On the square of the Top Grade Soul Master Grand Competition, the Chu Bei silhouette slowly landed on the stage.

"Boss, your Senior is such a mighty wife!" Ning Rongrong took the lead and took the flattery.

"Boss, you are the strongest person I have seen in my life for more than ten years. I am afraid I will never see someone as strong as you for hundreds of thousands of years."

Ma Hongjun was unwilling to lag behind, and while Oscar ran towards Chu Bei, she also quickly followed, saliva splash across.

"Boss, you are me..."

"Stop it!"

When I see Dai Mubai and Wang Fan, I also want to saliva splash across , Chu Bei hurriedly waved to interrupt.

"Boss, many thanks, you made your head for me." With a puff, Tang San suddenly knelt down in front of Chu Bei, heavily bye bye.

"Get up."

Chu Bei waved up Tang San and said seriously: "Remember, this is the rule of All Heavens Store. The little one is bullied, the old one You must act in time and get back the one from both principal and interest. Now I am protecting you. After ten and one hundred years, you must also protect the lower-level agents in the shops."

"Yes, Boss !"

Tang San, Dai Mubai, Xiao Wu and other eight people moved towards Chu Bei cup one fist in the other hand at the same time, shouted, and each of them was filled with joy and excitement.

Everyone in the stands cast their envy and jealous eyes. It's great to have such a powerful and terrifying boss who protects the calf!


In the stands, a crowd of spectators had not retreated. At the entrance, a group of people wearing white robes entered the square.

Walking in the forefront of this line is a tall middle-aged man and an elegant and poised beautiful woman.

"Look at the signs on their robes!"

"Clear Sky Hammer!"

"They are from Clear Sky Sect!"



Just as the crowd in the stands recognized the origin of this line of people, the leading middle-aged man and beautiful women have already arrived on the stage.

The two bowed first moved towards Chu Bei in a very respectful manner, and then fixed their eyes on Tang Hao.

"Brother Hao, really...is it really you?"

The graceful beautiful woman came back to his senses, walked quickly to Tang Hao, her slender hands quickly grasped Lie Tang Hao's shoulders, his eyes are already covered with mist.

Seeing the beautiful woman's arrival, Tang Hao was also stunned, then looked at the beautiful woman and sighed, "Yuehua, it's me. I haven't seen you for many years, I can't recognize it anymore? I wonder if you found it. Here."

When he said this, Tang Hao deliberately adjusted his clothes, with a hint of self-deprecating in his words.

"Brother Hao, why is your Soul Power... How is it gone..."

The graceful beautiful woman's lips trembled, she threw herself into Tang Hao's arms and burst into tears , His hands tightly wrapped Tang Hao's waist, as if he wanted to merge his body into Tang Hao's body.

As elegant as her, she no longer cares about her own image. The kind of bitter cry that is completely cathartic makes one can't help but look at him.

Tang San's expression became more sluggish, especially when he saw his father gently tapping the beautiful woman's back, the gentle expression on his face.

Tang San is a bit unimaginable, his own old man, who always has a staid face, still has this look.

"It’s just that I used the explosive ring before, and I blasted the eight ring, but it hasn’t recovered. Don’t worry, they are all such grown-ups, and they cry like little cats." Tang Hao smiled at the corner of his mouth. He put his hand out and wiped the tears of the graceful woman.

For a long time, the cry of the beautiful woman finally stopped, slowly lifts the head, took a deep look at Tang Hao, then turned to look towards Tang San on the side, "He is? You and her son? "

"en. "Tang Hao silently nodded complied.

The graceful beautiful woman got up from Tang Hao's arms, her teary eyes turned to Tang San dimly, and she raised her hand to move towards the other person's face.

Tang San frowned, subconsciously moved towards Chu Bei, took a step back, letting go of the graceful beauty.

The graceful beautiful woman frowns her eyebrows slightly: "What to hide, I am your aunt."


Hearing this, Tang San stared Wide-eyed, glanced at the beautiful woman in front of him, then looked towards Tang Hao, his eyes were full of confusion.

"She is my younger sister, your dear aunt." Tang Hao said to Tang San.

"Unexpectedly, my Tang Yuehua nephew is so old!" The beautiful woman of grace stretched out her hand again, this time Tang San did not dodge, and let the aunt of this World touch her.

"Daddy, then this is..."

"Yes, he is your uncle."

Tang San points to the tall middle -aged man, but before he could finish speaking, Tang Hao interrupted him aloud.

Next, Tang Hao step by step towards the middle-aged man: "Brother Xiao..."

"Don't say anything, come back, Clear Sky Sect needs you." Tang Xiao put one hand on Tang Hao's shoulder blade, opened the mouth and said.

"Brother Xiao, I will go back, but not now."

Tang Hao looked directly at Tang Xiao: "Because of me, Clear Sky Sect stayed away from the world for many years, this I will take the blame."

"Brother Hao, you don't say this, most people in Sect don't blame you, they are waiting for you to go back." Graceful beautiful woman Hurriedly said.

As time goes by, the densely packed silhouettes on the square stands one after another got up and left. On the way away, small groups gathered together, and the topic continued to revolve around Chu Bei.


3 months later.

The name of All Heavens Store is thoroughly known as Douluo Continent, and it can be said to be known to everyone known to everyone.

Whether it is Soul Douluo, whose Soul Power exceeds the 80th level, or the soul fighter who has just awakened Martial Spirit, anyone with a little money has become a regular customer of All Heavens Store.

As for the controllers of some Peak forces, the cultivation base has also skyrocketed in the transaction with Chu Bei.

Before Chu Bei crossed to Douluo Continent, the Tilted Douluo on the continent was no more than two hands, and now, this number is over one hundred.

In three months, whether it was the Force of Desire Value obtained through his own transaction or the Force of Desire Value obtained through commission sales through an agent, Chu Bei all used it for the cultivation base.

Now, Chu Bei’s cultivation base has reached Level 11 nine stars.

However, what makes Chu Bei feel depressed is that he has encountered the same dilemma as before coming to Douluo, and the Level 12 merchandise permission cannot be activated.

Apart from this, he also doesn't know how to return to Dou Qi Continent, and there is no movement in the system.

"Do I have to stay in Douluo Continent for the rest of my life?"

Chu Bei looked at the distant sky with a melancholy expression. Three months ago, he was invincible to Douluo Continent.

After sighing, Chu Bei came to the boundless ocean.

Through the map on the agent interface, Chu Bei instantly came to the top of the sea area where the Deep Sea Demon Whale King is located.

Deep Sea Demon Whale King seems to have also noticed the breath of Chu Bei. In the rolling waves, the huge body emerged from the sea.

"has seen the Lord!"

Deep Sea Demon Whale King turned into a middle-aged man, very respectful moved towards Chu Bei cup one fist in the other hand bowed .

"Remember the promise I made to you." Chu Bei calmly looked at Deep Sea Demon Whale King.

"My lord, are you... are you trying to help me break through." Hearing Chu Bei's words, Deep Sea Demon Whale King's body was trembling with excitement.

Chu Bei slightly nod, and then threw a red Medicinal Pill casually and flew to the Deep Sea Demon Whale King.

Without waiting for Deep Sea Demon Whale King to take over, Chu Bei has drifted away.

Looking at Chu Bei's back, Deep Sea Demon Whale King looked at the red Medicinal Pill in his hand, hesitated for a few seconds, and threw it into his mouth.

long long long ——

Above the boundless sea, the pure energy between Heaven and Earth madly moved towards Deep Sea Demon Whale King.

This force drew the boundless sea, the sea water churning, one after another huge sea tornadoes rose into the sky.

"Many thanks, my lord!"

A few seconds later, above the ocean, a man who released a dazzling golden glow all over his body bowed towards Chu Bei in the direction he was leaving, with a loud voice. Spread far away.

[The host descends on Shrouding The Heavens plane, and strives to obtain the Force of Desire Value for this system]

[When the Force of Desire Value meets the evaluation requirements, the host will open Level 12 commodity permissions for the host 】

[Since Shrouding The Heavens plane is extremely dangerous, the host can borrow the power of Xiao Hei at a specific time]


Three more In the early morning of one month, the long-lost system sound rang in the Chu Bei Sea of ​​Consciousness.

"Finally waited."

Chu Bei sighed with emotion. After waiting for a long time, he thought that system had abandoned him.

This invincible day is really boring.

Two hours later.

"Boss, where are you leaving? Is it the wider world outside of Douluo Continent?"

Dai Mubai, Oscar, Xiao Wu and the others, standing side by side in Chu Bei approached, with dismay and curiosity in his eyes.

"Operate the store well and earn money. When you can break through the barriers of this continent one day, go to the wider world to find me."

Chu Bei Looking at Dai Mubai and the others with a smile, he said: "I'll be waiting for you there."

The voice fell, and Chu Bei waved his sleeves.

long long long ——

The rumbling sound sounded, and the void in front of Chu Bei began to twist.

After a while, a blue cross-rolling wheel slowly appeared. At the top of the wheel, the six characters of [plane wheel of time and space] are particularly conspicuous; below it, there are four small characters [Shrouding The Heavens plane]. Smaller words.

Look intently, that in the roller is a blue passage crocheted by time.

Looking at the emergence of the wheel of time, Chu Bei seemed to be prepared, stepping out and stepping into this wheel of time and space.

"What is that stuff?"

"Does it lead to a wider world?"

"Unfortunately, the Boss has already entered. It’s too late to ask."


Looking at the blue scroll wheel floating in the air, and the passage inside the scroll wheel that I don’t know where to lead, Dai Mubai, Tang San and the others are each other Glancing at each other, one after another guessed.

As soon as he stepped into the wheel of time and space, Chu Bei found that the majestic Soul Power in his body was the same as the first time, as if he was suddenly handcuffed to a chain, unable to move it.

He did not appear in Shrouding The Heavens in an instant, but swim in a wonderful world crocheted by a long river of time, without drifting forward day and night.

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