Different from the Top Grade Soul Master Grand Competition, since the Soul Power of the Top Grade Soul Master Grand Competition is capped at level 80, the number of teams it can participate in is extremely limited.

In the first few years of this top Soul Master Grand Competition, there will be some second-tier faction contests on the continent. But the cruel thing is that the people in the teams sent by the top forces are directly all 80-level soul saints, which leaves those second-tier factions with no resistance at all.

Gradually, afterwards, the teams that participate in the top Soul Master Grand Competition every year are almost fixed, and they are the top forces.

Although there are few participating teams, the level of excitement is no less than that of the Top Grade Soul Master Grand Competition, and it is even more popular.

In this top Soul Master Grand Competition, each force arranges eight places to form a team to compete. There is no age limit, but Soul Power requires no lower limit, and the highest level is 80 Soul Sage.

Although the rules are like this, in fact, those who have actually participated in the game over the years are all level 80 soul saints.

In other words, this top Soul Master Grand Competition is also a battle between the top powers of all parties, 80 Soul Saint Powerhouse!

"Boss, what's the matter with you calling us?" Dai Mubai looked at Chu Bei in confusion.

"I want you to participate in the top Soul Master Grand Competition in seven days."

Chu Bei looked at the eight Dai Mubai standing side by side in front of him, and spoke lightly.

"What? Top Soul Master Grand Competition!"

"That's the battlefield of level 80 Soul Sage!"

I heard Chu Bei's words, right Dai Mubai, Ning Rongrong, and Zhu Zhuqing, who know something about the top Soul Master Grand Competition, opened their mouths and stared at Chu Bei in astonishment.

Looking at them, I don’t believe that Chu Bei actually let them participate in such a competition.

"Rongrong, will this game be deadly?" Ma Hongjun looked towards Ning Rongrong and asked curiously.

"Of course!"

Ning Rongrong answered nodded: "The top Soul Master Grand Competition is not a trifling matter. They will use the strongest soul skills for victory. Death and injury are inevitable. .

"Is it so terrifying. "Ma Hongjun shrank her neck.

"What? Do you have no confidence in yourself or the All Heavens Store backed by it? "Chu Bei smiled and looked at the eight Dai Mubai.

Before unlocking Level 11 merchandise, his cultivation base was capped at Level 99 Peak Douluo; and his agent, relying on All Heavens Store at most It is a level 80 soul saint.

And now, through these days of continuous krypton gold and sales commissions, the Soul Power of Dai Mubai and the others has been improved by leaps and bounds.

Dai Mubai, 11 years old, level 80 soul sage, beast Martial Spirit White Tiger.

Oscar, 8 years old, level 80 soul sage, auxiliary Martial Spirit sausage.

Ning Rongrong, 5 years old, 7Level 1 Soul Sage, auxiliary Martial Spirit Nine Treasure Glazed Tile.

Wang Fan, 7 years old, Level 61 Soul Emperor, Martial Spirit Golden Horned Beast.

Tang San, 6 years old, Level 61 soul emperor, Martial Spirit Blue Silver Grass of control system, Martial Spirit Clear Sky Hammer of storm attack system.

Xiao Wu, 5 years old, Level 61 soul emperor, beast Martial Spirit Soft bone charm rabbit.

Ma Hongjun, 6 years old, Level 41 Soul Sect, Martial Spirit Feng Huang.

Zhu Zhuqing, 5 years old, Level 41 Soul Sect, Beast Wu Hun You, the ghost cat.

Since Oscar and Dai Mubai were the first to krypton gold, so far Soul Power has reached the krypton gold limit; and Ma Hongjun and Zhu Zhuqing who signed the contract finally passed the krypton gold also Reached Level 41.

"Boss, do I have to participate too? I'm only Level 41. "Ma Hongjun holds his head up and looks weakly at Chu Bei.

"There are still seven days left before the game, enough for you to bring Soul Power up. "Chu Bei said with a smile.

"Boss, even though our Soul Power is comparable to those guys, our combat experience is far inferior to them. "Dai Mubai said again.

"There are still seven days left. You can learn and cooperate with each other to increase your combat experience!" What's more, you still have babies from All Heavens Store that you can call. Surprisingly, is it difficult to win the championship? "Chu Bei put his hands around his chest, the corners of his mouth still smiled.

Hearing what Chu Bei said, and looking at each other's confident appearance, Dai Mubai, Tang San, and Oscar looked at each other. Time is speechless.

"Since you are all okay, then register for the competition. "

Chu Bei's gaze swept across the eight people of Dai Mubai again, the voice fell, and the group of eight people disappeared with a wave of his sleeves.


Sky Dou City.

On the main road a hundred meters away from the Imperial Palace, Chu Bei entire group walked into a luxuriously decorated pavilion.

Martial The Spirit Pavilion, built magnificently and gorgeously, is one of the landmark buildings in Tiandou City.

This Martial Spirit Pavilion is located on the most prosperous main road in imperial city, and because of its perennial soul King Level The above Powerhouse sits in the town and promotes lectures. For this reason, there are a large number of people coming in and out every day in the Martial Spirit cabinet.

Of course, because this year’s top Soul Master Grand Competition is held in Tiandou City, this The Martial Spirit Pavilion has also undertaken an important task, which is to accept those top forces or Academy who come to register for the competition.

"May I ask you who are you? "

A enchanting female staff member immediately greeted her.

"Come to sign up for the top Soul Master Grand Competition. "Chu Bei indifferently said.

"Sorry, the registration time for Soul Master Grand Competition has already passed. Four days later, it will be the final of the top Soul Master Grand Competition. If you are a fatigue, you can live in the Martial Spirit Pavilion and go to the Tiandoubi Arena four days later to watch the game. "

The staff first looked at Chu Bei entire group in surprise. After all, the participating teams are almost fixed every year, and there is no one in front of them. After the surprise, the staff immediately revealed their careers. Smile.

"Make an exception. "

Chu Bei looked at the staff calmly, and said: "I am the All Heavens Store Boss. "

"All Heavens Store! You...you are the master behind All Heavens Store! "

Hearing Chu Bei's identity, the woman's eyes shrank suddenly and her expression was shocked.

In recent days, this prosperous All Heavens Store is known to everyone known to. everyone.

"What did the staff shout just now? All Heavens Store? is it possible that he is the boss behind the All Heavens Store! "

"It can't be wrong, he is really the boss behind the scenes! Not long ago, I saw him kill the gang of people who made trouble in Martial Soul Palace! It's him, it's him! "

"Why did All Heavens Store Boss come to Martial Spirit Pavilion?" It is rumored that even Sword Douluo is not his opponent. With his cultivation base, he does not need to listen to the lectures of those soul emperors. "

"I just heard that he was bringing people to sign up for the top Soul Master Grand Competition. "

"Is it possible that the eight children behind him?" This is impossible! Seeing that their eldest is only eleven or twelve years old, most of them are five or six years old. This Martial Spirit has just awakened. "


The woman's shouting instantly attracted many people, and some of them who had seen Chu Bei surrounded him with excitement.

"Boss Chu, I don't know if you can make an exception. Please sit down for a while, and I will report this matter to you immediately. "

The woman respectfully arranged the Chu Bei entire group to sit in a luxurious room and leave quickly.

Tian Dou Huang Palace, the main hall.

The one sitting on the top of the center is wearing a golden red robe and a crown of golden diamonds on his head. Although a little old, he has an invisible imposing manner sitting there. This person is Heaven Dou Empire. Emperor Xue Ye.

In the first position on the left side of Emperor Xue Ye, the person sitting wearing a white robe and a purple crown symbolizing identity is the Seven Treasure Glazed. Sect Master Ning Fengzhi of Tile Sect.

In the first position on the right side of Emperor Xue Ye, there is a red robe sitting on the top of his head. You can tell from the pentagonal platinum crown on top of his head that this person is It is the Palace Master of the Martial Spirit Temple in Heaven Dou City, and the platinum bishop of the entire Martial Soul Palace.

"What do you think about this matter? "Emperor Xue Ye glanced over Ning Fengzhi and the platinum bishop and spoke faintly.

"I just asked Supreme Pontiff Your Majesty. She meant that the top Soul Master Grand Competition was originally a full-continent event. Since the game hasn't started, it doesn't hurt to make an exception. "Platinum Bishop said.

"I have no objection. But does Boss Chu really want those eight children to compete? "Ning Fengzhi frowned, one of the children is still his precious daughter.

"Since there is no objection, let them participate. "

Emperor Xue Ye made a decision: "As long as their team meets the entry requirements, what about the child." "

Imperial City Lord Main Road, Martial Spirit Pavilion.

The staff pushed open the door of the room where Chu Bei entire group is located: "Boss Chu, after a decision by the top, you can make an exception to participate finals. As for the team members..."

"They are eight of them. Chu Bei pointed his finger at the eight people of Dai Mubai, with a faint smile on the corners of his mouth.

"Please register with me. "

The staff took a deep breath. Although they had guessed from the very beginning, when it was determined that these eight children participated in the top Soul Master Grand Competition as the seed team, they couldn’t help themselves. There was a wave.

"This imperial city of Heaven Dou Empire is really magnificent as you look at it! "

Looking at the city wall in front of him, Ma Hongjun looked excited, and his expression was even more exaggerated than the first time a countryman entered the city. The 80-meter-high city wall is extremely majestic when viewed up close. The thickness of the city wall is more than 30 meters, and it is completely repaired by granite.

Today is the day of the continent’s top Soul Master Grand Competition. Heaven Dou Empire attaches great importance to it and the city wall is on the station. Full of Soul Masters who are in charge of patrols. Heaven Dou Empire even built a new venue for this game three months ago.

"little fellows, are you confident to win the championship now? ? "Chu Bei glanced across the eight people, Tang San, Dai Mubai, and Oscar in turn.

"I will definitely win! "The loud and bright voices are uniform.

Yu Xiaogang, who was following, looked at the eight little fellows with high spirits, and the corners of his mouth showed a faintly discernable smile.

Seven days passed. Now, even Ma Hongjun and Zhu Zhuqing, who signed the agent at the latest, have become level 80 soul saints.

Furthermore, they have all passed the Seven Seagod Exams and obtained great opportunities. As for combat experience, There has also been a huge improvement.

Because of the Soul Master Grand Competition, today’s Dou Huang city is extremely prosperous. On the main road, there are to-and-fro Soul Masters wearing various robes.

"By the way, do you know how many teams are participating in the competition today? "

"It seems to be the same as in previous years, with a total of eleven teams. "

"Hehe, you are wrong. Seven days ago, he joined a new team! This team belongs to All Heavens Store, so it is now the fifth of the twelve teams. "

"All Heavens Store? tut tut, the boss Chu behind the All Heavens Store is incredible! According to Daoli news, he is the same Limit Douluo as Martial Soul Palace High Priest Qian Daoliu. "

"Do you know the battle of Tianqiong Mountain?" Both Tilted Douluo of Martial Soul Palace died in his hands, and even Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong almost died! "

"Who asked you to discuss Boss Chu?" Boss Chu is so strong, who doesn't know who is on the continent now? What I want to know is the information of the team that participated in the battle on behalf of All Heavens Store! "

"Speaking of the team, All Heavens Store seems to be a cutscene, and simply is here to play. Insider news leaked, All Heavens Store team, the oldest is only 11 years old, the youngest is even only 5 years old. "

"Damn, this Boss Chu is really headstrong!" However, his strength is placed there, presumably other teams will compete with this seeded team, and they will not dare to play too hard. "


Chu Bei entire group is walking on the main road, and from time to time there is intense discussion from all around people.

"True It's worthy of being the top Soul Master Grand Competition, so lively! "Dai Mubai glanced all around the dense crowd, and couldn't help but sigh.

"In the past, my father would show me the Soul Master Grand Competition every year. However, dreaming also didn't expect that I will participate as a player this year. Grandpa Sword, Grandpa Bone and Dad, I really want to know what the three of them will look like when they see me win the championship. "Ning Rongrong's small face is full of excitement.

Soon, the Chu Bei entire group came to the Soul Master Grand Competition venue.

Because of the importance of Heaven Dou Empire, the entire competition The venue circled a huge and open square. Looking at it, countless cheering spectators were already sitting on the periphery of the square.

In the center, a circular masonry high platform with a diameter of 150 meters is far away. From a distance, it reflects the shining rays of light, giving people a luxurious and noble direct look. Just behind the masonry high platform, is a rostrum with Golden as the background.

The rostrum of the rostrum.

The layout is a bit special. The seven luxurious and exquisite chairs are not arranged in a row, but arranged in an arc. Perhaps after special adjustments, there is no so-called primary and secondary distinction between the seven positions.

At this moment, the seven seats on the rostrum have already seated six people. Behind the rostrum are rows of VIP seats, which can also be said to be the seats of the participating teams. Looking at it, 11 teams have already been seated.

"Maybe only on such an important day as the top Soul Master finals can you see so many super bosses at once. "

"Emperor Xue Ye of Heaven Dou Empire, White Tiger Great Emperor of Star Luo Empire, Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong of Martial Soul Palace, Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect Sect Master Ning Fengzhi, Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect Sect Master Yu Tianhao...... Almost all pinnacles on the continent have come, but it is a pity that a Clear Sky Sect Sect Master is missing. "

"Huh? Who is the white haired old man sitting next to Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong? I also watched the top Soul Master Grand Competition two years ago, but I haven't seen this person. "

"Hehe, it's normal if you haven't seen it. His background is very big, the High Priest Qian Daoliu of Douluo Palace, the most Powerhouse in the world, the 99-level Peak Douluo! "

"His——Peak Douluo! Really terrifying! But whose position is still vacant? "

"It must be from Boss Chu! Can’t wait to see the master of All Heavens Store! "


In the square, the spectators who are already seated, cast their eyes on the rostrum, and each of them discusses with excitement and excitement.

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