"Is it dazzled? How do I feel that High Priest Qian Daoliu and Boss Chu are not of the same level?"

"You read that right! Qian Daoliu is indeed I was hit and flew by Boss Chu! And, with a random finger, I can see that Boss Chu is not doing much!"

"Damn, this Boss Chu really opened my eyes time and time again! Qian Daoliu's strength is close to the gods, is it possible that this Boss Chu is really a living god?"

"It is recorded in the ancient book of the clan that all gods who become gods at the hundredth level will leave Douluo. Continent goes to the legendary God World, why is Boss Chu still here?"


Looking at Qian Daoliu flying upside down, everyone in the field eyes suddenly shrank, Looking towards Chu Bei again, only respect was left in his gaze.

"Is this the power of True God."

Recalling the horrible energy contained in the purple light that the opponent randomly played before, Bibi Dong gave birth to a wave from his heart. Powerlessness. She only discovered now that the opponent had already suppressed the energy in the battle at Tianqiong Mountain.

Unconsciously, she has believed what Yu Xiaogang said, this Boss Chu is really a god!

A living god who has not yet gone to God World!

"Impossible, absolutely impossible! You must have got the inheritance of a certain god, and like me, dressed in a god's suit!"

Qian Daoliu hold the stability, a pair Golden Eye locks Chu Bei tightly: "Douluo Continent has no gods, True Gods are all in God World! You are not, you are definitely not!"

Looking at the crazy Qian Daoliu, Chu Bei Laughed didn't answer the conversation. From the moment he attacked, he should have the answer in his heart, but he didn't want to admit that's all.

Furthermore, what he wears is just an ordinary robe that can't be more ordinary, there is no armor as heavy as the other party.

"You, Tang Hao, and those little fellows, anyone who threatens Martial Soul Palace will all die!"

In the burst of shouts, Qian Daoliu is golden. The light was released, and the behind six wings waved, instantly raising his imposing manner to Peak.

Then, I saw his left foot suddenly take a step forward. After the right hand recalled the flying scepter, the seraph brand on his forehead shot out a zhanran golden light. The azure blue golden light shot on the scepter, and the angel Power of God was surging completely.

next moment, Qian Daoliu held the scepter in both hands and threw it moved towards Chu Bei suddenly.

High in the sky, the scepter filled with Qian Daoliu angel Power of God penetrated the void and appeared in front of Chu Bei.

“It’s ridiculous to shake the gods with people.”

Chu Bei took a step forward, facing the scepter carrying the power of Heavenly Might, he didn’t mean to retreat. Seeing his right hand lifted, the palm filled with colored rays of light directly grabbed one end of the scepter.

When Chu Bei's right hand touched the scepter, the colored flame of his palm flowed, making his entire palm become gorgeous, as if it were completely condensed by energy.

When the two collided, in the rumbling sound, the original scepter stopped abruptly, and could no longer stab forward half a point, so it stopped forcibly in Chu Bei's right hand.

"explode for me!"

Seeing Chu Bei grabbing the scepter with his bare hands, Qian Daoliu's mouth suddenly showed a weird smile that succeeded in conspiracy. Along with its shouting loudly, an incomparable terrifying force suddenly burst out from the scepter.

Under this heaven-shaking, earth-shattering energy, the void is twisted like a water snake, and the golden glow in the center flickers and is extremely dazzling.

This blow, although not Qian Daoliu's spirit ability, was an attack he poured into the angel Power of God.

In the sound of the explosion, Qian Daoliu's mouth raised a curve, let alone a quasi-god, even if it is a real god, being bombarded by the angel Power of God at such close range, undying will also be seriously injured!

On the rostrum, Bibi Dong, who felt the angel Power of God, trembled.

It's not just her, everyone in the field focused on the dazzling golden glow.

However, there was a dead silence in the bright golden glow, and there was not even any screams.

"Did you die?"

Qian Daoliu clenched his fists with both hands, his expression was a little nervous, and his eyes stared at the golden glow scepter madly.

"A trifling angel god, let alone relying on her divine force, even if she really appears here, what can she do to me?"

Just in Qian Daoliu ready to leave When I went to investigate the state of Chu Bei, an extremely calm but majestic voice came from the golden glow. The sound is not loud, but it carries the pressure of Heavenly Might, which directly shakes everyone's heart. Especially the words said by the other party, full of strong confidence.

The rays of light dispersed, Chu Bei stood in place, the silhouette never even took a step back.

He stood there quietly, but he gave people a sense of direct gaze that dominated the world, just like a Sovereign, and a sense of worship.

I don't know when, the scepter that originally carried the dazzling golden glow has lost its luster and dim, and the terrifying breath is missing, and it is being played by Chu Bei casually.

Qian Daoliu frowned deeply, but the next moment, the crisp ka-cha sound directly made his face pale, his mouth spurt blood, and the riot Soul Power at that moment almost made him cultivation deviation .

The angel scepter, as one of the angel gods' outfits, was forcibly crushed into pieces by the other party and poured into the sky.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ——

At the moment when the angel scepter was destroyed by Chu Bei, the six armors on Qian Daoliu trembled at the same time, making a terrifying impact sound.

Vaguely, you can see Qian Daoliu’s behind slowly appearing a huge phantom. The phantom is like a woman with six wings on the back, holding a long sword in her hand, moving towards Chu Bei and uttering a gloomy look. Roar sound.

"Want a fight?"

Chu Bei looked towards Qian Daoliu, to be precise, it should be the phantom behind it, shook the head's eyes: " Dare to come, let you come back and forth!"

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ——

The sound of the six armors on Qian Daoliu's body became more violent, that huge phantom It became more and more condensed, and the low whistle in his mouth became more terrifying, with a strong killing intent.

"Did you see the phantom behind Qian Daoliu? What is it?"

"God, it must be a god!"

"As far as I know, Qian Daoliu lineage is a family of angels. In the last ages, their Martial Spirit has always been a seraph. The phantom behind him should be the angel god of faith!"

"So Say, is it that God will descend from God World that day? Could it be that Boss Chu crushed the scepter and angered her."

The crowd below stared at Qian Daoliu behind in horror. Huge phantom, one by one subconsciously wriggled his throat.

"Why? Hesitating?"

Chu Bei jokingly looked at the phantom behind Qian Daoliu, the sarcasm fell, and the right hand was gripped, and the colorful flames all around were on. Converged in its palms. After a while, a gorgeous fire stick condensed from colorful flame appeared in his hand.

Chu Bei was holding a fire stick and appeared above Qian Daoliu's head in an instant.

Feeling the pressure above his head, Qian Daoliu's pupils shrank suddenly, and the incomplete golden ring with a diameter of three meters immediately soared above his head, spinning frantically.

Chu Bei swung down with a stick, and in a thunderbolt, an extremely powerful and brilliant fire beam had spewed out from the top of the fire stick, and heavily strikes down.

hong long!

The incomplete golden ring slammed into Qian Daoliu's head by the brilliant beam of fire.

Suddenly, Qian Daoliu's uncontrollable strikes hit the energy ripples below, and the feeling of pain in his whole body unexpectedly made him lose control of his body for an instant.

"Damn it!"

Qian Daoliu endured the tingling sensation caused by the incurable injury on his body, and flew back into the air again, pulling with Chu Bei from a distance. Drove a distance.

The gap, the two words inexplicably rise from its deep in one's heart.

As Chu Bei thought, the moment he shot, Qian Daoliu already knew that he had truly entered the divine existence.

"Obviously, I have become a quasi-god with the help of angel gods, why is the gap still so big!"

Qian Daoliu stared at Chu Bei firmly, roaring loudly, and his voice was full With thick unwillingness. Wearing an angelic costume, he can easily defeat Tang Hao who is blowing up the ring.

But in front of the real gods, the terrifying power standing on Peak in the eyes of the world is a joke. Even the waves do not raise.

At this moment, it’s like fighting On the stage, on the grandstand, on the VIP table, on the rostrum, everyone in the field looked towards the somewhat crazy Qian Daoliu, and there was a little more compassion in their eyes.

The Peerless Peak Powerhouse, which has stood Douluo Continent for hundreds of years, was so helpless in the face of this Boss Chu, who had only appeared in the eyes of everyone for less than a month.

What's even weaker is that the opponent didn't show Martial Spirit from start to finish, let alone the spirit ring. With the appearance of calm and composed, it seems that every attack is very random. In the battle with Qian Daoliu, it behaves like playing.

"Wan Yang Lingtian!"

Qian Daoliu glanced at Tang Hao and Tang San on the Bidoutai, and then returned to Chu Bei with fiercely fiercely. Accompanied by a low roar that deems death at home, the complete nine spirit rings on his body simultaneously submerged into the incomplete tenth spirit ring.

Gradually, with the disappearance of the nine spirit rings, the originally incomplete tenth spirit ring has slowly turned into a complete Golden spirit ring.

In this brief moment, Qian Daoliu’s Soul Power breath multiplied soaring, but his body shape has lost two or three laps, and his face is no longer bloodshot, pale like a zombie.

Looking forward, Qian Daoliu in the sky is like a dazzling sun. In the bright rays of light, his body is no longer visible, and all you can see is the huge Golden spirit. ring.

long long long!

Suddenly, the void vibrated, the earth cracked, the dazzling sun crushed the void, and the direction moved towards Chu Bei swept away.

Everyone in the field held their breath and stared at the battlefield without blinking. They suddenly discovered that a little Soul Power in their body was moved towards the Golden spirit ring uncontrollably.

Perhaps because of the blessing of Soul Power, the scorching sun that Qian Daoliu turned into became more and more shining, making it impossible to look directly at it for a long time.

"A senseless struggle."

Without the slightest emotional voice, Chu Bei waved his sleeves.

Suddenly, a majestic and terrifying purple ripple waved.

In this brief moment, everyone suddenly noticed that the light on the square dimmed suddenly and the sun suddenly closed. The colorful flame particles that were originally flooding every corner of the square, as if they were ordered, gathered in an instant crazy moved towards the golden spirit ring.

chi chi chi!

In a flash, the dazzling sun that originally swept Chu Bei was wrapped in hundreds of millions of flame particles, forcibly forced to stop.

The more and more the flame particles gather, a colorful flame light sphere with a diameter of 100 meters is formed in the blink of an eye.

The flame light sphere completely submerged the dazzling rays of light of the Golden spirit ring.


A hysterical roar from Qian Daoliu came from the flame light sphere, and the roar was painful and unwilling.


Chu Bei looked forward coldly, the cold syllables spit out, and the right hand stuck out and held the void.

hong long!

In the next instant, a loud noise floated above the square. To be precise, this thunder-like explosion was heard throughout Dou Huang City.

The explosion of the flame light sphere did not erupt the energy wave of destroying heaven extinguishing earth, nor did it bring up the raging flame that burned the sky. It looked like an explosion from the outside to the inside.

For the spectators below, they only heard the sound, but did not see any void riots.

Under the eyes of everyone, the flame light sphere with a diameter of 100 meters gradually turned into colored rays of light and dissipated in the sky.


Looking at the dense white bones falling vertically, everyone's eyes suddenly shrank, complexion greatly changed, and the eyebrows are full of panic.

"You shouldn't do it."

Chu Bei shook the head, the plain voice fell, and with a wave of his hand, the breeze blew by, the dense white bones turned into a plume of smoke and dissipated in Void.

"Qian Daoliu is...is it dead?"

"The Peerless Douluo, who stood at the continent Peak for a hundred years, really just died out..."

"Is this Boss Chu really a god?" For a long time, the sluggish people in the field came back to his senses from shock, one by one, they looked at that in the sky standing with their hands in the sky. silhouette, subconsciously swallowed saliva and said.

On the rostrum, Bibi Dong pulled his hands into fists, looking at Chu Bei's back with a trance.

"Did you see it? That's why I didn't let you take it." Yu Xiaogang pointed to the sky and looked at Bibi Dong and said.

"hmph, you are really interested." Bibi Dong glanced at Yu Xiaogang coldly.

Emperor Xue Ye, White Tiger Great Emperor, Yu Tianhao, Ning Fengzhi looked at each other in blank dismay and were silent.

The High Priest of Douluo Palace and the powerhouse that used to be the continent's first powerhouse fell like this. With the death of Qian Daoliu, the overall power of Martial Soul Palace has also dropped to a level.

"Third Brother, the Boss has won!" Xiao Wu pulled Tang San's arm, excitedly pointing at the sky with a look of joy.

"With the Boss, who would dare to bully us in the future!" Ning Rongrong fiercely raised her small fist with an arrogant expression.

"It looks like a gap, but in fact it is one Heaven, one Earth." Looking at Chu Bei's back, Tang Hao was deeply moved.

God is god after all, even the strongest people are ants before divine might.

"It's over..." Tang San murmured softly, looking towards the direction where Qian Daoliu disappeared.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ——

But when everyone thought the high-altitude battle was over, the one that was originally draped on Qian Daoliu's body is floating in the air at this moment The six Golden armors suddenly made a strange trembling sound.

Immediately afterwards, six armors released dazzling golden glow at the same time, and the golden silk threads visible in naked eye were connected to each other.

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