"Swindler, do you know something about this nine dragons pulling a coffin?"

Ye Fan seemed to remember something, and ran to Chu Bei quickly Asked next to him.

Lin Jia follow closely from behind, she has been following Ye Fan's side before, and naturally heard the other side's phrase'Nine Dragons are coming, Immortal Path is open'.

"Little Brother, don't you believe my ring can protect you now? The opportunity is here, don't miss it." Chu Bei once again took out the agent ring and shook it in front of Ye Fan .

He really wants to tell the other party that this nine dragons pulling a coffin is used by a stunning female emperor to attract your'big brother', but the other party has to trust him.

hong long long!

Ye Fan glanced at the agency ring in Chu Bei's hand. Just as he was about to say something, Jade Sovereign Peak, which had calmed down, trembled violently again.

"Liu Yunzhi, give me a hand!"

"Xiaoman, hold on, don’t let go."

"Zhou Yi, hold on !"


With a cry of exclamation, Ye Fan, Lin Jia, etc., a group of thirty people in the original safe position suddenly dented, and then moved all of them one by one. Towards fall down.

With the deep collision and the wailing sound, Ye Fan and the others landed on a huge altar one after another.

This is a quaint five-color altar, engraved with the imprints of the years, and it is engraved with indecipherable ancient symbols.

"Why is there an altar here? Could it be that this nine dragons pulling a coffin is for this altar?"

Looking at the huge five-color altar, a crowd of people His face was shocked. The nine huge dragon corpse and bronze ancient coffin also appeared on the altar under the previous shock.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ——

Just as everyone was speculating, the five-color halo glowed on the altar.

next moment, everyone felt a huge force covering the body, and it was difficult to move one step with the legs tied to a lead.

"Ye Fan, my body can't move!"

"What should I do? What should I do now? Why haven't the rescue team come yet!"

" Anyone? Help us quickly and leave, we are leaving here!"


At the altar, everyone in the court was terrified. The only one who has nothing to do is to follow Chu Bei who jumped down.

"Why are you okay?" Ye Fan looked at Chu Bei walking back and forth, with confusion and surprise in his eyes.

"Ye Fan, who is this guy again?" Hearing Ye Fan's voice, a crowd of people fell on Chu Bei's body.

Looking at the huge altar, apart from their party at the university party, there is only the stranger Chu Bei.

"He is a Swindler, and I don’t know where to hear that the nine dragons pulling a coffin will appear." Before Ye Fan spoke, Lin Jia took the lead and seemed to have forgotten the current situation. .

"Look, look!" Suddenly, the western man named Cade exclaimed.

I saw those mysterious and profound runes all around the altar all floating and condensing together, shining with brilliance, and gradually forming a huge gossip picture.

This is a shocking picture. Those gossip images intertwined with ancient characters and rune are getting bigger and bigger until they completely cover the altar, nine dragon corpse and bronze ancient coffin.


With a muffled sound, the coffin lid of the huge bronze ancient coffin even deviated slightly, revealing a large seam.

next moment, under the horrified gaze of everyone on the altar, a gorgeous rays of light sprayed out from the gap, and then a huge suction force gushed out.


Amid the sharp screams, the silhouettes on the altar were sucked into the bronze ancient coffin one by one.

Seeing that the lid of the bronze ancient coffin was about to be closed again, Chu Bei didn't hesitate anymore, and quickly stepped forward and got into the crack.

"Ye Fan, are we in that copper coffin now?"

"What should we do, how do we get out now? Who can save us?"

"Why is this and what is going on! I knew it, I won't come to this party."

"I really agreed with that sentence. I'm lucky and I can drink water. Choked to death. Instead of being smashed to death by the previous rocks, I was trapped in this ancient coffin by this mysterious force beyond common sense."


A piece of bronze ancient coffin It was pitch black, filled with a icy chill, and some female classmates had even collapsed, no matter how hard they were to suppress their emotions and voices, they whimpered quietly. Even the male classmates are full of helplessness and fear in their hearts.

"Don’t panic, we are living in the 21st century. Have you forgotten the mobile phone?"

A male student was light flashed in the eyes, but he Not to mention it's okay, the atmosphere in the ancient coffin is even colder.

Because when everyone took out their mobile phones and dialed with them, they suddenly found that there was no signal in the ancient coffin, and they could not communicate with the outside world at all.

This discovery made everyone even more terrified.

"Stay steady, everyone, although you can't get in touch with the outside world, but shocking events like nine dragons pulling a coffin will inevitably spread to the outside world immediately. I believe rescuers will arrive soon. "Ye Fan seemed very calm, and his words made everyone's fearful mood somewhat relaxed.

"That's right, we must be calm. With our rescue speed, I believe that in less than half an hour, we will be rescued safely." A man named Wang Ziwen also said to stabilize everyone present. mood.

"Yes, we just need to wait quietly. If we are really scared, just sleep." Lin Jia leaned against Ye Fan, although she was a woman, But the performance at the moment was calm and did not lose one's head out of fear.

"Actually, you are already not in Earth."

Just as the tense atmosphere in the bronze ancient coffin just eased, a calm and indifferent voice once again tightened the atmosphere .

"What did you say? We are not on Earth anymore!"

"What do you mean by this? Who the hell are you, a researcher from the NASA? For these nine dragons pulling a How much does coffin know?"

Hearing the sound, everyone's simultaneously looks fell on Chu Bei's body.

"You regard this ancient coffin as a cosmic spaceship, and you have been taken away from Earth by this spaceship and are swimming in the universe."

Chu Bei laughed: "As for I, you continue to have the right to treat me as Swindler."

With these Earth friends, Chu Bei feels inexplicably in a good mood.

These guys feel terrified because they don’t know anything, and because he knows everything, plus the system to save his life, for him, this nine dragons pulling a coffin is really a space travel.

After experiencing the Doupo plane and the Douluo Continent plane one after another, he is also thinking, where is the end of the path of cultivation?

Is it true that Doupa and Douluo are in a certain Star Region in this universe, as he thought?

"No matter what you say is true or false, but are you not afraid at all?" Ye Fan frowned, his eyes fixed on Chu Bei's body.

"It's just a trip, why should I be afraid?"

Speaking of which, Chu Bei pointed his finger all around: "With this time, you might as well use your mobile phone. If you look carefully at the interior of this bronze ancient coffin, you may be able to gain something."

Hearing this, Ye Fan, Lin Jia and the others turned on the flashlights one after another. Under the dazzling rays of light, you can see scared faces. Many people look pale, and some are even shiver coldly.

"Pang Bo, how come you are here! Don't you have something to do?" Under the light, Ye Fan glanced all around and froze on a burly man.

"Hey, didn’t you think about the rare party, and finally came non-stop? Unexpectedly, the previous thing happened before I met you, and then I found you before I had time to say hello, so we went together I was sucked into this coffin." The tall and sturdy man named Pang Bo sighed, then strode to sit next to Ye Fan and punched him heavily.

"Pang Bo, the Monster Emperor in the future?" Chu Bei's gaze also fell on Pang Bo, a smile faintly discernable at the corner of his mouth.

Pang Bo, this is Ye Fan's best buddy in college.

Although Ye Fan does not know the true origin of this Pang Bo, Chu Bei, who has a God's perspective, knows the details of the other party.

Pang Bo’s clans belong to the Earth Great Demon clan. Because of the scarcity of the Earth’s spiritual qi, this clans gradually became lonely and eventually became an ordinary person. But when I arrived at Pang Bo this generation, I happened to encounter nine dragons pulling a coffin, which opened up the Monster Emperor bloodline under a series of opportunities. Later, it was vigorously cultivated by Monster Race and eventually became a generation of Monster Emperor.

"This copper pavilion is weird, don’t separate when you gather together."

Speaking, Ye Fan led the crowd to explore the nine dragon corpse under the flash of the mobile phone. Pulled bronze ancient coffin.

"A lot of engraved pictures, many of them are ancient ominous beasts recorded in Classic of Mountains and Seas!" Looking at the engraved pictures on the copper wall, a person who has studied ancient myths youth exclaimed.

On these engraved pictures, there are the ferocious nine-headed Divine Bird flying high, and there are also huge ominous beast roar towards the sky with long stiff bristles. There are also gluttonous beast roar towards the sky.梼杌 wait for these Divine Beast in Classic of Mountains and Seas.

"The coffin, there is still a coffin here!" Deep down, suddenly there was cry out in surprise.

I saw that beside the screaming woman, another copper coffin was parked. It was four meters long and two meters wide. It was simple and dim. It was engraved with ancient pictures, covered with patina, and full of engravings. The wind and frost of the years.

Just looking at it makes people feel chilly and daunting.

"No wonder, this bronze ancient coffin is so huge, there is still a coffin in the coffin!" Everyone's eyes were all focused on the small coffin, one after another held breath cold air.

"You said, will there be corpses in this coffin?" Lin Jia swallowed and looked at everyone nervously.

"Why don't you take a look at it together?" Li Xiaomin couldn't bear to be curious and couldn't help but opened the mouth and said.

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and after making some exchange of eyes, they had the same decision.

next moment, the most burly youths each hold a corner of the coffin, while the others assist in the rear.

However, after a while, the coffin lid never moved away.

"Don't try, just because you can't open this coffin lid." Looking at Ye Fan and the others' stupid actions, Chu Bei couldn't help but smile.

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