Bow your head without Qilu, look eastward to the sea like a cup.

On the peak of Dou Ran, I don't believe that Wanshan is open.

Hold the Ancient Mulberry on the day, and the sky will come.

After you watched Qin Shi, there was still the Hanhuangtai.


Mount Tai, imposing manner is majestic and majestic, known as the first of the five sacred mountains, the length of the five sacred mountains, and the first under the heavens mountain.

Since ancient times Mount Tai is a sacred symbol. In ancient times, it was regarded as the place where the sun was born and all things developed.

According to legend, the world was first formed, Heaven and Earth just split, and a man named Pangu grew up between Heaven and Earth. After a long period of 18,000 years, the sky was extremely high, the earth was extremely thick, and Pangu grew extremely high. His breathing turned into wind, his voice turned into thunder, the sun was sunny when he was happy, and the rain continued when he was angry.

Suddenly, Pangu giant fell to the ground, his head became Dongyue, his belly became Zhongyue, his left arm became Nanyue, his right arm became Beiyue, and his feet became Sacred Mountain of the West, here The Dongyue is Mount Tai.

Mountain is greater than it, and Smolen is more than it is!

hong long!

There was a loud noise in the sky, a pitch-black gap appeared, and a black shadow fell from it.

"It's finally figured out."

Chu Bei got up from the pit, brushed the dust off his body, and immediately took out a mirror.

Looking at the face that didn't change much, but looked more mature, Chu Bei took a long breath.

This time, he didn't become an old man, but he looked a little more mature and stable, about twenty-seven-eight.

"Jade Sovereign Peak, this is Mount Tai!"

Chu Bei looked all around, and when his eyes fixed on a huge rock, his eyes flashed with surprise.

Jade Sovereign Peak, the top of the main peak of Mount Tai, is named after the Jade Emperor Hall on the top of the peak.

"I'm back to Earth?"

Looking at the tourists on to-and-fro on Mount Tai, Chu Bei was stunned for a while and then showed his face for the familiar way of dressing. The color of joy.

However, this excitement only lasted for a while before being banned by the loss, because he discovered that he could not fly out of Mount Tai unexpectedly. In the dark, a restraint locked him in Mount Tai.

Chu Bei look up to sky and heave a deep sigh, if he can fly out of Mount Tai, the first thing he does is to go to the place where he was killed and pay homage to him.

After the melancholy, Chu Bei calmed down quickly. In my mind, I recalled the people, things and the trend of the plot of [Shrouding The Heavens] plane.

Same as when crossing Douluo Continent, although his cultivation base has been converted in the Douluo and Doupo planes, it has now become zero again.

With previous experience, Chu Bei immediately clicked on the agent interface. However, the system interface currently only gives a suggested place for Level 1 agents. This place is naturally the protagonist of Shrouding The Heavens, Ye Fan.

"Has the story not started yet?"

Looking back at the direction of [Shrouding The Heavens], and looking at Ye Fan who is also on Mount Tai on the map, Chu Bei thought Judgment.

nine dragons pulling a coffin is coming soon, and Ye Fan is playing with college students in Mount Tai at the moment.

Looking at the scorching sun still hanging high in the sky, Chu Bei was meditative. The nine dragons pulling a coffin happened in the evening, and the landing place was this Jade Sovereign Peak.

Simply, Chu Bei enjoys the beauty of Mount Tai leisurely.

Mount Tai is worthy of being the head of the Five Sacred Mountains, standing on Jade Sovereign Peak, overlooking the ten thousand mountains at the foot, and looking at the Yellow River in the distance. It immediately made people deeply understand the true meaning of Confucius "Climbing Mount Tai and small the world". The ancient pine is lush, there are many flowing springs and waterfalls, there is no lack of grace in the majestic and majestic, coupled with the misty clouds, naturally adds a bit of mysterious and esoteric.

As time goes by, the setting sun hangs west, and all the big cloud peaks are inlaid with a layer of golden-bright and dazzling bright edges, shining with the brilliance of priceless and unique rare treasure. Such a beautiful scene is even more intoxicating.

At this time, among the to-and-fro tourists, a large group of about thirty people attracted Chu Bei's attention.

"Xiaoman, this time you are here in your country. Mount Tai, really Cool!"

Walking at the forefront of the large group is a tall youth. Compared with the softness and smoothness of the eastern face, he has a typical western face, which is very three-dimensional. The bridge of the nose is high, the blue eyes are slightly sunken, and his blond hair is a little curly. He is handsome in terms of Western aesthetics. .

"Cade, you can like it here." Beside the western youth is a slender woman with a height of 1.7 meters. The woman wears a pair of sunglasses and her long black hair is dancing in the wind. Standing there slim.


Listening to the conversation in this line of people, Chu Bei’s mouth became curved, and he quickly recognized some of them from the content of the conversation. .

In the end, Chu Bei's gaze was fixed on a youth man wearing a blue shirt.

"Ye Fan, haven't you thought about reuniting with Xiaoman?" Lin Jia pointed to Li Xiaomin, who was walking in the forefront, and couldn't help but open the mouth and said.

"My pursuit is different from her. I am not a person in the same world. If I have been separated before, why bother to do it again." The youth man looked at Li Xiaomin's back and smiled calmly.

"That's what happened before, maybe she is now..."

"This Little Brother, I see you between the eyebrows, bring evil, fierce rush to the palace, must There is a big catastrophe. Meeting is fate. I have a ring here that can help you break the catastrophe and even lead you to the Peak of life. I wonder if you are interested in learning about it?"

It is in Lin Jia When he was about to say something, Chu Bei had already walked over, with a smile on his mouth, his eyes fell on Ye Fan.

"Between the eyebrows, bring evil, fierce rush to the palace?"

Ye Fan pulled the corner of his mouth, and then took out a book that he bought at the foot of the mountain for five yuan from his arms , Said to Chu Bei: "Old Brother, I think you are extraordinary natural talent. Skeleton is amazed. You are the martial arts genius in ten-thousand does not have one. The task of maintaining world peace depends on you. I have this cheat. I think I have a relationship with you, so I will sell it to you for fifteen dollars."

Looking at the books that Ye Fan handed over, especially the prominent four characters [Buddha's Palm], this time round. Going to Chu Bei was dumbfounded.

Really worthy of being an Earth person!

Pu chi!

Lin Jia on the side can't help but laugh out loud, lithe and graceful trembling, pulling Ye Fan's arm: "Quickly follow The people in front are all left behind, don’t pay attention to this Swindler."

Ye Fan laughed, and then looked towards Chu Bei: "Above Mount Tai, I met too many Swindlers like you, that's all , You don’t have more than one. Take out your disaster-breaking ring, as long as it is less than fifty yuan, I will buy it for you."

"No money, this is a gift from me Your opportunity."

Speaking, Chu Bei handed the agent ring to Ye Fan and said: "As long as you drop a drop of blood on it, this ring will be yours."

"Fucking! And... and bleeding!"

Ye Fan twitched the corner of his mouth, with a wary look: "Aren't you going to kill me."


Listening to Ye Fan's words, Chu Bei's expression startedled, and after a few seconds he woke up, he shook his head and laughed.

After staying in Doupo and Douluo for a long time, he has forgotten that the thinking of the Earth people who develop science is different from the people of other planes. If it were him, he wouldn't be so easy to drip blood on the ring.

Thinking of this, Chu Bei put away the agent ring. In the next plot, he has a way to make the other party his agent.

"Ye Fan, Lin Jia, what are you two doing? Why don't you keep up!"

At this moment, a voice came out from the front.

"Come, come, come here!" After Lin Jia complied, he took Ye Fan's arm and trot up.

"Little Brother, Nine Dragons is approaching, Immortal Path has opened, and we have reached the Era of the Great Conflict. On Immortal Ascension Road, the corpses are tired. This is a catastrophe for you. Without a ring, you can go. Not far away!"

Hearing the faint sigh from behind, Ye Fan couldn't help but look back at the Swindler who was following them leisurely, and the corners of his mouth twitched again.

This nagging guy has been a Swindler since he was born, right?

Nine Dragons are coming, and the Immortal Path has opened...

In front of the Jade Emperor Temple, the vast crowd is extremely noisy.

Thousands of tourists stood on the top of the mountain, overlooking the scenery of Mount Tai. Whether looking from a distance or looking up close, you can feel the majestic atmosphere of this first mountain, which makes people excited. In front of the magnificent Mount Tai, people have a strange illusion that they are as insignificant as an ant, and even the Sun, Moon and Stars in the sky appear insignificant.

This is a shocking feeling that makes the soul tremble.

hong long long!

Suddenly, when everyone was enjoying the beauty of Mount Tai, several black spots appeared in the sky, and then they became bigger and bigger in the eyes of everyone, and there was a burst of wind and thunder.

In an instant, I saw nine huge monsters falling from the sky, like nine black rivers falling down.

Looking at a scene in the sky, everyone on Mount Tai including Ye Fan and other entire groups, their expressions of shock were frozen at this moment, and they looked at each other in amazement.

"What is that? The coffin, like a coffin!"

"Will there be such a big coffin? Will it be an alien spaceship!"


"Look carefully at the nine big guys in the front. Are they similar to the Chinese Divine Dragon who inherited from the Old Ancestors?"

"Dragons, there really are dragons in this world. Is it true that the legend is true? Or are these big guys spoofed by scientists!"

"Impossible, I must be dreaming! Believe in science and stick to atheism!"


In the sky, nine huge dragon corpse pulled a mouthful of bronze ancient coffin and pressed down towards the top of Mount Tai.

Nine dragon corpse are exactly similar to the dragons in ancient Myths and Legends. Each dragon corpse is 100 meters long, like cast iron, full of shocking force.

Nine dragon corpse are all five-clawed Black Dragons. Except for dragon horn crystal clear and near-transparent and purple light sparkling, the dragon body is black, black light shimmering, and scales shimmering in Darkness. The mysterious brilliance.

"Not good, they moved towards our direction!"

"Escape, run away!"

After the brief hustle and bustle, Jade Sovereign Peak It's boiling.

I noticed the movement of the nine dragon corpse and the ancient bronze coffin. The pupils of the crowd shrank, and the shouts were filled with fear. Everyone ran in panic, rushing towards all directions, avoiding that more and more The closer the giant dragon corpse.

In the bloody sunset, nine dragons pulling a coffin come and descend to Mount Tai!

It's just that in such a shocking picture, the screams of fear and helpless crying are heartbreaking.

nine dragons pulling a coffin, not so fast, but when it landed, it still shook the top of Mount Tai heavily.

With a loud bang, the nine huge monsters are like nine mountains sinking, forcibly shattering Jade Sovereign Peak into one after another big crack, earth and rock splashing, and dust filled with sand.

Only hearing a bang, the bronze ancient coffin fell on Jade Sovereign Peak, and the mountain shook like an earthquake. Rolling rocks fell, with a rumbling sound, like a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses Pentium.

"Help...Save me, I have an 80-year-old mother and a 10-year-old child, I can't die yet..."

For a time, there was a miserable cry of pain, Panic cry for help filled Mount Tai.

This violent shaking lasted for about 3 minutes, and the mountain gradually calmed down, but at this moment Mount Tai is no longer as majestic as the Immortal Realm, and many rocks fell. Thousands of tourists have already been in chaos. Except for those who died unfortunately, many people fell while fleeing, with broken limbs and bleeding heads.

Looking back towards Jade Sovereign Peak, at this moment, nine huge dragon corpse with a length of one hundred meters, most of the body is lying quietly on the top of the mountain, and a few of the body is hanging under the cliff, like a black steel great wall, It is full of shocking force, extremely impacting people's vision.

As for the seemingly simple and unpretentious bronze coffin, there are some vague ancient patterns on it, full of the vicissitudes of the years, and there is a mysterious breath circulating.

"Really nine dragons pulling a coffin!"

Ye Fan came back to his senses from panic and glanced at the huge nine dragon corpse and bronze ancient coffin Later, he turned his head and looked towards the Swindler who was smiling at him not far away, and whispered: "is it possible that this Swindler's other identity is a researcher of the space agency!"

"This... Where did these big guys come from? Why are there no reports on this in the news! Are those exploration satellites useless?"

"Oh, my God, thank you for your shelter! If it weren’t for you, I’m afraid I, a beautiful western man, would have died under the previous shock."

"Why are there nine dragon corpse pulled from the bronze giant coffin? And they landed on Mount Tai?"


nine dragons pulling a coffin down the top of Mount Tai, it happened so suddenly, all this surpassed everyone's imagination.

"Everyone is okay?" A woman named Li Xiaomin asked in a line of nearly thirty people.

"Small injuries, don't get in the way." The people in the team answered in turn.

When the turmoil just happened, their entire group did not run away, but found a safe place to gather together until Jade Sovereign Peak calmed down.

"These big guys are beyond my cognition. Taking advantage of the calmness of the mountain, let's hurry down." said a youth named Zhang Zi Ling.

Hearing this, everyone has nodded. The appearance of these big guys makes them extremely disturbed.

"nine dragons pulling a coffin, really shocking!"

Looking at the nine dragon corpse that are 100 meters long like molten iron and the long and simple breath that exudes The bronze ancient coffin, Chu Bei couldn't help but sigh.

Looking at the nine dragon corpse and the ancient bronze coffin, Chu Bei remembered the one who once killed Nine Heavens and Ten Earths and swept Six Directions and Eight Desolates, making the Powerhouse of the world tremble Odd woman.

It is her who has the current nine dragons pulling a coffin!

She is the most shocking and stunning Great Emperor in history, the most talented woman in ancient times! It is also the first fierce person in ancient and modern times!

She disregards the past and the present, struggle against the Heavens, struggling with the earth, struggling with herself, not an extraordinary natural talent, but relying on the strength of oneself, to kill the kings, independent nine heavens above, Spiritual God cannot stop On his way, with a mortal body, he reached the top and became one of the most powerful characters in ancient and modern times.

In ancient times, several people dared to call the Heavenly Emperor, and she was one of them.

This strange woman was called the Great Empress Ferocity in that era!

Struggle against the Heavens in a lifetime, kill Nine Heavens Spiritual God, stand on top of Nine Heavens, and make the gods tremble. However, it is not for becoming a fairy, just for the return of'you' in that red dust.

"Maybe there will be a meeting in the near future." Chu Bei's thoughts are flying wildly, and he thinks that all the great characters he used to have will overlap.

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