Boom, boom, bang!

In the continuous collision sound, various silhouettes staggered.

After 3 minutes.

"Too...too incredible! The people of the Fire Leopard Sect were actually defeated!"

"All Heavens Store, these little fellows, are too fierce! This is simply Rolling!"

"The increase of the two auxiliary Soul Masters is too terrifying!"


Compared to Doutai Above, the eight members of Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun are still flying in the air; while the seven members of the Fire Leopard Sect have been released from the state of possessing Martial Spirit, including Wang Shan sitting on the ground gasping for breath, one by one. All are more or less hung with color.

"We lost."

Wang Shan looked a bit unwilling to look at Dai Mubai. As a well-known figure in the 80-level soul sage, he didn't expect anyway. This year's game was lost to a group of little fellows whose average age is less than seven years old.

Inexplicably, he started to regret it a bit. If at first chose the Two Great Empires team, he might still be able to give it a try. Maybe there is still a chance to turn over.

As for these little fellows of All Heavens Store, let’s not talk about how powerful the spirit ring is added to the 100,000-year-old spirit ring. Only one Nine Treasure Glazed Tile’s 80% Soul Power bonus and attack Adding achievements is enough to make it difficult for them to catch up.

What's even more hateful is that the opponent also has a food-type auxiliary Soul Master, and that sausage's ability is actually flying. The opponent stands high in the sky, completely invincible.

At first, they thought that this kind of flying ability could only last for a few tens of seconds. Unexpectedly, the battle was over and the opponent's entire group was still flying in the sky.

"hehe, it's not a problem for my flying sausage to fly for three days." Oscar seemed to see Wang Shan's thoughts, showing a humble expression.

"First Stage, All Heavens Store vs. Fire Leopard Sect, All Heavens Store wins!" The emcee took a deep breath, calmed down his inner restlessness, and announced this unexpected result.

"Boss Chu, I didn’t expect you to have a Martial Spirit from Feng Huang. And the one named Oscar, which is also a very good auxiliary Soul Master. However, I How do you feel that there seems to be something more in his eyes every time he looks towards Rongrong." Ning Fengzhi glanced at Oscar a little displeased.

"Let's go with the flow. When they get older, they will understand what they should understand." Chu Bei naturally understood the meaning of Ning Fengzhi's words.

"Boss Chu, you have to help me keep an eye on it, Rongrong is Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect's future hope and future Sect Master!" Ning Fengzhi said quickly.

"Does Sect Master Ning think that Oscar is not worthy of your Young Sect Master of Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, right?" Chu Bei smiled and looked at Ning Fengzhi.

"This..." Ning Fengzhi was speechless and hesitated.

Star Luo Empire’s White Tiger Great Emperor looked dazedly at Dai Mubai above Bidoutai. The opponent’s strength has surpassed most of the Imperial Family’s enshrinements!

As time went on, the remaining five games of the first round also had results.

The result of the battle was the same as everyone expected, and the seeded team won. Among them, the Blazing Academy, which played against the Martial Soul Palace, gave up after just two gestures on the stage.

However, everyone in the court did not mock this approach. After all, it was a wise choice.

Over the years, everyone has seen the strength of Martial Soul Palace.

An hour later.

"The second round of the game begins, the six winning teams are invited to play, and draw two by two, until they completely draw the same, then it is one game." The voice of the emcee floated from the air. .

Soon, the lottery will have the result.

First Stage, Heaven Dou Empire vs. Star Luo Empire.

In the second game, Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect played against Martial Soul Palace.

In the third game, All Heavens Store played against Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect.

"In previous years, Two Great Empires Imperial Family's Level 1 team was at the bottom. I didn't expect him to meet the two this year."

"Who do you think Two Great Empires will Win?"

"Don’t care, I want to watch the battle between All Heavens Store and Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect now! The battle of those little fellows is so loving."


With the sound of continuous fighting, the battle between Heaven Dou Empire Imperial Family and Star Luo Empire Imperial Family came to an end.

The members of Heaven Dou Empire and Star Luo Empire are also 80-level soul saints, but the latter won by a narrow margin due to the advantage of Martial Spirit.

After the battle between the two imperial families, two Level 1 teams from Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect and Martial Soul Palace appeared on the battlefield.

"Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, give up!"

Receiving Ning Fengzhi's eyes, Ziyi youth simply took Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect off the stage. .

In previous years, they won the Two Great Empires and still had a fight, but this year they were out of luck and directly faced the Martial Soul Palace.

A support-oriented Sect, against the strongest Martial Soul Palace, is very different in strength, and there is no need to fight.

"Supreme Pontiff, your Martial Soul Palace team is not simple this year." Ning Fengzhi turned his head and looked towards Bibi Dong said in a tranquil voice.

"These eight guys have been secretly trained by my Martial Soul Palace since they were born, and have undergone the most demanding training of Martial Soul Palace all the year round. They were originally planned to be trained to Titled Douluo and then released."

Speaking of this, Bibi Dong's gaze is fixed on Chu Bei's body: "Just think about it, All Heavens Store has been so high-profile these days, my Martial Soul Palace must also show off my strength in time."

"Supreme Pontiff must have been defeated by Boss Chu in the first battle of Tianqiong Mountain, and worried that the continent's all influence would shake the mind of Martial Soul Palace. So he wanted to pass this time's top Soul Master Grand Competition to let this Eight hidden guys show the world the details of Martial Soul Palace." Yu Tianhao said abruptly.

Bibi Dong did not answer, but glanced at Yu Tianhao lightly and sent out coldly snorted, with a cold look in his eyes.

"In the third game, All Heavens Store and Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect are on stage!" The voice of the master of ceremonies sounded again at the right time.

Due to witnessing the first round All Heavens Store match against the Fire Leopard Sect, the eight soul saints of Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect did not have a trace of their faces when they faced the eight little fellows Dai Mubai and Oscar. underestimate.

As the emcee’s "game start" fell, the leader of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect loudly shouted, seven spirit rings on his body lit up, and he turned into a three-meter-high Tyrant Dragon at the head. The electric current chi chi kept ringing.

At the same time, six other people also took possession of the Tyrannosaurus Martial Spirit, all with seven spirit rings; only the last one, although there are also seven spirit rings on his body, his Martial Spirit is not Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon, but a building similar to a pavilion. Obviously, this is an auxiliary Soul Master.

Feeling the Soul Power fluctuations of the eight people on the opposite side, Dai Mubai, Oscar and the others looked at each other.

"I have a big sausage!"

"I have a root for excitement!"

"I have a root for flying intestine!"


"Nine treasures are famous, saying: Soul Power increase."

"Nine treasures are famous, saying: defense increase."

"Nine Bao is famous, saying: Attack increase."


Fighting with Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, Oscar and Ning Rongrong took the lead in launching soul skills, assisting blessing directly to the maximum.

At the same time, Dai Mubai, Zhu Zhuqing and the others imposing manner continue to rise.

"Blue Silver Realm, open!"

In order to resolve the battle as quickly as possible, Tang San let out a low shout, and wisps of blue rays of light spread around him instantly , And soon enveloped the entire Bidoutai.

"Lead...Domain! That little fellow actually owns the field!"

"How is it possible!"

"Let’s not say that the prerequisite for owning a field is to become Titled Douluo, even if it is Tilted Douluo, there is a huge opportunity to own a field!"

"What's the shock? For All Heavens Store, what else is impossible!"


When Tang San released the Blue Silver Domain, not only the people on the viewing platform, but also the people on the podium were emotionally fluctuating.

Qian Daoliu and Bibi Dong looked at each other, and besides surprise, there was an unnoticeable strangeness in their eyes.

If it were in the past, when they saw these terrifying evildoers, they would inevitably force each other into Martial Soul Palace. If the other party does not want to join Martial Soul Palace, they are bound to kill these little fellows in the cradle.

The style of Martial Soul Palace never allows a person who might threaten the existence of Martial Soul Palace to grow up in the future.

However, what is hateful is that these evildoers are all from the All Heavens Store, and they are sheltered by the mysterious person whose Soul Power is level 99 Peak Douluo or even half of their feet in the gods.

With Peak Douluo as the backing, these evildoers can grow up safely until they become a region's Overlord.

Of course, what makes Qian Daoliu and Bibi Dong really care about is Chu Bei's training methods.

If there is only one evildoer in All Heavens Store, it can be said that it is the innate talent of that evildoer. But the fact is that the eight little fellows in the field all showed terrifying innate talent thousands of times more than ordinary people. This is entirely the reason for the Boss.

"My God! These dolls in All Heavens Store are so crazy! If I didn't see it with my own eyes, I would not believe it!"

"Yes, no wonder When Boss Chu spoke as a representative at the beginning of the game, he repeatedly emphasized that there is Heaven beyond the Heaven there is Person beyond the Person. Don’t be discouraged even if you are suppressed by the child. At that time, I thought it was a joke, but now it seems that we are the joke. Ah!"

On the VIP table, Yu Xiaogang listened to the all around discussion, and a smile was drawn at the corner of his mouth.

As a Level 1 agent, his strength has also skyrocketed. It's not that their innate talent is good, but their Boss is a living god!

A True God who can defeat Poseidon!

"You little fellows are really shocking! Especially this so-called Blue Silver Domain has an impact on our Soul Power transfer. It’s just that your Martial Spirit is Blue Silver Grass, presumably No attack power."

Yu Feng looked towards Tang San, the voice fell and looked towards behind the only auxiliary Soul Master: "Fight!"

The auxiliary Soul Master was affected After the instruction, the Martial Spirit similar to the pavilion flickered in the palm of the palm. When layers of halo shrouded the other seven people of Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, the Tyrant Rex transformed by the seven people instantly grew a pair of huge wings.

Next moment, the team of Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, like Tang San and the others, flew in the air.

"Now, you have no air superiority." Yu Feng glanced across Dai Mubai, Tang San and the others opened the mouth and said.

"Blue Silver Sea!"

Tang San laughed and ignored Yu Feng. He didn't regard the opponent as an opponent from start to finish.

As the sound rang, I saw green plants similar to vines growing up on the platform below. These plants grew extremely fast, and in an instant a huge cage was intertwined in the air.

"You not only limit our activity space, but also limit yourself. This kind of small-scale battle is the most beneficial to us." Yu Feng glanced at the green all around Plant, the expression has not changed at all.

"Thunder Dragon Head!"

With Yu Feng's roar, his silhouette swept towards Tang San, and at the same time a huge thunder dragon condensed in front of its sharp claw. first.

At the same time that Yu Feng took the shot, in addition to the auxiliary Soul Master, the other six also displayed spirit abilities and swept towards Dai Mubai and the others.

"Ma Hongjun, you protect Oscar; Xiao Wu, you protect Ning Rongrong.

Mubai, Zhuqing, Dogballz, three of you attack the auxiliary Soul Master, the fastest He took him down at the speed of his."

"Okay!" Ma Hongjun and Dai Mubai answered at the same time.


Suddenly, a clear crash sounded from the air.

Yu Feng’s actual strikes were on the shield made of Blue Silver Grass in front of Tang San.

Clang, clang——

Another two attackers arrived, but they also only brought a crisp sound.

"Is this still Blue Silver Grass? It's so hard!"

Yu Feng shook the sharp claw that was numb due to the reaction force, hovering in the air, shocked Looking at Tang San in front of him. Not only him, but the two teammates who attacked almost at the same time beside him were also shocked.

With their 80th-level Soul Power, they can't beat the most common Blue Silver Grass!

"Blue Silver Demon Gun!"

Tang San glanced lightly across Yu Feng, and before the other party reacted, the fifth spirit ring on his body lit up. At the moment of red rays of light flashed, all around plants like vines suddenly interweave seven plants long spear.


The moment the long spear took shape, it pierced the entire group of Yu Feng.

Caught off guard, the three of Yu Feng, the nearest to Tang San, were blown away by the long spear and hit the plant vine.

"Blue and silver spikes!"

Tang San silhouette flashed and appeared beside Xiao Wu, another spirit ring flashed, and a cone strikes intertwined with vines went out .

Amid the loud noise, another Soul Sage fell directly out.

As for the auxiliary Soul Master of Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, under the combined attack of Dai Mubai, Zhu Zhuqing and Wang Fan, he was injured and defeated in an instant.

"Damn it! I didn't expect even Blue Silver Grass to have such a strong offensive power!"

Yu Feng roared and broke free from the restraint of the vines, looking at the injured auxiliary Soul Master , Immediately waved his wings and led the other six to push Dai Mubai back.

"You don't need to blessing everyone at the same time, I can do my best to increase my one person!"

Yu Feng looked towards the auxiliary Soul Master, his first priority is to defeat the domain of possession Tang San. In the realm, their Soul Power mobilization was a bit lagging, and they couldn't exert their maximum battle strength at all.


After the auxiliary Soul Master was nodded, the Martial Spirit rays of light flashed in his palm, and the ring of light on the heads of the other six people fell on Yu Feng at the same time. Body.

In an instant, Yu Feng's Soul Power fluctuated to another level.

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