In the battlefield, as the snake-shaped sword in Chu Bei's hand was swung, the holy sword in the hands of the angel god was forcibly turned away under the traction of the flame grains. The original trajectory.

The angel god was horrified to discover that the True Fire power on the holy sword was actually consumed a little bit by the burning of seemingly insignificant flame particles.

In this case, no matter how she activated the divine force in her body, she couldn't actually cut the holy sword in her hand.

"You are a Level 1 god in God World anyway? This power is not enough to see."

The power of True Fire on the holy sword is completely destroyed. When the flame particles faded away, Chu Bei's slightly sarcasm voice rang in the ears of the angel god.

The joking voice fell, and the snake-shaped sword in Chu Bei's hand turned into a scarlet streamer. After forming a breathtaking brilliance in the air, he swept the angel holy sword that had lost the power of True Fire. on.


First, there was a crisp buzzing sound of metal collision.

After that, ka-cha made a crisp sound, and the angel holy sword broke, divided into two.

Looking at the shattered holy sword, the angel Divine Heart trembled, and then immediately cut off the divine sense connection with the holy sword, and at the same time the silhouette retreated violently.

However, just as the angel god flew out not far away, the snake-shaped sword in Chu Bei's hand suddenly dropped out, piercing the void in an instant, and smashed the angel god's body.


The angelic costume outside the body of the angelic god illuminates the dazzling rays of light, forming a spherical light barrier. But before the formidable power of the serpentine sword, the light barrier seemed so vulnerable, it was cut open like a thin piece of paper.

After cutting the light barrier, the scarlet serpentine sword continued to sweep forward. In countless eyes, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood-like strikes fell on the angel god.


In the scarlet rays of light, the angel god wearing a god costume was split in two from the eyebrows to the lower body. At the neat wound, Golden's blood spurted.

"My God, isn't even the Angel God the opponent of Boss Chu? The Angel God directly swung Boss Chu's sword in half. Is this battle over?"

"If the ghost of Qian Daoliu is still wandering all around, and seeing this scene with my own eyes, I will definitely regret working on Boss Chu."

"Boss Chu hasn't even gone to God World yet. This shows that he soon became a god, why a new divine ability is enough to defeat an old god like the angel god?"

"From today, the most powerful force in the future of Douluo Continent is neither Upper Three Sects nor Martial Soul Palace is now Boss Chu’s All Heavens Store. One day after Boss Chu reigns, the location of All Heavens Store is no one can shake!"


In the field Everyone looked at the angel god who had been cut in half, covering their mouths and exclaiming.

"Have you seen that, the angel god worshipped by Qian Daoliu is not the opponent of Boss and Senior!" On the stage, Ning Rongrong flushed with excitement, dancing with excitement.

Tang San, Dai Mubai, Xiao Wu and the others all have joy in their eyebrows. Obviously, they still underestimate the strength of their bosses.

Tang Hao's expression became more and more trance, came back to his senses and the corners of his mouth could not help but rise. For him, the higher the other party's realm, the more credibility of what the other party said. Maybe his Ah Yin will be resurrected one day, and the day the three of them will really get together.

On the rostrum, Yu Xiaogang, Ning Fengzhi and the others showed consternation, while Bibi Dong remained silent, with his hands tight, his nails almost infiltrating the flesh.

"The angel god has underestimated the enemy. If it is me, I will give that guy a strong medicine." The god phantom opened the mouth and holding a rice spoon in one hand and an iron pot in the other. said.

"The boiler-burner, can you stop bragging about it? It's the worst for you in terms of battle strength, right? Even the angel gods are defeated. Can you win?" Nine-color Goddess was full of expressions. Looked at God of Cookery contemptuously.

"I'll just talk casually, don't take it seriously." The cook god haha ​​smiled. In fact, from the time Chu Bei wielded that tentative first sword, he had already regarded the other party as at least a Level 1 god from the bottom of his heart. Only exists.

"I really underestimated you."

Just when everyone thought the battle was over, the voice of the angel God Senhan filled the sky, carrying the Supreme coercion and echoing In everyone's mind.

I stared and saw that the body of the divided into two of the angel god merged together again, and the golden blood returned to the body of the angel god. However, when the body of the angel god returned to its original shape, a golden spirit ring ka-cha burst open, leaving only nine of the original ten spirit rings on his body.

"Are all gods undying?" Looking at the resurrected angel gods, everyone in the field was full of incredible expressions.

"Is this the difference between gods and humans?"

Bibi Dong brows tightly knit, the opponent's ability is somewhat similar to his 100,000-year spirit ability. The difference is that when she uses that spirit ability, both Soul Power and blood essence will be greatly consumed, and this angel god seems to be really no different from before, except that the golden spirit ring is missing one.

"The time left for you is limited. Let's get some dry goods." Chu Bei smiled at the angel god, and then waved his right hand. The snake-shaped sword was condensed from various Heavenly Flames and swept again. To the angel god.

Seeing the snake-shaped sword coming towards him again, thinking of the terrifying energy on the sword, the angel god frowned, and the angel's six wings behind him opened and waved, first retreating quickly, and then down. Shoot, the body draws a 90-degree turn directly in the air.

After successfully avoiding the serpentine sword, I only listen to the angel god coldly snorted, and then chant my hands together while chanting.

next moment, a huge scorching sun appeared behind it.

"Angels, annihilate!"


With the sound of four cold syllables, between Heaven and Earth, the void trembled violently.


The people on the square trembled suddenly. They only felt that their bodies were inexplicably squeezed by an invisible force. There was a moment of lag.

When the scorching sun behind the angel gods released warm rays of light pouring down in the distant sky, one by one felt an incomparable blazing heat instantly spreading across the limbs and hundreds of skeletons.

However, without waiting for them to enjoy the warmth, the inner Qi blood suddenly rolled over, as if it was boiling. The Soul Power in the body also quickly dissipated like ice and snow melted, and in just an instant, they realized that they couldn't even mobilize the Martial Spirit.

"What kind of energy is that?" A group of people found that the Soul Power in their bodies had disappeared, looking at the scorching sun behind the angel gods in horror.

But it was this round of scorching sun that caused everyone's heart palpitations and was able to resolve Soul Power. Under the control of the Angel God, they moved towards Boss Chu.

Where the scorching sun passes, the void rumbling, as if everything is imprisoned.


The angel god spit out, the scorching sun disappeared instantly, and when it appeared again, it seemed to have reached Chu Bei's front.

The corner of the angel god’s mouth rose again. This move is one of her most powerful magic skills. Even if they are both gods, the divine force in the body will be annihilated for a short time.

"It's far from enough."

Just when the angel god was full of expectations, Chu Bei right hand protruded, and a dark, heart-shaking vortex appeared in front of his palm.

With a calm and calm voice spit out from Chu Bei's mouth, the weird vortex in front of him suddenly uttered a roar.

In an instant, the weird vortex expanded sharply, and the vortex center with a diameter of over 100 meters released terrifying matchless suction, and forcibly sucked the scorching sun in.

Also at this brief moment, everyone in the field suddenly discovered that the disappearing Soul Power in the body had reappeared again.


For the first time, the face of the angel god changed, and the smile on his face was replaced by astonishment.

Angel annihilation, this magical skill has a reputation even in God World, and this is the fundamental reason why she can become a Level 1 god.

In the battle of Divine Grade, she can temporarily purify the opponent's divine force moves, and can often be accompanied by its terrifying moves to defeat the opponent in one fell swoop.

Before using this trick, she thought about several moves that could seriously hurt the opponent, but on the premise, her angel annihilation could make the opponent lose battle strength in a short time.

Just as the angel divine wood looked at the dark vortex that was getting bigger and bigger in the distance, Chu Bei pushed his right palm forward when the amazement in his eyes had not receded.

Suddenly, the gorgeous flame in Chu Bei's palm pushed the weird vortex to suppress the angel god.

The angel god seemed to be aware of the danger and immediately waved the six wings behind, but it turned out that no matter how she waved, she couldn't resist the terrifying suction in the dark vortex.

After supporting for less than three seconds, its stature was uncontrollably sucked into the dark vortex of the bottomless pit.

In an instant, the hustle and bustle of the square was replaced by silence.

All the people were shocked by thunder, as if they had lost their voice, and they were in a state of dementia and dementia.


As everyone stared at the dark vortex in the distant sky, vortex heard the miserable cry of the angel god.

Immediately afterwards, there was a loud bang, and the pitch-black vortex exploded. Accompanied by it were pieces of minced meat with Golden blood, and angelic costumes that were turned into countless pieces.

"Damn you, damn you!"

The hysterical roar is like the sound of hell in the sky.

Pieces of minced meat, piece by piece of god outfit, reorganized in everyone's eyes.

In the blink of an eye, the angel god appeared in the sight of everyone again.

It’s just that compared to the previous time, the angel god who was resurrected this time has Golden blood on the corners of his mouth, and a few more dark magic lines on his face. The original amazing face is now It looks a little scary.

Not only that, the number of golden spirit rings on her body is directly reduced by three, plus the spirit ring that was missing before, and now she has only six spirit rings left.

In the distant sky, after the angel god wiped off the golden blood from the corner of his mouth, the originally hideous expression suddenly became calm.

I saw his hands dancing rhythmically, and every time his hands drew an arc, the golden light all around his body became more and more solid.

Two in one,

Three in one,

Four in one,


Until The remaining six Golden spirit rings on the Angel God all overlapped, and the Angel God stopped dancing.

At the moment of six in one, the sky completely turned into Golden. The size of the only Golden spirit ring suddenly skyrocketed hundreds of thousands of times.

In this brief moment, the real vision of the sky hanging high up in the sky has been blocked, and the space between Heaven and Earth seems to be completely filled with this only spirit ring golden light, even the westernmost part of the continent The sea was also reflected as Golden.

Under the sacred Golden Light Illuminates All, the body of the angel god changed instantly, transforming into two, transforming two into four, four into eight...

Under the horrified eyes of everyone, several In just one breath, there are countless angels and gods hovering in the air on the battlefield.

Each angel god behind has a huge Golden spirit ring. Although thousands of angel gods stand in different directions, their behind Golden spirit ring shines in the direction of Chu Bei The location.

Everyone on the square felt that just looking at the innumerable divine rings, their body seemed to bear a million catties of gravity, and they could not breathe under pressure.

"Great sun, angels, ten thousand suns!"

Countless angels and gods fiercely glanced at Chu Bei, their eyes full of killing intents. Next moment, at the same time shouted, the sound is rolling in the sky.

Amid the uniform shouts, everyone in the square had an illusion inexplicably that the ground under their feet was sinking slowly.

Before the angel god’s Wanyang Lingtian, Qian Daoliu’s previous Wanyang Lingtian was just like shit, one Heaven, one Earth, and can’t be compared at all.

long long long ——!

In the collapsed sky, thousands of angel gods simultaneously pushed the only huge Golden spirit ring moved towards Chu Bei. Numerous spirit rings are intertwined, forming a square-shaped space in an instant, and Chu Bei is located in the center of this space.

hong long!

A loud explosion sounded from the golden glow, and everyone closed their eyes subconsciously.

The rays of light are too bright and dazzling. Even if they are as strong as Bibi Dong and Tang Hao, they have to close their eyes and use Divine Consciousness to capture what happened in the battlefield.

At this moment, the faces of the twenty gods who were watching the show became serious. When they arrive at this realm, it is natural to see at a glance that the battle between the two will soon have a result.

"Is this a trick you did your best?"

In the square-shaped dazzling golden glow that the eyes can't penetrate, a peaceful voice suddenly came out. It can be heard only from the sound, the owner of the sound is very calm, without the slightest fluctuation in emotion.

"It's over."

A sound like a misty sound from the sky waved from the golden glow, and the sound wave transformed by the sound actually made the solid golden glow oscillate. After the ripples, it swept and spread from the sky, resounding through every corner of Douluo Continent.

In the rays of light, a huge screen with twenty-two Fire Spirit beating is faintly visible.

This is the previous curtain phantom behind Chu Bei, but this time is clearly displayed in everyone’s sight. The twenty-two Fire Spirits dancing on it, any one of them is released The breath is palpitating!

Huo Ran, the curtain shook, and twenty-two Fire Spirits gathered together and jumped out of the curtain at the same time.

In an instant, the void shattered and collapsed.

In the terrifying and weird buzzing sound, the impermeable air condensed by the angel gods intertwined with countless Golden spirit rings to form a square-shaped rays of light prison crashed to pieces.

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