When you enter the store, the first thing you see is dozens of neat rows of shelves, each with a dazzling array of products.

Below each product is marked its product level, price, and function.

Because the highest authority of the goods sold by the agent is Level 8, for this reason, the highest level of goods on the shelf is only Level 8.

As time goes by, more and more Sea Soul Masters enter the shops.

Even the Sea God Poseidon, High Priest Poseidon and the others walked into the shops to observe the products on the shelves.

"Why have I never seen these products before! I have never heard of them!"

"Do they really work as written above?"

"It's really available at any price!"


A Zhonghai Soul Master wandered in front of the shelves, watching the goods on the shelves and talking.

"As for true or false, you will know if you pay for one and try it." Tang Chen's calm voice sounded from the shop.

"Bring me a soul king pill."

A Soul Power The sea soul king at level 59 took the lead with 1.6 million soul coins to buy a soul king pill.

For a moment, the eyes of the Sea Soul Masters in the shop focused on the Sea Soul King.

Shortly after the Sea Soul King swallowed the Soul King Danhou, there was a majestic Soul Power fluctuation on his body.

In just a few seconds, its Soul Power has increased tremendously.

"My God!"

"Level 60! It's really a breakthrough!"

"It seems that these products are really as described, with miraculous effects !"


As more and more Sea Soul Masters pay for the goods on the shelves, one by one has confirmed the authenticity of the goods.

The excitement on these people, especially those Sea Soul Masters who have a large collection of treasures, is beyond words.

Watching their excitement is like finding a shortcut to the cultivation road.

Five days later.

On the Sea God Temple square, Chu Bei looked at the overcrowded All Heavens Store with a satisfied smile on his mouth.

In these five days, All Heavens Store has become a paradise for the rich on Sea God Island and a dreamy place to linger.

Since the 2nd day when All Heavens Store appeared, the store door has not been closed, and there are always long lines in front of the door.

Not only the Sea God Island, but also the Great City in the inland, there is also a must-visit place in these short days. Naturally, this shop is also a branch.

Because of the clear price tag of All Heavens Store, and the mysterious effect of the product, it quickly spread among the continental people and Soul Master.

Whether it is in the pub or on the street, All Heavens Store is a topic of intense discussion.


Star Luo Empire.

Under the blue sky, the golden-yellow glass roof of the palace with double eaves looks exceptionally brilliant.

great hall all around, towering old trees and green trees. The inner pillars of the great hall are supported by multiple red giant pillars, and each pillar is engraved with a circling and lifelike Golden Dragon, which is exceptionally spectacular. The two dragons on the cornices, golden scales, gold armor, are alive and seem like they want to fly away.

At this moment, Star Luo Emperor is sitting in the first place, listening to the ministers below to tell about major events that took place in the empire.

"Your Majesty, the reputation of this All Heavens Store is really getting bigger day by day! Only in the past four days, its reputation has spread throughout the empire!"

"Yes Ah, every Great City in the empire has set up branches. Everyday all is overcrowded and business is extremely hot."

"But for some reason, even those remote cities have branches, and our dignified imperial city, There is no branch."

"By the way, the baby in the shop is really amazing. As long as you have money, you can even change the Martial Spirit!"


In the great hall, all the topics spoken by hundreds of officials are all about All Heavens Store.

"Heaven Dou Empire is the same, right."

Star Luo Emperor glanced across the ministers: "Let this store develop. It is impossible to stop it. . As for why there are no shops in imperial city, I guess it’s because Mubai hasn’t returned yet."


Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect.

"Sect Master, what Boss Chu said has come true. His business empire has really been built, and its scale and effect are far beyond our imagination!" Gu Rong watched Looking at Ning Fengzhi beside him, he couldn't help but sigh.

"Who do you think this Boss Chu is? Where did his products come from? Why do they continuously." Ning Fengzhi's face was confused, the more he thought about it, the deeper his brows frowned. .

"He is really lucky for Rongrong to see Rongrong." Gu Rong sighed again.

"I just don't know where they are now." Ning Fengzhi murmured.


Clear Sky Sect.

"Unexpectedly, in just a few days, this All Heavens Store has become famous throughout the Douluo Continent!" On the top of the mountain, Tang Xiao could not help but speak out as he looked at the distant sky.

"The continent pattern has become too fast! Surprisingly, Two Great Empires' attitude towards this All Heavens Store turned out to be allowed to develop without asking." An elegant and poised Said the beautiful woman.

"I'm afraid they are the one behind the All Heavens Store who cannot afford to offend."

Tang Xiao spoke quietly, then turned and looked towards the beautiful woman: "Avoid the world. It’s been long enough, let the people in the clan prepare and tell the outsiders that Clear Sky Sect is coming back."

"Brother Xiao, I'm just waiting for you!" The beautiful woman was delighted. Immediately turned and left.


Martial Soul Palace headquarters, Supreme Pontiff Hall.

"My lord reporting to Supreme Pontiff, after repeated investigations, the owner behind this All Heavens Store is determined to be the person who severely injured you in Tianqiong Mountain." A black clothed man rushed into the meeting of the Supreme Court. In the hall, he looked respectful.

"Sure enough, it is him!"

When the black clothed man said, Bibi Dong's beautiful eyes condensed, and the cold voice contained a sense of coldness.

"According to your instructions, I entered several shops. The appearances of these shops are exactly the same, and the prices of the same products are the same. They seem to be uniformly priced. As for the functions of the products, they are all as described, real deal "The black clothed man added.

"Overnight, the entire Douluo Continent, and nearly a hundred identical shops popped up out of thin air at the same time, how did he do it!" Bibi Dong frowns, his face was full of confusion.

"Master Pontiff, the influence of the All Heavens Store is no less than that of our Martial Soul Palace. If we let them continue to develop, I am afraid that our Martial Soul Palace will also somehow not up to par. As far as I know, even with your order, some Side-Branch Palace deacon secretly went to the All Heavens Store to greatly increase Soul Power by spending money.” The black clothed man continued.

"Since you have said so, let's pull them out one by one." Bibi Dong looked towards the black clothed man with his hand, the scepter in his hand shook slightly, and he gave the order.

"The subordinates will do it." After receiving Bibi Dong's instructions, the black clothed man bowed and immediately exited the great hall.

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