"This...what's going on?!"

"Xiaohong...is she dead? What happened."

Looking at the death of the female classmate, a panic of fear surged in the hearts of the crowd, have one's hair stand on end.

This scene came too suddenly, a fresh life died inexplicably, so strangely.

"Don't get close to her!"

Ye Fan immediately stopped two male classmates who tried to approach the corpse: "I don't know the cause of her death yet, so everyone gathers to stay vigilant. "

"Is it because we took these divine objects and blasphemed the Great Thunder Sound Temple, and were punished by the gods?"

A male student glanced at the behind The Buddha statue, with a trembling voice, returned the luminous ancient mirror in his hand as he said it.


However, the moment he put down the ancient mirror, he let out a scream.

next moment, his body fell to the ground with a sudden death, almost exactly the same as the previous female classmate. There was a thumb-sized blood hole on his forehead with blood flowing.

"Dead...dead! Another death!"

"Go, we must go! If we don't leave, we will die next."

"There is weirdness here, let's withdraw the bronze ancient coffin first. At least, there is no need to die there!"


Looking at the man's corpse, everyone was panicked.

At this moment of life and death, no one hesitated and moved towards the temple and ran outside.

weng weng!

Suddenly, while running, a melodious metal trembling sounded, and the sound was majestic and solemn like a yellow bell shaking.

Everyone looked for their voice and saw that the bronze plaque in Pang Bo's hand was filled with golden light, extremely dazzling.

"What happened?" Ye Fan asked immediately after being the closest to Pang Bo.

"Something seems to have attacked me just now, but I was blown away by the copper plaque." Pang Bo shook the copper plaque in his hand.

"Did you see what it was?" Ye Fan continued to ask.

Pang Bo shook the head: "The speed is too fast, I only feel that my body is inexplicably covered by a breath of cold forest, like a walk in the gates of hell, thanks to this bronze plaque."

"It’s not that the gods of the Great Thunder Sound Temple are punishing us, they are protecting us. Think about it, the reason Xiaohong will die is because he doesn’t have Divine Item. And Xiaoming’s death is precisely It’s when he put down the Divine Item."

Hearing Lin Jia’s analysis, anyone who has gained something in the Great Thunder Sound Temple will firmly grasp the broken Buddha artifact in their hands. As for what they are in their hands. Those who didn't have even more fear on their faces, and their horrified eyes instantly focused on those who held Buddhist artifacts.


The scream came again.

It’s just that this time it’s not one person, but five people.

Three men and two women fell heavily to the ground almost at the same time, the wound was still on the forehead, and three identical blood holes were horrible to see.

"The way to die is the same, what is it that attacked them!"

"Sure enough, there is no Divine Item to die!"

Looking at the ground Five more dead bodies appeared. At this moment, everyone was terrified, especially those who had nothing in their hands, they were face deathly pale.

They have noticed that it is not that those holding the Divine Item were not attacked, but the dilapidated Divine Item protected them at the moment they were attacked.

"Help us..."

The people who didn't find the artifacts in the temple were all terrified. They approached those who had gained something and begged them in a nearly pleading tone.

"Ye Fan, please, please help me..."

A female classmate who was almost broke crying and ran to Ye Fan's side, weeping beauty, very pitiful.

"Everyone is classmates, we can hold artifacts together."

Ye Fan asked the female classmate to hold the Bronze Ancient Lamp together, and said: "Who can Say, if you have these artifacts, you won’t die? If you don’t return to Earth, maybe everyone will die, one after the other that's all."

Hearing Ye Fan’s words, the crowds were holding artifacts. The people looked at each other and shared the artifacts with others in a wry smile.

Ye Fan is right, how long can they live in this place without food and water.

"Swindler, are you not afraid of death?"

Ye Fan glanced at Chu Bei who was still looking at the withered Tree of Enlightenment, opened the mouth and said.

xiū xiū xiū!

However, without waiting for Chu Bei's response, the originally flat ground suddenly bulged out one by one.

Immediately afterwards, in the sound of breaking through the air, one after another black shadow flashed. What followed was a continuous crash.

"What the hell are these? Could it be that the deaths of Xiaohong and Xiaoming were caused by them?" A group of people gathered together, looking at the scene of all around with amazement.

I saw dozens of black shadows attacking them from different directions. Fortunately, the golden light of the Divine Item in their hands prevented them from hitting again and again.

"Swindler, you obviously don’t have Divine Item protection, why didn’t these weird things attack you?"

"Yes, what secrets are hidden in you!"

"I doubt if you brought us here!"


A crowd of people stared at the calm and calm Chu Bei not far away. sound.

"Do you think I have such a great ability?"

Chu Bei smiled and looked at the crowd: "As for why these crocodiles didn't attack me, maybe it's because this is a The era of brushing your face."

When Chu Bei first set foot on this land, Chu Bei's banquet was used to deter these crocodiles.

The actual effect is also very significant. Once the crocodiles enter within three meters of him, they will immediately go away.

"We don’t have the intention of joking with you..."

Lin Jia stared at Chu Bei coldly, halfway through the conversation, as if he had caught something, and said with a look of surprise: "Little Crocodile, what little crocodile?"

Chu Bei smiled without saying a word, but the right hand poked out and shook in front of everyone.

"Just...Is it killing Xiaohong Xiaoming and the others?" Seeing the thing Chu Bei was holding, everyone eyes shrank.

It's no more than ten centimeters long, only the thickness of fingers, like a snake but not a snake, it looks like a crocodile but has no legs, the belly is bare and the whole body is covered with black scales of Unknown Creature.

At this moment, this Unknown Creature is frantically struggling in Chu Bei's hands, a pair of extremely small eyes glowing with cold glow.

"Swindler, let go of this Little San. It's not as long as a mouse, and killed so many of my classmates, let me kill you!"

Distance Chu Bei's nearest Pang Bo directly picked up the copper plaque, and violently moved towards the unknown creature.


At the moment Chu Bei let go, Pang Bo's bronze plaque was brilliant, fiercely hit Unknown Creature's body.

The ferocious creature suddenly let out a scream, like a ghost roar, and then turned into a plume of black smoke.

"How did you catch this thing?" Ye Fan fixed his eyes on Chu Bei's body.

As soon as these words came out, a group of people stepped back and looked at Chu Bei very vigilantly.

This Unknown Creature, which can easily kill their classmates, has been kneaded and played with by the other party before.

chi chi chi!

Perhaps seeing the death of his companion, the rest of Unknown Creature attacked Ye Fan, Lin Jia and the others more and more fiercely.

"No, no! Divine Item is going to be broken!"

"Mine too, rays of light are already dimmed."

"We are here Are you going to die?"


Gradually, panic and screams came from the crowd. Lin Jia and the others had already ignored Chu Bei and looked at Nayu Divine Item There were more and more cracks in the mask that was propped up, and the faces of all people became paler.

They know very well that once the Divine Item loses its effect, the consequences will undoubtedly be the same as Xiaohong Xiaoming's end. The forehead is pierced by these Unknown Creatures.

hong long!

One wave has not settled, one wave has risen again.

Suddenly, everyone felt the ground shake violently, and then saw the Great Thunder Sound Temple that had fled earlier sunk into the ground.

next moment, two lantern-sized terrifying eyes, penetrate the space of Darkness from the depression of the earth.

"The Great Thunder Sound Temple collapsed, and there seems to be something terrifying coming out of the underground!" Everyone seemed to forget the attacks of dozens of crocodiles, and they looked surprised and simultaneously. To the direction of the Great Thunder Sound Temple.

I saw a golden crocodile with a huge zhang crawling out of the ground. The huge and hideous mouth opened to reveal the dense mouth. The lantern-like scarlet eyes were locked in the direction of Ye Fan and the others, the cold one. The gaze is like looking at the prey.


A roar like a hell came from the mouth of a golden crocodile, the sound was earth-shaking, scaring a crowd of people face deathly pale, some weak and timid women directly Kneeling down and crying bitterly.

hong long long ——

"Come here, it's here!"

"Dead, this time is really going to die."

"That's all, it's okay to get rid of it earlier, I hope I can have a good baby in the next life."


The earth shook more and more, watching the moment flutter The golden crocodile who came here looked like ashes.

Chu Bei frowned, he still underestimated the strength of the crocodile ancestor. Even after being suppressed for several years, the breath fluctuation released by the opponent is still higher than his Peak period.

In other words, even if his cultivation base is 100% converted, he is not the opponent of the golden crocodile in front of him.

"I made a mistake."

Chu Bei muttered to himself.

But just as he was about to abandon Ye Fan and the others and escape from Dian Dui's strongest defensive product, there was a buzzing sound in the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Immediately afterwards, an ancient tree emerged in the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

"Tree of Enlightenment!"

Chu Bei was taken aback first, then a touch of surprise appeared in his eyes.

This Tree of Enlightenment was what he got for the system when he broke the plane, but the little energy fluctuations released by the opponent now caused him to raise an inexplicable pressure. The opponent was like It is the same as enhanced by the system.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ——

In Sea of ​​Consciousness, the Tree of Enlightenment swayed, and a ray of consciousness spread out.

"Do you want to borrow my body for a use?"

Understanding the idea of ​​Tree of Enlightenment, Chu Bei raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said that he gave his body to Tree of Enlightenment.

crash-bang ——

next moment, in the inexplicable swaying sound, Chu Bei stature disappeared from the same place.

At the same time, Ye Fan, Lin Jia and the others looked at the huge golden crocodile getting closer, their pupils dilated sharply, their eyes were fearful, unwilling but powerless.


However, just as everyone was waiting for death, there was a swaying sound of branches in their ears.

Looking at it, I saw an extremely large ancient tree above their heads, appearing out of thin air. This ancient tree is as high as thousands zhang, standing alone in the sky.

The ancient branches and leaves shook, and amid the humming sound, a breath of fresh air rippled away, changing into various shapes from time to time, spreading over this reddish-brown land.

At this moment, the originally desolate earth appeared to be alive, a large area of ​​emerald green grass drilled out of the soil and grew at a speed visible by naked eye, glowing with a strong breath of life.

"What a big tree! This feeling is really refreshing!"

"The warm current is all over the body, and the physical strength seems to have been restored!"

"Look at those Unknown Creatures and the golden crocodile. They all stopped attacking."

"Could it be Gautama's manifestation? The Buddha is saving us!"


The ever-changing fresh air spread from the void, and a crowd of people took a deep breath one after another, and their faces were filled with intoxication. All eyes were fixed on the huge ancient tree, and their eyes were full of excitement.

"Have you found that this tree seems to resemble the dead tree in front of the temple?" Someone among the crowd murmured.

In the sky, the towering giant tree is made of emerald green, like an extremely fine jade, releasing an amazing life force.

Look carefully, this tree is very similar to the dead tree in front of Thunder Sound Temple, except that it has been enlarged several times in size and its life force has become more vigorous.

Looked towards the direction of the previous Great Thunder Sound Temple, the entire Thunder Sound Temple collapsed, but the dead tree still stood firm on the spot.

"Is this...this is the Ancient Tree of Enlightenment that Shakyamuni enlightened!"

Looking at the mysterious towering tree in the sky, Pang Bo couldn't help exclaiming. The flamboyant expression of excitement was completely inconsistent with his burly expression.

"Will the Ancient Tree of Enlightenment be the opponent of the golden crocodile?"

Hearing Pang Bo's exclamation, Lin Jia, Li Xiaomin and the others looked at each other In blank dismay, the eyes between each other were surprised. Looking at the old tree from a distance, like an ancient tree standing between Heaven and Earth, each heart was beating fiercely with peng peng.

“roar! ”

in the sky, the golden crocodile with scarlet eyes of the length of hundred zhang stared at the Ancient Tree of Enlightenment, and then made a sound like Great Desolate from the ancient times The loud roar resounded in this space. The terrifying sound waves echoed above the reddish-brown land, and even the ruined building rubble in the distance shook to pieces.

At this moment, the golden crocodile is like a Great Desolate savage beast awakened from a deep sleep. The roar was embarrassingly cruel and tyrannical, and seemed to be full of endless destruction and killing. The source of the roar seems to represent the most terrifying disaster in the world.

very terrifying. "

The timid female student swallowed saliva and said, instinctively hiding behind the male student’s, but because of curiosity, she poked her head out and looked at the sky in horror.

In the roar, the golden crocodile as long as the hundred zhang opened its bloody mouth and rushed towards the towering old tree, wherever it passed, the void rumbled.


Ancient Tree of Enlightenment swayed, the fresh air on the branches and leaves waved, and the ancient tree in front of Thunder Sound Temple seemed to be affected by summon, and suddenly rose from the ground. With a swish, it was unexpectedly under the eyes of everyone I plunged directly into the ancient Tree of Enlightenment of thousands zhang high.

next moment, the Ancient Tree of Enlightenment made a burst of laughter similar to human cheering excitedly, and at the same time the branches and leaves shook more and more violently. Right there. When the huge mouth of the hundred zhang golden crocodile came, the ancient branches suddenly bent and extended into the Heavenspan giant net.

In the blink of an eye, the hideous and terrifying golden crocodile was a densely packed ancient tree. The restraint entangled by the branches.

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