"Tyrant Dragon's Fury!"

When Yu Feng's Soul Power breath reached its limit, the spirit ring flickered, and his whole body spun up abruptly.

With a scream, it blasted Tang San with the powerful Soul Power wave.

The speed is extremely fast, and it's just around the corner.


A similar crisp sound rang again.

Yu Feng's body like a spinning top fiercely strikes on the Blue Silver Grass shield in front of Tang San.

But no matter how hard it uses, the Blue Silver Grass shield remains undamaged and is as strong as ever.

With the continuous buzzing sound, Yu Feng's rotation speed gradually slowed down until he stabilized the stature and stopped spinning.

"Damn it, it's just Blue Silver Grass!"

Looking at the indestructible Blue Silver Grass shield in front of him, Yu Feng looked resentful, with such defenses. Exist, the other party is already invincible.

"Blue and silver spikes!"

Don't give Yu Feng a chance to retreat, Tang San spirit ring lights up, and an attack slams on Yu Feng's body.

Yu Feng flew out again, but this time Tang San followed closely. I saw his left and right hands clasped, controlling the Blue Silver Grass to interweave into a long spear, and suddenly moved towards Yu Feng's armor pierced away.


In the crisp sound, a crack appeared in the armor outside Yu Feng's body.

Immediately afterwards, a dark lance resembling a spider's leg appeared behind Chu Bei, which quickly penetrated into the crack, and the spear tip with a little green liquid directly pierced into Yu Feng's fleshy body on.

When the pitch-black lance is plugged and unplugged, it can be said that it happened in the spark of calcium carbide.

"I really underestimate you!"

Yu Feng turned around, and avoided the second blue and silver thrust by Tang San.

"Since I can't hurt you, I can only take down your support teammates first."

Looking at the Blue Silver Grass shield in front of Tang San, Yu Feng I couldn't help but feel a sense of powerlessness, and after a little thought, I hit the target on Ning Rongrong's body.

"Tyrant Dragon's Fury!"

But when Yu Feng used his spirit ability again, his chest suddenly felt a pain, and the condensed spirit ability dissipated at this moment. , The blood in the chest rolled, a mouthful of blood spewed out uncontrollably.

"I advise you to give up now, otherwise I am afraid I can't save you." Tang San smiled and looked at Yu Feng, with a little complacency between his eyebrows.

"What did you do to me!" Yu Feng resisted the colic in his chest and looked at Tang San coldly.

"You are only poisoned by me."

The calm voice fell, Tang San silhouette swept, and the right hand made a fist and turned into metal, and it slammed into a blue person nearby. The soul saint of Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect.

Pu chi!

Seeing that his companion was overthrown by Tang San, Yu Feng deliberately helped him, but as soon as he started Soul Power, his whole body was painful like acupuncture, and the pain was unbearable.

Thump, thump!

Tang San solved the three soul sages of Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect in one breath. Just as he was about to attack again, the two Tyrant Dragons still in the air suddenly disappeared, and then Falling vertically in the air.

Looking to the side, Dai Mubai, Zhu Zhuqing, and Wang Fan are proud to show him the results. The auxiliary Soul Master has been beaten and almost lost consciousness under their combined force. .

"Damn, the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect of Three Great Sects is also at a disadvantage! These All Heavens Store little fellows are too strong and too outrageous!"

" Although I think of the waste Martial Spirit Blue Silver Grass, it also has such a terrifying attack and defense power!"

"Following this trend, these six or seven-year-old children are really likely to bring us Surprise, won the championship of this year's top Soul Master Grand Competition."

"Have you seen? Then Yu Feng of Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect seems to be poisoned!"


The spectators in the stands discuss spiritedly.

On the rostrum, Chu Bei cast his gaze on Yu Tianhao: "Are you going to let them continue to fight? That guy has been poisoned by Little San's bone poison, so there is no time left for him. It’s too much."

"That's all, if you lose, you lose."

After a long silence, Yu Tianhao took a deep breath, and at the same time Soul Power sound transmission was sent to Bidoutai. Of eight people.

On the Bidoutai, Yu Feng's original pale yellow skin has turned turquoise, and there is even a painful low groan in his mouth. After hearing Yu Tianhao's voice, he endured the pain and moved towards Tang San and Dai Mubai, making a gesture of admitting defeat.

"All Heavens Store played against Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, All Heavens Store won!"

After the master of ceremonies announced the result of the game, Tang San stature landed next to Yu Feng, A spider spear stabbed into Yu Feng's body.

I saw a little green droplet flowing back from Yu Feng's body to the spider spear. Almost at the same time, Yu Feng's complexion improved, and his painful expression gradually eased.

Dai Mubai, Zhu Zhuqing, Oscar and the others stood behind Tang San and won the battle with Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon, but they couldn’t see the excitement they should have in their expressions. .

It seems that the result of this battle was already in their expectations.

After the game between All Heavens Store and Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect ended, the emcee walked to the middle of the stage, said solemnly: "The second round of the game is over, and the winning three forces are Star Luo Empire. , Martial Soul Palace and All Heavens Store. The next third round, which is the championship, second place and third place competition, will be played in pairs..."

"There is no need for a two-by-two duel, the Star Luo Empire team chose to give up . Let’s go straight to the championship battle.”

However, the emcee’s words had not yet been spoken, and the White Tiger Great Emperor of Star Luo Empire got up from his chair and spoke.

The draw of the second round itself contains elements of luck. He still knows the strength of Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect very well, and his team will never win.

For this reason, the White Tiger Great Emperor simply chose to abstain from Martial Soul Palace and All Heavens Store.

"Fuck, haven't reacted yet, this is the most anticipated matchup!"

"Are you more optimistic about Martial Soul Palace or All Heavens Store?"


“Although the eight little fellows of All Heavens Store are outrageously strong, they even have one hundred thousand years of spirit ring and domain blessing, but they are too young after all! And the eight souls from Soul Palace were carefully cultivated in Martial Soul Palace I think they have the ability to skip grades to battle! In my opinion, Martial Soul Palace has a higher winning rate."

"Same as I thought! I just don’t know the little fellows of All Heavens Store, but also Are there any other cards?"


A word from the White Tiger Great Emperor directly pushed the atmosphere of the court to a new climax.

In the stands, a crowd of spectators stood up and cast their eyes on the two teams already standing on the stage.

"As long as we defeat Martial Soul Palace now, we will be the champions of this year's Grand Competition!" On the competition stage, Ning Rongrong was in a trance with excitement.

In the past, she would also see the Level 1 team training for the top Soul Master Grand Competition in Sect. At that time, she was watching secretly from the side, full of envy in her heart.

She also dreamed about when she could be on the stage of the continent's top Soul Master Grand Competition, but what she did not expect was that she stood on this stage before the age of six.

Furthermore, her own Sect team has been eliminated, but she still stands on this stage, and even wants to win the final championship!

Dai Mubai subconsciously looked towards the direction of the White Tiger Great Emperor, with firmness in his eyes.

"In All Heavens Store, you really can go far enough." Meeting Dai Mubai's gaze, the White Tiger Great Emperor sighed faintly.

He could naturally see what Dai Mubai meant. The steadfast eyes of the other party were telling him that he already doesn't care about the position of the emperor, so let his big brother Davis sit down.

"Zhuqing, I will protect you in the next battle." Dai Mubai's gaze shifted to Zhu Zhuqing's body, expressing affection.

"No." Zhu Zhuqing didn't even look at Dai Mubai, his voice was still cold.

"The last scene."

Tang San has a smile drawn at the corner of his mouth. After scanning the seven people, Tang San takes the lead to raise his right hand and place it flat in the air.

Seven people including Dai Mubai, Oscar and Wang Fan looked at each other, and also raised their hands.

The eight little hands overlap each other, and at the same time they let out a loud shouted: "We must win!"

Yes, they must win this championship contest!

They have to prove not only themselves, but All Heavens Store, and their Boss!

Their boss is a god, the god who defeated the sea god!

As the agent of God, they will not allow themselves to fail!

"Little fellows, the victory or defeat on the battlefield is not just casual talk."

The eight members of the Martial Soul Palace team suddenly heard that the seven Tang San were uniform. The great shout, one of them let out a sneer.

"On the podium, Supreme Pontiff is watching, High Priest is watching, we are carrying the glory of Martial Soul Palace. Even if the opponent is your group of children, we still will not underestimate the enemy. The game is not only To win, to win more perfect." Martial Soul Palace team leader said indifferently.

"All Heavens Store, we will win!"

The eight Tang Sans ignored the Martial Soul Palace team members. They just looked at Chu Bei on the rostrum, and even more A strong and determined roar came from their mouths.

A crowd of Soul Masters watching the battle in the stands, listening to the six syllables echoing in their ears, one by one couldn't help but feel a feeling of boiling blood.

In any case, they never thought that they would be ignited by a group of six or seven-year-old little fellows.

Unconsciously, from the bottom of their hearts, they even more hope that All Heavens Store can win the Grand Competition this year.

"Boss Chu, your eight little fellow imposing manners are very good!" Emperor Xue Ye of Heaven Dou Empire looked towards Chu Bei opened the mouth and said, and he was all beaten up on the platform Helped the little fellows to get infected.

"The imposing manner is based on strength." Chu Bei calmly and composed said with a smile.

"I want to see how these eight little fellows will win." Bibi Dong said coldly.

Ning Fengzhi looked at Ning Rongrong with satisfaction, and couldn't help but feel grateful to Chu Bei again. Judging from Ning Rongrong's smile, his youngest daughter has really found a companion.

In the All Heavens Store, her companions will not be like the dísciple in Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect. Because of her identity, one by one hesitates her to alienate or flatter her.

"Perhaps this is Rongrong's opportunity." Ning Fengzhi smiled knowingly.

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