"Is this place so horrible?"

Everyone showed a touch of rejoicing. Fortunately, they ate the red fruit, otherwise they might all become Eighty or ninety years old old man is a grandmother.

"What the hell is there in the ancient restricted area, what kind of power can deprive a person of years?" Ye Fan couldn't help asking, this question also puzzled everyone.

"No one knows about this problem."

The young woman shook the head: "Legend, under the abyss of the forbidden zone of life, there is a'desolate', which seems to be an ancient person. It may also be a terrifying force."

"Is there no Powerhouse to explore?" Ye Fan asked.

"Since ancient desolate times, countless people have explored, but almost all have been destroyed."

The young woman looked towards the ancient restricted area with a serious expression: "That is a piece of The magic land soaked with endless blood, and even the unprecedentedly prosperous Immortal Sect Holy Land was all dispatched, but the whole family had no survivors in the end. Even several superpowerhouses that can accomplish all the good fortune have become the Ancient Desolate Abyss. The'Desolate Slave' is precisely the demise of the Immortal Sect, which established the extraordinary status of the barren ancient restricted area."

"That...is it right that as long as you enter the barren ancient restricted area, you will be deprived of years? "Ye Fan seemed to have thought of something. After glancing at Chu Bei, he looked towards the young woman and asked.

"As long as I didn't eat Immortal Fruit, even the Holy Lord would be no exception." The young woman said with great certainty.

Hearing this, Ye Fan, Lin Jia, etc. all glanced at Chu Bei, and their eyes were full of strangeness.

If they remember correctly, this Swindler did not eat the fruit, and he was not deprived of it by the years!

"Although you are from the Western Desert, but by chance, you were lucky to have eaten Immortal Fruit in the wild ancient restricted area, and you will surely have twice the results for half the effort on the road to cultivation." Young woman Eyes swept over Ye Fan and the others: "I will take you out of this forest first."

The crisp and beautiful voice fell, and the young woman raised her hand, and the rainbow light shone, instantly covering everyone with They rose slowly into the sky.

"Immortal Cultivator's world?"

Looking at the rapidly receding mountains below, Ye Fan, Pang Bo and the others clenched their fists, and hopes rose in their eyes. There was more yearning in his eyes.

Led by the young woman, the shining spots around them are like a rainbow across the sky. The soft brilliance blocks the wind, like being on a 360-degree panoramic aircraft.

Wild forest peripheral zone, a lively town.

The young woman took Chu Bei and Ye Fan entire group, but had not yet entered the town, seven or eight rainbows rose into the sky, the colors have nothing common with each other, and a silhouette stood in each rainbow. .

"Weiwei, you are back."

"Is there anything found around the barren ancient restricted area? Have you found the mysterious thing? Other heavenly paradise nearby are also similar I found that mysterious thing, and I sent an expert."

"I don’t know if the nine dragon corpse really are, hey, who are they?"


The silhouettes in these rainbow lights are all elderly people. First, they asked for a while, then their eyes fell on Lin Jia, Li Xiaomin and the others, with confusion in their eyes.

Hearing the words of the old people, Ye Fan, Pang Bo and the others were surprised. They did not expect that the mysterious thing these people were searching for turned out to be nine dragons pulling a coffin.

"Dear elders, they are ordinary persons who strayed into the ancient restricted area. Fortunately, they ate Immortal Fruit." A woman named Weiwei opened the mouth and said.

"What? I ate Immortal Fruit!"

Several elders were shocked, and then looked carefully at Lin Jia, Zhou Yi and the others, suddenly said with a big smile: "hahaha …Yes, the Sea of ​​Bitterness in the body has been activated, and it is a good seed for cultivation!"

"Little fellows, I think you should also understand a truth. In this World, mortals are no different from ants, muddleheaded. You have been busy for a lifetime, but you don’t even know what the land you live in. Now, you have swallowed Immortal Fruit in the ancient restricted area by mistake. You already have the opportunity to overlook this vast land. As long as you are diligent and diligent, you have swallowed Immortal Fruit in the barren ancient restricted area. Practicing hard, you will surely stir the situation and stand on top of the cloud in the future."

An old man stroked his beard, his eyes scanned Zhou Yi, Pang Bo and the others in turn: "I wonder if you would like to Follow us on the path of cultivation?"

"With the help of Immortal Fruit, your Sea of ​​Bitterness has been activated. To spend the rest of the day, spend Sea of ​​Bitterness on the bridge and even touch the Immortal Platform. It’s not impossible."

"The place of our cultivation is one of the six heavenly paradise in Yan Country! There is only one opportunity, so don’t miss it."


Several elders focused their ardent eyes on Pang Bo, Lin Jia and the others, and they followed suit.

"Our Celestial Grotto is still under the famous Holy Land in Eastern Wilderness. As long as there is enough shocking and stunning, we can choose to be sent to the Holy Land."

An old man seemed to be afraid that Pang Bo, Lin Jia and the others would not enter their Celestial Grotto, then pointed to the young woman and added: "Vivi is our heavenly paradise, the dead genius once in a thousand years. She was selected to be sent to Holy Land, and maybe in another ten years, her name will resound in Eastern Wilderness."

"Yes! We are willing to follow you to cultivation and join you."


Everyone in the entire group, except Chu Bei, including Ye Fan, is invariably nodded. For them now, as long as they can survive.

"Little fellows, don’t make a decision first!"

At this moment, a long rainbow thread swept out of the town, and at the same time came There was a burst of laughter.

In a short while, several silhouettes appeared in front of the entire group such as Chu Bei and Ye Fan. Among these people, there are men and women, either as quiet as an orchid, or sharp as a sword glow, or calm as a rock, all with their own special temperaments.

Seeing the appearance of a crowd of people, the old people who previously induced Pang Bo, Lin Jia and other entire groups to enter the path of cultivation, one by one complexion became ugly.

"little fellows, although this Spirit Ruins Sanctuary is also one of the six Celestial Grottos in Yan Country, it is ranked at the bottom. It is far better to worship me Jade Cauldron sanctuary. ." A middle-aged man stepped forward in an imposing manner, speaking loudly and powerfully.

"Liu Wanshan, what do you mean? Do you want to rob me of the dísciple that the Spirit Ruins Sanctuary is looking for?" The old people looked upset.

"Since there are so many good seedlings for cultivation, I naturally want to walk a few in Golden Red Clouds Cave and lead them to the path of cultivation." Liu Wanshan said directly, without shy away.

"Yes, Celestial Grotto has always been the same qi, connected branch, and suddenly there are so many good seedlings with extraordinary talents. Of course, those who see it have a share."

A hair grey -white old woman nodded and said: "Three years ago, I found a number of wonderfully rooted disciplines in Golden Red Clouds Cave. Don’t you have to pass one of your Spirit Ruins Sanctuary?"

" Senior Sister Li said that there are so many good seedlings. Even if everyone is evenly divided, each Celestial Grotto can be divided into three people." An old man from Ziyang Celestial Grotto also echoed.

Listening to the other five Celestial Grotto, the faces of the old men in Spirit Ruins Sanctuary became more and more difficult to look at, and they were more helpless.

"That's all, then divide it equally. But if it is the last extra, it must belong to my Spirit Ruins Sanctuary."

After a long time, the number of Spirit Ruins Sanctuary After the old man shook the head sighed, his eyes fell on Ye Fan, Pang Bo and the others: "You don't have any opinions."

"Anyway, the six Celestial Grotto are still in Yan Country. , Even if we are separated, we are not far apart. Everything depends on you." Before Ye Fan could speak, Li Xiaomin on the side took the lead in speaking.

The experts of the six Celestial Grotto smiled at each other, and then began to choose their favorite dísciple.

"It's not bad, it really is a good seedling of Immortal Fruit! Sea of ​​Bitterness has opened up, physique has also become High Level, and there will be no limit to future achievements!" The experts of the six major Celestial Grotto The more you look at it, the more the corners of your mouth rise.

Soon, Lin Jia and Li Xiaomin entire group were divided into Chu Bei, Ye Fan and Pang Bo.

"Good, good, good!!"

After examining Pang Bo's body, the old man of Spirit Ruins Sanctuary suddenly lit his pupils and said excitedly. Three good words. Compared to others, this Pang Bo is superior in all aspects.

"Ye Fan, you also come to Spirit Ruins Sanctuary, so that we can cultivated together without being separated." Pang Bo rubbed his palms, looking forward to it.

Ye Fan moved towards Pang Bo nodded, and then took the initiative to walk to the side of the old man Spirit Ruins Sanctuary, let the other party check the body.

"No...impossible! How could this happen?!"

The old man who inspected Ye Fan's body, the smile disappeared, replaced by a look of shock and shock .

Hearing the exclamation, the other five Celestial Grotto experts also cast their eyes, each with confusion in their eyes.

"Old Ho, why do you look like this!" Five Celestial Grotto expert looked at the old man in confusion.

"Check it out for yourself." The old man pointed to Ye Fan.

Hearing this, the five Celestial Grotto experts suddenly realized that Ye Fan must have a physical problem, and they all surrounded him in an instant.

"From the outside, this kid is full of energy and blood comparable to the flood elephant. It should be a rare immortal seedling. What's the problem?" In the voice of suspicion, the five Celestial Grotto experts began to respond. Ye Fan checks.

"Divine Wheel of Life is silent, Sea of ​​Bitterness is as solid as divine iron, as solid as a rock, unshakable, and cannot be opened at all... This, is this the kind of physique in the legend!"


For a long time, the five Celestial Grotto experts glanced at each other, and their eyes were the same as the previous old man, with incomparable consternation.

"Experts, is there anything special about Ye Fan's body?" Pang Bo immediately asked. The others were also puzzled. As for Ye Fan himself, he was also at a loss.

"His physique, unrivaled, Unrivalled Emperor's Body!" The old man who first checked Ye Fan's body uttered the heavy words.

"What? Unrivalled Emperor's Body!" Pang Bo and the others showed a look of shock. Although they don't understand what Unrivalled Emperor's Body is, they are very domineering by the name!

"Expert, then this should be a happy event, but what is your expression..." Pang Bo's eyes became more confused.

The expert shook the head of the six Celestial Grotto, sighed one after another.

"He does have Unrivalled Emperor's Body. There is no error, but a time limit must be added. It belongs to the ancient times."

"What do you mean?" Ye Fan asked immediately.

"Before the deserted ancient times, your physique of the world was unparalleled. During that period, nine generations of characters appeared one after another, and everyone was invincible above the Heavens and Under the Earth, shaking the old illuminating the new. This kind of Once physique embarked on the path of cultivation, he could not predict the ultimate achievement, and was hailed as the Ancient and Modern Number One Saint Body."

The old man of Spirit Ruins Sanctuary stared at Ye Fan and said, "But, Since the past, endless years, your physique, although occasionally shocked in the world, is no longer powerful, far from being able to scorn the heavens as before. Until now, this physique doesn’t know why all living beings are totally obliterated. No longer suitable for cultivation, no one can after successfully cultivating it."

Golden Red Clouds Cave God’s grey-white old woman sighed again: "In short, you physique I have been unable to embark on the road of cultivation, it is a waste body."

"What? I can't cultivation!" Pang Bo, Lin Jia and the others cried out in surprise.

"This is the case." Six Celestial Grotto experts regretted for a while, and then probed Chu Bei's body.

After looking at about one minute, the six Celestial Grotto experts are shook the head again.

"An ordinary body, although it is not like the abolished physique of Remote Antiquity Sacred Body, your physique is far from reaching the conditions of cultivation." For Chu Bei, six great expert A similar evaluation was given.

Chu Bei laughed and did not respond.

"It's not too early. Now that our six Celestial Grotto have got some good seedlings, it's time to go back." An old man opened the mouth and said.

This time they came to explore around the ancient restricted area. Although they didn't find the nine dragon corpse, they found a batch of good seedlings. For this, the corners of their mouths were filled with contented smiles.

"No, if you don't bring Ye Fan into Celestial Grotto, I won't go with you!" Pang Bo ran to Ye Fan's side and looked at the elders of Spirit Ruins Sanctuary very firmly.

"There are no mortals in heavenly paradise, we can't break the rules. Moreover, even if he enters Celestial Grotto, it will never be a good thing for him." The old man shook his head.

"Pang Bo, leave me alone, go follow them to cultivation, and become a great power soon. As for me, I will stay in this town. Besides, there is no such Swindler to accompany me. Is it?" Ye Fan pointed at Chu Bei with a strong smile, and it was not difficult to see the loss in his eyes.

"Let's go, he is right." The old man patted Pang Bo's shoulder.

"Lao Ye, just stay in the town and don't run around, I will come to you from time to time. Don't worry, I will cultivation, what kind of chivalrous girls, fairies, Goddess, Saintess... If you want a few, I will give you a few. You are picky until you are satisfied.” Pang Bo gave Ye Fan a bear hug, and followed the old man of the Spirit Ruins Sanctuary to leave.

As for the others, after giving Ye Fan a hug, they left with their elders in Celestial Grotto.

After a while, only Chu Bei and Ye Fan were left in front of the town.

"Hehe, I can't think of it in the end, I will depend on you as Swindler in the end."

Ye Fan directly sat on the ground, and patted the position beside him, motioning Chu Bei to sit Beside him.

Chu Bei didn't pay attention to it, and then sat down.

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