"Don’t speak, no one will treat you as a dumb!"

Lin Jia stared at Chu Bei, she always felt that this babbling Swindler knew something , But he didn't want to tell them anything, it was really hateful!

Chu Bei didn't answer, but just walked to the coffin and touched it.

He doesn't know what exactly is in this coffin.

There are rumors that, among them, there are the apocalypse flowers left by the Great Empress Ferocity, which can directly become the Great Emperor after being swallowed. There are Supreme ancient scriptures, and there are the remains of people from the ancient immortal period.

There are also rumors that, among them, one of the most Powerhouse of the Immortal Period, a complete corpse of the Immortal Emperor, was buried.

There are also rumors that one of them is where the immortal domain is located.

As for this answer, Chu Bei didn't know what the answer was until the moment when the coffin lid was actually opened.

As time passed, everyone in the bronze coffin gradually became quiet. In the dead silence atmosphere, there was only the heavy breathing.

Chang Cang!

Finally, a metal rumbling sound broke the dead silence in the bronze ancient coffin.

Until everyone reacted, the ancient coffin trembled suddenly and violently.

"What's wrong, what happened again?"

"Is it because the rescue team outside arrived? Are they opening the coffin lid to rescue us?"

"God bless, I can finally see the light again!"

"This is the most terrifying experience in my life, fortunately there is no danger."

... …

Under this violent vibration, everyone stood unsteadily and swayed, and even a small number of people fell directly to the ground.

But at this moment, their faces couldn't help not having the slightest sadness caused by the pain, but they were all excited.

In anticipation, the vibration of the copper coffin became more violent. Except for Chu Bei, no one could stand on the ground. Almost all fell to the ground and had close contact with the cold bronze coffin.


There was another metal trembling.

The sound was as loud as thunder. Everyone covered their ears subconsciously, and they could clearly feel the fierce collision of the bronze giant coffin.

"Light, there is light!"

With cry out in surprise, everyone looked towards the lid of the coffin, and after a moment of surprise, they all showed excitement.

"I am saved, I am really saved!" cheering excitedly sounded from the ancient coffin.

Next moment, a group of people climbed up one after another, stabilized the stability, and quickly walked towards the gap that was enough for two people to walk side by side.

However, when everyone rushed out of the bronze ancient coffin, their complexions turned to gray instantly, as if they were sluggish like wood in a thunderbolt on a sunny day.

Looking ahead, outside the bronze ancient coffin, the reddish-brown land seems to be infested with blood, hard and withered. Desolation and emptiness coexist, and some huge rocks stand scattered on the ground, which looks like tombstones at first glance.

The space between Heaven and Earth is drowsy, and the faint black mist adds a touch of gloom to this world.

"This...Where is this..."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, dumbstruck one by one, and it is definitely not Mount Tai here!

The endless reddish-brown land, distant and dead, without any signs of life, is not any place they know at all.

Never seen, never heard of, it is a strange and mysterious place!

"You didn't joking with us, what you said is true! We are already not in Mount Tai, we are not in Earth anymore, are we!"

Lin Jia suddenly ran over Chu Bei's voice was shaking in front of him: "Tell us, where exactly is this place? How can we continue to go back!"

"Who the hell are you? Why do you do scientific research? Do you want to bring ordinary persons like us? I want to go home, wu wu, I want to go home..." Some female classmates gathered around Chu Bei, pulling the corners of her clothes and couldn't help crying.

"Don't cry, for you, maybe this starry sky journey is an opportunity." Chu Bei said with a smile.

"Can you tell us first, where is this place?" Ye Fan watched Chu Bei opened the mouth and said.

"Look at that stone." Chu Bei pointed his finger to a boulder that was ten meters high not far away.

Hearing this, not only Ye Fan, Lin Jia, Li Xiaomin, Pang Bo and the others all ran towards the boulder referred to by Chu Bei.

"Who do you know these words?"

I saw two ancient characters clearly carved on the boulder. Each ancient character is one meter high, with a silver hook and a silver hook. Vigorous and powerful, grand and magnificent are like two angry dragons circling.

"Cauldron Bell Inscriptions, these two words are, Yinghua!" A youth subconsciously who has studied ancient Chinese characters said these two words.

"Yinghuo? What, here is the fire star!"

Everyone whispered softly, and after reacting, they cry out in surprise, shouting with surprise and shock.

Yingying firelight, Lili chaos and confusion, was called Yingzhuo in ancient times, and it was an ominous sign. In today's era, Yinghuo has been renamed fire star.

"God, are you serious? You sent me to fire star!" The western man Cade lowered his head and grabbed the reddish-brown soil, barking frantically.

"From Earth to Fire Star, the distance is 55 million kilometers at the nearest time, and even more than 400 million kilometers at the farthest. At this speed, is the big guy really an alien spaceship?" Lin Jia was dumbfounded.

"Do you have a way to let us go back." Pang Bo asked Chu Bei, his eyes locked.

"This guy is beyond my control."

Chu Bei shrugged, and then pointed at nine dragons pulling a coffin and said: "Did you see the five-color altar? Speaking of which, you haven’t reached your destination, but the energy of the bronze ancient coffin is exhausted, stay here for a short time to replenish energy that’s all."

"No, absolutely can’t continue to shuttle! You think we are away Is Earth not far enough?"

Lin Jia panting with rage stared at Chu Bei: "And, where is our destination?"

"Come and see! Tile bricks, there are tile bricks here!" Suddenly, the youth named Zhou Yi screamed.

"Why is there a collapsed building here? is it possible that, someone once lived here?" Ye Fan brows slightly wrinkle.

"Could it be that some people have moved to Fire Star before we know it?"

With this conjecture, a little bit appeared on the faces of all the people again The color of joy, with hope in his eyes.

"Go, let's find anyone! It's better than staying here and waiting to die." Zhou Yi opened the mouth and said.

Looking at the fading troops, Chu Bei carried his hands behind his back, followed along leisurely.

"There is a light source ahead!"

After traveling several kilometers, a youth with good eyesight cried out in surprise.

When everyone speeded up and came to the location of the light source, one by one dumbstruck.

This is an abandoned ancient temple. There is an ancient tree in front of the temple. The ancient tree is as vigorous as a horned dragon. The whole body is dry. Only two meters above the ground are scattered with five or six green leaves, each of which is crystal. clear and near-transparent, the green light shimmers, like the emerald Divine Jade.

"Great Thunder Sound Temple!"

Ye Fan stared blankly at a rusty copper plaque in the middle of the gate of the ancient temple, recognizing the engraved on it After four ancient characters, the body could not help but tremble.

"The Great Thunder Sound Temple? The legendary Great Thunder Sound Temple is the residence of the Buddha, the Supreme Holy Land of Buddhism!"

"This is impossible, it is all virtual, fundamental It doesn’t exist. We have to believe in science!"

"Science? Then you use science to explain to me the nine dragon corpse and bronze ancient coffin?"

"In case , I’m talking about in case, what if those Myths and Legends are real? There really are Buddhas and gods in this world."


The crowd was noisy.

"Om, Mah, Ne, Ba, Mi, Hum--"

Suddenly, a faint Zen singing sounded from the temple. The vast Buddhist sounds are shrouded in the entire ancient temple, solemn, solemn, sublime, and mysterious.

"Did you hear the sound!"

"This feeling is so comfortable, it's warm all over."

"It's not an illusion, it's definitely not Illusion!"


The magnificent Buddha sound floated from the air, resounding through the sky and shaking the sky. In an instant, all the people were bathed in a sacred and peaceful rays. of light.

"Really, Myths and Legends must be true! This is really the Great Thunder Sound Temple. Wasn't Shakyamuni sitting on the fire star for seven days and seven nights, and finally achieved Buddha?"

"Could it be said that that ancient tree is the Tree of Enlightenment proclaimed by Gautama!"

"From our current experience, what else can't be believed!"


The sound of the grand Buddha echoed in my ears, and then looking at the brilliant rays of light all around, everyone looked at each other, shocked like a clay sculpture and wood carving.

At this moment, Chu Bei walked to the withered Tree of Enlightenment and kept looking at it.

Compared to the Douluo plane, in this Shrouding The Heavens world, in addition to accelerating the conversion of the cultivation base by signing an agent, he can also obtain valuable things for the system to speed up the conversion.

Looking at the withered Tree of Enlightenment in front of him, he was thinking about how to take the opponent down.

"If this is really the Great Thunder Sound Temple in the legend, there must be many divine objects in it." Gradually, many people have regarded the myth as a real existence.

After Ye Fan's voice fell, he ran into the ruined temple first, and when the others saw it, follow closely from behind.

"It actually shines! Sure enough, these are not ordinary products!" Entering the temple, everyone saw some luminous artifacts, and their faces instantly showed joy. On this mysterious fire star, one more baby in your hand is one more hope of survival.

Aware that the number of light-emitting objects is limited, after reacting, everyone scrambled for it.

Ye Fan went straight to the stone Buddha and grabbed the Bronze Ancient Lamp that was with him.

Pang Bo casually picked up a bronze plaque glowing with golden light.

As for some other people, they also grabbed some luminous objects, such as diamond pestle, broken incense burner, ruler, copper bell, fish drum, etc.


Just as some people were groping for the utensils in their hands, suddenly a female classmate screamed.

Hearing the sound, everyone immediately looked at it, and saw that the female classmate fell to the emperor with a thud, motionless.

Looking at her, her face was full of horror, and there was a blood hole thick with a thumb on her forehead. The blood was gurgling, as if she had seen something terrifying before she died.

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