"Boss Chu, you are here."

On the Sea God Temple square, Chu Bei has just arrived in front of the All Heavens Store. Hai Soul Master hurriedly greeted him.

Chu Bei smiled, nodded in motion.

Although only four days have passed, according to system evaluation, the reputation of All Heavens Store in Douluo Continent has reached 81, which is already not far from 95.

"Boss Chu, the people from Martial Soul Palace are here, please help!"

Just when Chu Bei first entered the shop, an anxious call for help sounded in his mind ll.

Hearing the sound, Chu Bei's smile disappeared from the corner of his mouth. With a wave of his right hand, a dark gap emerged, and he stepped in.

Almost at the same time, Tang San, Dai Mubai, Oscar and others who were cultivating not far away who possessed void sound transmission stones all heard the call for help.

After that, they looked at each other one by one, and left through the void sound transmission stone.


Sino City, which is the closest city to Martial Soul Palace.

Although the city is not as prosperous as the Two Great Empires imperial city, it is not as large as an ordinary city because it is close to the headquarters of Martial Soul Palace.

Four days ago, since the All Heavens Store branch settled in the city square, the already lively square has become more noisy and crowded.

It can be said that there are vast crowds all the time, especially in front of shops, and the predecessors are next to the descendants, extremely crowded.

However, at the time when this shop was supposed to have a long queue, a huge open space was vacated in front of the shop.

On this open space, there are only two teams wearing black clothed teams. The most notable feature of these black clothed persons is the eye-catching "soul" character on their robes.

Looking at the distance, there are those Soul Masters in the city who originally lined up to buy goods.

"Why are the people at Soul Palace here!"

"Look at their appearance, they are not kind."

"From my point of view, they are Fan Qianlai must suppress this All Heavens Store."

"As I thought, after all, this All Heavens Store is really amazing! There are all kinds of treasures!"

"Now it is like Holy Land in our hearts. Martial Soul Palace is afraid that their status will be shaken by this All Heavens Store."

"I don't know the background of this All Heavens Store. How on earth can it be able to withstand the suppression of Martial Soul Palace."


A crowd of onlookers looked at All Heavens Store, discussing spiritedly, and fighting in their eyes. With a little worry.

"What do you mean by Martial Soul Palace!"

A white clothed youth about sixteen or seventeen years old, looked at the headed Martial Soul Palace Powerhouse with a heavy face.

As a Level 2 agent, he has become a Level 45 Soul Sect through the commission obtained from these days of sales.

But the Martial Soul Palace Powerhouse leading the team in front of him, judging from the Soul Power fluctuations that the opponent released far stronger than him, it is at least Level 61 Soul Emperor Powerhouse.

"Received an order, any city with Martial Soul Palace Side-Branch Palace must not have an All Heavens Store." The black clothed man led by Martial Soul Palace said coldly.


The complexion of white clothed youth is getting more and more ugly.

Throughout the various cities of the continent, there are almost all Martial Soul Palace Side-Branch Palaces. If the other party really says, then they simply have no place to open the All Heavens Store.

"Because we are Martial Soul Palace!"

The black clothed man glanced at the white clothed youth with disdain. After the coldly snorted sound fell, his subordinates moved towards behind waved: "Move all the contents away!"

"What a Martial Soul Palace."

But before the subordinates from the black clothed man behind came forward, a joking voice was abrupt. Was floating in the air, floating in the ears of everyone in the field.

Next moment, in front of the white clothed youth, ripples waved, and a silhouette came out of it.

"Boss, you are here so fast!"

Seeing the appearance of the person, the white clothed youth's face is full of joy and excitement.

"You did a great job."

Chu Bei looked back on the nodded who had been applauded by moving towards white clothed youth, after all, his eyes returned to the Martial Soul Palace entire group.

"We received an order from Supreme Pontiff Your Majesty..."

Seeing how Chu Bei played and the black clothed man brows frowned headed by Martial Soul Palace, it was not waiting for it. After speaking, the air suddenly fell silent.

Immediately afterwards, a giant palm carrying a terrifying breath swept across his vision.

Under this breath, the black clothed man only feels the Soul Power all over his body is imprisoned, and even the Martial Spirit cannot be summoned.


A loud noise.

Martial Soul Palace entire group, including black clothed man, was swept by the energy giant palm.

At the moment when each body exploded, those piles of flesh and blood were annihilated into nothingness by the aftermath of the giant palm.

From the appearance of Chu Bei to the killing of Martial Soul Palace entire group, it can be described as in a flash. The speed is so fast that even the onlookers can't immediately react.

Until a long while.

"Dead! The people of Martial Soul Palace are dead!"

"He, he is who! Really strong!"

"I didn't hear Is the shopkeeper calling him Boss? Could it be that he is the real Boss behind All Heavens Store!"

"Everyone saw Martial Soul Palace Powerhouse, is he going to fight Martial Soul Palace right? "


came back to his senses, the eyes of a crowd of onlookers focused on Chu Bei's body, while discussing, their faces were terrified look.

Void trembling, there are several silhouettes appearing out of thin air, it is Dai Mubai, Tang San and the others who came here.

"Has it been solved by the Boss?"

Listening to all around people, Dai Mubai, Oscar and the others looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Everyone, because these guys from Martial Soul Palace have affected your shopping experience, I'm really sorry. Now it's back to normal, you can enter the store normally to buy the goods you need."

Chu Bei glanced over the crowd of onlookers, and as his voice fell, everyone reacted and flocked to the shops again.

Two hours later.

Martial Soul Palace headquarters, Supreme Pontiff Hall.

"Master Pontiff, what are we going to do now." A Martial Soul Palace deacon looked at Bibi Dong respectfully.

"Let’s put this aside first."

Bibi Dong's face is heavy: "But it's just a shop, even if he can build a business empire!"

Shortly after the departure of Black Clothed Deacon, Bibi Dong seemed to have made some kind of decision. He also left the great hall while holding the scepter.

Martial Soul Palace, Douluo Palace.

The Douluo Temple is located at the top of the Martial Soul Palace sacred mountain, and it is likely to be overwhelming.

Compared with the Supreme Pontiff Hall, it is smaller in area. However, the overall architectural style gives a feeling of imposing manner and grandeur.

In the Douluo Palace, there is no gorgeous decoration, the whole is made of simple and simple rocks. If you look at it, you will find that on these primitive rocks, square plaques with brilliant gold are sunken. Each of these plaques symbolizes a Tilted Douluo who has won the title here after the completion of the Douluo Temple, and the number is no less than 100.

In the center of the Douluo Temple, there is a statue standing. It was a statue of ten meters high and full of brilliant gold, with three pairs of wings stretched out behind the back, holding a huge golden sword in his hands pointing directly at the sky, like a holy angel.

"Why are you looking for me?" Suddenly, a majestic and calm voice sounded in the Douluo Palace.

I saw the golden rays of light surging, and a silhouette did not know when it had appeared between Bibi Dong and the huge statue. The silhouette gradually became clear, and the surrounding golden rays of light became apparently strong. stand up.

Especially that huge seraph statue. The huge Golden long sword spit out a flame for more than ten years. The whole hall was filled with indescribable sacred breath.

The silhouette that appeared in front of Bibi Dong was Martial Soul Palace High Priest, Palace Master, Qian Daoliu.

He is also the highest person in the current Martial Soul Palace cultivation realm, the Peak Douluo of Level 19!

"What do you think I will come to you for? Although you don't care about the continent in name, you actually know any disturbances in the outside world. Presumably the past few days, the famous All Heavens Store in the continent, you already have You understand." Bibi Dong looked at Qian Daoliu coldly, without the slightest respect on his face.

"Can you stop its development? The things in the store are all treasures! If the product level is higher, I am afraid that even I want to patronize it. "Qian Daoliu looked at Bibi Dong jokingly.

"Block it?"

Bibi Dong shook the head: "I want to take it as my own!"

"Don't you think Let him submit to Martial Soul Palace?" Qian Daoliu's golden light is permeated, and it feels more and more sacred.

"With his strength, do you think he will agree?" Bibi Dong glanced at Qian Daoliu, his voice indifferent.

"What are you trying to say?" Qian Daoliu looked at Bibi Dong calmly.

"Kill him with an angelic pretense!" Bibi Dong's eyes condensed, and a killing intent appeared in his eyes.

"Let's talk about it again."

Qian Daoliu shook the head: "We have to plan for someone who can defeat Deep Sea Demon Whale King."

Speaking of this, Qian Daoliu said again: "Bibi Dong, I hope you can put it down..."

"Hehe, I will keep this account. Sooner or later, I will let it go. Your angels paid the price."

Before Qian Daoliu finished speaking, Bibi Dong's eyes condensed, and a monstrous imposing manner burst out of his body. The cold voice of Sen Han fell, and step by step walked out of the hall.


Three days later.

Chu Bei looked at the prestige value on the system interface that had been slowly increasing and fell into thinking.

Because of Tang San, Dai Mubai and the others, they have also gone to the designated area to set up shops in accordance with his requirements.

It stands to reason that the reputation value of All Heavens Store has reached 95.

But even in the case of this continent well known, the reputation value of the store can only exceed 90, and there are additional bonuses from those marine creatures in the sea.

[Goodwill reminder, the host can increase the reputation value of All Heavens Store through the top Soul Master Grand Competition]

When Chu Bei is thinking about how to further increase the reputation value, the system sound is in his mind Sounded in.

"Top Soul Master Grand Competition?"

Hearing the sound, Chu Bei was taken aback for a moment, and then as if finding a direction, the corners of his mouth raised a smile.

The so-called top Soul Master Grand Competition is sponsored by Tiandou and Xingluo Two Great Empires Imperial Family, and co-organized by Martial Soul Palace, the largest Martial Spirit Grand Competition in the Soul Master world.

In order to ensure the smooth progress of the Grand Competition, Two Great Empires and Martial Soul Palace will release generous rewards every year to attract major academies or forces to participate in the competition.

And this year's game, the time is seven days later.

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