, looking up at the golden phantom in the beam of light, his pious eyes are full of fiery heat.

The same situation appeared in every place with people on Sea God Island. The residents of the island walked out of the room one by one without the slightest hesitation, moving towards the direction of Sea God Temple in the open space. Kneel down and worship the Golden phantom.

The power of Poseidon can be seen from thousands of miles away.

In the sea, all the creatures felt the breath of the Golden phantom.

At the moment phantom appeared, the rough sea suddenly became quiet, and everything in the sea stopped swimming. The sea spirit beasts unconsciously turned to the direction of Sea God Island, trembling and respectfully worshiping.

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