"The Way of Heaven is more than damage but makes up for the deficiency..."

"Lao Ye, what are you talking about?"

"It's nothing, just looking at some mysterious characters on this little coffin." Ye Fan smiled and patted Pang Bo's shoulder blades.

hong long!

Suddenly, there was another deafening loud noise. Everyone only feels that the sky is spinning, but with the previous experience, they all know that this is the landing of nine dragons pulling a coffin.

Sure enough, when they climbed up again to stabilize the stature, the lid of the bronze coffin deviated from its position and heavily slipped and fell to the ground.

"Bright, I saw the light again!"

"Qing Shan, trees, fresh air, this is the familiar world!"

"very Good, we finally got rid of Darkness and loneliness and came to such a beautiful Divine Land."

"Don’t worry anymore! Even though the sun in the sky is no longer the one seen on Earth, it doesn’t matter. How to say, we still got a new life!"


A crowd of people crawled out of the giant coffin, and when they saw everything all around, they exclaimed in excitement. Some timid girls burst into tears with joy.

In this short starry sky journey, they witnessed the tragic death of their former classmates. For them, this was the most cruel experience.

The world in front of you is different from the dimness and bloody desolation on the ancient planet Mars.

Similar to Earth, here is a bright world full of vitality. There is fresh air, with the breath of earth and the fragrance of flowers and plants in the cool wind blowing on the face.

Compared with the cheers of Ye Fan, Pang Bo and the others, Chu Bei looked at everything around, his brows gradually filled with solemnity.

At this moment, they are standing on the top of a mountain that is neither high nor short, and in the distance are beautiful rolling peaks with lush Jiamu.

In the vicinity are grotesquely shaped rocks and vigorous ancient wood, as well as old vines of the thickness of buckets coiled like horned dragons, more like green grass and fragrant wildflowers, full of vitality and vitality.

All these seemingly beautiful things are hidden in a huge crisis.

Wild ancient restricted area, one of Seven Great Life-forbidden Zones in Shrouding The Heavens!

"fierce person, will you really be here?" Chu Bei squinted his eyes and murmured softly.

As he knows, at the moment they are in the restricted area of ​​life, the former owner was a complete mastery Saint Physique. Later, Great Empress Ferocity also came here and left the shell here. .

"Although this mountain forest is no different from Earth, have you noticed that it seems too quiet here! There is no sound of birds and beasts."

"It is indeed too It’s dead silence. There shouldn’t be any movement in such a big forest."

"Don’t scare yourself, I don’t believe that such a beautiful world will be a dead, lonely place."


After a long time, everyone seemed to notice the abnormality of this mountain forest, and each one became nervous again.

"Who said that there are no living things here? Look at the sky, isn't that right?" Chu Bei smiled and looked at the crowd, and at the same time stretched out his fingers to the sky.

On the other end of this continuous mountain range, a small black spot is getting closer and closer. It looks like an eagle, but it is covered with golden-bright and dazzling rays. of light, like cast gold, extremely gorgeous.

"Big...so big!"

When the eagle-like creature flew over the mountain below, Pang Bo of Carefree stammered on the spot.

Other people are also almost petrified, like clay sculptures and wood carvings, dumbfounded, and can't believe their eyes.

This giant bird is as long as a hundred zhang, and under its sharp claw, it is actually holding two Siberian tigers on Earth.

"Where has the world developed? is it possible that, in the Jurassic period of Earth! Are the Sovereigns of this world or the Hegemon dinosaurs?"

Thinking of this, the face instantly changes of a crowd of people turned gray. If you let them live in the Jurassic period, what is the difference between this and hell!

Listening to the talk, Chu Bei couldn't help but laugh out loud. These guys' brains are really too big.

"Since you are Divine Immortal, and looking at you, you must know this well, right?" Ye Fan's gaze fell on Chu Bei's body, and the others looked towards Chu Bei.

Although their concept of Divine Immortal is still on TV, and they don't know if what Swindler said is true or false, the other party does have some weird methods.

In their opinion, this Swindler doesn't know much about this world.

"You have all read fantasy novels, this is the world of Xiu Daoist."

Speaking, Chu Bei moved towards the foot of the mountain: "This mountain forest is nothing In a safe place, meeting is the fate, I will walk in the front to find the way for you."

Hearing the sound, Ye Fan, Lin Jia and the others looked at each other and Chu Bei The drifting back figure quickly followed up.

"There is food!"

After traveling some distance, one of the people in the team seemed to have discovered something and screamed.

"Very good, there are really wild fruits!"

Others also screamed in excitement one after another.

Not far away, there is a stream of spring water, and several small trees more than half a meter high grow by the pool.

The top of each emerald green tree that is dripping like a palm is hung with a red fruit, which looks like a cherry, but is as big as an egg.

"I'm really starving to death!"

Pang Bo ran to the little tree in three and two steps. He was already hungry.

"Ye Fan, come eat! This fruit is really fragrant, I have never eaten such a fragrant fruit."

Pang Bo bite off most of the flesh, no Forget moved towards Ye Fan and beckoned.

Seeing this, Lin Jia, Li Xiaomin and the others also took a quick step and chewed it, regardless of whether it was poisonous or not.

Ye Fan picked a red fruit, held it in his hand, and looked very attractive, crystal clear, like a red jade stone carved.

I have to say that this fruity aroma is really strong, even if it is the aging aroma of a thousand-year-old wine cellar, it is beyond reach.

When the fruit enters the abdomen, everyone only feels a strange warm current rushing to the internal organs, permeating the whole body.

"Is this..."

Looking at Ye Fan, Pang Bo and the others feasting on wild fruits, Chu Bei brows slightly wrinkle, hesitating to speak.

"Delicious and comfortable, Immortal Fruit!"

After eating, everyone stretched their waists in satisfaction, and their body was instantly energetic.

"Look there, there is Immortal Palace!"

Lin Jia suddenly criticized out in surprise, pointing to the high mountain in the distance. Above that high mountain, the temple stretches into pieces, like a palace from the sky descending in the mortal world.

"Let's go over there, immortal is immortal there!"

Everyone looked excited, as if they had forgotten that the'Chu Bei' beside them was also immortal.

"Don't bother, you just treat it as a mirage." Looking towards Immortal Palace in the distance, Chu Bei smiled and said.

The fact is also true. No matter how far Ye Fan, Pang Bo and the others go, the Immortal Palace is always out of reach.

Unconsciously, the entire group has climbed over two hills, and has left the scope of the ancient restricted area.


Just when everyone was about to take a break, the trees shook, and amid the pungent smell of soil, a five-meter-high black ominous beast emerged from behind the trees.

This unidentified ominous beast is black and sharp claw cold light. The body looks like an ape, but the head is very weird, with a bird's beak that is more than a foot long, like a harpy.

Looking at the ominous beast that suddenly appeared, everyone was immediately afraid, and the two cowardly female classmates even fell directly to the ground.

"immortal, please help us."

Everyone thought of Chu Bei and hid behind Chu Bei. If caught by such a huge monster like this, The bones that are bound to be torn and gnawed are not left.

With a roar of the beast, the unknown ominous beast opened its ferocious mouth and lunged at Chu Bei and the others.


However, before Chu Bei could make a move, a sword glow swept from a distance, forcibly splitting the ominous beast in half, soaking the earth with blood.


Looking at the ominous beast corpse on the ground, a crowd of people eyes suddenly shrank.

Next moment, a bright light suddenly appeared in the sky, as if it was drawn by a rainbow in the sky, it was particularly eye-catching.


Everyone's expressions changed suddenly, and there was a silhouette of one in the rainbow light.

Across the sky, walking in the sky, this is absolutely impossible!

This is an eighteen-nineteen-year-old young woman, Yan Ruyu, with a slender figure. She has a slender waist and straight legs. A light blue dress is naturally fluttering, and she has a super dusty temperament.

"A vigorous ordinary person? Why do you appear around the barren ancient restricted area?"

The young woman landed in front of Ye Fan and the others, staring at everyone , The sound is very beautiful.

"Is this Fairy..."

Lin Jia and Li Xiaomin looked at the young woman in a daze. This woman is like a Bai Lian flower rolling with dewdrops, and like Snow Mountain The fresh snow lotus on the top gives people a feeling of not interested in mundane affairs.

Hearing the woman's words, Ye Fan's eyebrows flashed a little bit of astonishment, and what the other party said was the same as they used.

"We are a group of people in trouble, can you save us?" After a moment of thought, Ye Fan looked at the woman opened the mouth and said.

"Where did you come from?" The woman looked at Ye Fan calmly with her eyes like water.

"There." Ye Fan pointed his finger to the back.

"What? Did you come out of the ancient restricted area?" The woman was shocked.

Ye Fan nodded, then organized the language, and made a slight change to tell the young woman about their experiences.

"It turned out to be like this. I think you should be from the Western Desert. As for the one that brought you through here should be a treasure, and the fruit you ate should be the Immortal in the ancient restricted area. Fruit."

Young women looking thoughtful: "It’s no wonder that you can resist the erosion of the ancient restricted area over time."

"The erosion of years? Can you tell us about that piece? Information about the mountain range?" Ye Fan looked at the young woman opening the mouth and said. He still thinks about going back here one day, with the help of the bronze ancient coffin to return to Earth.

The young woman glanced at Ye Fan and said, "One of the Seven Great Life-forbidden Zones. Whoever enters will die for a lifetime. Even if she comes out alive, she will have white hair like frosty grass and life. Will come to the end. The reason why you did not become gray-haired old people is because you ate the fruit and resisted the erosion of the forbidden land."

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