Even the 990,000-year soul beast Deep Sea Demon Whale King, who is about to heal by Dragon Transformation, opened its huge one-eyed eye at this time.

Different from the respect in the eyes of other sea soul beasts, the only thing that Deep Sea Demon Whale King's eyes showed was unwillingness, and there was a hint of secret joy.

"Did you two run into this? The two gods fight, it is best to suffer both sides, and all of them fall."

Two of Deep Sea Demon Whale King’s minds appeared Silhouette, one is the silhouette who stabbed it in one eye ten thousand years ago, and the other is the man who almost cut its body just now.

Of course, if he has to live one, he still hopes the latter, after all, the latter has promised to help it become a god.

"Is this the Poseidon? Not at all approachable like Boss."

Under the Divine Stage of the sea, Ning Rongrong stared at the phantom in the beam of light and couldn't help but mutter. .

As a god, this sea god releases the majesty of Supreme all over his body. It makes people subconsciously want to worship, giving people a feeling of being out of reach and not offending.

The Boss of his own is very kind, and there is no sense of depression when getting along.

Hearing the muttering of Ning Rongrong, Dai Mubai, Oscar, Xiao Wu and the others looked at each other, obviously agreeing with the former statement.

"Boss, what are those?"

Looking at all around the tiny golden glow rushing to Poseidon, Tang San turned his head towards Chu Bei and asked, with his eyes curious.

Part of these rays of light come from all corners of Sea God Island, and most of them come from the ocean. Seeing these golden glow submerged in the beam of light, the phantom holding the Trident became more and more solid.

"This is the strength of Faith, which comes from the belief of sea gods by all things in the ocean." Chu Bei glanced at Tang San said in a tranquil voice.

"Lord Poseidon, this time I didn't have to be in order to Tang Chen to wake you up." Bo Saixi respectfully moved Poseidon bowed, and at the same time put his finger towards Chu Bei Direction.

"en? You escaped unexpectedly." When Poseidon looked towards Chu Bei entire group, when he saw Tang Chen, a strange color flashed in his eyes, and the sound of rolling thunder carried Supreme Power.

"Lord Poseidon, he rescued Tang Chen from your sea jail."

Poseidon knelt down in front of Poseidon, pointing Chu Bei, Said: "He also defeated the Deep Sea Demon Whale King. As a last resort, the slave and maid would wake you up."


Hearing Bo Saixi's words, Poseidon's tone With some relief, a pair of golden eyes shot two rays of light to freeze on Chu Bei's body, seeming to be looking at it.

Feeling the terrifying breath coming from Poseidon, Dai Mubai, Oscar and the others subconsciously stepped back and hid behind Chu Bei.

"Poseidon, the agent of this shop is here to negotiate with you. Even if you can't agree, you can't treat him like this." To the Shanghai God's gaze, Chu Bei put his hands behind his back, his eyes flickering The meaning of Sen Leng.

"This man...he dared to call Lord Poseidon by his name!"

"Crazy, this man is really crazy, he doesn't even care about Lord Poseidon Already?"

Chu Bei's fluttering voice floated from the air, and a group of Soul Masters were scared and sweated. Especially the three bytes that the other party deliberately emphasized are even more taboos in their normal.

"Poseidon...haha, it's not long since no one called this name."

Poseidon suddenly laughed, very happy. The deep laughter spread around the Sea God Temple and echoed across the sea.

"In that case, you are the real owner of All Heavens Store? That's good, I will find you again if I save it." Under the confused eyes of everyone, Poseidon suddenly took a step forward.

When this step is stepped out, everything around has become a splendid Golden. Even plants a few kilometers away have become like gold castings.

"In God World, what is your name?" Poseidon stared at Chu Bei, and his tone suddenly became severe again.

"Sure enough...it really is a god!"

Hearing the words of Poseidon, Bo Saixi glanced at Chu Bei fearfully, her guess was correct.

Only gods can seriously hurt the Deep Sea Demon Whale King that has been nearly a million years old.

"What is a god? Do you think the so-called god in your mouth is the end of the road of cultivation? The world is so big that it is not only limited to this Douluo Continent, and the so-called God World in your mouth "

The indifferent voice fell, Chu Bei appeared in the palm of Chu Bei's palm, a flat peach that was the size of a pair of fists, and the Immortal Qi shrouded on top of the peach, the strong fruity smell refreshed.

This is a peach king from the Queen Mother Pan Peach Garden that he redeemed from Great Desolate Journey to the West plane by using the Level 11 low grade merchandise privilege. It has grown for 20,000 years.

As Chu Bei finished swallowing the immortal peach in two mouthfuls, his own breath suddenly changed, and the whole person seemed to become ethereal and difficult to capture.

Almost at the same time, with Chu Bei as the center, the earth began to tremble. The neat rows of quaint bluestone bricks on the ground, the Divine Stage of the sea, and even the entire Sea God Temple are all shrouded in a cloud of water.

After a group of Sea Soul Masters stabilized the stature, they watched the changes all around in horror. This is no longer the Sea God Island they are familiar with, but more like an Immortal filled with fairy mist Realm.

Not only that, under countless horrified gazes, Chu Bei's body was enlarged in proportion until it was about the same size as the sea god Poseidon, and at the same time, his body released gorgeous purple rays of light.

Far away in the sky, two figures stand opposite each other, and the huge void seems to be divided into two halves by the two colors of gold and purple.

"A bigger world besides God World?" Poseidon glanced at Chu Bei, who was enveloped by the entrapped air, and a hint of surprise flashed through his golden eyes.

"You think you are already on the road of cultivation Peak, how can you think that there is a broader world outside." Chu Bei calmly and collected Poseidon and said to this 10,000 people The sea god he admired didn't have the slightest respect.


Poseidon's voice faltered, and confusion rose in his golden eyes. At his level, I have repeatedly thought about whether his realm can do breakthrough again. But ascending to the God World, he has become one of the most powerful gods, and no one can be better than him.

After a long time, this idea gradually dissipated. In his opinion, his realm has already aspired to the top.

Unexpectedly, many years later, a god who claims to be from the wider world will ask him this once perplexing question.

"Have you ever felt the fluctuation of Soul Power from me?" Before Poseidon could speak, Chu Bei asked with a smile.

"I seem to believe what you said a little bit." After a long silence, Poseidon took back the golden glow projected on Chu Bei.

Indeed, from the very beginning, he noticed the difference between him and himself. Although he has already become a god at a hundred levels, even if his Soul Power is sublimated into a divine force, he can still occasionally detect the energy fluctuations related to Soul Power.

After all, this is the natural law of Douluo Continent. Even if you become a god, you still have the breath of Douluo Continent in your body.

Of course, although the person in front of him has breath fluctuations that are not weaker than his, the huge energy contained in the opponent's body does not have any Soul Power breath, which is very strange.

Maybe the other party is not from Douluo Continent, only this statement makes sense.

"Little San, how can I not understand the dialogue between Boss and Poseidon? What is a god who has escaped from Douluo?" Oscar tilted his head and looked towards Tang San beside him, with a stunned expression.

"It is a little profound, maybe only when you reach their realm you can understand it." Tang San naturally knew that there were other planes besides Douluo Continent, after all, he came across from another plane.

As for Dai Mubai, Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing and the others, including Yu Xiaogang, they are all confused.

"The purpose of your trip is also to set up the All Heavens Store on Sea God Island?" Poseidon, the sea god, looked at Chu Bei and asked calmly.

"en. ”Chu Bei nodded, lightly complied.

Hearing the sound, Poseidon flew away high in the sky holding the gold Trident moved towards.

"If you can defeat me, I will agree with you to set up an All Heavens Store on Sea God Island! Moreover, I will also give you those who are behind you, the most suitable sea god test for them!"

When Poseidon's silhouette hovered in a void, the majestic voice echoed from the air, resounding in everyone's ears.

Chu Bei was silent, and also flew towards the distant sky, directly acting on the surface.

"Does the Boss really go to war with Poseidon? Little San, who do you say will win?"

"Boss is a god, but Poseidon has also become a god As for who is stronger, I don’t know."

"In my opinion, the boss must be stronger. Otherwise, he won’t be so calm."

"But, The battlefield here is the sea. And the opponent is the sea god. He can mobilize the power of the sea, and the location is not good for the boss."


Xiao Wu, Tang San, Ning Rongrong and the others cast their gazes straight to the sky above Sea God Island.

There are two tall silhouettes facing each other a few meters apart. Perhaps one is considering the people of Sea God Island below, and the other is considering their agents. Although the two figures both release the Heavenly Might momentum, their horrible breaths avoid the Sea God Island below.

"Don't be Life and Death Battle." Bo Saixi looked up at the sky and murmured softly.

Although the breath of the two gods deliberately avoided Sea God Island, when she reached this realm, she could still feel the faintly discernable terrifying pressure. No matter which side she was, she couldn't afford to resist.

At this moment, she was thoroughly aware of the gap between Peak Douluo and True God; although it seemed to be only one line behind, it was actually one Heaven, one Earth.

On the shore of Sea God Island Eastern Sea, the Demon Soul Great White Shark group gathered together tremblingly. The 100,000-year-old Great White Shark headed by the group stood at the forefront of the group, with their heads exposed in fear of the sea. Look at the two figures above Sea God Island.

In the deep seabed 500 nautical miles away from Sea God Island, the one eye of Deep Sea Demon Whale King shoots out a blue light beam, the direction of the light beam is exactly the direction of Sea God Island.

"Sure enough! When you are perish together, this king will devour your residual divine force and achieve true Dragon Transformation!" Deep Sea Demon Whale King let out a loud roar, With excitement and anticipation in the roar.

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