"I still can't hold back."

Looking at the angelic costume of the mutation, Chu Bei puts his hands on his chest and smiles at the corners of his mouth.

"If I don't kill you, how can I calm my hatred!"

Suddenly, a majestic woman's voice exploded like a thunder-like shock in the sky.

"Who is Boss Chu talking to? Isn't the battle over yet?"

"It's a woman's voice, why can't I see her!"

"Look carefully at the costume of Qian Daoliu that Qian Daoliu wore before!"


The voice of a cold woman rang in the ears, and everyone in the room trembled. , Looking around, looking for the source of the sound.

"Angel God!"

On the podium, Bibi Dong looked at the angel costume releasing the golden glow, his eyes condensed suddenly, and his brow was shocked.

Yu Xiaogang, Ning Fengzhi and the others browse tightly knit, they seem to realize something.

"Uncle, Boss, who is he talking to?" Xiao Wu looked at Tang Hao in confusion.

Tang Hao frowned, his face heavy: "It should be the god of the angel family, the angel god!"

"Angel god?"

Tang San Xiao Wu and the others were even more confused in their eyes, and at this moment, a huge gap suddenly cracked in the distant sky.

next moment, the surging golden light falls from the sky from the gap like the sun is shining on the earth. The strong golden rays of light envelops the entire battlefield in an instant.

In the eyes of everyone's astonishment, a female phantom slowly landed from the gap. Under the shower of golden light, the female phantom gradually became solid, until the end, although she still couldn't see her appearance completely, she was able to see her stature and facial contours.

I saw the woman raise her hand and hit the golden light on the angel of the day, and the angel of the angel immediately swept towards it and changed her form in the air.

The dazzling Golden armor is made exactly according to the proportions of a woman’s body, with a raised breast armor, a narrow and slender waist armor, a Golden length half-length skirt, rounded shoulder armor, and perfect inclusion. The other armor of the body enveloped her whole person.

The little angel's brand on her forehead was surrounded by a ring on her forehead. In the center of the ring, a little angel-shaped gemstone rays of light gleamed, and waves of waves were on the top of the ring. , A total of seven wave crests, forming a helmet like a Princess crown.

"The one who offends the god, die!" The woman suddenly raised her eyes and looked towards Chu Bei, and two golden lights shot out.

While speaking, six brilliant and transparent Golden wings emerged from the woman's back. While gently shaking, golden ripples spread out around her body.

Almost at the same time, countless golden lights gathered in its palm, forming a golden angel sword. In addition to the cold glow, the blade also carries a holy breath. As if it can purify all the evils of time.

"I am an angel god!"

The woman stood in the void, her head lowered and her cold gaze coldly swept everyone in the field, and her calm words were filled with Supreme majesty. Behind the wings waved, the holy breath swept the audience instantly, making everyone's body warm.

The voice fell, the woman's body was slightly trembled, and the golden spirit ring lit up.

Different from Qian Daoliu's incomplete Golden spirit ring, women's Golden spirit ring is complete, and the number is ten!

As the spirit ring lights up, the golden light fluctuates and spreads centered on women. Compared with Qian Daoliu's angel domain, this horrible sticky golden light is like an entity, and breath alone is ten times stronger.


"She is an angel god, True God is coming! It seems that the legendary God World really exists!"

"This Did the angel god avenge Qian Daoliu? Doesn’t that mean that there will be a battle between Boss Chu and the angel god!"

"The angel god should have been a god for many years, and Boss Chu still I’m afraid that Boss Chu is in danger without going to God World."

"Who knows if he hasn’t played before, at least since Boss Chu has been born, he has never been defeated."

"That's because his previous opponents were all humans, this time, but he is the same god!"


In the stands, a crowd of spectators My eyes fell on the woman in the sky, and I couldn't help being sucked in a breath of cold air when I heard the other's calm words. Feeling the other's holy breath, I want to worship inexplicably.

"It won't be long before I will step into this realm, stronger than you!" Bibi Dong stared at Chu Bei and the angel god with firm eyes.

Ning Fengzhi, White Tiger Great Emperor, Emperor Xue Ye, and Yu Tianhao are also looking up at the silhouettes of Chu Bei and the angel gods. Although they have been in high positions for a long time, they discovered that in the so-called gods In front of them, their power is not worth mentioning.

In front of God, they can only be admirers and spectators. Only God is the focus.

"Third Brother, do you think the Boss will win?" Looking at the ten Golden spirit rings on the Angel God, Xiao Wu's eyes were worried.

"Don't worry, Poseidon is also a god, didn't he lose to the boss?" Tang San calmed Xiao Wu, but judging from his grave expression, it was obviously not 100%. sure.

"But the sea god at the time was just a clone." Ning Rongrong also had worry in his eyes.

long long long ——

Of course, when everyone was nervously looking at the angel god and Chu Bei, a mutation happened again in the sky.

Compared with the arrival of the Angel God, there were nearly twenty gaps in the sky this time, and some of the gaps were twice, three or even five times the size of the gap where the Angel God descended.

With the buzzing sound, the rays of light in these gaps bloomed, extremely gorgeous. Although the breath of one after another terrifying was suppressed by the existence in the gap, even the slightest breath of breath came out of it, and it shook the hearts of everyone in the lower part of the field.

In the first gap, there appeared a tall phantom holding a gold Trident, his body surging all around light blue rays of light, and he glanced at the direction of Chu Bei slightly nod, as if he was hitting Hello.

In the second gap, the body of the phantom that appeared was shrouded by dark breath. Just looking at it, the feeling of heart palpitations would rise in the mind inexplicably.

In the third gap, that is a fatty phantom with a big belly, holding a rice spoon in his left hand, and an iron pot in his right hand, like a chef.

In the fourth gap, like the angel god, that is also a woman, but its phantom is an interweaving of nine colors, which is very gorgeous.

In the fifth gap, the whole body of the phantom was wrapped in red glow, and in his hand was a crimson long sword. Looking closely at the hilt, the word Asura seemed to be permeated with blood.

In the sixth gap, there is also a woman, her body is enchanting, as if she has a kind of magic power, as long as she takes a look, her soul will be lost.


Almost at the same time, there was a phantom floating in nearly twenty gaps.

"God of the Sea, God of Darkness, God of Cookery, Goddess of Nine Colors, God of Asura, Goddess of Charm...Oh my God, these gods actually exist!"

"I have no dizziness Well, the gods recorded in the ancient book are not fictitious, they actually exist!"

"I didn’t expect that one day I would be able to see these True Gods with my own eyes, even if they were just one. What phantom doesn't see clearly!"

"We are the blessing of Boss Chu. If it weren't for him, how could we see these legendary supreme existence?"


When the gods descended, everyone on the square was taken aback. After recognizing these gods one by one through the description of the gods in the ancient book, their eyes were full of enthusiasm.

Some Soul Masters who have faith in gods even knelt on the ground religiously, folded their hands together, muttered and prayed.

Bibi Dong, Tang Hao, Yu Tianhao, White Tiger Great Emperor, even the Titled Douluo in the field, looking at the gods exuding Supreme coercion in the sky, all of them couldn’t help themselves. The meaning of admiration.

In this brief moment, they are no different from ordinary people, and their brows are filled with consternation.

"Poseidon, is this the god you are talking about from outside of Douluo Continent and who defeated you?" In the sky, the phantom that holds the iron pan like a chef looked towards the one holding the golden Trident phantom asked.

"Old God of Cookery, you have seen him with your own eyes, and you should have an answer in your heart." Poseidon said with a smile.

"As you said, I really can't feel the fluctuating breath of Soul Power from him. But is he really strong enough that you are not his opponent?" The God of Cookery asked.

"At least, I lost the clone in Douluo Continent." Poseidon glanced at God Eater, shrugged.

"What if your deity fought with him at that time? Has several points of odds?" The God of Cookery asked.

Poseidon shook the head: "At the time, I was still a little sure. But now, he makes me unable to see through again, it seems to be stronger!"

"That I want to see if he is as powerful as you said."

Not only is the God of Cookery, the other gods in the sky are all cast their eyes on Chu Bei. However, just when they used Divine Consciousness to explore the other party, not only their Divine Consciousness was annihilated, but also the Divine Consciousness, which was three times stronger than them, was back pressured by the other party.

"Don't worry, he won't let you down. I pray for the angel god now." Poseidon looked at the angel god and suddenly laughed.

"Look, that is Lord Poseidon!" Ma Hongjun exclaimed excitedly, pointing at Poseidon.

"In addition to Lord Poseidon, there are many gods! Are they all friends of Lord Poseidon? If so, must ask Boss to invite them to the All Heavens Store as a guest."

Ning Rongrong's eyes widened, his eyes swept across the gods with excitement, and suddenly he said something.

"Do not hesitate to spend divine force, you guys have to watch this scene too, I am really honored!" The angel god's cold gaze swept across the twenty phantoms above his head, coldly snorted.

The voice fell, the angel god glanced at Chu Bei, and after pointing his finger to the sky, his body moved towards the higher sky.

Chu Bei laughed and greeted the twenty gods nodded who were eating melons and watching the show in turn, the stature also moved towards the sky and flew away. Like the Angel God, he didn't want the aftermath of the battle to hurt the ordinary person below.

The weird thing is that the silhouettes of the Angel God and Chu Bei are clearly getting farther and farther away from the ground, but their body shapes have not changed in the eyes of everyone, and they are still so clear.

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