
After a while, the golden crocodile's mouth let out a deafening roar again. It's just that there was pain in the roar this time.

At this moment, the golden crocodile is entangled by the ancient branches, as if it has been tortured by inhumans, and struggles crazily and twists its body. However, letting it work hard, it will not be able to break away from the restraint of the ancient tree.

Furthermore, the original size of the golden crocodile was shrinking at a terrifying speed, and at the same time, you could see the branches of the ancient tree protruding out of the golden crocodile madly extracting energy from the golden crocodile.

Fifty zhang, thirty zhang, ten zhang, five zhang...

Under the horrified eyes of everyone, the life breath of the hundred zhang golden crocodile keeps passing by, and the body shape is also increasing. The smaller it is, it turns into a shriveled crocodile skin in the end.

"Dead, that big golden crocodile is dead!"

"The Tree of Enlightenment saved us!"

"I don't know it can If you can’t understand us, it would be better if it could send us back to Earth."

"Our crisis has not been resolved yet, the crocodiles are still there."


Everyone looked at the scene of in the sky, first with their faces full of excitement, and then at the dozens or hundreds of crocodiles all around, the sadness on their faces appeared again.

However, what surprised them was that these crocodiles did not attack them again. But those small eyes staring straight at the ancient tree in the sky. There was fear in his eyes.


Just as these little crocodiles were preparing to escape, the ancient branches swayed, and the slender branches swept over, each branch swaying will bring a sharp chi chi sound. Accompanied by the little crocodile turned into wisps of black mist that dissipated.

"This time, the crisis is really solved!" The crocodiles who saw all around were also cleared by the ancient tree, and everyone cheering excitedly.

Afterwards, one by one, their hands clasped together and prayed sincerely, chanting words in their mouths, all praying for some words about sending them back to Earth.


Ancient Tree of Enlightenment shook the branches again, and the buzzing sound suddenly turned into a group of dazzling golden light.

"Ancient Tree of Enlightenment has disappeared!"

"There seems to be someone in the golden light!"

"Is it Gautama? It's him, it must be him !"


In the dazzling light group, a silhouette faintly appeared.

I saw that silhouette's whole body was shrouded in gorgeous golden brilliance, as if wearing a thick layer of golden battle clothes, extremely dazzling, as if the golden fire was burning, in an imposing manner, just like God is in the dust.

Looking at the appearance of this silhouette, Lin Jia, Li Xiaomin and the others were delighted and excited in their eyes.

In their cognition, everyone who joins the Buddha is a benevolent person, a saint who saves all living beings and saves people from danger.

But as the golden light flashed away, the appearance of that silhouette gradually became clearer.

Almost at the same time, the expressions of Ye Fan, Lin Jia, Pang Bo and others also changed, curious, anticipating, surprised, shocked and finally stiff!


A uniform sound of surprise resounded between Heaven and Earth.

At this moment, the expressions of Ye Fan, Pang Bo and the others solidified like a bolt from the blue, and Divine Soul stared at Chu Bei sluggishly with his lost eyes.

All of them opened their mouths wide, dumbfounded, their brains seemed to have lost their commanding ability, and they stood motionless in place like wood.

The silhouette of the descending gods, the appearance, too sudden and unexpected, let them completely unprepared!

"No...impossible, I must be dazzled!"

"Why is it him? Isn't he involved here with us?"

"I said this Swindler is abnormal, with mysterious everywhere, and now it seems that there are many secrets in him!"

"Could it be that he is the Gautama?"

"No way, aren't the Buddhas all fat-headed bald scoops?"


Pang Bo, Lin Jia and the others responded one after another After the mouth, suck in a breath of cold air, staring at the Chu Bei slowly landing in amazement.

"Who the hell are you? No, are you still a human being? Isnine dragons pulling a coffin related to you? Did you bring us here? Is it all related to you? Related? What are you doing with us?"

Ye Fan can no longer treat the mysterious person in front of him as Swindler who is on the mountain selling rings to him, his eyes are full of jealousy.

"Little Brother, don't look at me like that."

Chu Bei took a step, stepped tens of meters and appeared beside Ye Fan, patted beside him. Said with a smile: "It's not just you, all of you present are the people chosen by God. A great opportunity is waiting for you, and the location of this opportunity is the ultimate goal of nine dragons pulling a coffin Land."

Speaking of this, Chu Bei glanced over Lin Jia, Li Xiaomin and the others in turn: "If you can seize this opportunity, you will not only be able to return to Earth, but also become like Your existences in Myths and Legends are as powerful as those in Myths and Legends."

He was also surprised by the strength displayed by the Tree of Enlightenment, as powerful as the crocodile ancestor, he was not even the opponent's opponent.

As for the withered Tree of Enlightenment, after being acquired by the other party, he did not hear the system sound that the conversion of the cultivation base was accelerated.

Obviously, from system's point of view, this is not counted as his income for system.

"Even if the nine dragons pulling a coffin has nothing to do with you, but you haven't told us who you are! We don't believe that you will be Gautama Buddha. Your clothes are not at all similar." Pang Bo stepped forward and spoke.

"Of course I am not Gautama."

Chu Bei smiled knowingly, then raised his hand, his robe moved without wind, and said: "I am a businessman, swimming in the Star Sea, Out traveling Yu Zhutian, you can call me Boss Chu."

"Will you still travel in Star Sea? Do you think you are Divine Immortal!" Li Xiaomin looked suspiciously at Chu Bei, others People are also full of unbelievable colors.

"Everything you have experienced personally, do you still believe in the so-called science on Earth?"

After Chu Bei asked rhetorically, said with a smile: "As for whether there are immortals, this When the answer is in the future, you can explore it yourself."

", immortal, since you are so powerful, can you send us back to Earth first?" Ye Fan immediately opened the mouth and said .

"You have been chosen by God. This is an irreversible path. There are only two choices before your eyes. One is to die here, and the other is to return to the bronze ancient coffin to pursue the opportunity that belongs to you. "

Chu Bei glanced at Ye Fan. Everyone here can return to Earth, but he can't. After all, his'fierce person younger sister' is still waiting for him.

"No matter what he says is true or false, we can't stay here anymore. Let's return to the bronze ancient coffin first."

Li Xiaomin's lips move slightly, everyone They nodded in agreement, and then hurriedly moved towards the direction where the bronze ancient coffin was located.

"Little Brother, I am destined to you, do you drop blood on this ring? With blood dropped, you are my agent and protected by me." Chu Bei grabbed Ye Fan and drew it again. Out of the agency ring.

"There are so many people, why did you choose me? Where is my fate with you?"

Ye Fan still did not rush to accept the agent ring, watching very vigilantly Chu Bei.

"Because you are different from them."

Chu Bei indifferently said, he really wants to beat the protagonist of Shrouding The Heavens in front of him, it is so difficult to drop a blood and wear a ring ?

Think about Xiao Yan and Tang San, how easy it is to become an agent!

"Different? Where is it different?" Ye Fan asked.

"That's all, let's go to the coffin." Chu Bei shook his head and sighed. The other party's vigilance is too heavy, it's difficult!

A group of people returned to the bronze ancient coffin one after another.

As time goes by one minute and one second, as nine high-pitched dragon roars resound through the sky, the bronze ancient coffin set off again under the pull of nine dragon corpse.

Chu Bei sat cross-legged, inspecting the Ancient Tree of Enlightenment in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, maybe it swallowed the withered Tree of Enlightenment in front of the Great Thunder Sound Temple, or because The branches and leaves of Ancient Tree of Enlightenment have become more emerald green because of the ancestors of the crocodile, but the motionless state at this moment is more like a state of sleep.

As for Ye Fan, Lin Jia and the others, they gathered around the all around of Chu Bei, and looked at the so-called “businessmen of the heavens” who traveled the Star Sea curiously.

"If you have time to study me, it's better to observe the carvings on the copper wall and look more at those ancient characters. Studying them is far more useful than studying me." Chu Bei's witty gaze Sweeping through the crowd, a look of playfulness.

Hearing this, a group of people got up and looked at the engraving of all around again.

"Ye Fan, come and see, this carved starry sky is flickering!" A female student screamed immediately when she noticed the abnormality.

Hearing the sound, a crowd immediately surrounded the female classmate. The moment picture in front of him is the largest of all the moment pictures, it is a Boundless Starry Sky. At this moment, all the stars on it are shining.

"This thin line is flickering. Isn't it the route that nine dragons pulling a coffin took us?" Pang Bo suspiciously asked.

"These seven stars are extremely bright, and looking at their layout, it seems to be Big Dipper 7-Star."

Looking at the end of the shiny thin line, Ye Fan tilted his head and looked towards Chu Bei, who was sitting cross-legged not far away with a calm face: "Is the end of this copper coffin the Big Dipper Star Region?"

"That's right." Chu Bei indifferent expression of nodded.

hong long long ——

It didn't take long for the giant bronze coffin to vibrate again, as if the sky was shaking.

At the same time, the point of light on the vast star map was finally fixed at the location of the Big Dipper Star Region.

"We seem to have reached the end, will it really be the Big Dipper Star Region?"

"What kind of existence is this Big Dipper Star Region? Will it be a legendary Immortal? World!"

"Can it be said that this is a world of cultivation like in the novel? We neither wear fleshy body nor soul wear, but are brought by the bronze ancient coffin."

"Listening to what you guys say, this seems to be a real opportunity. Could it be that we will all be like the protagonists in the novel? Exuding domineering spirit all the way and embarking on the peak of life!"


Unconsciously, the atmosphere inside the bronze ancient coffin became alive.

It was Chu Bei who listened to the discussion of these guys and couldn't help but smile. These guys are really big-hearted.

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