"I thought you wouldn't make a move." Qian Daoliu glanced at Chu Bei coldly snorted and said.

"I said, if you act on Little San, I will kill you."

Chu Bei calmly looked at Qian Daoliu, there was no mood swing at all. The sound is not loud, but it can be heard clearly in everyone's mind.

"You are too confident." Qian Daoliu looked at Chu Bei coldly, behind the incomplete Golden spirit ring trembling, and an incomparable terrifying pressure oscillated.

"I knew that Boss Chu would not watch his little fellow being killed by Qian Daoliu, and by looking at his face, I knew that he was the master of calf protection."

"My God, what's the situation now? Obviously I came to see the Soul Master Grand Competition. The seven little fellows of All Heavens Store's wonderful championships are enough to shock me. Then, the former Number One Person Haotiandou Luo Tang Hao once more enter the world, directly bombarding Martial Soul Palace’s yin and yang offerings with terrifying power. Later, Peak Douluo Qian Daoliu defeated Haotian Douluo Tang Hao... Now, this Boss Chu is going to be with Qian again Did Daoliu fight?"

"Haha, today is really not in vain! Qian Daoliu played against Boss Chu, one is the pinnacle powerhouse that has been standing for hundreds of years in the continent, and the other is the All Heavens Store Boss, which has been known as the continent recently. It’s really the blessing of three lifetimes to be able to see the battle between the two of them!"


A crowd of spectators stared at the sky above Bidoutai. Qian Daoliu and Chu Bei, who are facing each other far away, look excited and full of anticipation one by one.

"No matter who wins or loses, this battle is destined to spread through the ages!" On the podium, the White Tiger Great Emperor looked at the two figures in the sky and couldn't help but take a deep breath and exclaimed.

"Sect Master Ning, you must hope that Boss Chu will win." Yu Tianhao turned his head and looked towards Ning Fengzhi.

"Aren't you?" Ning Fengzhi asked rhetorically.

Yu Tianhao laughed, no denying it.

Bibi Dong on the side is still sitting on the chair, his eyes fixed on Qian Daoliu and Chu Bei in the air, Soul Power faintly discernable on his body fluctuates.

At this moment, a silhouette jumped onto the podium and walked to her side.

"What are you doing? Are you here to laugh at me? I didn't ask you to intercede last time!" Bibi Dong stared coldly at the man beside him who made him love and hate.

"Dongdong, listen to me, under any circumstances, don't do anything to him again!" The person who came was Yu Xiaogang, pointing to Chu Bei in the distance and said.

"Why should I listen to you? They will fight against each other, and both sides will suffer! By then, I will have the best chance to kill him."

Bibi Dong half After squinting at Chu Bei, he looked towards Yu Xiaogang again: "Last time you pleaded for him to spare me, this time you asked me not to kill him. You are really a good person!"

"Dongdong, you are wrong."

Listening to Bibi Dong’s frigid irony and scorching satire, Yu Xiaogang took a deep breath, shook the head: "I told you not to do it to him, it’s not I want you to spare him, but I want you not to provoke him again! Last time, Boss Chu looked at my face and he spared you undying. If you do anything to him again, I'm afraid he will no longer care about my face Ah."

"What the hell do you want to say!" Bibi Dong stared at Yu Xiaogang, his voice became extremely low.

"Don't say it is a Qian Daoliu, even if it is ten Qian Daoliu, ten you add up, it is not his opponent!"

Yu Xiaogang put two hands on Bibi Dong On the shoulder blades: "Listen to me, don't do anything at any time!"

Bibi Dong looked directly at Yu Xiaogang: "What do you know? Qian Daoliu wearing an angel suit is infinitely close to the realm of God!"

"With your strength, you should have noticed the battle of Sea God Island three days ago? It was a battle of two Revered Divinity, the battle of the true gods!"

Here, Yu Xiaogang pointed at Chu Bei with flushed face, as if exhausting all his strength and shouting: "He is the True God who defeated the sea god!"


Bibi Dong trembled suddenly: "You lie to me, you must be lie to me! If he is True God, why hasn't he gone to God World? Why can he stay in Douluo Continent!"

"Hehe, look at it."

Yu Xiaogang pulled a chair directly and sat beside Bibi Dong.

Fortunately, everyone in the stands and VIP seats are projecting their eyes on Qian Daoliu and Chu Bei. Otherwise, seeing Yu Xiaogang so fearless of Bibi Dong, he will inevitably be startled.

"True God?!"

On the rostrum, Ning Fengzhi, Yu Tianhao, White Tiger Great Emperor, Emperor Xue Ye who are close to each other heard the low roar of Yu Xiaogang Then, one by one, like a bolt from the blue sky, when they raised their eyes again and looked towards that silhouette in the sky, their eyes were full of consternation.

In the sky above Bidoutai, Chu Bei carried behind with his hands on his back, his robe moved with the wind, and his posture seemed very casual.

I saw his right foot lightly stepped on the void, and a thin layer of energy ripples centered on itself, which instantly enveloped the huge square.

"Does Boss Chu use this method to worry about us being hurt by the aftermath?"

On the VIP table, a Soul Douluo couldn't help being speculated. There are not a few people who have the same idea as him. After all, they have seen the defensive power of this energy ripple with no difficulty, and they blocked Qian Daoliu's attack.

Looked towards the sky above the head again, the ripples of energy that enveloped the entire square, apart from protecting them, they really couldn't think of any effect.

"It's ridiculous, at this time, you are still thinking about their life and death!" Qian Daoliu glanced at Chu Bei, with sarcasm in his words.

"I don't want them to die because of me, I only kill the people who deserve to be killed."

Chu Bei took a volley, step by step towards Qian Daoliu, his mouth was faint Smile.

Looking at Chu Bei approaching him step by step, Qian Daoliu brows frowned. It's not because the Soul Power fluctuations on the opponent's body are too terrifying, on the contrary, the opponent appears too ordinary.

The whole body does not even fluctuate in Soul Power, it is exactly like an ordinary person. But if you observe carefully, you can find that the opponent has a breath different from Soul Power.

If Chu Bei’s weird breath only makes Qian Daoliu curious and confused, then when he gathers all his vast spirit strengths together and wants to lock the other party, his heart is truly There was a wave.

Because he suddenly discovered that his spirit strength could not lock the other party, the other party was ethereal as if he had become the core between Heaven and Earth.

It's not just Qian Daoliu, but the people below, including Bibi Dong, Ning Fengzhi and the others. Looking at Chu Bei, who seems to be fuse together with Heaven and Earth, feel a bit no longer Really, the other party's body seemed to be flooded everywhere in the square, not just in midair.


Qian Daoliu's face is heavy, and the bantering color in his expression disappears, and an extremely terrifying Soul Power blooms from him, rushing toward his face The pressure to reach was suppressed on the thin energy ripples below, bringing up a burst of magical sounds similar to howling ghosts.

At the same time, a layer of golden brilliance spread out like mist from the incomplete golden ring behind him. In an instant, the sky above the square was covered by golden brilliance.

"dressed up as God, playing the Devil! Let the old man explore your reality!" Sen Han's voice fell, and Qian Daoliu heavily stamped the scepter in his hand.

Suddenly, the scepter released a dazzling golden light, a scorching golden flame turned into a Fire Phoenix, and swept towards Chu Bei with a neigh.

The moment the golden flame appeared, the air temperature on the square rose instantly, and everyone could even feel a tingling burning sensation on their faces.

As for where the Fire Phoenix passed, the void was burned into space fragments, showing the real horror of its formidable power.

"Have you ever seen the realm of the true gods?"

Chu Bei's hands on the environment smiled at Qian Daoliu on his chest, the calm voice fell, centered on his body, The void above the square cracked at the same time, and several dark spaces filled with gaps.

I saw countless colored light spots gushing out from the pitch-black gap, and in an instant, it filled the entire space. If you look closely, you will find that this so-called light spot is more like a solid colored flame particle.

"This...what happened? My chair..."

"The railing has also changed, and the steps have also changed!"

"What kind of ability is this? Even the ground has changed!"


In an instant, the complexion of everyone in the field suddenly changed, and their expressions With horror.

Looking at it, the sandalwood chairs on the stands, the Dali stone stage, the ground paved with bluestone bricks, the rostrum, and the bucket platform all seem to have become solid flames, or Golden, Or silver, or blue, or purple...

"Is this the method of Boss Chu?"

Emperor Xue Ye, the ruler of White Tiger Great Emperor Two Great Empires looked at all Changes around, looked at each other in blank dismay. As the Monarch of the entire Country, they are used to seeing all kinds of winds and waves, but they are still deeply shocked by what is happening right now.

This ability has surpassed the limit of human beings, and maybe only the legendary existence can display it.

On the Bidoutai, Tang Hao was also shocked, looking at the silhouette above in a dull manner. However, Tang San, Dai Mubai, Xiao Wu and the others did not have any surprises on their faces. After all, it was not the first time they had seen their own boss this method.

"Is this the realm of the gods?"

While looking at the entire square being homogenized and turned into flame, Bibi Dong took a deep breath, and his eyes were filled with horror.

At this moment, far away in the sky, Chu Bei releases colored rays of light everywhere, and the domineering spirit released by his gestures seems to be able to control everything in this space.

A faint glance at the swift Fire Phoenix, Chu Bei pointed out a finger, and a bunch of purple light shot out from his fingertips.


In an instant, the purple light penetrated the Fire Phoenix and shot straight towards Qian Daoliu. The pierced Golden Flame Fire Phoenix trembled slightly and then turned into ripples and dissipated in the empty space.

In his sight, the purple light flashed past, and Qian Daoliu's heart was inexplicably cold. The fourth spirit ring lights up, and the surface of the body is immediately covered with golden light armor.

Kang Dang!

The golden light armor broke and turned into rain, and the remaining power on the purple light directly strikes Qian Daoliu's chest.

Suddenly, Qian Daoliu volleyed up, throwing a scepter in his hand, and vomiting blood in his mouth.

Qian Daoliu's blood is different from ordinary people's red, which contains a little Golden.

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