In the battlefield, the rays of light prison shattered, and everyone watching the battle could once again clearly see a scene in the battlefield.

Thousands of angels and gods are still standing in different positions in the void, but the Golden spirit ring behind them is missing, and the corners of their pale mouths are filled with golden blood.

long long long!

Twenty-two Fire Spirits are all around Chu Bei like stars and moon.

Each of them releases strange flames. Under everyone's attention, different flames begin to connect with each other.

In an instant, the twenty-two Fire Spirits became a ring-shaped whole without any gaps, and then melodiously revolved around Chu Bei. During the rotation, one after another flame beam of light was straight to Heavenspan, and a gap was opened in the distant sky.

These twenty-two Fire Spirits are as if they are connected to the energy outside of Douluo Continent, a wave of terror energy that is different from the spiritual qi between Heaven and Earth on Douluo Continent.

Under this energy, the viscous golden light in the area that was originally shrouded by the angelic god's realm instantly dissipated, but instead was replaced by layers of flame ripples.

The sea is no longer blue, nor is it golden, but a brilliant color. The moment the color of the sea changed, the sea spirit beasts boiled, and they screamed in excitement almost simultaneously.

The Soul Masters in every corner of the continent, at this moment, their faces are also filled with joy.

Before the horrific methods of angel gods made their Soul Power disappear, and this method of Boss Chu did activate the Soul Power in their whole body cells. Some Soul Masters who were already on the edge of bottleneck, It is a direct breakthrough with this power.

"His power is different from our divine force. Under this power, the divine force in my body has the feeling of being suppressed." The god of cook frowns, his eyes locked on Chu in the battlefield. Bei, with horror on his face.

At this moment, Chu Bei is located in the center of the 22nd Regiment Heavenly Flame Fire Spirit, like the commander of this huge monster.

His demeanor and behavior have not changed at all. He still smiles at the corners of his mouth. Calm and composed looks at the angel gods all around, with his hands behind his back, a calm and collected posture.

"The Fury of the Flame Emperor!"

Chu Bei faintly swept his eyes all around, his lips moved slightly.

Listening to this quiet festival without the slightest emotion, the expressions of thousands of angels and gods in the field trembled at the same time, and a sense of crisis surged in their hearts inexplicably.

Of course, before they could move, the twenty-two Fire Spirit shot out tens of thousands of fire dragons in the weird buzzing sound.

These fire dragons release dazzling flames, entrained in the blazing heat, and there is no lack of breathtaking chills.

The densely packed fire dragons consist of twenty-two in a group, and each group is not intertwined with each other, each aiming at a divided angel god.

In an instant, the countless angels and gods in the battlefield were surrounded by 22 fire dragons, and none of them slipped through the net.

The breath of the angel god became hurried, and finally there was a look of fear in his eyes.

The positions of the 22 fire dragons all around her body are arranged like a magical formation based on some weird position. The dragon’s mouth spit have nothing common with each other's flame and penetrate into her at the same time. In the body of her, all her divine forces were sealed to death.


Chu Bei held the void.

As the icy syllables sounded, there was no deafening explosion from the sky far away, but only the flame fireworks that bloomed, which was extremely beautiful.

Everyone on all corners of the continent opened up, and the scene at the moment looked like a battle of Divine Grade, but it was more like a celebration, especially the thousands of brilliantly blooming fireworks, which was amazing. Sky dome.

Over time, the fireworks dissipated in the battlefield.

At this moment, the densely packed fire dragon has disappeared, along with the thousands of angel gods who disappeared.

To be precise, there is still an angel god in the battlefield, but the silhouette of this angel god begins to become transparent at the speed that naked eye can be seen.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, bang!

Under the eyes of everyone, the only huge Golden spirit ring of the Angel God was divided into six points; after that, six shocking sounds exploded, and the last six spirit rings on the Angel God also completely shattered.

"I am a god, I won't die, I won't die!"

The costume of the angel gods began to disintegrate, and a pair of beautiful eyes stared firmly Chu Bei, with unwillingness and monstrous killing intent.

"I will be back! I will definitely be back!"

The hysterical roar and the tousled hair are not as holy as they were when they first came. It's more like an aunt who scolds the street.

"It's just ants, it's really noisy."

Chu Bei pulled out his ears, then he pulled out his ears a little impatiently, and his sleeves were raised with a wave.

The flame blows like a breeze, and the last phantom of the angel god dissipates, leaving behind the unwilling sound that is still echoing in the air.

"It's just ants..."

Looking at the angel gods dissipated in the sky, the crowd on the square were dumbfounded, their minds were blank, and only Chu Bei was left. The last words were repeated in my mind over and over again.

"This time, the angel god is defeated, really defeated! She is not resurrected again!"

"Is this Boss Chu true strength? In his eyes, even the angel Great Divinity like a god is just ants!"

"This battle is over, do you think those gods will avenge the angel gods?"

"No way, they are more It’s like watching a show. And, I saw Boss Chu greet one of the gods before. I think even gods have their own circles. There are enemies and friends."

"Really I want to know what realm divisions there are on the gods, what realm the god is in that day, and what kind of realm is Boss Chu!"


For a long time, everyone came back to His senses, the silence in the field was suddenly replaced by the noise.

This time, the exclamation has risen to a Peak.

Obviously, in the subconscious of these people, the party they support and hope to win is Boss Chu. After all, in their view, the angel god belongs to the invaders of God World, and Boss Chu is a native.

"Becoming the God of Rakshasa, can I really defeat him?"

Looking at Chu Bei standing in the sky like Sovereign King, Bibi Dong whispered on the podium Muttering, his expression was dumbfounded.

"Boss Chu, it's so terrifying!" White Tiger Great Emperor and Emperor Xue Ye looked at each other in blank dismay and laughed at each other, and finally let out a sigh of emotion.

"Sect Master Ning, you really gave birth to a good daughter!" Yu Tianhao patted Ning Fengzhi's shoulder, with envy and jealousy in his words.

"haha, the blessings from the past life." Ning Fengzhi laughed heartily, how could he not understand the meaning of Yu Tianhao's words, nothing more than his baby daughter became Boss Chu's agent.

With this thread, his Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect and All Heavens Store are inextricably linked, and it can be said that he has a strong backing!

"Is this our Boss...I defeated the Sea God and the Angel God..."

On the Bidoutai, Zhu Zhuqing looked at Chu Bei's back in the sky innocently, coldly 'S little expression was amazed.

"Zhuqing, let Boss be our witness in the future." Dai Mubai rubbed his palms, pointed at Chu Bei and looked at Zhu Zhuqing expectantly.

Zhu Zhuqing: "..."

"In the future, I will earn money and be as strong as the Boss!" Ma Hongjun Feng Huang Martial Spirit lights up, squeezing both hands Become a fist, like a chicken blood.

"Have you noticed that we seem to be able to redeem the Soul Power of 8Level 1!" Ning Rongrong seemed to have discovered something, and suddenly screamed with joy on his face.

"It's really okay!"

"Very good!"

"We can take a shortcut again!"

Pass After confirming that the deposit limit was raised by another great realm, Oscar, Dai Mubai and the others looked at each other and were excited.

long long long ——

Far away in the sky, Chu Bei's sleeves waved, and the all around 22 Fire Spirit returned to the body.

After that, the flame that filled the sky dissipated, and the color of the sea changed back to blue.

Everything returned to calm.

Chu Bei stood with his hands behind him, raising his eyes and faintly scanning the twenty gods, and finally fixed his gaze on the body of the sea god Poseidon, slightly nodded with a smile.

"It's really fortunate to be able to see Boss Chu's methods again." Poseidon shook the Golden Trident in his hand, with a smile on his mouth.

"In the future, my agents will have to take care of you." Chu Bei said politely.

"Listen to Poseidon, you are a god from outside of Douluo Continent?" Light God said with confusion.

Chu Bei glanced at Light God, whose breath is not weaker than Poseidon, with a calm face: "Did you watch the entire battle between me and the birdman? I must have the answer in my heart."

"Yes, can you tell us about the cultivation rules other than Douluo Continent? Are they cultivating with the same power system as yours?" Recalling the twenty-two that Chu Bei finally evoked Mission Heavenly Flame, Light God curiously asked.

"The world outside of Douluo Continent is much larger than you think. Your Douluo Continent is just a tiny existence in one of the thousands of galaxies." Chu Bei said nonsense seriously. .

"Thousands of galaxies?" Not only Light God, other gods also looked confused.

"When your realm can break the barrier, you can go to the world outside to see. The Powerhouse there is far more terrifying than you think." Chu Bei continued to perfuse, finished moved towards the lower than the battlefield.

"The world outside?"

The gods murmured, and there was a little more fighting intent in their eyes. Chu Bei's words seemed to ignite the blood they once extinguished.

"The battle is over and it's time to go back. Our appearance must have had a certain impact on the people of the continent, and we can't stay any longer." Light God finally glanced at Chu Bei, phantom Gradually dissipated.

Following him, the phantoms of the other nineteen gods also dissipated one after another. What disappeared together was the breathtaking pitch-black gap in the sky.

The westernmost part of continent, Hanhai City.

"That powerful existence was killed by Boss Chu!"

"Who knows what Boss Chu and the gods said in the end?"

"Have all those gods returned to God World? Is it true that only a hundred-level gods can go to God World!"

"I really appreciate the power of Boss Chu's last flame. If it weren't for him, I still can’t break through now."

"I have decided that in the future, besides Lord Poseidon, I will have this Boss Chu!"

"Who is there to accompany you?" , Let’s visit Boss Chu together."


When the gods left in the sky and there was no more silhouette, the pedestrians on the main road in the city were shocked one after another. Resurgence, discuss spiritedly.

In the sea, the Deep Sea Demon Whale King jumped out of the water, and the giant tail brought a hundred meters of waves.

"The angel god is also defeated, it seems that he really has a way to help me through!"

The king of deep-sea sunglasses looked at the direction of the inland with one eye, muttering to himself. With a little expectation. The stronger the opponent, the higher the credibility of what he said.

As for the original idea of ​​revenge, it has long been abandoned.

Even if it takes the last step to become a Monster God, he still has no confidence in defeating the old gods like Sea God and Angel God, let alone the Boss Chu whose strength is still above them.

Heaven Dou Forest, Central Zone.

Sky Azure Bull Python and Titan Giant Ape two forest kings are nestled together, looking at each other like each other, speechless for a long time.


The battle between Chu Bei and the angel gods came to an end, the gods left, Soul Masters and ordinary people in every corner of Douluo Continent also came back from consternation. to his senses.

In this battle, everyone on Douluo Continent knows of a super Powerhouse that can defeat the existence of Great Divinity.

He is the owner of All Heavens Store!

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