In the boundless sea, the Deep Sea Demon Whale King looked towards the sky above Sea God Island.

He has made plans. If Chu Bei and Poseidon are perish together, he will use the residual strength of the two of them to break through; if the person who broke his bones is not dead, then he will complete it. The task that the other party confessed.

50 nautical miles away from Sea God Island, huge ships stand on the entire group on the deck, staring at the sky above Sea God Island in amazement.

I saw this pedestrian wearing uniform black robes, and the big "soul" on the back of the robes was particularly dazzling.

"Sir Deacon, is this palpitating power the High Priest Bo Saixi on that island?" a man looked towards the tall and thin old man beside him and asked aloud. Because the distance is too far, even if the Soul Power is activated, he can only see two rays of light facing away.

"Who else will be besides her, but who is the person who is fighting against her?" The tall and thin old man browses frowned, and then looked towards a man beside him, said solemnly: "Biography When the news goes back, tell Supreme Pontiff and High Priest about this situation."


Sea God Island, high in the sky.

"This halberd is a Divine Item formed by fusing external energy with myself when I became a god at one hundred levels. It is named Sea God Trident and weighs one hundred and eighty thousand jin. With this halberd, I Create your own golden thirteen halberds and sweep the invincible in the world."

The battlefield was filled with majestic voices falling, and Poseidon’s right hand held the sea God that was more than two feet long and shining with infinite golden light. Trident, the direction moved towards Chu Bei shook.

This is like a ceremony of a duel between experts, but also like showing off their magic.

"There are so many ways to cultivate Taoism in the world, I am different from you, and I have not merged with external energy. Therefore, there is no experience of energy armoring like you."

Chu Bei moved towards Poseidon waved his hand, telling him to stop playing with Sea God Trident.

"You don't have a Divine Item?" Poseidon's became faintly discernible brow furrowed.

"I don't need Divine Item."

Chu Bei gave a dry cough and said: "Every part of my body has divine item's prestige."

The indifferent voice fell, and Chu Bei stature began to change. First it became a wide sword releasing the weird blue rays of light, then it became a sharp purple long sword, and then it became a silver shining handle. The long spear of the mans, then turned into a black giant stick.

Guns, halberds, sticks, yoke, forks, boring, hooks, hooks, rings, knives, swords, crutches, axes, whips, maces, hammers, rods, pestles...18 weapons, Chu Bei changed all over.

Until the end, it was directly transformed into a "golden Trident" exactly like Poseidon's hands.


Poseidon took a deep breath, he couldn't help but shouted after all.

Being the god of the sea for thousands of years, from start to finish, the state of mind that has never fluctuated when facing Chu Bei at this moment, waves arose.

Hearing Poseidon's sullen shout, Chu Bei changed back to a human form standing still in the void, his robe fluttering with the wind.

"Golden thirteen halberds, First Style, indeterminate storm."

Poseidon, who has calmed down again, holds the Sea God Trident in his hand, stepping forward, and the halberd blade brings up one A dazzling Golden halo. Each halo looked like disordered and in a mess, but they moved towards Chu Bei as if they had eyes.

Golden aura seems to have the ability to confine the void. Wherever it passes, although the void collapses, it never makes a sound and is deadly silent.

Looking at the oncoming Golden halo, Chu Bei did not evade, with a faint smile on his lips.

"Tang Chen, you are already a limit Douluo. Seeing the next battle with him clearly may help you further. The trick he uses now is the Golden Thirteen Halberds The First Style in the game is called Undetermined Storm, which combines offense and defense. It is also the strongest restrictive skill in the 13th style. Once it hits the opponent, even if both are gods, it is absolutely impossible to move within eight seconds."

Huo Ran, Chu Bei's voice penetrated the void, clearly echoing in everyone's ears on Sea God Island.

Hearing Chu Bei's words, Tang Chen looked very serious, his eyes all focused on the Sea God Trident in Poseidon's hand.

"Unexpectedly, you know so much about my golden thirteen halberds, you really came prepared."

There was a little surprise in Poseidon’s eyes, but when he saw Chu When Bei let his indeterminate storm hit him, he browsed tightly frowns: "Since you know that this style is a restrictive skill, why are you still indifferent? Even if you are both gods, eight seconds is enough to hurt you seriously. "

As the coldly shouted sound fell, Poseidon's silhouette moved again.

Under the dancing of Poseidon, the golden Trident turns into countless golden lights, and the shadows of Heavenly Halberd are like dazzling golden light clouds. Almost for an instant, the shadows of the halberd were superimposed, and Supreme's might hit Chu Bei from different directions.

The imposing manner is like a rainbow, with a tendency to not see the ancients before and no one in the future.

"This is the Second Style of the Golden Thirteen Halberds, which is empty for thousands of years. It is not only a group attack skill, but also a single attack."

Same as before, Bo Sai As soon as Dong's attack came out, Chu Bei's voice rang in everyone's ears again.

The words similar to the commentary fell, Chu Bei spread out his hands, and his palms burst out with a hot colorful fire dragon. The fire dragon tore the void instantly collided with the superimposed halberd shadow.

Maybe because of the collapse of the void, or Chu Bei and Poseidon deliberately suppressed the energy of the explosion, the colorful fire dragon collided with the heavily halberd, and there was no surprise. Heaven and Earth Weeping Ghost God’s explosion sound is just the rays of light that are constantly intertwined and finally turned into nothingness.

At first glance, these two terrifying energies seem to cancel each other out.

"Obviously, I was caught in my indeterminate storm, why are you still moving? How did you do it!" Bo Saixi's eyes were fixed on Chu Bei, with sorrow in his eyes, it is not difficult to hear his words Is not peaceful.

Chu Bei indifferently smiled, moved towards Bo Saixi raised an eyebrow and did not answer the other party's question.

"You successfully angered me!"

Perceiving Chu Bei's provocative expression, Bo Saixi couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth. While taking time out to explain his moves to the people below, this simply didn't take him seriously!

After years of being a god, he finally realized the feeling of anger again. Because of the emotional fluctuations, the imposing manner almost penetrated into Sea God Island.

"As a group attack skill, Qianza Kongyou is used to deal with me. Formidable power is far from enough." Chu Bei put his hands around his chest, with a calm and collected expression on his face.

Maybe the opponent's body is here, and he has to seriously compete with the opponent; but Poseidon in front of him is just a strand of clone left by the opponent when he enters God World, and he is not afraid at all.

"3rd Style, never return!"

Poseidon’s icy voice sounded, within a radius of a hundred miles, the sea was boiling instantly, and the waves of thousands of meters burst. . Tens of millions of blue streamers swept out of the sea below and sank into the golden Trident.

Almost at the same time, the Trident, which was interwoven with two colors of gold and blue rays of light, was thrown towards Chu Bei by Poseidon.

"This is an attack using the power of the sea. It is a powerful blow in the thirteenth formula."

The voice of Chu Bei reached everyone's ears. Later, I looked towards Poseidon shook the head: "Compared with a thousand years of idleness, the formidable power that has never been returned has increased exponentially. But for me, it is still not enough!"

After that, Chu Bei's gaze condensed, and ripples rippling around him. When Trident, which contains the power of the sea, pierced through the void and was about to stab him, the ripples appeared out of thin air two opposing mountain-like purple giant palms.

The purple giant palm closed, and instantly caught the Trident carrying the Heavenly Might momentum. The golden and blue two colors rays of light on Trident are like the ancient Savage Beast that people want to eat, but the purple giant palm is like a confinement cage. Let the former's formidable power be so monstrous, you just can’t go forward half a point.

In the sky, the purple giant palm is holding the Trident to rotate, and when the halberd blade is aimed at Poseidon, it throws out abruptly.

"I really want to use my body to fight you!"

As soon as Poseidon grasped the reflected golden Trident, his eyes locked on Chu Bei, he couldn't help but let out a sound With emotion.

"Is he so strong? Lord Poseidon has been invited out, still can’t take him down?"

On the Divine Stage of the sea, Lan Mei stood on Bo Saixi’s Behind, looking at the fighting in the sky for a long while, the eyebrows are full of surprise.

"From the beginning of the battle to the present, Lord Poseidon has not had the advantage."

Bo Saixi's face is a bit ugly. From start to finish, Lord Poseidon is attacking, and that The man is defensive. But even so, every attack of Lord Poseidon was easily resolved by the opponent.

What's more terrifying is that the other party seems to know Lord Poseidon's golden thirteen halberds very well. But Lord Poseidon knew nothing about the other party.

Unknown enemies are the most terrifying!

"Brother Mubai, you are the strongest between us. Tell me about the battle between Boss and Poseidon?"

The eyes of Ning Rongrong, Wang Fan and the others Pouring on Dai Mubai's body, due to their lack of strength, they can only see the brilliant rays of light in the sky constantly intertwining, and the specific battle situation is not clear at all.

"At present, the boss has the upper hand." Dai Mubai thought for a moment to replied.

"Have you heard? What I said, even if this is the battlefield of Poseidon, Boss is invincible!" Suddenly, Ning Rongrong exclaimed excitedly.

Get Dai Mubai’s answer. The faces of Ma Hongjun, Zhu Zhuqing and the others are filled with joy. It is not difficult to see the admiration in their eyes.

High in the sky, in the battlefield.

Chu Bei jokingly looked at Bo Saixi with a tangled face, said with a smile: "Don’t hesitate, the energy of your body is enough for you to perform 13th type. The reason why you stayed here Gu clone is nothing more than trying to find an inheritance person. Don’t worry, I have found your inheritance person for you, and he is among the people below me."

"Fuck! Are you talking about my inheritance?"

Bo Saixi was coldly snorted, and then closed Golden's eyes, and Sea God Trident slowly pointed at the sky in his hand. His face looked a little solemn, and the wave and cloud pattern covering the Seagod's outfit seemed about to come to life.


The sonorous four syllables fell, and Poseidon behind grew eight blue wings. With the flap of the wings, the blue ripples of the water instantly expand with its body as the center.

At this moment, Poseidon's originally slightly illusory body is completely solidified, almost exactly the same as Daoist, especially his face, clearly exposed in front of Chu Bei's eyes.

The blue ripples released from Poseidon's body seemed to ignite the entire sea. The blue energy of water rises from the surface of the sea, and the purest Water Element in the sea fills the void.

For a moment, the empty void is shrouded in blue. The endless blue light covered the entire sky, and the huge divine force of the sea god forcibly blocked the rays of light from the sun.

"Is this the realm of Lord Poseidon? Covering the entire sea!"

"In the realm of Lord Poseidon, no matter how powerful that person is, I’m afraid he can’t Beat Lord Poseidon!"

"If Lord Poseidon hadn't gone to God World, how could this battle last so long? That man has already been defeated!"


The deacons of the cultivation base above Soul Douluo looked up at the distant high sky swallowed by the sea, with excitement on their faces.

However, the excitement caused by the appearance of the Poseidon domain has just risen, and a layer of purple rays of light has been added to the endless blue glow.

Different from the transparent blue glow, the purple rays of light appear turbid, which seems to be able to block people’s sight. What's more terrifying is that the surface of the sea below the Power of God boiling sea is also full of this turbid purple rays of light.

In the purple rays of light, there is a manor vaguely visible, with hundreds of peach trees in the manor.

Different from ordinary peach trees, the peaches that bear on these peach trees have their own content, Immortal Qi shrouded.

"This...Is this your domain? Also, is your current appearance your main body?" Poseidon opened his mouth slightly and looked forward with astonishment. He became a god for the first time in many years and lost self-control like this.

At this moment, Chu Bei no longer looks like a human, nor is it an eighteen weapon, but a huge, ripe, purple-patterned flat peach.

Just one glance, I can’t wait to swallow it completely!

"This is just one of my methods that's all."

Chu Bei looked at Poseidon coldly, and felt slanderous in his heart. How could his body be the King of Peach.

After regaining his sense of surprise, Poseidon’s body lit up with ten Golden spirit rings. As the Trident danced, the endless sea below suddenly boiling, and the endless Water Element moved towards Poseidon surged.

At the same time, the eight wings of the Sea God behind it were completely stretched out, and the extended blue glow Shrouding The Heavens covered the sun.

next moment, the Sea God Trident slowly with its imposing manner overlaps with Poseidon's silhouette.

Gradually, only naked eye can no longer see Poseidon and Sea God Trident, all you can see is a dazzling blue light filled with the power of Supreme.

With the collection of abundant Water Element, the blue light eventually evolved into the appearance of Trident, all around thunder densely across the void.

"Thirteen styles: body and halberd, Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move."

The majestic shout fell, and the sky over the sea was instantly darkened, and all kinds of stars flickered .

At this moment, the void is still.

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